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Author Index— ICORR 2013

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Abrams, Gary (
Poster C18 – Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis

Accoto, Dino (
Poster E5 – Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance

Agarwal, Priyanshu (
Poster A22 – A Novel Framework for Virtual Prototyping of Rehabilitation Exoskeletons

Agrawal, Sunil (
Podium Session 5.2 – Improving Transparency of Powered Exoskeletons Using Force/Torque Sensors on the Supporting Cuff
Poster B27 – Design of a Robotic Mobility System to Promote Socialization in Children
Poster E12 – Asymmetric Adaptation in Human Walking using the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD)

Ajoudani, Arash (
Poster D18 – A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand

Alimusaj, Merkur (
– Workshop

Alqasemi, Redwan (
Poster A9 – Human Motion Intention based Scaled Teleoperation for Orientation Assistance in Preshaping for Grasping

Amirabdollahian, Farshid (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons
Poster E24 – Performance based upper extremity training: a pilot study evaluation with the GENTLE/A rehabilitation system

Andonovski, Bojan (
Poster C21 – Development of a Novel Evidence-Based Automated Powered Mobility Device Competency Assessment

Anewenter, Vince (
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Aoki, Takaaki (
Poster C5 – A Wheelchair Operation Assistance Control for a Wearable Robot Using the User's Residual Function

Aquilano, Michela (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Argall, Brenna (
Poster C8 – Using Machine Learning to Blend Human and Robot Controls for Assisted Wheelchair Navigation

Artemiadis, Panagiotis (
Poster D19 – Task Discrimination from Myoelectric Activity: A Learning Scheme for EMG-Based Interfaces
Poster E6 – An intrinsically safe mechanism for physically coupling humans with robots
– Workshop

Arthanat, Sajay (
– Workshop

Artoni, Fiorenzo (
Poster E19 – Selecting the best number of synergies in gait: preliminary results on young and elderly people

Asbeck, Alan (
Podium Session 5.4 – Biologically-inspired Soft Exosuit

Ates, Serdar (
Poster B22 – SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Home

Atzori, Manfredo (
Poster D17 – Recognition of Hand Movements in a Trans-Radial Amputated Subject by sEMG

Aubin, Patrick M. (
Podium Session 2.1 – A Pediatric Robotic Thumb Exoskeleton for at-Home Rehabilitation The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)

Bachman, Mark (
Podium Session 1.4 – The Manumeter: A non-obtrusive wearable device for monitoring spontaneous use of the wrist and fingers

Baechler, Micheal (
Poster D17 – Recognition of Hand Movements in a Trans-Radial Amputated Subject by sEMG

Bai, Fengjun (
Poster B4 – Development and Control of a Lower Extremity Assistive Device (LEAD) for Gait Rehabilitatio
Poster B6 – Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device

Baiden, David (
Poster E8 – Human-Robot-Interaction Control for Orthoses with Pneumatic Soft-Actuators - Concept and Initial Trails

Baird, Jennifer (
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Balasubramanian, Sivakumar (
Poster A19 – Improving the match between ability and challenge: toward a framework for automatic level adaptation in game-based assessment and trainin
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Baptista, Roberto (
Poster E14 – Design of Variable-Damping Control for Prosthetic Knee based on a Simulated Biped

Bastian, Amy (
Poster D25 – Effect of age on stiffness modulation during postural maintenance of the arm
Poster D28 – Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation in Isometric Reaching is Similar to Movement Adaptation

Bastos Filho, Teodiano Freire (
Poster D16 – Pattern Recognition of Hand Movements with Low Density sEMG for Prosthesis Control Purposes

Bedaf, Sandra (

Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons

Beekhuis, J. Houdijn (
Poster B21 – Design of a self-aligning 3-DOF actuated exoskeleton for diagnosis and training of wrist and forearm after stroke

Begum, Momotaz (
Poster C25 – Performance of Daily Activities by Older Adults with Dementia: The Role of an Assistive Robot

Behrens, Sebastiaan (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Bekele, Esubalew (esubalew.bekele@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Belter, Joseph (
Poster D9 – Novel Differential Mechanism Enabling Two DOF from a Single Actuator: Application to a Prosthetic Hand

Ben ghezala, Mohamed Walid (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Bennett, Casey (
Poster C20 – PARO Robot Affects Diverse Interaction Modalities in Group Sensory Therapy for Older Adults with Dementia

Bergsma, Arjen (
Poster C19 – An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching

Berns, Karsten (
Poster E14 – Design of Variable-Damping Control for Prosthetic Knee based on a Simulated Biped

Bhakta, Bipin (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice
Poster C23 – Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients

Bicchi, Antonio (
Poster D18 – A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand
– Workshop

Black, Ross (
Poster C21 – Development of a Novel Evidence-Based Automated Powered Mobility Device Competency Assessment

Bleuler, Hannes (
Poster E10 – Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis

Bo, Antonio (
Poster E14 – Design of Variable-Damping Control for Prosthetic Knee based on a Simulated Biped

Boes, Morgan K. (
Poster A10 – Fuel Efficiency of a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Bolliger, Marc (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training
Poster B9 – Adaptive Position Anticipation in a Support Robot for Overground Gait Training Enhances Transparency

Bongioanni, Paolo (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Borisoff, Jaimie (
Poster C12 – Concept Proposal for a Detachable Exoskeleton-Wheelchair to Improve Mobility and Health

Bouri, Mohamed (
Poster E10 – Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis

Bower, Curtis (
Poster A26 – Adaptive Control with State-Dependent Modeling of Patient Impairment for Robotic Movement Therapy

Brewer, Bambi (
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers
Poster E23 – Using the Kinect to Limit Abnormal Kinematics and Compensation Strategies During Therapy with End Effector Robots

Briceño, Jorge E. ()
Poster A12 – Differentiating Ability in Users of the ReWalk Powered Exoskeleton: An Analysis of Walking Kinematics

Brokaw, Elizabeth (
Poster E23 – Using the Kinect to Limit Abnormal Kinematics and Compensation Strategies During Therapy with End Effector Robots

Brooks, Douglas (
Podium Session 1.1 – Non-Contact versus Contact-based Sensing Methodologies for In-Home Upper Arm Robotic Rehabilitation

Brough, Shiona (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice

Brown, Edward (
Podium Session 1.1 – Non-Contact versus Contact-based Sensing Methodologies for In-Home Upper Arm Robotic Rehabilitation

Bruno, Dehez (
Poster E3 – Optimal Design of an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex

Burdet, Etienne (
Podium Session 2.3 – Hyperstaticity for Ergonomic Design of a Wrist Exoskeleton
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Burkink, Bram (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Burridge, Jane (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke
– Workshop

Buurke, Jaap H (
Poster B18 – A feasibility study of the effect of multichannel electrical stimulation and gravity compensation on hand function in stroke patients: a pilot study.
Podium Session 1.2 – Application of arm support training in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation: first results on effectiveness and user experiences

Byl, Nancy (Byln@ptrehab.ucsf.ed)
Poster C18 – Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis

Campagna, McKenzie S. (
Poster A24 – Design of Wrist Gimbal: a Forearm and Wrist Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

Campolo, Domenico (
Podium Session 2.3 – Hyperstaticity for Ergonomic Design of a Wrist Exoskeleton

Cappello, Leonardo (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design

Caputo, Barbara (
Podium Session 6.2 – Exploiting Accelerometers to Improve Movement Classification for Prosthetics
– Workshop

Carloni, Raffaella (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype
– Workshop

Carpino, Giorgio (
Poster E5 – Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance

Carrozza, Maria Chiara (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

Casadio, Maura (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training
Poster D27 – Reward-based learning of a redundant task
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Castellini, Claudio (
Poster B24 – Using a high spatial resolution tactile sensor for intention detection
Poster D20 – Evaluating subsampling strategies for sEMG-based prediction of voluntary muscle contractions
– Workshop

Catalano, Manuel (
Poster D18 – A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand

