Table of Contents

Tuesday      Wednesday      Thursday

Technical Program for Tuesday October 19, 2010
TuPP Plenary Sessions, Plenary Hall  
"Soft Robotics" -- Self-Organization, Embodiment, and Biological Inspiration (Prof. Rolf Pfeifer)  
Chair: Asama, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
TuOP , Plenary Hall  
TuBT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Mapping I  
Chair: Lyons, DamianFordham Univ.
Co-Chair: Miura, JunToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT1.1 
Selection and Recognition of Landmarks Using Terrain Spatiograms
Lyons, DamianFordham Univ.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT1.2 
Robust Online Map Merging System Using Laser Scan Matching and Omnidirectional Vision
Tungadi, FredyMonash Univ.
Lui, Wen Lik DennisMonash Univ.
Kleeman, LindsayMonash Univ.
Jarvis, Raymond AustinMonash Univ.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT1.3 
Online Road Surface Analysis Using Laser Remission Value in Urban Environments
Saitoh, TeppeiMeiji Univ.
Kuroda, YojiMeiji Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT1.4 
Sparse Pose Adjustment for 2D Mapping  (Video)
Konolige, KurtWillow Garage
Grisetti, GiorgioUnviersität Freiburg
Limketkai, BensonUniv. of Washington
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
Kuemmerle, RainerUniv. of Freiburg
Vincent, RegisSRI International
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT1.5 
Observation Planning for Environment Information Summarization with Deadlines
Masuzawa, HiroakiToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Miura, JunToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT1.6 
Active Sensing for Range-Only Mapping Using Multiple Hypothesis
Merino, LuisPablo de Olavide Univ.
Caballero, FernandoUniv. of Seville
Ollero, AnibalUniv. of Seville
TuBT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Dexterous Manipulation  
Chair: Harada, KensukeNational Inst. of AIST
Co-Chair: Arisumi, HitoshiNational Inst. of AIST
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT2.1 
Parts Assembly by Throwing Manipulation with a One-Joint Arm
Miyashita, HideyukiNational Defense Acad. of Japan
Yamawaki, TasukuNational Defense Acad. of Japan
Yashima, MasahitoNational Defense Acad. of Japan
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT2.2 
Motion Planning for Dynamic Knotting of a Flexible Rope with a High-Speed Robot Arm
Yamakawa, YujiUniv. of Tokyo
Namiki, AkioChiba Univ.
Ishikawa, MasatoshiUniv. of Tokyo
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT2.3 
Collecting an Object by Casting Manipulation
Arisumi, HitoshiNational Inst. of AIST
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT2.4 
Comparative Analysis of the Repeatability Performance of a Serial and Parallel Robot
Asssoumou Nzue, Rolland MichelUniv. du havre
Brethe, Jean-FrançoisLE HAVRE Univ.
Vasselin, EricUniv. du Havre - IUT
Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. LE HAVRE
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT2.5 
Motion-Planning Method with Active Body-Environment Contact for Hand-Arm System Including Passive Joints
Sugaiwa, TaisukeWaseda Univ.
Nezumiya, MasanoriGraduate School of Creative Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ.
Iwata, HiroyasuWaseda Univ.
Sugano, ShigekiWaseda Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT2.6 
Structured Unsupervised Kernel Regression for Closed-Loop Motion Control  (Video)
Steffen, JanBielefeld Univ.
Oztop, ErhanATR / NICT
Ritter, Helge JoachimBielefeld Univ.
TuBT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Aerial Robotics I  
Chair: Gu, DongbingUniv. of Essex
Co-Chair: Kweon, In SoKAIST
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT3.1 
A Vision-Based Boundary Following Framework for Aerial Vehicles  (Video)
Xu, AnqiMcGill Univ.
Dudek, GregoryMcGill Univ.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT3.2 
Vision-Based Detection and Tracking of Aerial Targets for UAV Collision Avoidance  (Video)
Mejias, LuisQueensland Univ. of Tech.
McNamara, ScottQueensland Univ. of Tech.
Lai, JohnQueensland Univ. of Tech.
Ford, JasonQueensland Univ. of Tech.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT3.3 
Robust Visual Lock-On and Simultaneous Localization for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Min, JihongKorea advanced Inst. of Tech.
Jeong, YekeunKAIST
Kweon, In SoKAIST
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT3.4 
Design and Validation of a System for Targeted Observations of Tornadic Supercells Using Unmanned Aircraft
Elston, JackUniv. of Colorado, Boulder
Argrow, BrianUniv. of Colorado, Boulder
Houston, AdamUniv. of Nebraska, Lincoln
Frew, Eric W.Univ. of Colorado
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT3.5 
Autonomous Airborne Wildlife Tracking Using Radio Signal Strength
Goktogan, Ali HaydarAustralian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR)
Sukkarieh, SalahUniv. of Sydney
Speck, RaphaelUniv. Karlsruhe
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT3.6 
Optimal Geometrical Path in 3D with Curvature Constraint
Hota, SikhaIndian Inst. of Science
Ghose, DebasishIndian Inst. of Science
TuBT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Motion Control I  
Chair: Kawamura, SadaoRitsumeikan Univ.
