IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM 2007)

Author Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


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Adeodato, Paulo J. L.

A New Evolutionary Approach for Time Series Forecasting

Aiolli, Fabio

Efficient Kernel-based Learning for Trees

Ala-Kleemola, Timo

GAIS: A Method for Detecting Interleaved Sequential Patterns from Imperfect Data

Alba-Flores, Rocio

Detection and Classification of Cardiac Murmurs using Segmentation Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks

Alberg, Dima

ADMIRAL: A Data Mining Based Financial Trading System

Alexiuk, Mark

Classification of Biomedical Spectra Using Fuzzy Interquartile Encoding and Stochastic Feature Selection

Alkarouri, Muhammad

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for Fault Detection

Angryk, Rafal

Distributed Document Clustering Using Word-clusters

Arefian, Noor Mohammad

Designing a Fuzzy Rule Based System to Estimate Depth of Anesthesia

Assareh, Amin

Designing a Fuzzy Rule Based System to Estimate Depth of Anesthesia

Au, Tsz-Chiu

Reactive Query Policies: A Formalism for Planning with Volatile External Information

Awekar, Amit

Selective Approach To Handling Topic Oriented Tasks On The World Wide Web

Aydin, Galip

Analysis of Streaming GPS Measurements of Surface Displacement Through a Web Services Environment

Azevedo, Paulo J.

Evaluating Protein Motif Significance Measures: A case study on Prosite Patterns


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Bashyam, Vijayaraghavan

Identifying Anatomical Phrases in Clinical Reports by Shallow Semantic Parsing Methods.

Baumgartner, Dustin

Extracting Borderline Associations

Bennett, Chris

More Efficient Classification of Web Content Using Graph Sampling

Berger-Wolf, Tanya

Structure Prediction in Temporal Networks using Frequent Subgraphs

Bhatnagar, Raj

Discovery of Temporal Dependencies between Frequent Patterns in Multivariate Time Series

Bock, Yehuda

Analysis of Streaming GPS Measurements of Surface Displacement Through a Web Services Environment

Botsch, Michael

Feature Selection for Change Detection in Multivariate Time-Series

Bouandas, Khellaf

Mining Association Rules in Temporal Sequences

Bouchachia, Abdelhamid

Classification of XML Documents

Brown, Greg

Search Result Refinement via Machine Learning from Labeled-Unlabeled Data for Meta-search

Buczak, Anna L.

SmartPortal for Biomedical Data Mining

Burbidge, Robert

Evolutionary Optimization of Three-Photon Absorption in Molecular Iodine

Burns, Stanley

Detection and Classification of Cardiac Murmurs using Segmentation Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks

Bush, William

Association Rule Discovery Has the Ability to Model Complex Genetic Effects

Buttler, David

iScore: Measuring the Interestingness of Articles in a Limited User Environment


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Canny, John

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Association Rule Mining: P4P Style

Cardenas, Alfonso

iScore: Measuring the Interestingness of Articles in a Limited User Environment

Carvalho, Veronica

An Analytical Evaluation of Objective Measures Behavior for Generalized Association Rules

Castro, Mario

An Analytical Evaluation of Objective Measures Behavior for Generalized Association Rules

Chang, Hsiao-Ching

Data Clustering and Fuzzy Neural Network for Sales Forecasting in Printed Circuit Board Industry

Chang, Pei-Chann

Data Clustering and Fuzzy Neural Network for Sales Forecasting in Printed Circuit Board Industry

Chen (Corresponding author), Zhengxin

From similarity retrieval to cluster analysis: The case of R* trees

Chen, An-Pin

Exchange Rates Forecasting Using a Hybrid Fuzzy and Neural Network Model

Chen, Donglin

Exploiting Semantic Descriptions of Products and User Profiles for Recommender Systems

Chen, Furong

A Constraint-based Method for Semantic Mapping from Natural Language Questions to OWL

Chen, Hsing-Jen

An Efficient Data Management Scheme Based on Spatial and Temporal Characteristics in Virtual Environments