Cavallo, Filippo (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Celik, Ozkan (
Poster A24 – Design of Wrist Gimbal: a Forearm and Wrist Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

Cempini, Marco (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Cetin, Mujdat (
Poster C2 – Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed

Chang, Wan-Ling (
Poster C20 – PARO Robot Affects Diverse Interaction Modalities in Group Sensory Therapy for Older Adults with Dementia

Chastagnol, Clément (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Checchia, Giovanni Antonio (
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Chemuturi, Radhika (
Poster E24 – Performance based upper extremity training: a pilot study evaluation with the GENTLE/A rehabilitation system

Chen, Gong (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Chen, Xi (
Poster B27 – Design of a Robotic Mobility System to Promote Socialization in Children

Chen, Yu-Ping (
Podium Session 1.1 – Non-Contact versus Contact-based Sensing Methodologies for In-Home Upper Arm Robotic Rehabilitation

Chew, Chee-Meng (
Poster B4 – Development and Control of a Lower Extremity Assistive Device (LEAD) for Gait Rehabilitation
Poster B6 – Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device

Cho, Kyujin (
– Workshop

Choe, Yu-Kyong (
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Chugo, Daisuke (
Poster C9 – A Depressurization Assistance System with a Suitable Posture for a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Chung, Cheng-Shiu (
Poster C10 – Autonomous Function of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Manipulators to Perform Daily Activities

Clancy, Edward (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Clavel, Reymond (
Poster E10 – Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis

Cockrell, Stephanie (
Poster C7 – Determining Navigability of Terrain Using Point Cloud Data

Collins, Steven (
Poster A8 – Stabilization of a Three-Dimensional Limit Cycle Walking Model through Step-to-Step Ankle Control
Podium Session 4.1 – Inducing self-selected human engagement in robotic locomotion training

Colombo, Gery (
– Workshop

Conaway, Petra (
Podium Session 4.3 – Robotic-Locomotor Training as a Tool to Reduce Neuromuscular Abnormality in Spinal Cord Injury The Application of System Identification and Advanced Longitudinal Modeling

Cooper, Rory (
Poster C10 – Autonomous Function of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Manipulators to Perform Daily Activities
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers
Poster E23 – Using the Kinect to Limit Abnormal Kinematics and Compensation Strategies During Therapy with End Effector Robots

Correia, Annette (
Podium Session 2.1 – A Pediatric Robotic Thumb Exoskeleton for at-Home Rehabilitation The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)

Cortese, Mario (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Cozens, Alastair (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice
Poster C23 – Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients

Craelius, William (
– Workshop

Crittendon, Julie (julie.a.crittendon@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Cruz, Manolo STA (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Curt, Armin (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training

da Silva, Airton (
Poster A11 – Design and Control of a Two-Wheeled Robotic Walker for Balance Enhancement

Dailey, Wayne (
Podium Session 2.3 – Hyperstaticity for Ergonomic Design of a Wrist Exoskeleton

Dario, Paolo (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Dautenhahn, Kerstin (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons
Poster E24 – Performance based upper extremity training: a pilot study evaluation with the GENTLE/A rehabilitation system

Dawley, James (
Poster D5 – EMG Control of a Bionic Knee Prosthesis: Exploiting Muscle Co-Contraction for Improved Locomotor Function

De Luca, Alice (
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

De Rossi, Stefano Marco Maria (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

De Santis, Dalia (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training

de Witte, Luc (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons
Poster E21 – Dynamic arm supports

Delph, Michael (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Derry, Matthew (
Poster C8 – Using Machine Learning to Blend Human and Robot Controls for Assisted Wheelchair Navigation

Deshpande, Ashish (
Poster A22 – A Novel Framework for Virtual Prototyping of Rehabilitation Exoskeletons
– Workshop

Deutsch, Judith E. (
Poster A15 – VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cycling

Devillers, Laurence (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Dewald, Julius (
– Workshop

Dewarrat, Antoine (
Poster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study

Diaz, Alejandro
Poster C4 – Toward Gesture Controlled Wheelchair: A Proof of Concept Study

Dick, Travis B. (
Poster D29 – Real-time Prediction Learning for the Simultaneous Actuation of Multiple Prosthetic Joints

Dissanayake, Gamini (
Poster C21 – Development of a Novel Evidence-Based Automated Powered Mobility Device Competency Assessment

Do Hoang, Quynh Anh (
Poster E4 – Model-Based Safety Analysis of Human-Robot Interactions: the MIRAS Walking Assistance Robot

Dogmus, Zeynep (
Poster C13 – Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud

Dollar, Aaron (
Poster B7 – A Quasi-Passive Compliant Stance Control Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosi
Poster D9 – Novel Differential Mechanism Enabling Two DOF from a Single Actuator: Application to a Prosthetic Hand

Duarte, Jaime (
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength

Dubey, Rajiv (
Poster A9 – Human Motion Intention based Scaled Teleoperation for Orientation Assistance in Preshaping for Grasping

Dueñas, Julio (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics

Duerstock, Bradley S. (
Podium Session 3.5 – Integrated Vision-Based Robotic Arm Interface for Operators with Upper Limb Mobility Impairments
Poster A6 – 3D Joystick for Robotic Arm Control by Individuals with High Level Spinal Cord Injuries

Dukelow, Sean (
Poster C17 – Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation

Dunning, Gerard (
Poster B12 – A review of assistive devices for arm balancing

Dupourque, Vincent (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Dussopt, Florian (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation

Dyck, Matthew (
Poster D24 – Measuring the Dynamic Impedance of the Human Arm Without a Force Sensor

Dyer, Robert (
Podium Session 5.4 – Biologically-inspired Soft Exosuit

Elliott, Grant (
Poster A4 – The Biomechanics and Energetics of Human Running using an Elastic Knee Exoskeleton

Endo, Gen (
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Englehart, Kevin (
– Workshop

Erdem, Esra (
Poster C13 – Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud

Erdogan, Ahmetcan (
Poster C2 – Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed

Eslamy, Mahdy (
Poster D14 – Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? A Power-Energy Perspective

Esmaeili, Mohammad (
Podium Session 2.3 – Hyperstaticity for Ergonomic Design of a Wrist Exoskeleton

Esposito, Dario (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Esquenazi, Alberto
Poster A12 – Differentiating Ability in Users of the ReWalk Powered Exoskeleton: An Analysis of Walking Kinematics

Essers, J.M.N. (Hans) (
Poster C19 – An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching

Everarts, Christophe (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training
Poster B9 – Adaptive Position Anticipation in a Support Robot for Overground Gait Training Enhances Transparency

Exell, Timothy (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Farina, Dario (
– Workshop

Farjadian, Amir B. (
Poster A15 – VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cycling
Poster B26 – SQUID: Sensorized Shirt with Smartphone Interface for Exercise Monitoring and Home Rehabilitation

Fattal, Charles (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Fey, Nicholas (
Podium Session 4.5 – Experimental Effective Shape Control of a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis
Poster D2 – Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes

Feys, Peter (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study

Finucane, Suzanne (
Poster D15 – Myoelectric Neural Interface Enables Accurate Control of a Virtual Multiple Degree-Of-Freedom Foot-Ankle Prosthesis
Poster D2 – Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes

Fischer, Gregory (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Fischer, Sarah (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Fite, Kevin (
Poster D5 – EMG Control of a Bionic Knee Prosthesis: Exploiting Muscle Co-Contraction for Improved Locomotor Function

Fluet, Marie-Christine (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study

Flynn, Kelsey (
Podium Session 3.3 – Designing Speech-Based Interfaces for Telepresence Robots for People with Disabilities

Flynn, Louis (
Poster D1 – Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs -Prototype.

