IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI'07)

Table of Contents

Rough-Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Classification...1

Krzysztof Cpalka, Nowicki Robert and Rutkowski Leszek

Evolutionary Multiobjective Design of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems...9

Hisao Ishibuchi

Evolutionary Algorithms in the Presence of Noise: To Sample or Not to Sample...17

Hans-Georg Beyer and Bernhard Sendhoff

When the Plus Strategy Outperforms the Comma Strategy---and When Not...25

Jens Jaegerskuepper and Tobias Storch

On the Influence of Phenotype Plasticity on Genotype Diversity...33

Ingo Paenke, Juergen Branke and Yaochu Jin

A Probabilistic Model of MOSAIC...41

Satoshi Osaga, Jun-ichiro Hirayama, Takashi Takenouchi and Shin Ishii

Learning Bayesian Network Structures with Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm...47

Heng Xing-Chen, Qin Zheng, Tian Lei and Shao Li-Ping

A Functional-Link-Based Fuzzy Neural Network for Temperature Control...53

Cheng-Hung Chen, Chin-Teng Lin and Cheng-Jian Lin

Granular Computing in Actor-Critic Learning...59

James Peters

Definability of Approximations for a Generalization of the Indiscernibility Relation...65

Jerzy W. Grzymala-Busse and Wojciech Rzasa

Hybrid Optimisation Method Using PGA and SQP Algorithm...73

Brad Skinner, Hung Nguyen and Dikai Liu

Opposition-Based Differential Evolution (ODE) With Variable Jumping Rate...81

Shahryar Rahnamayan, Hamid R. Tizhoosh and Magdy M.A. Salama

Large-scale Sensor Networks as Collective and Frustrated Systems...89

Tatsuto Murayama and Peter Davis

Balancing the stick with fluctuation and delay: Human vs Machine...95

Yukinori Tonosaki, Toru Ohira and Shigeru Tajima

Nonequilibrium phase transitions in stochastic systems with and without time delay: controlling various attractors with noise...100

Masatoshi Shiino and Kyoko Doi

Behavioral Partitioning in a Hierarchical Mixture of Experts using K-Best-Experts Algorithm...106

Mahdi Milani Fard and Amir-Hossein Bakhtiary

Why Intervals? Why Fuzzy Numbers? Towards a New Justification...113

Vladik Kreinovich

Fuzzy Partial-Order Relations for Intervals and Interval Weighted Graphs...120

Ping Hu and Chenyi Hu

Task Scheduling on Flow Networks with Temporal Uncertainty...128

Ping Hu, Meaghan Dellar and Chenyi Hu

The Use of Interval Methods in Signal Processing and Control for Systems Biology...136

William Edmonson, Senanu Ocloo, Cranos Williams and Winser Alexander

Performance Optimization of Adaptive Resonance Neural Networks Using Genetic Algorithms...143

Hussein Natsheh and Taisir Eldos

On the BMDGAs and Neural Nets...149

Marco Carpentieri

Artificial immune systems based novelty detection with CNN-UM, Special session: Foundations of Artificial Immune Systems...156

Gyorgy Cserey and Tamas Roska

Studies on Extremal Optimization and Its Applications in Solving Real World Optimization Problems...162

Yong-Zai Lu, Min-Rong Chen and Yu-Wang Chen

Collective Behaviour of Sparsely Connected Oscillator Network...169

Jon Hatchett and Tatsuya Uezu

Dynamical Singularities in Online Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks...174

Asaki Saito, Makoto Taiji and Takashi Ikegami

Stochastic Model for Adaptation Using Basin Hopping Dynamics...180

Peter Davis

Simulated Annealing with Opposite Neighbors...186

Mario Ventresca and Hamid Tizhoosh

Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for Pattern Classification: A Review...193

Jia Zeng and Zhi-Qiang Liu

Goodness of Fit: Measures for a Fuzzy Classifier...201

Oliver Buchtala and Bernhard Sick

On the Role of Numerical Preciseness for Generalization, Classification, Type-1, and Type-2 Fuzziness...208

Juergen Paetz

Fuzzy c-Means Classifier with Deterministic Initialization and Missing Value Imputation...214

Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu and Takafumi Yagi

Information-theoretic variable selection in neural networks...222

Ryotaro Kamimura, Fumihiko Yoshida, Yamashita Toshie and Kitajima Ryozo

A Formal System for Lies Based on Speech Acts in Multi-Agent Systems...228

Yu Pan, Cungen Cao and Yuefei Sui

A New Reduction from 3SAT to n-Partite Graphs...235

Daniel Hulme, Robin Hirsch, Bernard Buxton and Beau Lotto

Behavior-Based Autonomous Robot Navigation on Challenging Terrain: A Dual Fuzzy Logic Approach...239