Chen, Huo-Wang

A Modified Genetic Programming for Behavior Scoring Problem

Chen, Jianhua

Extraction of Non-hierarchical Relations from Domain Texts

Chen, Qing-Shan

A Modified Genetic Programming for Behavior Scoring Problem

Chen, Wei Kian

Extracting Borderline Associations

Chen, Yangchi

Knowledge Based Stacking of Hyperspectral Data for Land Cover Classification

Chui, Chun-Kit

Adaptive Frequency Counting over Bursty Data Streams

Cortez, Paulo

Prediction of Abnormal Behaviors for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems

Crawford, Melba

Knowledge Based Stacking of Hyperspectral Data for Land Cover Classification

Cressie, Noel

Data Mining of MISR Aerosol Product using Spatial Statistics

Critchlow, Terence

iScore: Measuring the Interestingness of Articles in a Limited User Environment


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Damon Shing-Min, Liu

Using Hypergraph-based Clustering Scheme for Traversal Prediction in Virtual Environments

Deb, Debzani

Distributed Document Clustering Using Word-clusters

Deng, Hongmei

Model Selection for Anomaly Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Dorothy, Fisher

Selecting the Right Peer Schools for AACSB Accreditation - A Data Mining Application

Dowla, Farid

A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching

Duan, Yitao

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Association Rule Mining: P4P Style

Duch, Wlodzislaw

Influence of a priori Knowledge on Medical Document Categorization

Duque, Duarte

Prediction of Abnormal Behaviors for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems


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Eciolaza, Luka

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for Fault Detection

Edmonds, Andrew

Using concept structures for efficient document comparison and location

Esmaeili, Vahid

Designing a Fuzzy Rule Based System to Estimate Depth of Anesthesia

Ezeife, Christie

SSM : A Frequent Sequential Data Stream Patterns Miner


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Fan, Chin-Yuan

Data Clustering and Fuzzy Neural Network for Sales Forecasting in Printed Circuit Board Industry

Faulkner, Eli

K2GA: Heuristically Guided Evolution of Bayesian Network Structures from Data

Fedja, Hadzic

UNI3 - Efficient Algorithm for Mining Unordered Induced Subtrees Using TMG Candidate Generation

Feher, Clint

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining

Feng, Shih-Chuan

Design of Multi-Singing Karaoke System and its Application in Customer Finance-aided Service on Internet

Ferreira, Pedro G.

Evaluating Protein Motif Significance Measures: A case study on Prosite Patterns

Ferreira, Tiago A. E.

A New Evolutionary Approach for Time Series Forecasting

Fleming, Peter J.

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for Fault Detection

Form, Nicholas

Evolutionary Optimization of Three-Photon Absorption in Molecular Iodine

Frank, Jeremy

Using Data Mining to Enhance Automated Planning and Scheduling

Fukuda, Kyoko

Noise Reduction Approach for Decision Tree Construction: A Case Study of Knowledge Discovery on Climate and Air Pollution


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Gaber, Mohamed Medhat

Resource-aware Online Data Mining in Wireless Sensor Networks

Gansemer, Jim

A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching

Gao, Mingxia

A Constraint-based Method for Semantic Mapping from Natural Language Questions to OWL

Geczy, Peter

Navigation Space Based Intranet Usability Analysis

Ghosh, Joydeep

Knowledge Based Stacking of Hyperspectral Data for Land Cover Classification

Grabczewski, Krzysztof

Handwritten Digit Recognition - Road to Contest Victory

Toward Versatile and Efficient Meta-Learning: Knowledge Representation and Management in Computational Intelligence

Granat, Robert

Analysis of Streaming GPS Measurements of Surface Displacement Through a Web Services Environment

Grzegorz, Drozda

On Obtaining Fuzzy Rule Base from Ensemble of Takagi-Sugeno Systems

Gu, Mingyang

Query-sensitive Feature Selection for Lazy Learners

Guo, Yan

Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied to Land-cover Classification in Zhaoyuan, China