Foster, Tammie (Tammie
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Franceschini, Marco (
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

Freeman, Christopher (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Friedman, Nizan (f
Podium Session 1.4 – The Manumeter: A non-obtrusive wearable device for monitoring spontaneous use of the wrist and fingers

Fritschi, Michael (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training

Frizera Neto, Anselmo (
Poster D16 – Pattern Recognition of Hand Movements with Low Density sEMG for Prosthesis Control Purposes

Fukushima, Edwardo F.
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Fulk, George (
Poster D5 – EMG Control of a Bionic Knee Prosthesis: Exploiting Muscle Co-Contraction for Improved Locomotor Function

Furusho, Junji (
Poster E26 – Passive-type Rehabilitation System for Upper Limbs Which Can Display the Exact Resistance Force in the Orientation Opposite to Hand Motion

Gade, Venkata K. (
Poster A15 – VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cycling

Galinski, Daniel (
Poster E3 – Optimal Design of an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex

Galloway, James (jacgallo@UDel.Edu)
Poster B27 – Design of a Robotic Mobility System to Promote Socialization in Children

Gassert, Roger (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study
Podium Session 3.1 – Advanced Augmented White Cane with Obstacle Height and Distance Feedback
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics
Poster D22 – Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gait
– Workshop

Gauthier, Phllip (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Gebregiorgis, Adey (
Podium Session 1.1 – Non-Contact versus Contact-based Sensing Methodologies for In-Home Upper Arm Robotic Rehabilitation

Gebrekristos, Berkey (
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength

Geeroms, Joost (
Poster D1 – Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs -Prototype.

Gelderblom, Gert Jan (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons
Poster E21 – Dynamic arm supports

Genda, Eiichi (
Poster E11 – A New Powered Orthosis with Hip and Ankle Linkage for Paraplegics Walking

Ghorbel, Yassine (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Giannoni, Psiche (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Gibo, Tricia (
Poster D25 – Effect of age on stiffness modulation during postural maintenance of the arm

Gijsberts, Arjan (
Podium Session 6.2 – Exploiting Accelerometers to Improve Movement Classification for Prosthetics

Giovacchini, Francesco (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Glasgow, Janice (
Poster C17 – Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation

Godfrey, Sasha Blue (
Poster D18 – A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand

Goil, Aditya (
Poster C8 – Using Machine Learning to Blend Human and Robot Controls for Assisted Wheelchair Navigation

Gregg, Robert (
Podium Session 4.5 – Experimental Effective Shape Control of a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis

Grice, Phillip (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Grimmer, Martin (
Poster D14 – Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? A Power-Energy Perspective

Grindle, Garrett (
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers

Grioli, Giorgio (
Poster D18 – A synergy-driven approach to a myoelectric hand

Grondin, Simon L. (
Poster B3 – Intelligent Control of a Smart Walker and Its Performance Evaluation

Grupen, Roderic (
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Guglielmelli, Eugenio (
Poster E5 – Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance

Guiochet, Jeremie (
Poster E4 – Model-Based Safety Analysis of Human-Robot Interactions: the MIRAS Walking Assistance Robot

Hallewell, Emma (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Handa, Yasunobu
Poster E20 – Preliminary Tests of a Prototype FES Control System for Cycling Wheelchair Rehabilitation

Handzic, Ismet (
Poster A3 – Comparison of the Passive Dynamics of Walking on Ground, Tied-belt and Split-belt Treadmills, and via the Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe (GEMS)

Harada, Ryuichi
Poster D7 – Novel Knee Joint Mechanism of Transfemoral Prosthesis for Stair Ascent

Haraguchi, Makoto (
Poster E26 – Passive-type Rehabilitation System for Upper Limbs Which Can Display the Exact Resistance Force in the Orientation Opposite to Hand Motion

Hargrove, Levi (
Podium Session 4.5 – Experimental Effective Shape Control of a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis
Poster D15 – Myoelectric Neural Interface Enables Accurate Control of a Virtual Multiple Degree-Of-Freedom Foot-Ankle Prosthesis
Poster D2 – Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes

Hashimoto, Hiroshi (
Poster C9 – A Depressurization Assistance System with a Suitable Posture for a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Hawke, Jeffrey (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Hébert, Debbie (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise

Hekman, Edsko (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Heldmann, Marcus (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Henderson, Katie (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice

Hepp-Reymond, Marie-Claude (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics

Herder, Just (
Poster B12 – A review of assistive devices for arm balancing

Herr, Hugh (
Poster A4 – The Biomechanics and Energetics of Human Running using an Elastic Knee Exoskeleton
Poster D10 – Continuously-Variable Series-Elastic Actuator
Poster D3 – Effects of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis on kinetic loading of the contralateral limb: A case series
Poster D4 – Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption
Poster D13 – Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis

Hewson, David (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons

Heyer, Lars (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Hill, David (
Poster D3 – Effects of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis on kinetic loading of the contralateral limb: A case series

Hilsenbeck, Barbara (
Poster D20 – Evaluating subsampling strategies for sEMG-based prediction of voluntary muscle contractions

Hirose, Shigeo
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Hisada, Shinnosuke (
Poster E11 – A New Powered Orthosis with Hip and Ankle Linkage for Paraplegics Walking

Ho, Sze-Kit
Poster E28 – Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke

Holley, Devon (
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Howard, Ayanna (
Podium Session 1.1 – Non-Contact versus Contact-based Sensing Methodologies for In-Home Upper Arm Robotic Rehabilitation

Hsiao-Wecksler, Elizabeth (
Podium Session 4.6 – Modulation of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments of Gait Using a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Poster E15 – Gait Mode Recognition and Control for a Portable-Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Poster A10 – Fuel Efficiency of a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Hu, Xiao-ling
Poster E28 – Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke

Hua, Gang (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Huang, Felix (
Podium Session 6.4 – Individual patterns of motor deficits evident in movement distribution analysis

Huang, He (
Poster D23 – Design of An Expert System to Automatically Calibrate Impedance Control for Powered Knee Prostheses

Huang, Sunan (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Huber, Lesa (
Poster C20 – PARO Robot Affects Diverse Interaction Modalities in Group Sensory Therapy for Older Adults with Dementia

Hughes, Ann-Marie (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Hughes, Daren (
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Huq, Rajibul (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise
Poster C25 – Performance of Daily Activities by Older Adults with Dementia: The Role of an Assistive Robot

Hussain, Asif (
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Hwang, Beomsoo (
Poster C11 – Development and Preliminary Testing of a Novel Wheelchair Integrated Exercise/ Rehabilitation System

Hyun-Dae, Yang (
Poster E18 – Brief Biomechanical Analysis on the Walking of Spinal Cord Injury Patients with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot

Hyunsub, Park (
Poster E18 – Brief Biomechanical Analysis on the Walking of Spinal Cord Injury Patients with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot

Jackson, Andrew (
Poster C23 – Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients

Jackson, Rachel W. (
Podium Session 4.1 – Inducing self-selected human engagement in robotic locomotion training

Jackson, Therese (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice

Jain, Advait (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Jarrassé, Nathanael (
Podium Session 2.3 – Hyperstaticity for Ergonomic Design of a Wrist Exoskeleton
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Jeannis, Hervens (
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers

Jeon, Doyoung (
Poster C11 – Development and Preliminary Testing of a Novel Wheelchair Integrated Exercise/ Rehabilitation System

Jeong, Wookjin (
Poster B13 – A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach

Jiang, Hairong (
Podium Session 3.5 – Integrated Vision-Based Robotic Arm Interface for Operators with Upper Limb Mobility Impairments
Poster A6 – 3D Joystick for Robotic Arm Control by Individuals with High Level Spinal Cord Injuries

Jimenez-Fabian, Rene (
Poster D1 – Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs -Prototype.

