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Poster Sessions — ICORR 2013

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Poster Session A

Monday, June 24, 2013

Optimization of Human Walking for Exoskeletal Support
Wietse van Dijk1 and Herman van der Kooij2
1Delft University of Technology, 2University of Twente

Adaptive Control of a Serial-in-Parallel Robotic Rehabilitation Device
Ali Utku Pehlivan,  Fabrizio Sergi,  Marcia K. O' Malley
Rice University

Comparison of the Passive Dynamics of Walking on Ground, Tied-belt and Split-belt Treadmills, and via the Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe (GEMS)
Ismet Handzic and Kyle Reed
University of South Florida

The Biomechanics and Energetics of Human Running Using an Elastic Knee Exoskeleton
Grant Elliott1,  Gregory Sawicki2,  Andrew Marecki1,  Hugh Herr1
1Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2North Carolina State University

A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation
Michael Delph,  Sarah Fischer,  Phllip Gauthier,  Carlos Martinez Luna,  Edward Clancy,  Gregory Fischer

3D Joystick for Robotic Arm Control by Individuals with High Level Spinal Cord Injuries
Hairong Jiang,  Juan P. Wachs,  Martin Pendergast,  Bradley S. Duerstock
Purdue University

Investigation of a passive inter-limb device on step-to-step transition of human walking
Jun-tian Zhang and Qingguo Li
Queen's University

Stabilization of a Three-Dimensional Limit Cycle Walking Model through Step-to-Step Ankle Control
Myunghee Kim and Steven Collins
Carnegie Mellon University

Human Motion Intention based Scaled Teleoperation for Orientation Assistance in Preshaping for Grasping
Karan Khokar,  Redwan Alqasemi,  Sudeep Sarkar,  Rajiv Dubey
University of South Florida

Fuel Efficiency of a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Morgan K. Boes1,  Mazharul Islam2,  Yifan David Li2,  Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler2
1Bioengineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2Department of Mechanical Engineering and Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Design and Control of a Two-Wheeled Robotic Walker for Balance Enhancement
Airton da Silva and Frank Sup
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Differentiating Ability in Users of the ReWalk Powered Exoskeleton: An Analysis of Walking Kinematics
Mukul Talaty1,  Alberto Esquenazi1,  Jorge E. Briceño2
1MossRehab, 2Universidad Simón Bolívar

A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice
Alastair Cozens1,  Bipin Bhakta2,  Therese Jackson1,  Katie Henderson1,  Shiona Brough1,  Fredericke van Wijck3,  Sophie Makower2,  Christine Smith4
1NHS Grampian, 2University of Leeds, 3Glasgow Caledonian University, 4University of Salford

Development of an Elliptical Trainer with Real-Time Knee Adduction Moment Feedback
Sang Hoon Kang1,  Song Joo Lee2,  Yupeng Ren3,  Li-Qun Zhang1
1Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago/Northwestern University, 2Northwestern University, 3Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cycling
Amir B. Farjadian1,  Qingchao Kong1,  Venkata K. Gade2,  Judith E. Deutsch2,  Constantinos Mavroidis1
1Northeastern University, 2University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

Robot-Assisted Balance Training for Gait Modification
Seok Hun Kim and Kyle Reed
University of South Florida

A Pivoting Elliptical Training System for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries
Yupeng Ren1,  Song Joo Lee2,  Hyung-Soon Park3,  Li-Qun Zhang3
1RIC, 2Northwestern University, 3RIC/Northwestern University

Adaptation of Task Difficulty in Rehabilitation Exercises Based on the User’s Motor Performance and Physiological Responses
Navid Shirzad and H. F. Machiel Van der Loos
UBC Mechanical Engineering

Improving the match between ability and challenge: toward a framework for automatic level adaptation in game-based assessment and training
Joel C. Perry,  Sivakumar Balasubramanian,  Cristina Rodriguez-de-Pablo,  Thierry Keller

A Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Brain Image Study
Zhenjin Tang,  Shigeki Sugano,  Hiroyasu Iwata
Waseda University

Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation
Marco Cempini,  Stefano Marco Maria De Rossi,  Tommaso Lenzi,  Mario Cortese,  Francesco Giovacchini,  Nicola Vitiello,  Maria Chiara Carrozza
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