Gus, Ido

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining


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Habuchi, Yoshiko

A Quantitative Method for Analyzing Scan Path Data Obtained by Eye tracker

Hachino, Tomohiro

Time Series Forecasting Using Multiple Gaussian Process Prior Model

Haghir Chehreghani, Morteza

Clustering Rooted Ordered Trees

Mining Maximal Embedded Unordered Tree Patterns

Haghir Chehreghani, Mostafa

Clustering Rooted Ordered Trees

Mining Maximal Embedded Unordered Tree Patterns

Hanfeng, Liu

0-SM: A fast algorithm for mining Candidate Clusters in Pattern-based Clustering

Haralick, Robert

Mining Subspace Correlations

Harley, Ronald

Application of Neural Networks for Data Modeling of Power Systems with Time Varying Nonlinear Loads

Harpaz, Rave

Mining Subspace Correlations

Harrington, Edward

Link Analysis of Incomplete Relationship Networks

Hassler, Bouchachia

Classification of XML Documents

Hattori, Takao

Post-supervised Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Hard Clustering

He, Yulan

Semi-supervised Learning of the Hidden Vector State Model for Protein-Protein Interactions Extraction

Henry, Tan

UNI3 - Efficient Algorithm for Mining Unordered Induced Subtrees Using TMG Candidate Generation

Ho, Wai-Shing

Adaptive Frequency Counting over Bursty Data Streams

Hohman, Elizabeth

A Dynamic Graph Model for Analyzing Streaming News Documents

Honda, Katsuhiro

Fuzzy c-Means Classifier for Relational Data

Post-supervised Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Hard Clustering

Hong, Tzung-Pei

Using the Pre-FUFP Algorithm for Handling New Transactions in Incremental Mining

Horeis, Timo

Collaborative Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: From Knowledge to Experience

Hu, Dewen

Manifold Learning using Growing Locally Linear Embedding

Hung, Edward

An Efficient Distance Calculation Method for Uncertain Objects


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Ichihashi, Hidetomo

Fuzzy c-Means Classifier for Relational Data

Post-supervised Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Hard Clustering

Itert, Lukasz

Influence of a priori Knowledge on Medical Document Categorization

Izumi, Kiyoshi

A Self-Impact Analysis by Artificial Market Simulation


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J.-Y., Pan

Session recognition and Bandwidth Guarantee for Encrypted Internet Voice Traffic: Case Study of Skype

Jahankhani, Pari

Data Mining an EEG Dataset With an Emphasis on Dimensionality Reduction

Jankowski, Norbert

Handwritten Digit Recognition - Road to Contest Victory

Toward Versatile and Efficient Meta-Learning: Knowledge Representation and Management in Computational Intelligence

Jiadong, Ren

On Mining Dynamic Web ClickStreams for Frequent Traversal Sequences

Jian-Hong, Wang

Session recognition and Bandwidth Guarantee for Encrypted Internet Voice Traffic: Case Study of Skype

Jingfeng, Guo

0-SM: A fast algorithm for mining Candidate Clusters in Pattern-based Clustering

Junping, Sun

Cluster Detection with the PYRAMID Algorithm


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Kacprzyk, Janusz

Mining time series data via linguistic summaries of trends by using a modified Sugeno integral based aggregation

Kadirkamanathan, Visakan

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for Fault Detection

Time Series Forecasting Using Multiple Gaussian Process Prior Model

Kalra, Prem Kumar

A Novel Complex-Valued Counterpropagation Network

Kandel, Abraham

ADMIRAL: A Data Mining Based Financial Trading System

Kang, Jaewoo

Selective Approach To Handling Topic Oriented Tasks On The World Wide Web

Kang, Lishan

Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied to Land-cover Classification in Zhaoyuan, China

Kantardzic, Mehmed

MSP-CACRR: Multidimensional Sequential Patterns Based Call Admission Control and Resource Reservation for Next-Generation Wireless Cellular Networks

Kao, Ben

Adaptive Frequency Counting over Bursty Data Streams

Kg, Srinivasa

Data Mining based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms

Kiang, Melody

Selecting the Right Peer Schools for AACSB Accreditation - A Data Mining Application