Johnson, Michelle (
– Workshop
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Joshi, Sanjay (
Poster C1 – Paralyzed Subject Controls Telepresence Mobile Robot Using Novel sEMG Brain-Computer Interface: Case Study

Jung, Hee-Tae (
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Jung, Je Hyung (
Poster B15 – Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform

Jun-Young, Jung (
Poster E18 – Brief Biomechanical Analysis on the Walking of Spinal Cord Injury Patients with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot

Kaaniche, Mohamed (
Poster E4 – Model-Based Safety Analysis of Human-Robot Interactions: the MIRAS Walking Assistance Robot

Kajitani, Isamu (
Poster D12 – Multimodal Sensor Controlled Three Degree of Freedom Transradial Prosthesis

Kamara, Sheku (
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Kang, Sang Hoon (
Poster A14 – Development of an Elliptical Trainer with Real-Time Knee Adduction Moment Feedback

Kannape, Oliver A. (
Poster D13 – Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis

Kawamura, Takuma (
Poster E9 – Development of an orthosis for walking assistance using pneumatic artificial muscle

Kawarazaki, Noriyuki (
Poster C4 – Toward Gesture Controlled Wheelchair: A Proof of Concept Study

Kazemi, Hamed (
Poster C16 – Characterizing Coordination of Grasp and Twist in Hand Function of Healthy and Post-stroke Subjects

Kearney, Robert (
Poster C16 – Characterizing Coordination of Grasp and Twist in Hand Function of Healthy and Post-stroke Subjects

Kelleher, Annmarie (
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers

Keller, Thierry (
Poster A19 – Improving the match between ability and challenge: toward a framework for automatic level adaptation in game-based assessment and training
Poster B15 – Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform
– Workshop

Keller, Urs (
Poster B16 – Assist-as-needed path control for the PASCAL rehabilitation robot
– Workshop

Kemp, Charles (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Kerkhofs, Lore (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study

Khokar, Karan (
Poster A9 – Human Motion Intention based Scaled Teleoperation for Orientation Assistance in Preshaping for Grasping

Kilinc, Muhammed (
Poster C13 – Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud

Killpack, Marc (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Kim, ChangHwan (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Kim, Hyunchul (
Poster C18 – Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis

Kim, Jongbae (
Poster E2 – Usability Test of KNRC Self-Feeding Robot

Kim, Jung Yoon (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Kim, Laehyun (
Poster B13 – A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach

Kim, Myunghee (
Poster A8 – Stabilization of a Three-Dimensional Limit Cycle Walking Model through Step-to-Step Ankle Control

Kim, Saim (
Poster D21 – Body sensor network-based strapdown orientation estimation: Application to human locomotion

Kim, Seok Hun (
Poster A16 – Robot-Assisted Balance Training for Gait Modification

Kim, Seung-Jong (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Kim, Yale (
Poster E2 – Usability Test of KNRC Self-Feeding Robot

Kim, Yeongmi (
Podium Session 3.1 – Advanced Augmented White Cane with Obstacle Height and Distance Feedback

Kim, Yun-Hee (
Poster B13 – A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach

Kindig, Mattew (
Podium Session 4.3 – Robotic-Locomotor Training as a Tool to Reduce Neuromuscular Abnormality in Spinal Cord Injury The Application of System Identification and Advanced Longitudinal Modeling

Klijnstra, Feite (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Kobayashi, Yasuyuki (
Poster C5 – A Wheelchair Operation Assistance Control for a Wearable Robot Using the User's Residual Function

Koehler, Margaret (
Poster D28 – Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation in Isometric Reaching is Similar to Movement Adaptation

Kõiva, Risto (
Poster B24 – Using a high spatial resolution tactile sensor for intention detection
Poster D20 – Evaluating subsampling strategies for sEMG-based prediction of voluntary muscle contractions

Kollias, Spyros (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics

Kong, Qingchao (
Poster A15 – VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cycling

Kontak, David (
Podium Session 3.3 – Designing Speech-Based Interfaces for Telepresence Robots for People with Disabilities

Koopman, Bart (
Poster B10 – Improving the transparency of a rehabilitation robot by exploiting the cyclic behaviour of walkingPoster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype
Poster E13 – Lateral balance control for robotic gait training.

Korrapatti, Hermanth (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Kottink, Anke I. R. (
Podium Session 1.2 – Application of arm support training in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation: first results on effectiveness and user experiences

Koyas, Ela (
Poster C2 – Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed

Krabben, Thijs (
Poster B18 – A feasibility study of the effect of multichannel electrical stimulation and gravity compensation on hand function in stroke patients: a pilot study.

Kuehne, Markus
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Kuiken, Todd (
– Workshop

Kuo, Pei-Hsin (
Poster A22 – A Novel Framework for Virtual Prototyping of Rehabilitation Exoskeletons

Kutlu, Mustafa (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Kwon, Gyu-Hyun (
Poster B13 – A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach

Kyriakopoulos, Kostas (
Poster D19 – Task Discrimination from Myoelectric Activity: A Learning Scheme for EMG-Based Interfaces

Lachenal, Xavier (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design

Lacheray, Hervé (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise

Laffont, Isabelle (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Lambercy, Olivier (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study

Lambercy, Olivier (
Poster D22 – Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gai
– Workshop

Lamers, Ilse (
Podium Session 1.3 – Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with Multiple Sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: a pilot study

Lammertse, Piet (
Poster B22 – SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Home

Landers, Katlin (
Poster E27 – BIOMimetic Hand Exotendon Device (BIOMHED) for Functional Hand Rehabilitation in Stroke

LaPre, Andrew (
Poster D8 – Redefining Prosthetic Ankle Mechanics, Non-Anthropomorphic Ankle Design

Larusson, Arnar (
Podium Session 5.4 – Biologically-inspired Soft Exosuit

Le, Hoang H. (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation

Lebec, Olivier (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Lee, Gregory (
Poster C7 – Determining Navigability of Terrain Using Point Cloud Data

Lee, Junwon (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Lee, Melissa M. (
Poster B2 – Design of a series elastic actuator for a compliant parallel wrist rehabilitation robot

Lee, Sang Wook (
Poster E27 – BIOMimetic Hand Exotendon Device (BIOMHED) for Functional Hand Rehabilitation in Stroke

Lee, Sanghyeop (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Lee, Song Joo (
Poster A14 – Development of an Elliptical Trainer with Real-Time Knee Adduction Moment Feedback
Poster A17 – A Pivoting Elliptical Training System for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Lefeber, Dirk (
Poster D1 – Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs -Prototype.

Lehmann, Hagen (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons

Lentino, Carmelo (
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Lenzi, Tommaso (
Podium Session 4.5 – Experimental Effective Shape Control of a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesi
Podium Session 5.2 – Improving Transparency of Powered Exoskeletons Using Force/Torque Sensors on the Supporting Cuff
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Leonhardt, Steffen (
Poster D21 – Body sensor network-based strapdown orientation estimation: Application to human locomotion

Leroux, Christophe (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Levesley, Martin (
Poster C23 – Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients

Leynart, Violaine (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Li, Jinfu (
Poster B4 – Development and Control of a Lower Extremity Assistive Device (LEAD) for Gait Rehabilitation
Poster B6 – Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device

Li, Qingguo (
Podium Session 4.4 – Development of an Energy Harvesting Backpack and Performance Evaluation
Poster A7 – Investigation of a passive inter-limb device on step-to-step transition of human walking
Poster B3 – Intelligent Control of a Smart Walker and Its Performance Evaluation

Li, Yifan (
Poster E15 – Gait Mode Recognition and Control for a Portable-Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Li, Yifan David (
Poster A10 – Fuel Efficiency of a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Liarokapis, Minas (
Poster D19 – Task Discrimination from Myoelectric Activity: A Learning Scheme for EMG-Based Interfaces

Lipschutz, Robert (
Poster D15 – Myoelectric Neural Interface Enables Accurate Control of a Virtual Multiple Degree-Of-Freedom Foot-Ankle Prosthesis
Poster D2 – Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes

Liu, Ming (
Poster D23 – Design of An Expert System to Automatically Calibrate Impedance Control for Powered Knee Prostheses

Liu, Yan-Fei (
Podium Session 4.4 – Development of an Energy Harvesting Backpack and Performance Evaluation