A Novel Framework for Virtual Prototyping of Rehabilitation Exoskeletons
Priyanshu Agarwal,  Pei-Hsin Kuo,  Richard Neptune,  Ashish Deshpande
The University of Texas at Austin

Design and Analysis of a Compliant Bimanual Rehabilitation Device
Samuel McAmis and Kyle Reed
University of South Florida

Design of Wrist Gimbal: a Forearm and Wrist Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation
John A. Martinez,  Paul Ng,  Son Lu,  McKenzie S. Campagna,  Ozkan Celik
San Francisco State University

Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise
Rajibul Huq1,  Rosalie Wang2,  Elaine Lu1,  Debbie Hébert3,  Hervé Lacheray4,  Alex Mihailidis3
1University of Toronto, 2Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, 3University of Toronto & Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, 4Quanser Inc.

Adaptive Control with State-Dependent Modeling of Patient Impairment for Robotic Movement Therapy
Curtis Bower,  Hossein Taheri,  Eric Wolbrecht
University of Idaho

System Characterization of RiceWrist-S: a Forearm-Wrist Exoskeleton For Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Ali Utku Pehlivan,  Chad Rose,  Marcia O'Malley
Rice University

Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design
Devon Holley1,  Andrew Theriault1,  Sheku Kamara2,  Vince Anewenter2,  Daren Hughes3,  Michelle J Johnson3
1Marquette Universiy, 2Milwaukee School of Engineering, 3Medical College of Wisconsin

Poster Session B

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots
Haoyong Yu1,  Sunan Huang1,  Gong Chen1,  Nitish Thankor1,  Siew-Lok Toh1,  Manolo STA Cruz2,  Yassine Ghorbel3,  Chi Zhu4
1National University of Singapore, 2HOPE Technik Pte. Ltd, 3University of Stuttgart, 4Maebashi Institute of Technology

Design of a series elastic actuator for a compliant parallel wrist rehabilitation robot
Fabrizio Sergi,  Melissa M. Lee,  Marcia K. O'Malley
Rice University

Intelligent Control of a Smart Walker and its Performance Evaluation
Simon L. Grondin and Qingguo Li
Queen's University

Development and Control of a Lower Extremity Assistive Device (LEAD) for Gait Rehabilitation
Bingquan Shen,  Jinfu Li,  Fengjun Bai,  Chee-Meng Chew
National University of Singapore

Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee
Enhao Zheng1,  Long Wang1,  Yimin Luo2,  Kunlin Wei1,  Qining Wang1
1Peking University, 2NRC for Rehabilitation Tech. Aids

Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device
Fengjun Bai,  Chee-Meng Chew,  Jinfu Li,  Bingquan Shen,  Tomasz Marek Lubecki
National University of Singapore

A Quasi-Passive Compliant Stance Control Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Kamran Shamaei,  Paul Napolitano,  Aaron Dollar
Yale University

An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot
Jingzhe Zhang,  Lishuo Zhuang,  Yang Wang,  Yameng Zhou,  Yan Meng,  Gang Hua
Stevens Institute of Technology

Adaptive Position Anticipation in a Support Robot for Overground Gait Training Enhances Transparency
Christophe Everarts1,  Heike Vallery2,  Marc Bolliger3,  Renaud Ronsse1
1Université catholique de Louvain, 2Khalifa University of Science, Delft University of Technology and ETH Zurich, 3Balgrist University Hospital

Improving the transparency of a rehabilitation robot by exploiting the cyclic behaviour of walking
Wietse van Dijk1,  Bram Koopman2,  Edwin van Asseldonk2,  Herman van der Kooij2
1Delft University of Technology, 2University of Twente

A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study
Andrew Pennycott,  Heike Vallery,  Dario Wyss,  Markus Spindler,  Antoine Dewarrat,  Robert Riener
ETH Zurich

A review of assistive devices for arm balancing
Gerard Dunning and Just Herder
Delft University of Technology

A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach
Wanjoo Park1, Wookjin Jeong1,  Gyu-Hyun Kwon1,  Yun-Hee Kim2,  Laehyun Kim1
1Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 2Samsung Medical Center

Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation
Hee-Tae Jung1,  Takeshi Takahashi1,  Yu-Kyong Choe1,  Jennifer Baird2,  Tammie Foster3,  Roderic Grupen1
1University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2St. Ambrose University, 3Cooley Dickinson Hospital

Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform
Je Hyung Jung,  David Valencia,  Cristina Rodríguez-de-Pablo,  Thierry Keller,  Joel Perry
Rehabilitation Area, Health Division, TECNALIA