King, Ross

Evolutionary Optimization of Three-Photon Absorption in Molecular Iodine

Kodogiannis, Vassillis

Data Mining an EEG Dataset With an Emphasis on Dimensionality Reduction

Koiti, Hasida

Navigation Space Based Intranet Usability Analysis

Kr, Venugopal

Data Mining based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms

Kulkarni, Sachin

Scalable Clustering for Large High-Dimensional Data Based on Data Summarization

Kumar, Anup

MSP-CACRR: Multidimensional Sequential Patterns Based Call Admission Control and Resource Reservation for Next-Generation Wireless Cellular Networks

Kuramoto, Yasuhiro

Fuzzy c-Means Classifier for Relational Data

Kuwamoto, Naho

Post-supervised Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Hard Clustering

Kuwata, Shuhei

One-shot Collaborative Filtering

Kwoh, Chee Keong

Semi-supervised Learning of the Hidden Vector State Model for Protein-Protein Interactions Extraction


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Lahiri, Mayank

Structure Prediction in Temporal Networks using Frequent Subgraphs

Lai, Ying

Scalable Clustering for Large High-Dimensional Data Based on Data Summarization

Lalit M, Patnaik

Data Mining based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms

Last, Mark

ADMIRAL: A Data Mining Based Financial Trading System

Latecki, Longin Jan

Incremental Local Outlier Detection for Data Streams

Lawrence, Neil D.

Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for Fault Detection

Lazarevic, Aleksandar

Incremental Local Outlier Detection for Data Streams

Lee, Won Don

A Classifier Capable of Handling New Attributes

Leszek, Rutkowski

On Obtaining Fuzzy Rule Base from Ensemble of Takagi-Sugeno Systems

Lin, Bill

Adaptive Frequency Counting over Bursty Data Streams

Lin, Chun-Wei

Using the Pre-FUFP Algorithm for Handling New Transactions in Incremental Mining

Lin, Hsio-Yi

Exchange Rates Forecasting Using a Hybrid Fuzzy and Neural Network Model

Liu, Chen-Hao

Data Clustering and Fuzzy Neural Network for Sales Forecasting in Printed Circuit Board Industry

Liu, Damon Shing-Min

An Efficient Data Management Scheme Based on Spatial and Temporal Characteristics in Virtual Environments

Liu, Fujiang

Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied to Land-cover Classification in Zhaoyuan, China

Liu, Jiming

A Constraint-based Method for Semantic Mapping from Natural Language Questions to OWL

Liu, Pingfeng

Exploiting Semantic Descriptions of Products and User Profiles for Recommender Systems

Lu, Wen-Hsiang

Using the Pre-FUFP Algorithm for Handling New Transactions in Incremental Mining

Lucas, Caro

Clustering Rooted Ordered Trees

Mining Maximal Embedded Unordered Tree Patterns

Spatial Data Mining for Optimized Selection of Facility Locations in Field-based Services


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M, Jagadish

Data Mining based Query Processing using Rough Sets and Genetic Algorithms

Ma, Shengxiang

A Novel Image Semantic Block Clustering Method based on Artificial Visual Cortical Responding Model

Mandziuk, Jacek

Example-based Estimation of Hand's Strength in the Game of Bridge with or without Using Explicit Human Knowledge

Marami, Bahram

Fuzzy Wavelet Modeling Using Data Clustering

Marchette, David

A Dynamic Graph Model for Analyzing Streaming News Documents

Marcin, Korytkowski

On Obtaining Fuzzy Rule Base from Ensemble of Takagi-Sugeno Systems

Martino, Giovanni Da San

Efficient Kernel-based Learning for Trees

Matsui, Hiroki

A Self-Impact Analysis by Artificial Market Simulation

Matsuo, Yutaka

A Self-Impact Analysis by Artificial Market Simulation

Matsuura, Fumiaki

Fuzzy c-Means Classifier for Relational Data

Mazumdar, Joy

Application of Neural Networks for Data Modeling of Power Systems with Time Varying Nonlinear Loads

Mei, Linlu

Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied to Land-cover Classification in Zhaoyuan, China