Lo, Albert C. (
– Workshop

Lobo-Prat, Joan (
Poster B22 – SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Home
Poster E22 – Design of a perfect balance system for active upper-extremity exoskeletons

Loomes, Martin J. (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation

Loureiro, Rui C.V. (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation
– Workshop

Lu, Elaine (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise

Lu, Son (
Poster A24 – Design of Wrist Gimbal: a Forearm and Wrist Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

Lubecki, Tomasz Marek (
Poster B6 – Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device

Lum, Peter (
Poster E23 – Using the Kinect to Limit Abnormal Kinematics and Compensation Strategies During Therapy with End Effector Robots
– Workshop

Luo, Yimin (
Poster B5 – Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee

Lutz, Peter (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training

Lyons, Kenneth (
Poster C1 – Paralyzed Subject Controls Telepresence Mobile Robot Using Novel sEMG Brain-Computer Interface: Case Study

MacKinnon, Colum (
Podium Session 4.6 – Modulation of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments of Gait Using a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Maeda, Naoto
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Maehle, Erik (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Makower, Sophie (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice
Poster C23 – Development of the iPAM MkII System and Description of a Randomized Controlled Trial with Acute Stroke Patients

Mandel, Christian (
– Workshop

Marecki, Andrew (
Poster A4 – The Biomechanics and Energetics of Human Running using an Elastic Knee Exoskeleton

Maremmani, Carlo (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Martin, Jean-Claude
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Martinez, John A. (
Poster A24 – Design of Wrist Gimbal: a Forearm and Wrist Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation

Martinez Luna, Carlos (
Poster A5 – A Soft Robotic Exomusculature Glove with Integrated sEMG Sensing for Hand Rehabilitation

Martinez-Villalpando, Ernesto (
Poster D4 – Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption

Masia, Lorenzo (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training
– Workshop

Mattie, Johanne (
Poster C12 – Concept Proposal for a Detachable Exoskeleton-Wheelchair to Improve Mobility and Health

Mattioni, Filippo (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design

Mavroidis, Constantinos (
Poster A15 – VRACK: Measuring Pedal Kinematics During Stationary Bike Cyclin
Poster B26 – SQUID: Sensorized Shirt with Smartphone Interface for Exercise Monitoring and Home Rehabilitation

Mazzoleni, Stefano (
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

McAmis, Samuel (
Poster A23 – Design and Analysis of A Compliant Bimanual Rehabilitation Device

McHugh, Amelia (
Podium Session 3.3 – Designing Speech-Based Interfaces for Telepresence Robots for People with Disabilities

Meadmore, Katie (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Meijer, Kenneth (
Poster C19 – An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching

Meijneke, Cor (
Podium Session 2.4 – Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Mindwalker Series Elastic Joint

Melendez-Calderon*, Alejandro (
Podium Session 3.4 – Therapist recognition of impaired muscle groups in simulated multi-joint hypertonia
Poster D26 – Haptic recognition of dystonia and spasticity in simulated multi-joint hypertonia

Meng, Yan (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Meuleman, Jos (
Poster E13 – Lateral balance control for robotic gait training.
Poster E17 – Novel actuation design of a gait trainer with shadow leg approach

Mezouar, Youcef (
Poster E1 – High level functions for the intuitive use of an assistive robot

Micera, Silvestro (
Poster E19 – Selecting the best number of synergies in gait: preliminary results on young and elderly people

Mihailidis, Alex (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise
Poster C25 – Performance of Daily Activities by Older Adults with Dementia: The Role of an Assistive Robot

Milner, Theodore (
Poster C16 – Characterizing Coordination of Grasp and Twist in Hand Function of Healthy and Post-stroke Subjects

Mingi, Chae (
Poster E18 – Brief Biomechanical Analysis on the Walking of Spinal Cord Injury Patients with a Lower Limb Exoskeleton Robot

Mirbagheri, Mehdi (
Podium Session 4.3 – Robotic-Locomotor Training as a Tool to Reduce Neuromuscular Abnormality in Spinal Cord Injury The Application of System Identification and Advanced Longitudinal Modeling

Misgeld, Berno J.E. (
Poster D21 – Body sensor network-based strapdown orientation estimation: Application to human locomotion

Mizutani, Naoto (
Poster C5 – A Wheelchair Operation Assistance Control for a Wearable Robot Using the User's Residual Function

Moffatt, Karyn (
– Workshop

Monaco, Vito (
Poster E19 – Selecting the best number of synergies in gait: preliminary results on young and elderly people

Mooney, Luke (
Poster D10 – Continuously-Variable Series-Elastic Actuator
Poster D4 – Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption

Morasso, Pietro (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Morio, Toshiyuki
Poster D12 – Multimodal Sensor Controlled Three Degree of Freedom Transradial Prosthesis

Moser, Adrian (
Poster D22 – Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gait

Mostafavi, Sayyed Mostafa (
Poster C17 – Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation

Mousavi, Parvin (
Poster C17 – Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation

Müller, Henning (
Poster D17 – Recognition of Hand Movements in a Trans-Radial Amputated Subject by sEMG

Munakata, Yu (
Poster C6 – A Five-wheel Wheelchair with an Active-caster Drive System

Münte, Thomas F. (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Murakami, Takuya
Poster E20 – Preliminary Tests of a Prototype FES Control System for Cycling Wheelchair Rehabilitation

Murgia, Alessio (
Poster C19 – An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching

Mussa-Ivaldi, Ferdinando (
Poster C3 – A body machine interface for the control of a 2D cursor

Mussa-Ivaldi, Ferdinando A. (
Podium Session 3.4 – Therapist recognition of impaired muscle groups in simulated multi-joint hypertonia
Poster D26 – Haptic recognition of dystonia and spasticity in simulated multi-joint hypertonia

Obinata, Goro (
Poster E11 – A New Powered Orthosis with Hip and Ankle Linkage for Paraplegics Walking

Ockenfeld, Corinna (
Poster E28 – Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke

Ohira, Mineko
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Ohnishi, Kengo (
Poster D12 – Multimodal Sensor Controlled Three Degree of Freedom Transradial Prosthesis

Okamura, Allison (
Poster D25 – Effect of age on stiffness modulation during postural maintenance of the arm
Poster D28 – Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation in Isometric Reaching is Similar to Movement Adaptation

Olivier, Jeremy (
Poster E10 – Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis

O' Malley, Marcia K. (
Poster A2 – Adaptive Control of a Serial-in-Parallel Robotic Rehabilitation Device
Poster A27 – System Characterization of RiceWrist-S: a Forearm-Wrist Exoskeleton For Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
Poster B2 – Design of a series elastic actuator for a compliant parallel wrist rehabilitation robot
– Workshop

O'Neill, Gerald (
Poster E6 – An intrinsically safe mechanism for physically coupling humans with robots

Onishi, Kohei
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Ortlieb, Amalric (
Poster E10 – Development of an Assistive Motorized Hip Orthosis

Osumi, Hisashi
Poster E9 – Development of an orthosis for walking assistance using pneumatic artificial muscle

Papantoniou, Agis (
Poster C13 – Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud

Park, Hyung-Soon (
Poster A17 – A Pivoting Elliptical Training System for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Park, Hyung-Soon (
Poster E27 – BIOMimetic Hand Exotendon Device (BIOMHED) for Functional Hand Rehabilitation in Stroke

Park, Wanjoo (
Poster B13 – A Rehabilitation Device to Improve the Hand Grasp Function of Stroke Patients using a Patient-Driven Approach

Patel, Harshil (
Poster E6 – An intrinsically safe mechanism for physically coupling humans with robots

Patoglu, Volkan (
Poster C13 – Rehabilitation Robotics Ontology on the Cloud

Patoglu, Volkan (
Poster C2 – Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed

Patton, James (
Podium Session 6.4 – Individual patterns of motor deficits evident in movement distribution analysis
– Workshop