Kiwon Park and Nian Zhang

Faster Evolutionary Algorithms by Superior Graph Representation...245

Benjamin Doerr, Christian Klein and Tobias Storch

Eliminating Positional Dependency in Binary Representation via Redundancy...251

Cheong Chun Yew, Chiam Swee Chiang and Goh Chi Keong

A Genetic Algorithm Based on Stochastic Crossover for DHCP...259

Marco Carpentieri

Search Difficulty of Two-Connected Ring-based Topological Network Designs...267

Beatrice Ombuki-Berman and Mario Ventresca

Dietary and Health Information Logging System for Home Health Care Services...275

Yasushi Nakauchi, Kei Kozakai, Shota Taniguchi and Tsukasa Fukuda

Knowledge acquisition and circulation for childhood injury prevention and safety promotion...281

Koji Kitamura, Yoichi Motomura, Yoshifumi Nishida and Hiroshi Mizoguchi

Model of driver eye motion based on driving plan and prediction of changes in the environment...289

Yuki Togashi, Takashi Omori and Koichiro Yamauchi

Classification of Objects by Means of Features...296

James Peters

Conflict Analysis Based on Discernibility and Indiscernibility...302

Yiyu Yao and Yan Zhao

Requirements Interaction and Conflicts: A Rough Set Approach...308

Sheela Ramanna and Andrzej Skowron

Why Some Representations Are More Cooperative Than Others for Prisoner's Dilemma...314

Wendy Ashlock

Optimal Nesting of Species for Exact Cover of Resources: Two Against One...322

Jeffrey Horn

Attitude Adaptation in Satisficing Games...331

Matthew Nokleby and Wynn Stirling

Genetic Algorithm based bargaining agent for Implementing Dynamic Pricing on Internet...339

Kumar Ujjwal and Jay Aronson

Random Hypergraph Models of Learning and Memory in Biomolecular Networks: Shorter-Term Adaptability vs. Longer-Term Persistency...344

Zhang Byoung-Tak

Sound Localization Through Evolutionary Learning Applied to Spiking Neural Networks...350

Thomas Poulsen and Roger Moore

Emergence of Scale-free Spike Flow Graphs in Recurrent Neural Networks...357

Filip Piekniewski and Tomasz Schreiber

A Novel Approach for a Routing Algorithm Based on a Discrete Time Hopfield Neural Network...363

Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Robson Santana and Adriano Oliveira

Interval Type-1 Non-Singleton Type-2 TSK Fuzzy Logic Systems Using the Hybrid Training Method RLS-BP...370

Gerardo Mendez and Maria de los Angeles Hernandez

Cardinality, Fuzziness, Variance and Skewness of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets...375

Dongrui Wu and Jerry Mendel

Almost All Learning Machines are Singular...383

Sumio Watanabe

Modelling a cytokine network...389

Andy Hone and Hugo van den Berg

The Immune System in Pieces: Computational Lessons from Degeneracy in the Immune System...394

Miguel Mendao, Jon Timmis, Paul Andrews and Matthew Davies

A Framework for Evolving Multi-Shaped Detectors in Negative Selection "Special session: Foundations of Artificial Immune Systems"...401

Sankalp Balachandran, Dipankar Dasgupta, Fernando Nino and Deon Garrett

On the Convergence of Immune Algorithms (Special session: Foundations of Artificial Immune Systems)...409

Vincenzo Cutello, Giuseppe Nicosia, Pietro Oliveto and Mario Romeo

Waiting time analysis of foreign currency exchange rates : beyond the renewal-reward theorem...416

Naoya Sazuka and Jun-ichi Inoue

Cooperative Behavior Acquisition for Multi-agent Systems by Q-Learning...424

Mengchun Xie and Atsushi Tachibana

Probabilistic inference to the problem of inverse-halftoning based on statistical mechanics of the Q-Ising model...429

Yohei Saika and Jun-ichi Inoue

Analysis of Exchange Ratio for Exchange Monte Carlo Method...434

Kenji Nagata and Sumio Watanabe

Fuzzy Aggregation Techniques in Situations Without Experts: Towards A New Justification...440

Hung Nguyen and Vladik Kreinovich

Aggregation of Standard and Entropy Based Fuzzy c-Means Clustering by a Modified Objective Function...447