Meinel, Christoph

Mining the Students' Learning Interest in Browsing Web-Streaming Lectures

Millikin, Ryan

Extracting Borderline Associations

Mishra, Deepak

A Novel Complex-Valued Counterpropagation Network

Mohamed, Bouguessa

PCGEN: A Practical Approach to Projected Clustering and its Application to Gene Expression Data

Monwar, Mostafa

SSM : A Frequent Sequential Data Stream Patterns Miner

Moradi, Mohammad Hasan

Designing a Fuzzy Rule Based System to Estimate Depth of Anesthesia

Moschitti, Alessandro

Efficient Kernel-based Learning for Trees

Moskovitch, Robert

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining

Mossakowski, Krzysztof

Example-based Estimation of Hand's Strength in the Game of Bridge with or without Using Explicit Human Knowledge


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Naamani, Lihi

Establishing User Profiles in the MediaScout Recommender System

Nau, Dana

Reactive Query Policies: A Formalism for Planning with Volatile External Information

Nekoogar, Faranak

Matching Random Tree Models of Spatio-Temporal Patterns to Tables or Graphs

Nie, Guihua

Exploiting Semantic Descriptions of Products and User Profiles for Recommender Systems

Nogueira, Bruno

Comparison of Classifiers Efficiency on Missing Values Recovering: Application in a Marketing Database with Massive Missing Data

Nordehn, Glenn

Detection and Classification of Cardiac Murmurs using Segmentation Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks

Noriaki, Izumi

Navigation Space Based Intranet Usability Analysis

Nossek, Josef

Feature Selection for Change Detection in Multivariate Time-Series


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Orgun, Mehmet

A Visual Approach for External Cluster Validation

Orlandic, Ratko

Scalable Clustering for Large High-Dimensional Data Based on Data Summarization

Oroumchian, Farhad

Finding Similarity Relations in Presence of Taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning Systems

Osmani, Aomar

Mining Association Rules in Temporal Sequences

Ozyurt, Burak

Search Result Refinement via Machine Learning from Labeled-Unlabeled Data for Meta-search


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Paglieroni, David

Matching Random Tree Models of Spatio-Temporal Patterns to Tables or Graphs

Pan, J.-Y.

Design of Multi-Singing Karaoke System and its Application in Customer Finance-aided Service on Internet

Pedrycz, Witold

Classification of Biomedical Spectra Using Fuzzy Interquartile Encoding and Stochastic Feature Selection

Pestian, John

Influence of a priori Knowledge on Medical Document Categorization

Petry, Glenn

SmartPortal for Biomedical Data Mining

Pettersson, Frank

A Data Mining Method Applied to a Metallurgical Process

Phung, Nhan Duc

Resource-aware Online Data Mining in Wireless Sensor Networks

Pi, Jiaxiong

From similarity retrieval to cluster analysis: The case of R* trees

Pierce, Marlon

Analysis of Streaming GPS Measurements of Surface Displacement Through a Web Services Environment

Pizzi, Nick

Classification of Biomedical Spectra Using Fuzzy Interquartile Encoding and Stochastic Feature Selection

Pluderman, Shay

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining

Pokrajac, Dragoljub

Incremental Local Outlier Detection for Data Streams

Pon, Raymond

iScore: Measuring the Interestingness of Articles in a Limited User Environment

Punuru, Janardhana

Extraction of Non-hierarchical Relations from Domain Texts


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Qi, Zhigang

Analysis of Streaming GPS Measurements of Surface Displacement Through a Web Services Environment

Qian, Ma

0-SM: A fast algorithm for mining Candidate Clusters in Pattern-based Clustering


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Rachlin, Gil

ADMIRAL: A Data Mining Based Financial Trading System

Rafal, Scherer

On Obtaining Fuzzy Rule Base from Ensemble of Takagi-Sugeno Systems

Rahgozar, Masoud

Clustering Rooted Ordered Trees

Finding Similarity Relations in Presence of Taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning Systems

Mining Maximal Embedded Unordered Tree Patterns

Spatial Data Mining for Optimized Selection of Facility Locations in Field-based Services

Rashad, Sherif

MSP-CACRR: Multidimensional Sequential Patterns Based Call Admission Control and Resource Reservation for Next-Generation Wireless Cellular Networks