Pehlivan, Ali Utku (
Poster A2 – Adaptive Control of a Serial-in-Parallel Robotic Rehabilitation Device
Poster A27 – System Characterization of RiceWrist-S: a Forearm-Wrist Exoskeleton For Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

Pendergast, Martin (
Poster A6 – 3D Joystick for Robotic Arm Control by Individuals with High Level Spinal Cord Injuries

Pennycott, Andrew (
Podium Session 4.2 – A Preliminary Study into the Effects of Pelvic Rotations on Upper Body Lateral Translation

Pennycott, Andrew (
Poster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study

Perez, Sergi (
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength

Perry, Joel (
Poster B15 – Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform
Poster A19 – Improving the match between ability and challenge: toward a framework for automatic level adaptation in game-based assessment and training

Petrucci, Matthew (
Podium Session 4.6 – Modulation of Anticipatory Postural Adjustments of Gait Using a Portable Powered Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Phillips, Nicholas (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation

Pilarski, Patrick (
– Workshop
Poster D29 – Real-time Prediction Learning for the Simultaneous Actuation of Multiple Prosthetic Joints

Piovesan*, Davide (
Podium Session 3.4 – Therapist recognition of impaired muscle groups in simulated multi-joint hypertonia
Poster D26 – Haptic recognition of dystonia and spasticity in simulated multi-joint hypertonia

Pirrera, Alberto (‎)
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design

Posteraro, Federico (
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

Powell, David (
Poster E4 – Model-Based Safety Analysis of Human-Robot Interactions: the MIRAS Walking Assistance Robot

Prange, Gerdienke B (
Poster B18 – A feasibility study of the effect of multichannel electrical stimulation and gravity compensation on hand function in stroke patients: a pilot study.
Podium Session 1.2 – Application of arm support training in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation: first results on effectiveness and user experiences

Pyun, Rosali (
Podium Session 3.1 – Advanced Augmented White Cane with Obstacle Height and Distance Feedback

Rafer, Vince (
Poster C12 – Concept Proposal for a Detachable Exoskeleton-Wheelchair to Improve Mobility and Health

Ragonesi, Christina (clbr@UDel.Edu)
Poster B27 – Design of a Robotic Mobility System to Promote Socialization in Children

Rauter, Georg (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training
Poster B16 – Assist-as-needed path control for the PASCAL rehabilitation robot

Reed, Kyle (
Poster A16 – Robot-Assisted Balance Training for Gait Modification
Poster A23 – Design and Analysis of A Compliant Bimanual Rehabilitation Device
Poster A3 – Comparison of the Passive Dynamics of Walking on Ground, Tied-belt and Split-belt Treadmills, and via the Gait Enhancing Mobile Shoe (GEMS)

Reinbolt, Jeffrey (
– Workshop

Reinkensmeyer, David (
Podium Session 1.4 – The Manumeter: A non-obtrusive wearable device for monitoring spontaneous use of the wrist and fingers
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength
Podium Session 3.2 – Lever-actuated resonance assistance (LARA): A wheelchair-based method for upper extremity therapy and overground ambulation for people with severe arm impairment
– Workshop

Reisman, Darcy (
Poster E12 – Asymmetric Adaptation in Human Walking using the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD)

Ren, Yupeng (
Poster A14 – Development of an Elliptical Trainer with Real-Time Knee Adduction Moment Feedback
Poster A17 – A Pivoting Elliptical Training System for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Riener, Robert (
Podium Session 4.2 – A Preliminary Study into the Effects of Pelvic Rotations on Upper Body Lateral Translation
Poster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study
Poster B16 – Assist-as-needed path control for the PASCAL rehabilitation robot
Poster B23 – Enhancing patient freedom in rehabilitation robotics using gaze-based intention detection

Rietman, Hans J.S. (
Poster B18 – A feasibility study of the effect of multichannel electrical stimulation and gravity compensation on hand function in stroke patients: a pilot study.
Podium Session 1.2 – Application of arm support training in sub-acute stroke rehabilitation: first results on effectiveness and user experiences

Rinderknecht, Stephan (
Poster D14 – Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? A Power-Energy Perspective

Riva, Assunta (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training

Roach, Nick (
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Roby-Brami, Agnès (
Poster C15 – Analysis of grasping strategies and function in hemiparetic patients using an instrumented object

Rodriguez-de-Pablo, Cristina (
Poster A19 – Improving the match between ability and challenge: toward a framework for automatic level adaptation in game-based assessment and training
Poster B15 – Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform

Rogers, Eric (
Poster B17 – Goal Orientated Stroke Rehabilitation Utilising Electrical Stimulation, Iterative Learning and Microsoft Kinect
Poster E25 – Electrical Stimulation and Iterative Learning Control for Functional Recovery in the Upper Limb Post-Stroke

Ronsse, Renaud (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training
Poster B9 – Adaptive Position Anticipation in a Support Robot for Overground Gait Training Enhances Transparency

Rose, Chad (
Poster A27 – System Characterization of RiceWrist-S: a Forearm-Wrist Exoskeleton For Upper Extremity Rehabilitation

Rosen, Jacob (
Poster C18 – Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis

Rotella, Michele F. (
Poster D28 – Adaptation to Visuomotor Rotation in Isometric Reaching is Similar to Movement Adaptation

Rouse, Elliott (
Poster D4 – Clutchable Series-Elastic Actuator: Design of a Robotic Knee Prosthesis for Minimum Energy Consumption

Routhier, Francois (
– Workshop

Rovini, Erika (
Poster C22 – Preliminary evaluation of SensHand V1 in assessing motor skills performance in Parkinson Disease

Rowe, Justin (
Podium Session 1.4 – The Manumeter: A non-obtrusive wearable device for monitoring spontaneous use of the wrist and fingers
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength

Rueschen, Daniel (
Poster D21 – Body sensor network-based strapdown orientation estimation: Application to human locomotion

Ryder, Matthew (
Podium Session 5.3 – Leveraging Gait Dynamics to Improve Efficiency and Performance of Powered Hip Exoskeletons

Sabanovic, Selma (
Poster C20 – PARO Robot Affects Diverse Interaction Modalities in Group Sensory Therapy for Older Adults with Dementia

Sakaida, Yuki (
Poster C9 – A Depressurization Assistance System with a Suitable Posture for a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Sale, Patrizio (
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

Sallum, Hani (
Podium Session 2.1 – A Pediatric Robotic Thumb Exoskeleton for at-Home Rehabilitation The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)

Sanguineti, Vittorio (
Poster D27 – Reward-based learning of a redundant task

Sapin, Julien (
Poster E3 – Optimal Design of an Alignment-Free Two-DOF Rehabilitation Robot for the Shoulder Complex

Sarac, Mine (
Poster C2 – Brain Computer Interface based Robotic Rehabilitation with Online Modification of Task Speed

Sarkar, Nilanjan (nilanjan.sarkar@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Sarkar, Sudeep (
Poster A9 – Human Motion Intention based Scaled Teleoperation for Orientation Assistance in Preshaping for Grasping

Sarmiento Vela, Jhon FreddySarmiento Vela, Jhon Freddy (
Poster D16 – Pattern Recognition of Hand Movements with Low Density sEMG for Prosthesis Control Purposes

Sawicki, Gregory (
Poster A4 – The Biomechanics and Energetics of Human Running using an Elastic Knee Exoskeleton

Schneller, Stefan (
Podium Session 3.1 – Advanced Augmented White Cane with Obstacle Height and Distance Feedback

Schweikard, Achim (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Scott, Stephen (
Poster C17 – Prediction of Stroke-related Diagnostic and Prognostic Measures Using Robot-Based Evaluation

Seanez, Ismael (
Poster C3 – A body machine interface for the control of a 2D cursor

Seifritz, Erich (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics

Sensinger, Jonathon (
Podium Session 4.5 – Experimental Effective Shape Control of a Powered Transfemoral Prosthesis