Assist-as-needed path control for the PASCAL rehabilitation robot
Urs Keller,  Georg Rauter,  Robert Riener
Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Timothy Exell,  Christopher Freeman,  Katie Meadmore,  Ann-Marie Hughes,  Emma Hallewell,  Mustafa Kutlu,  Jane Burridge,  Eric Rogers
University of Southampton

A feasibility study of the effect of multichannel electrical stimulation and gravity compensation on hand function in stroke patients: a pilot study.
Thijs Krabben1,  Jaap H Buurke2,  Gerdienke B Prang1e,  Johan S Rietman2
1Roessingh Research & Development, 2University of Twente

Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training
Dalia De Santis1,  Lorenzo Masia1,  Pietro Morasso1,  Valentina Squeri1,  Jacopo Zenzeri1,  Maura Casadio2,  Psiche Giannoni3,  Assunta Riva4
1RBCS Dept., Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, 2DIBRIS, University of Genoa, 3ART - Education and Rehabilitation Center, 4SI4LIFE - Innovation hub for elderly and disabled people

Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke
Patrick Weiss,  Lars Heyer,  Thomas F. Münte,  Marcus Heldmann,  Achim Schweikard,  Erik Maehle
University of Lübeck, Germany

Design of a self-aligning 3-DOF actuated exoskeleton for diagnosis and training of wrist and forearm after stroke
J. Houdijn Beekhuis,  Ard J. Westerveld,  Herman van der Kooij,  Arno H.A. Stiene3
University of Twente

SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Home
Serdar Ates1,  Joan Lobo-Prat1,  Piet Lammertse2,  Herman van der Kooij1,  Arno H. A. Stienen1
1University of Twente, 2MOOG B. V.

Enhancing patient freedom in rehabilitation robotics using gaze-based intention detection
Domen Novak and Robert Riener
ETH Zurich, Sensory-Motor Systems Lab

Using a high spatial resolution tactile sensor for intention detection
Claudio Castellini1 and Risto Kõiva2
1DLR - German Aerospace Center, 2Bielefeld University

Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance
Phillip Grice1,  Marc Killpack1,  Advait Jain2,  Sarvagya Vaish1,  Jeffrey Hawke1,  Charles Kemp1
1Georgia Institute of Technology, 2Redwood Robotics, Inc

SQUID: Sensorized Shirt with Smartphone Interface for Exercise Monitoring and Home Rehabilitation
Amir B. Farjadian,  Mark L. Sivak,  Constantinos Mavroidis
Northeastern University

Design of a Robotic Mobility System to Promote Socialization in Children
Xi Chen1,  Christina Ragonesi1,  James Galloway1,  Sunil Agrawal2
1University of Delaware, 2Columbia University

A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation
Hoang H. Le1,  Rui C.V. Loureiro1,  Florian Dussopt2,  Nicholas Phillips3,  Aleksander Zivanovic1,  Martin J. Loomes1
1Middlesex University, 2Florian Dussopt Design Studio, 3Nick Phillips Sound Studio

Poster Session C

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paralyzed Subject Controls Telepresence Mobile Robot Using Novel sEMG Brain-Computer Interface: Case Study
Kenneth Lyons and Sanjay Joshi
University of California, Davis

Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed
Mine Sarac,  Ela Koyas,  Ahmetcan Erdogan,  Mujdat Cetin,  Volkan Patoglu
Sabanci University

A body machine interface for the control of a 2D cursor
Ismael Seanez and Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi
Northwestern University

Toward Gesture Controlled Wheelchair: A Proof of Concept Study
Noriyuki Kawarazaki1,  Dimitar Stefanov2,  Alejandro Diaz1
1Kanagawa Institute of technology, 2Coventry University

A Wheelchair Operation Assistance Control for a Wearable Robot Using the User's Residual Function
Naoto Mizutani1,  Tatsuya Watanabe2,  Ken'ichi Yano1,  Takaaki Aoki3,  Yutaka Nishimoto2,  Yasuyuki Kobayashi4
1Mie University, 2Gifu University, 3Gifu University Hospital, 4LUMINOUS JAPAN CO.,LTD.