Hidetomo Ichihashi, Katsuhiro Honda, Akira Notsu and Takao Hattori

Sparsity Promotion Models for the Choquet Integral...454

Andres Mendez-Vazquez and Paul Gader

Recurrent TS Fuzzy Neural Network and Its Application on Controlling Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems...460

Chian-Song Chiu and Tung-Sheng Chiang

An Approach to the Learning Curves of an Incremental Support Vector Machines...466

Takemasa Yamasaki, Kazushi Ikeda and Yoshihiko Nomura

Multiclass classification as a decoding problem...470

Takashi Takenouchi and Shin Ishii

Classifier Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification based on FAR-score normalization...476

Chengbo Wang, Yongping Li, Hongzhou Zhong and Lin Wang

Feature-weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier...481

Diego P. Vivencio, Estevam R. Hruschka Jr., M. do Carmo Nicoletti, Edimilson B. dos Santos and Sebastian D. Galvao

Statistical Cryptography using a Fisher-Schroedinger Model...487

Ravi Venkatesan

An Investigation on the Compression Quality of aiNet...495

Thomas Stibor and Jonathan Timmis

Foundations of Immunocomputing...503

Alexander Tarakanov and Giuseppe Nicosia

Nonextensive Variational Principles for Rate Distortion Theory and the Information Bottleneck Method...509

Ravi Venkatesan

Effect of Fin number and position on Thermal Behavior of Natural Convection in Enclosed Cavity using Fuzzy Controller Algorithm...516

Abhishek Jain and Deborah Kaminski

FPGA as aTool for Implementing Non-fixed Structure Fuzzy Logic Controllers...523

Jose Luis Gonzalez, Oscar Castillo and Luis T. Aguilar

Performance of a Simple Tuned Fuzzy Controller and a PID Controller on a DC Motor...531

Oscar Montiel, Roberto Sepulveda, Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Miguel Angel Porta and Iliana Marlen Meza

Fuzzy Clustering and Mapping of Ordinal Values to Numerical...538

Mahnhoon Lee and Roelof K. Brouwer

Likelihood Based Fuzzy Clustering for Data Sets of Mixed Features...544

Mahnhoon Lee and Roelof K. Brouwer

A Comparison of Different Fitness Functions for Extracting Membership Functions Used in Fuzzy Data Mining...550

Chun-Hao Chen, Tzung-Pei Hong and Vincent S. Tseng

Scales Behind Computational Intelligence: Exploring Properties of Finite Lattices...556

Radim Belohlavek and Vilem Vychodil

Convergence of Online Gradient Algorithm with Stochastic Inputs for Pi-Sigma Neural Networks...564

Kang Xidai, Xiong Yan, Zhang Chao and Wu Wei

Opposite Transfer Functions and Backpropagation Through Time...570

Mario Ventresca and Hamid Tizhoosh

Combining hard and soft competition in information-theoretic competitive learning...578

Ryotaro Kamimura

Knowledge representation and reasoning in conceptual spaces...583

John T. (Terry) Rickard, Janet Aisbett and Greg Gibbon

Learning the Fuzzy Connectives of a Multilayer Network Using Particle Swarm Optimization...591

Gaurav Parekh and James Keller

Selecting Implications in Fuzy Abductive Problems...597

Adrien Revault d'Allonnes, Herman Akdag and Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier

Rule Selection in Fuzzy Systems using Heuristics and Branch Prediction...603

Keerthi Laal Kala and Srinivas M. B.

Towards an Operational Interpretation of Membership Grades - On H-Valued Fuzzy Sets and Their Use for Fuzzy Quantification...608

Ingo Glockner

Fuzzy Possibility Space and Type-2 Fuzzy Variable...616

Zhi-Qiang Liu and Yan-Kui Liu

Type-2 Fuzzy Sets: Geometric Defuzzification and Type-Reduction...622

Simon Coupland

Forced information and information loss for a student survey...630

Ryotaro Kamimura

A New Development of Self-Organizing Maps Realized through a Marriage with Modular-Networks...637

Tetsuo Furukawa and Tokunaga Kazuhiro

Designing the Reward System: Computational and Biological Principles...645

Kenji Doya

A Constructive Systems Approach to Understanding the Immune System as a Biological Problem Solver...646

Yoshiteru Ishida

Methodology of Everyday Life Computing and Application to Children Injury Prevention...652

Yoshifumi Nishida, Yoichi Motomura, Koji Kitamura, Tatsuhiro Yamanaka and Hiroshi Mizoguchi