Sergi, Fabrizio (
Poster A2 – Adaptive Control of a Serial-in-Parallel Robotic Rehabilitation Device
Poster B2 – Design of a series elastic actuator for a compliant parallel wrist rehabilitation robot
Poster E5 – Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance
– Workshop

Seyfarth, Andre (
Poster D14 – Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? A Power-Energy Perspective

Shamaei, Kamran (
Poster B7 – A Quasi-Passive Compliant Stance Control Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis

Sharp, Kelli (
Podium Session 1.5 – Effort, performance, and motivation: Insights from robot-assisted training of human golf putting and rat grip strength

Shen, Bingquan (
Poster B4 – Development and Control of a Lower Extremity Assistive Device (LEAD) for Gait Rehabilitation
Poster B6 – Muscle Force Estimation Method with Surface EMG for a Lower Extremities Rehabilitation Device

Shen, Xiangrong (
Poster D11 – Sleeve Muscle Actuator and Its Application in Transtibial Prostheses

Shepertycky, Michael (
Podium Session 4.4 – Development of an Energy Harvesting Backpack and Performance Evaluation

Shin, Sung Yul (
Poster C14 – Intentional Movement Performance Ability (IMPA): A Method for Robot-Aided Quantitative Assessment of Motor Function

Shiotani, Kenji (
Poster C9 – A Depressurization Assistance System with a Suitable Posture for a Seated Patient on a Wheelchair

Shirzad, Navid (
Poster A18 – Adaptation of Task Difficulty in Rehabilitation Exercises Based on the User's Motor Performance and Physiological Responses

Simkins, Matt (
Poster C18 – Robotic Unilateral and Bilateral Upper-Limb Movement Training for Stroke Survivors Afflicted by Chronic Hemiparesis

Simon, Ann (
Poster D2 – Strategies to reduce the configuration time for a powered knee and ankle prosthesis across multiple ambulation modes

Sivak, Mark L. (
Poster B26 – SQUID: Sensorized Shirt with Smartphone Interface for Exercise Monitoring and Home Rehabilitation

Smith, Brendan (
Podium Session 3.2 – Lever-actuated resonance assistance (LARA): A wheelchair-based method for upper extremity therapy and overground ambulation for people with severe arm impairment

Smith, Christine (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice

Smith, Richard L. (
Poster E22 – Design of a perfect balance system for active upper-extremity exoskeletons

Song, Won-Jin (
Poster E2 – Usability Test of KNRC Self-Feeding Robot

Song, Won-Kyung (
Poster E2 – Usability Test of KNRC Self-Feeding Robot

Spindler, Markus (
Poster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study

Squeri, Valentina (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training

Stämpfli, Philipp (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics

Steele, Katherine (
– Workshop

Stefanov, Dimitar (
Poster C4 – Toward Gesture Controlled Wheelchair: A Proof of Concept Study

Stegall, Paul (
Podium Session 5.2 – Improving Transparency of Powered Exoskeletons Using Force/Torque Sensors on the Supporting Cuffs

Stienen, Arno H.A. (
Poster B22 – SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Home
Poster B21 – Design of a self-aligning 3-DOF actuated exoskeleton for diagnosis and training of wrist and forearm after stroke
Poster E22 – Design of a perfect balance system for active upper-extremity exoskeletons

Stirling, Leia (
Podium Session 2.1 – A Pediatric Robotic Thumb Exoskeleton for at-Home Rehabilitation The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)

Stramigioli, Stefano (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Sugano, Shigeki (
Poster A20 – A Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Brain Image Study

Sulzer, James (
Podium Session 6.1 – Delineating the whole brain BOLD response to passive movement kinematics
Poster D22 – Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gait
– Workshop

Sup, Frank (
Podium Session 5.3 – Leveraging Gait Dynamics to Improve Efficiency and Performance of Powered Hip Exoskeletons
Poster A11 – Design and Control of a Two-Wheeled Robotic Walker for Balance Enhancement
Poster D8 – Redefining Prosthetic Ankle Mechanics, Non-Anthropomorphic Ankle Design

Susanto, Evan .A. ()
Poster E28 – Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke

Sutton, Richard S. (
Poster D29 – Real-time Prediction Learning for the Simultaneous Actuation of Multiple Prosthetic Joints

Swanson, Amy (amy.r.swanson@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Syrdal, Dag (
Poster C26 – Selecting Services for a Service Robot - Evaluating the problematic activities threatening the independence of elderly persons

Tachiwana, Shinichi
Poster D7 – Novel Knee Joint Mechanism of Transfemoral Prosthesis for Stair Ascent

Tagliamonte, Nevio Luigi (
Poster E5 – Human-Robot Interaction Tests on a Novel Robot for Gait Assistance

Taheri, Hossein (
Poster A26 – Adaptive Control with State-Dependent Modeling of Patient Impairment for Robotic Movement Therapy

Takagi, Tomoo
Poster D12 – Multimodal Sensor Controlled Three Degree of Freedom Transradial Prosthesis

Takahashi, Takeshi (
Poster B14 – Towards Extended Virtual Presence of the Therapist in Stroke Rehabilitation

Takanaka, Kenta
Poster E9 – Development of an orthosis for walking assistance using pneumatic artificial muscle

Takubo, Toshio (
Poster C28 – Study on a Practical Robotic Follower to Support Home Oxygen Therapy Patients -Questionnaire-Based Concept Evaluation by the Patients-

Talaty, Mukul (
Poster A12 – Differentiating Ability in Users of the ReWalk Powered Exoskeleton: An Analysis of Walking Kinematics

Tamagnone, Irene (
Poster D27 – Reward-based learning of a redundant task

Tanaka, Aki (
Poster C6 – A Five-wheel Wheelchair with an Active-caster Drive System

Tang, Zhenjin (
Poster A20 – A Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation and Brain Image Study

Tavakoli, Mahdi (
Poster D24 – Measuring the Dynamic Impedance of the Human Arm Without a Force Sensor

Thankor, Nitish (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Theriault, Andrew (
Poster A28 – Restoring ADL Function after Wrist Surgery in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Novel Bilateral Robot System Design

Tiboni, Micol (
Poster C24 – Effects of upper limb robot-assisted therapy on motor recovery of subacute stroke patients: a kinematic approach

Tkach, Dennis (
Poster D15 – Myoelectric Neural Interface Enables Accurate Control of a Virtual Multiple Degree-Of-Freedom Foot-Ankle Prosthesis

Toh, Siew-Lok (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Tong, Raymond (
– Workshop

Tong, Raymond K.Y. (
Poster E28 – Fine Finger Motor Skill Training with Exoskeleton Robotic Hand in Chronic Stroke

Tsui, Katherine (
Podium Session 3.3 – Designing Speech-Based Interfaces for Telepresence Robots for People with Disabilities

Tucker, Michael (
Poster D22 – Design of a Wearable Perturbator for Human Knee Impedance Estimation during Gait

Unal, Ramazan (
Poster D6 – Modeling of WalkMECH: a Fully-Passive Energy-Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis Prototype

Urdiales Garcia, Cristina (
– Workshop

Vaish, Sarvagya (
Poster B25 – Whole-arm Tactile Sensing for Beneficial and Acceptable Contact During Robotic Assistance

Valencia, David (
Poster B15 – Development of a powered mobile module for the ArmAssist home-based telerehabilitation platform

Vallery, Heike (
Podium Session 4.2 – A Preliminary Study into the Effects of Pelvic Rotations on Upper Body Lateral TranslationPoster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation StudyPoster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study

Vallery, Heike (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training
Poster B9 – Adaptive Position Anticipation in a Support Robot for Overground Gait Training Enhances Transparency