A Five-wheel Wheelchair with an Active-caster Drive System
Yu Munakata,  Aki Tanaka,  Masayoshi Wada
Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology

Determining Navigability of Terrain Using Point Cloud Data
Stephanie Cockrell,  Gregory Lee,  Wyatt Newman
Case Western Reserve University

Using Machine Learning to Blend Human and Robot Controls for Assisted Wheelchair Navigation
Aditya Goil1,  Matthew Derry1,  Brenna Argall2
1Northwestern University, 2Northwestern University and Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

A Depressurization Assistance System with a Suitable Posture for a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair
Kenji Shiotani1,  Daisuke Chugo1,  Yuki Sakaida2,  Sho Yokota3,  Hiroshi Hashimoto4
1Kwansei Gakuin Univ., 2RIKEN, 3Setsunan Univ., 4Advanced Inst. of Industrial Tech.

Autonomous Function of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Manipulators to Perform Daily Activities
Cheng-Shiu Chung,  Hongwu Wang,  Rory Cooper
University of Pittsburgh

Development and Preliminary Testing of a Novel Wheelchair Integrated Exercise/ Rehabilitation System
Beomsoo Hwang and Doyoung Jeon
Sogang University

Concept Proposal for a Detachable Exoskeleton-Wheelchair to Improve Mobility and Health
Jaimie Borisoff,  Johanne Mattie,  Vince Rafer
British Columbia Institute of Technology

Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud
Zeynep Dogmus1,  Agis Papantoniou2,  Muhammed Kilinc3,  Sibel Yildirim3,  Esra Erdem1,  Volkan Patoglu1
1Sabanci University, 2National Technical University of Athens, 3Hacettepe University

Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function
Sung Yul Shin1,  Jung Yoon Kim2,  Sanghyeop Lee1,  Junwon Lee1,  Seung-Jong Kim1,  ChangHwan Kim1
1Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 2National Rehabilitation Center, Korea

Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object
Nathanael Jarrassé1,  Markus Kuehne1,  Nick Roach2,  Asif Hussain2,  Sivakumar Balasubramanian3,  Etienne Burdet2,  Agnès Roby-Brami1
1Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics, University Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS - UMR,
Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
3Tecnalia, Derio (Bizkaia), Spain

Characterizing Coordination of Grasp and Twist in Hand Function of Healthy and Post-stroke Subjects
Hamed Kazemi,  Robert Kearney,  Theodore Milner
McGill University

Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation
Sayyed Mostafa Mostafavi1,  Janice Glasgow1,  Stephen Scott1,  Sean Dukelow2,  Parvin Mousavi1
1Queen's University, 2University of Calgary

Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis
Matt Simkins1,  Hyunchul Kim1,  Gary Abrams2,  Nancy Byl2,  Jacob Rosen1

An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching
J.M.N. (Hans) Essers1,  Alessio Murgia2,  Arjen Bergsma3,  Paul Verstegen4,  Kenneth Meijer1
1Department of Human Movement Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Centre +, 2Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, 3Department of Rehabilitation, Nijmegen Center for Evidence Based Practice, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre and Department of Human Movement Sciences, Maastricht University Medical Centre +, 4Focal Meditech BV

PARO Robot Affects Diverse Interaction Modalities in Group Sensory Therapy for Older Adults with Dementia
Selma Sabanovic1,  Casey Bennett2,  Wan-Ling Chang1,  Lesa Huber1
1Indiana University, 2Indiana University; Centerstone Research Institute

Development of a Novel Evidence-Based Automated Powered Mobility Device Competency Assessment
Jaime Valls Miro1,  Ross Black2,  Bojan Andonovski1,  Gamini Dissanayake1
1UTS, 2Prince of Wales Hospital

Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease
Filippo Cavallo1,  Carlo Maremmani2,  Dario Esposito1,  Erika Rovini1,  Michela Aquilano1,  Paolo Bongioanni3,  Maria Chiara Carrozza1,  Paolo Dario1
1Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 2Area Health Authority District 1 of Massa Carrara, 3Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Neurocare Onlus

Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients
Andrew Jackson1,  Martin Levesley1,  Sophie Makower2,  Alastair Cozens3,  Bipinchandra Bhakta4
1University of Leeds, 2Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, 3Grampian NHS, 4Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, UK

Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach
Stefano Mazzoleni1,  Patrizio Sale2,  Micol Tiboni3,  Marco Franceschini2,  Maria Chiara Carrozza1,  Federico Posteraro3
1Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, 2IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, 3Auxilium Vitae Rehabilitation Centre