Revett, Kenneth

Data Mining an EEG Dataset With an Emphasis on Dimensionality Reduction

Rezende, Solange

An Analytical Evaluation of Objective Measures Behavior for Generalized Association Rules

Rios-Gutierrez, Fernando

Detection and Classification of Cardiac Murmurs using Segmentation Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks

Ritchie, Marylyn

Association Rule Discovery Has the Ability to Model Complex Genetic Effects

Robert, Chi

Selecting the Right Peer Schools for AACSB Accreditation - A Data Mining Application

Roehm, Uwe

Resource-aware Online Data Mining in Wireless Sensor Networks

Rokach, Lior

Establishing User Profiles in the MediaScout Recommender System

Rouhani-Kalleh, Omid

Algorithms for Fast Large Scale Data Mining Using Logistic Regression

Rowland, Jem

Evolutionary Optimization of Three-Photon Absorption in Molecular Iodine

Ruotsalainen, Marja

GAIS: A Method for Detecting Interleaved Sequential Patterns from Imperfect Data


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Sadati, Nasser

Fuzzy Wavelet Modeling Using Data Clustering

Santos, Henrique

Prediction of Abnormal Behaviors for Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems

Santos, Tadeu

Comparison of Classifiers Efficiency on Missing Values Recovering: Application in a Marketing Database with Massive Missing Data

Sapir, Marina

Validity of Probabilistic Rules

Saxen, Henrik

A Data Mining Method Applied to a Metallurgical Process

Sayal, Mehmet

Privacy Preserving Burst Detection of Distributed Time Series Data Using Linear Transforms

Schoen, Thomas

Hazard Situation Prediction Using Spatially and Temporally Distributed Vehicle Sensor Information

Seo, Dong-Hun

A Classifier Capable of Handling New Attributes

Shamsollahi, Mohammad Bagher

Designing a Fuzzy Rule Based System to Estimate Depth of Anesthesia

Shao-Shin, Hung

Using Hypergraph-based Clustering Scheme for Traversal Prediction in Virtual Environments

Shengrui, Wang

PCGEN: A Practical Approach to Projected Clustering and its Application to Gene Expression Data

Shi, Tao

Data Mining of MISR Aerosol Product using Spatial Statistics

Shi, Yong

From similarity retrieval to cluster analysis: The case of R* trees

Shotaro, Akaho

Navigation Space Based Intranet Usability Analysis

Sick, Bernhard

Collaborative Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: From Knowledge to Experience

Hazard Situation Prediction Using Spatially and Temporally Distributed Vehicle Sensor Information

Singh, Lisa

Privacy Preserving Burst Detection of Distributed Time Series Data Using Linear Transforms

Song, Chi-Hwa

A Classifier Capable of Handling New Attributes

Sperduti, Alessandro

Efficient Kernel-based Learning for Trees

Sriphaew, Kritsada

Measuring the Validity of Document Relations Discovered from Frequent Itemset Mining

Steve, Fisher

Selecting the Right Peer Schools for AACSB Accreditation - A Data Mining Application

Stopel, Dima

Detection of Unknown Computer Worms Activity Based on Computer Behavior using Data Mining

Strassberger, Markus

Hazard Situation Prediction Using Spatially and Temporally Distributed Vehicle Sensor Information

Strunic, Spencer

Detection and Classification of Cardiac Murmurs using Segmentation Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks

Sun, Huashan

Evolutionary Neural Networks Applied to Land-cover Classification in Zhaoyuan, China

Sverdlik, William

Cluster Detection with the PYRAMID Algorithm


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Taghiyareh, Fattaneh

Spatial Data Mining for Optimized Selection of Facility Locations in Field-based Services

Taira, Ricky

Identifying Anatomical Phrases in Clinical Reports by Shallow Semantic Parsing Methods.