Valls Miro, Jaime (
Poster C21 – Development of a Novel Evidence-Based Automated Powered Mobility Device Competency Assessment

van Asseldonk, Edwin (
Poster B10 – Improving the transparency of a rehabilitation robot by exploiting the cyclic behaviour of walking
Poster E13 – Lateral balance control for robotic gait training.
Poster E17 – Novel actuation design of a gait trainer with shadow leg approach

van der Heide, Loek (
Poster E21 – Dynamic arm supports

van der Kooij, Herman (
Podium Session 2.4 – Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Mindwalker Series Elastic Joint
Poster A1 – Optimization of Human Walking for Exoskeletal Suppor
Poster B10 – Improving the transparency of a rehabilitation robot by exploiting the cyclic behaviour of walkin
Poster B21 – Design of a self-aligning 3-DOF actuated exoskeleton for diagnosis and training of wrist and forearm after stroke
Poster B22 – SCRIPT Passive Orthosis: Design and Technical Evaluation of the Wrist and Hand Orthosis for Rehabilitation Training at Hom
Poster E13 – Lateral balance control for robotic gait training
Poster E17 – Novel actuation design of a gait trainer with shadow leg approac
Poster E22 – Design of a perfect balance system for active upper-extremity exoskeletons
– Workshop

Van der Loos, H. F. Machiel (
Poster A18 – Adaptation of Task Difficulty in Rehabilitation Exercises Based on the User's Motor Performance and Physiological Responses

van Dijk, Wietse (
Poster A1 – Optimization of Human Walking for Exoskeletal Support
Poster B10 – Improving the transparency of a rehabilitation robot by exploiting the cyclic behaviour of walking

van Wijck, Fredericke (
Poster A13 – A framework to aid adoption of automated rehabilitation devices into clinical practice

Vanderborght, Bram (
Poster D1 – Ankle-Knee Prosthesis with Powered Ankle and Energy Transfer for CYBERLEGs -Prototype.

Varoqui, Deborah (
Podium Session 4.3 – Robotic-Locomotor Training as a Tool to Reduce Neuromuscular Abnormality in Spinal Cord Injury The Application of System Identification and Advanced Longitudinal Modeling

Vashista, Vineet (
Poster E12 – Asymmetric Adaptation in Human Walking using the Tethered Pelvic Assist Device (TPAD)

Vernetti, Honorè (
Poster E16 – Functional Evaluation of Robot End-Point Assisted Gait re-Education in Chronic Stroke Survivors

Verstegen, Paul (
Poster C19 – An inverse dynamic analysis on the influence of upper limb gravity compensation during reaching

Villarejo Mayor, John Jairo (
Poster D16 – Pattern Recognition of Hand Movements with Low Density sEMG for Prosthesis Control Purposes

Viswanathan, Pooja (
– Workshop

Vitiello, Nicola (
Poster A21 – Kinematics and Design of a Portable and Wearable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

von Zitzewitz, Joachim (
Podium Session 5.1 – Multidirectional Transparent Support for Overground Gait Training

Wachs, Juan P. (
Podium Session 3.5 – Integrated Vision-Based Robotic Arm Interface for Operators with Upper Limb Mobility Impairments
Poster A6 – 3D Joystick for Robotic Arm Control by Individuals with High Level Spinal Cord Injuries

Wada, Masayoshi (
Poster C6 – A Five-wheel Wheelchair with an Active-caster Drive System

Wada, Takahiro (
Poster D7 – Novel Knee Joint Mechanism of Transfemoral Prosthesis for Stair Ascent

Walsh, Conor (
Podium Session 2.1 – A Pediatric Robotic Thumb Exoskeleton for at-Home Rehabilitation The Isolated Orthosis for Thumb Actuation (IOTA)
Podium Session 5.4 – Biologically-inspired Soft Exosuit
– Workshop

Wang, Ding (
Poster D23 – Design of An Expert System to Automatically Calibrate Impedance Control for Powered Knee Prostheses

Wang, Hongwu (
Poster C10 – Autonomous Function of Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Manipulators to Perform Daily Activities
Poster C27 – Initial Development of Direct Interaction for a Transfer Robotic Arm System for Caregivers

Wang, Jing (
Poster D13 – Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis

Wang, Long (
Poster B5 – Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee

Wang, Qining (
Poster B5 – Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee

Wang, Rosalie (
Poster A25 – Development of a Fuzzy Logic Based Intelligent System for Autonomous Guidance of Post-stroke Rehabilitation Exercise
Poster C25 – Performance of Daily Activities by Older Adults with Dementia: The Role of an Assistive Robot
– Workshop

Wang, Shiqian (
Podium Session 2.4 – Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Mindwalker Series Elastic Joint

Wang, Yang (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Warren, Zachary (zachary.e.warren@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Watanabe, Takashi (
Poster E20 – Preliminary Tests of a Prototype FES Control System for Cycling Wheelchair Rehabilitation

Watanabe, Tatsuya (
Poster C5 – A Wheelchair Operation Assistance Control for a Wearable Robot Using the User's Residual Function

Weaver, Paul (
Podium Session 2.2 – CARAPACE: a novel Composite Advanced Robotic Actuator Powering Assistive Compliant Exoskeleton: Preliminary Design

Wei, Kunlin (
Poster B5 – Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee

Weiss, Patrick (
Poster B20 – Towards a Parameterizable Exoskeleton for Training of Hand Function After Stroke

Wespe, Pascal (
Podium Session 3.1 – Advanced Augmented White Cane with Obstacle Height and Distance Feedback

Westerveld, Ard J. ()
Poster B21 – Design of a self-aligning 3-DOF actuated exoskeleton for diagnosis and training of wrist and forearm after stroke

Wilkening, André (
Poster E7 – Adaptive Model-Based Assistive Control for Pneumatic Direct Driven Soft Rehabilitation Robots

Wolbrecht, Eric (
Poster A26 – Adaptive Control with State-Dependent Modeling of Patient Impairment for Robotic Movement Therapy

Wolbrecht, Eric (
– Workshop

Wyss, Dario (
Podium Session 4.2 – A Preliminary Study into the Effects of Pelvic Rotations on Upper Body Lateral Translation
Poster B11 – A Novel Body Weight Support System Extension: Initial Concept and Simulation Study

Zanotto, Damiano (
Podium Session 5.2 – Improving Transparency of Powered Exoskeletons Using Force/Torque Sensors on the Supporting Cuffs

Zenzeri, Jacopo (
Poster B19 – Pulsed assistance: a new paradigm of robot training

Zhang, Fan (
Poster D23 – Design of An Expert System to Automatically Calibrate Impedance Control for Powered Knee Prostheses

Zhang, Jingzhe (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Zhang, Jun-Tian (
Podium Session 4.4 – Development of an Energy Harvesting Backpack and Performance Evaluation
Poster A7 – Investigation of a passive inter-limb device on step-to-step transition of human walking

Zhang, Lian (lian.zhang@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Zhang, Li-Qun (
Poster A14 – Development of an Elliptical Trainer with Real-Time Knee Adduction Moment Feedback
Poster A17 – A Pivoting Elliptical Training System for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries

Zhao, Jie (
Poster E14 – Design of Variable-Damping Control for Prosthetic Knee based on a Simulated Biped

Zheng, Enhao (
Poster B5 – Non-Contact Capacitance Sensing for Continuous Locomotion Mode Recognition: Design Specifications and Experiments with An Amputee

Zheng, Hao (
Poster D11 – Sleeve Muscle Actuator and Its Application in Transtibial Prostheses

Zheng, Zhi (zhi.zheng@Vanderbilt.Edu)
Podium Session 6.3 – Impact of Robot-mediated Interaction System on Joint Attention Skills for Children with Autism

Zhou, Yameng (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Zhu, Chi (
Poster B1 – A Novel Compact Compliant Actuator Design for Rehabilitation Robots

Zhuang, Lishuo (
Poster B8 – An Egocentric Vision based Assistive Co-robot

Zivanovic, Aleksander (
Poster B28 – A Haptically Enhanced Painting as a Tool for Neurorehabilitation

Zondervan, Daniel (
Podium Session 3.2 – Lever-actuated resonance assistance (LARA): A wheelchair-based method for upper extremity therapy and overground ambulation for people with severe arm impairment