Performance of Daily Activities by Older Adults with Dementia: The Role of an Assistive Robot
Momotaz Begum1,  Rosalie Wang1,  Rajibul Huq2,  Alex Mihailidis2
1Toronto Rehab, 2University of Toronto

Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons
Sandra Bedaf1,2,  Gert Jan Gelderblom1,  Luc de Witte1,2,  Dag Syrdal2,  Hagen Lehmann2,  Farshid Amirabdollahian2,  Kerstin Dautenhahn2,  David Hewson3
1Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, 2University of Hertfordshire, 3University of Technology of Troyes

Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers
Hervens Jeannis,  Garrett Grindle,  Annmarie Kelleher,  Hongwu Wang,  Bambi Brewer,  Rory Cooper
The University of Pittsburgh

Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients - Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients
Gen Endo1,  Masatsugu Iribe2,  Yu Iemura1,  Ryota Ikeda3,  Kohei Onishi3,  Naoto Maeda3,  Edwardo F. Fukushima1,  Shigeo Hirose1,  Mineko Ohira4,  Toshio Takubo5
1Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2Osaka Electro-Communication University, 3Osaka Electro-Communication, 4East Nagano Hospital / a Meeting for the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Studies in Hokushin, 5Tokyo Women’s Medical University

Poster Session D

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs α-Prototype.
Joost Geeroms,  Louis Flynn,  Rene Jimenez-Fabian,  Bram Vanderborght,  Dirk Lefeber
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes
Ann Simon1,  Nicholas Fey1,  Suzanne Finucane2,  Robert Lipschutz1,  Levi Hargrove1
1Center for Bionic Medicine, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern University, 2Center for Bionic Medicine, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Effects of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis on kinetic loading of the contralateral limb: A case series
David Hill and Hugh Herr
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption
Elliott Rouse,  Luke Mooney,  Ernesto Martinez-Villalpando,  Hugh Herr

EMG Control of a Bionic Knee Prosthesis: Exploiting Muscle Co-Contraction for Improved Locomotor Function
James Dawley,  Kevin Fite,  George Fulk
Clarkson University

Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype
Ramazan Unal,  Feite Klijnstra,  Bram Burkink,  Sebastiaan Behrens,  Edsko Hekman,  Stefano Stramigioli,  Bart Koopman,  Raffaella Carloni
University of Twente

Novel Knee Joint Mechanism of Transfemoral Prosthesis for Stair Ascent
Koh Inoue1,  Takahiro Wada2,  Ryuichi Harada1,  Shinichi Tachiwana1
1Kagawa University, 2Ritsumeikan University

Redefining Prosthetic Ankle Mechanics, Non-Anthropomorphic Ankle Design
Andrew LaPre and Frank Sup
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Novel Differential Mechanism Enabling Two DOF from a Single Actuator: Application to a Prosthetic Hand
Joseph Belter and Aaron Dollar
Yale University

Continuously-Variable Series-Elastic Actuator
Luke Mooney and Hugh Herr

Sleeve Muscle Actuator and Its Application in Transtibial Prostheses
Hao Zheng and Xiangrong Shen
The University of Alabama

Multimodal Sensor Controlled Three Degree of Freedom Transradial Prosthesis
Kengo Ohnishi1,  Isamu Kajitani2,  Toshiyuki Morio3,  Tomoo Takagi3
1Tokyo Denki University, 2National Inst. of Adv Industrial Science & Technology, 3Okayama Prefectural University

Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis
Jing Wang,  Oliver A. Kannape,  Hugh M. Herr
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? A Power-Energy Perspective
Mahdy Eslamy,  Martin Grimmer,  Stephan Rinderknecht,  Andre Seyfarth
TU Darmstadt

Myoelectric Neural Interface Enables Accurate Control of a Virtual Multiple Degree-Of-Freedom Foot-Ankle Prosthesis
Dennis Tkach,  Robert Lipschutz,  Suzanne Finucane,  Levi Hargrove
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Pattern Recognition of Hand Movements with Low Density sEMG for Prosthesis Control Purposes
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Recognition of Hand Movements in a Trans–Radial Amputated Subject by sEMG
Manfredo Atzori1,  Henning Müller1,  Micheal Baechler2
1University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, 2University of Fribourg