Takeuchi, Haruhiko

A Quantitative Method for Analyzing Scan Path Data Obtained by Eye tracker

Tan, Pang-Ning

A Prototype-driven Framework for Change Detection in Data Stream Classification

Tatavarty, Giridhar

Discovery of Temporal Dependencies between Frequent Patterns in Multivariate Time Series

Teverovskiy, Mikhail

Validity of Probabilistic Rules

Tharam, Dillon

UNI3 - Efficient Algorithm for Mining Unordered Induced Subtrees Using TMG Candidate Generation

Theeramunkong, Thanaruk

Measuring the Validity of Document Relations Discovered from Frequent Itemset Mining

Thornton-Wells, Tricia

Association Rule Discovery Has the Ability to Model Complex Genetic Effects

Tong, Xin

Query-sensitive Feature Selection for Lazy Learners

Top, Philip

A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Name Matching

Tout, Samir

Cluster Detection with the PYRAMID Algorithm

Tyagi, Kanishka

A Novel Complex-Valued Counterpropagation Network


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Ueda, Naonori

One-shot Collaborative Filtering


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Valetudie, Georges

Induction tree to classify M. tuberculosis spoligotypes

Valizadegan, Hamed

A Prototype-driven Framework for Change Detection in Data Stream Classification

Vasconcelos, Germano C.

A New Evolutionary Approach for Time Series Forecasting

Vazifedoost, Alireza

Finding Similarity Relations in Presence of Taxonomic Relations in Ontology Learning Systems

Venayagamoorthy, Ganesh

Application of Neural Networks for Data Modeling of Power Systems with Time Varying Nonlinear Loads

Visa, Ari

GAIS: A Method for Detecting Interleaved Sequential Patterns from Imperfect Data


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Wan, Charles

SmartPortal for Biomedical Data Mining

Wang, Jian-Hong

Design of Multi-Singing Karaoke System and its Application in Customer Finance-aided Service on Internet

Wang, Long

Mining the Students' Learning Interest in Browsing Web-Streaming Lectures

Wei, Li-Jun

A Modified Genetic Programming for Behavior Scoring Problem

Whitaker, Benjamin

Evolutionary Optimization of Three-Photon Absorption in Molecular Iodine

Wilbik, Anna

Mining time series data via linguistic summaries of trends by using a modified Sugeno integral based aggregation


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Xiao, Lurong

An Efficient Distance Calculation Method for Uncertain Objects

Xiaojian, Zhang

On Mining Dynamic Web ClickStreams for Frequent Traversal Sequences

Xu, Roger

Model Selection for Anomaly Detection in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Xu, Zhiping

A Novel Image Semantic Block Clustering Method based on Artificial Visual Cortical Responding Model


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Yee, Wai Gen

Scalable Clustering for Large High-Dimensional Data Based on Data Summarization

Yi-Chi, Cheng

Session recognition and Bandwidth Guarantee for Encrypted Internet Voice Traffic: Case Study of Skype

Yin, Junsong

Manifold Learning using Growing Locally Linear Embedding

Young, Barrington

Discovery of Temporal Dependencies between Frequent Patterns in Multivariate Time Series


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Zadrozny, Slawomir

Mining time series data via linguistic summaries of trends by using a modified Sugeno integral based aggregation

Zarate, Luis

Comparison of Classifiers Efficiency on Missing Values Recovering: Application in a Marketing Database with Massive Missing Data

Zarnani, Ashkan

Spatial Data Mining for Optimized Selection of Facility Locations in Field-based Services

Zhan, Justin

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Association Rule Mining: P4P Style

Quantifying Privacy for Privacy Preserving Data Mining

Using Homomorphic Encryption For Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Decision Tree Classification

Zhang, De-Fu

A Modified Genetic Programming for Behavior Scoring Problem

Zhang, Kang

A Visual Approach for External Cluster Validation

Zhang, Ke-Bing

A Visual Approach for External Cluster Validation

Zhang, Shiyong

A Novel Image Semantic Block Clustering Method based on Artificial Visual Cortical Responding Model

Zhong, Ning

A Constraint-based Method for Semantic Mapping from Natural Language Questions to OWL

Zhou, Deyu

Semi-supervised Learning of the Hidden Vector State Model for Protein-Protein Interactions Extraction

Zhou, Zongtan

Manifold Learning using Growing Locally Linear Embedding