A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand
Sasha Blue Godfrey1,  Arash Ajoudani1,  Manuel Catalano2,  Giorgio Grioli2,  Antonio Bicchi2
1Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, 2University of Pisa and Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Task Discrimination from Myoelectric Activity: A Learning Scheme for EMG-Based Interfaces.
Minas Liarokapis1,  Panagiotis Artemiadis2,  Kostas Kyriakopoulos1
1National Technical University of Athens, 2Arizona State University

Evaluating subsampling strategies for sEMG-based prediction of voluntary muscle contractions
Risto Kõiva1,  Barbara Hilsenbeck2,  Claudio Castellini2
1Bielefeld University, 2DLR - German Aerospace Center

Body sensor network-based strapdown orientation estimation: Application to human locomotion
Berno J.E. Misgeld1,  Daniel Rueschen1,  Saim Kim2,  Steffen Leonhardt1
1RWTH Aachen University, 2MELAG Medizintechnik oHG

Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gait
Michael Tucker,  Adrian Moser,  Olivier Lambercy,  James Sulzer,  Roger Gassert
ETH Zurich

Design of An Expert System to Automatically Calibrate Impedance Control for Powered Knee Prostheses
Ding Wang,  Ming Liu,  Fan Zhang,  He Huang
University of Rhode Island

Measuring the Dynamic Impedance of the Human Arm Without a Force Sensor
Matthew Dyck and Mahdi Tavakoli
University of Alberta

Effect of age on stiffness modulation during postural maintenance of the arm
Tricia Gibo1,  Amy Bastian2,  Allison Okamura3
1Johns Hopkins University, 2Kennedy Krieger; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 3Stanford University

Haptic recognition of dystonia and spasticity in simulated multi-joint hypertonia
Davide Piovesan*1,  Alejandro Melendez-Calderon*1,  Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi2
1Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 2Northwestern University

Reward-based learning of a redundant task
Irene Tamagnone,  Maura Casadio,  Vittorio Sanguineti
University of Genoa

Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation in Isometric Reaching is Similar to Movement Adaptation
Michele F. Rotella1,  Margaret Koehler1,  Ilana Nisky1,  Amy J. Bastian2,  Allison M. Okamura1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, 2Kennedy Krieger Institute and Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University

Real-time Prediction Learning for the Simultaneous Actuation of Multiple Prosthetic Joints
Patrick M. Pilarski,  Travis B. Dick,  Richard S. Sutton
University of Alberta

Poster Session E

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot
Olivier Lebec1,  Mohamed Walid Ben ghezala1,  Violaine Leynart2,  Isabelle Laffont3,  Charles Fattal2,  Christophe Leroux1,  Laurence Devillers4,  Clément Chastagnol4,  Jean-Claude Martin4,  Youcef Mezouar5,  Hermanth Korrapatti5,  Vincent Dupourque6

Usability Test of KNRC Self-Feeding Robot
Won-Kyung Song,  Won-Jin Song,  Yale Kim,  Jongbae Kim
National Rehabilitation Center, Korea

Optimal Design of an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex
Daniel Galinski,  Julien Sapin,  Dehez Bruno
Université catholique de Louvain

Model-Based Safety Analysis of Human-Robot Interactions: the MIRAS Walking Assistance Robot
Jeremie Guiochet, Quynh Anh Do Hoang, Mohamed Kaaniche, David Powell

Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance
Nevio Luigi Tagliamonte1,  Fabrizio Sergi2,  Giorgio Carpino1,  Dino Accoto1,  Eugenio Guglielmelli1
1Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, 2Rice University

An intrinsically safe mechanism for physically coupling humans with robots
Gerald O'Neill,  Harshil Patel,  Panagiotis Artemiadis
Arizona State University

Adaptive Model-Based Assistive Control for Pneumatic Direct Driven Soft Rehabilitation Robots
André Wilkening1 and Oleg Ivlev2
1FWBI Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institute Research Company and University of Bremen, Institute of Automation, 2Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institute Research Company

Human-Robot-Interaction Control for Orthoses with Pneumatic Soft-Actuators - Concept and Initial Trails
David Baiden1 and Oleg Ivlev2
1Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institute and University of Bremen, Institute of Automation, 2Friedrich-Wilhelm-Bessel-Institute

Development of an orthosis for walking assistance using pneumatic artificial muscle
Takuma Kawamura,  Kenta Takanaka,  Taro Nakamura,  Hisashi Osumi
Chuo University

Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis
Jeremy Olivier,  Mohamed Bouri,  Amalric Ortlieb,  Hannes Bleuler,  Reymond Clavel

A New Powered Orthosis with Hip and Ankle Linkage for Paraplegics Walking
Chikara Nagai1,  Shinnosuke Hisada1,  Goro Obinata1,  Eiichi Genda2
1Nagoya University, 2Minami Seikyo Hospital

Asymmetric Adaptation in Human Walking using the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD)
Vineet Vashista1,  Darcy Reisman2,  Sunil Agrawal1
1Columbia University, 2University of Delaware

Lateral balance control for robotic gait training.
Bram Koopman,  Jos Meuleman,  Edwin van Asseldonk,  Herman van der Kooij
University of Twente

Design of Variable-Damping Control for Prosthetic Knee based on a Simulated Biped
Jie Zhao1,  Karsten Berns1,  Roberto Baptista2,  Antonio Bo2
1University of Kaiserslautern, 2University of Brasilia

Gait Mode Recognition and Control for a Portable-Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Yifan Li and Elizabeth Hsiao-Wecksler

Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors
Alice De Luca1,  Carmelo Lentino1,  Honorè Vernetti1,  Giovanni Antonio Checchia1,  Psiche Giannoni2,  Pietro Morasso3,  Maura Casadio4
1Rehabilitation and Functional Reeducation Unit, Santa Corona Hospital, ASL2 Savonese, Pietra Ligure, Italy, 2ART Education and Rehabilitation Center, Genoa, Italy, 3RBCS department, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy, 4Dept of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and System Engineering, University of Genoa Genoa, Italy

Novel actuation design of a gait trainer with shadow leg approach
Jos Meuleman1,  Edwin van Asseldonk2,  Herman van der Kooij2
1Moog, 2University of Twente

Brief Biomechanical Analysis on the Walking of Spinal Cord Injury Patients with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot
Jung Jun-Young1,  Park Hyunsub1,  Yang Hyun-Dae2,  Chae Mingi2
1Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 2University of Science and Technology

Selecting the best number of synergies in gait: preliminary results on young and elderly people
Fiorenzo Artoni1,  Vito Monaco1,  Silvestro Micera2
1The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy, 2The Biorobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy; Translational Neural Engineering Laboratory, Center of Neuroprosthetics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland

Preliminary Tests of a Prototype FES Control System for Cycling Wheelchair Rehabilitation
Takashi Watanabe,  Takuya Murakami,  Yasunobu Handa
Tohoku University

Dynamic arm supports
Loek van der Heide1,  Gert Jan Gelderblom2,  Luc de Witte1
1Zuyd University of Applied sciences and School for public health and primary care, 2Zuyd University of applied sciences

Design of a perfect balance system for active upper-extremity exoskeletons
Richard L. Smith,  Joan Lobo-Prat,  Herman van der Kooij,  Arno H.A. Stienen
University of Twente

Using the Kinect to Limit Abnormal Kinematics and Compensation Strategies During Therapy with End Effector Robots
Elizabeth Brokaw1,  Peter Lum2,  Rory Cooper3,  Bambi Brewer1
1The University of Pittsburgh, 2The Catholic University of America and the National Rehabilitation Hospital, 3The Department of Veteran Affairs and the University of Pittsburgh

Performance based upper extremity training: a pilot study evaluation with the GENTLE/A rehabilitation system
Radhika Chemuturi,  Farshid Amirabdollahian,  Kerstin Dautenhahn
University of Hertfordshire

Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke
Katie Meadmore,  Timothy Exell,  Emma Hallewell,  Christopher Freeman,  Ann-Marie Hughes,  Mustafa Kutlu,  Jane Burridge,  Eric Rogers
University of Southampton

Passive-type Rehabilitation System for Upper Limbs Which Can Display the Exact Resistance Force in the Orientation Opposite to Hand Motion
Makoto Haraguchi and Junji Furusho
Fukui University of Technology

BIOMimetic Hand Exotendon Device (BIOMHED) for Functional Hand Rehabilitation in Stroke
Sang Wook Lee1,  Katlin Landers1,  Hyung-Soon Park2
1Catholic University of America, 2National Institutes of Health

Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke
Corinna Ockenfeld,  Raymond K.Y. Tong,  Evan .A. Susanto,  Sze-Kit Ho,  Xiao-ling Hu
Hong Kong Polytechnic University