Co-Chair: Li, ZhijunShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT4.1 
Feedback Motion Planning Approach for Nonlinear Control Using Gain Scheduled RRTs
Maeda, Guilherme JorgeThe Univ. of Sydney
Singh, SuryaUniv. of Sydney
Durrant-Whyte, HughThe Univ. of Sydney
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT4.2 
Extending Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees for Asymptotically Optimal Anytime Motion Planning
Abbasi-Yadkori, YasinUniv. of Alberta
Modayil, JosephUniv. of Alberta
Szepesvari, CsabaUniv. of Alberta
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT4.3 
Motion Control of an Autonomous Vehicle Based on Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Using Neural-Adaptive Implicit Control
Li, ZhijunShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Li, YangShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Yang, ChenguangImperial Coll. London
Ding, NanShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT4.4 
Visual Odometry and Control for an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with a Downward-Facing Camera
Killpack, MarcGeorgia Tech.
Deyle, TravisGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Anderson, CresselGeorgia Tech.
Kemp, CharlieGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT4.5 
Dynamics and Motion Control of a Two Pendulums Driven Spherical Robot
Zhao, BoHerbin Inst. of Tech.
Li, MantianHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Yu, HaitaoHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Hu, HaiyanHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Sun, Liningharbin Inst. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT4.6 
Navigation in Indoor Environment by an Autonomous Unicycle Robot with Wide-Type Wheel
Okumura, JunpeiUniv. of Tsukuba
Takei, ToshinobuUniv. of Tsukuba Japan
Tsubouchi, TakashiUniv. of Tsukuba
TuBT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots I  
Chair: Sekiyama, KosukeNagoya Univ.
Co-Chair: Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT5.1 
Full-Body Joint Trajectory Generation Using an Evolutionary Central Pattern Generator for Stable Bipedal Walking  (Video)
Park, Chang-SooKAIST
Hong, Young-DaeKAIST
Kim, Jong-HwanKAIST
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT5.2 
Walk-To-Brachiate Transfer of Multi-Locomotion Robot with Error Recovery
Lu, ZhiguoNagoya Univ.
Aoyama, TadayoshiNagoya Univ.
Sekiyama, KosukeNagoya Univ.
Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT5.3 
Proposal of Augmented Linear Inverted Pendulum Model for Bipedal Gait Planning
Dau, Van HuanNational Univ. of Singapore (NUS)
Chew, Chee MengNational Univ. of Singapore
Poo, Jim A.N.National Univ. of Singapore
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT5.4 
Controlling Humanoid Robots in Topology Coordinates
Ho, EdmondUniv. of Edinburgh
Komura, TakuUniv. of Edinburgh
Ramamoorthy, SubramanianThe Univ. of Edinburgh
Vijayakumar, SethuUniv. of Edinburgh
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT5.5 
Integration of Vision and Central Pattern Generator Based Locomotion for Path Planning of a Nonholonomic Crawling Humanoid Robot
Gay, SébastienEPFL Ec. Pol. Fédérale de Lausanne
Degallier, SarahEPFL
Pattacini, UgoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Ijspeert, AukeEPFL
Santos-Victor, JoséInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT5.6 
Walking without Thinking about It
Herdt, AndreiLAAS
Perrin, NicolasUniv. de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS
Wieber, Pierre-BriceINRIA Rhône-Alpes
TuBT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Field Robots  
Chair: Sasaki, TakeshiUniv. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: Vasudevan, ShrihariUniv. of Sydney
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT6.1 
Accurate and Stable Mobile Robot Path Tracking: An Integrated Solution for Off-Road and High Speed Context  (Video)
Lenain, RolandCemagref
Lucet, EricUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris6
Grand, ChristopheUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris6
Thuilot, BenoitClermont-Ferrand Univ.
Ben Amar, FaizUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT6.2 
Using Simulation to Predict Multi-Robot Performance on Coverage Tasks
Dawson, ShamekaThe Univ. of Alabama
Wellman, BrianaThe Univ. of Alabama
Anderson, MonicaThe Univ. of Alabama
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT6.3 
Circle Fitting Based Position Measurement System Using Laser Range Finder in Construction Fields
Tamura, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sasaki, TakeshiUniv. of Tokyo
Hashimoto, HidekiUniv. of Tokyo
Inoue, FumihiroObayashi Corp.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT6.4 
Daytime Water Detection Based on Color Variation
Rankin, ArturoJet Propulsion Lab.
Matthies, LarryCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT6.5 
Development of a Practical Power Transmission Line Inspection Robot Based on a Novel Line Walking Mechanism
Wang, LudanLab. of Intelligent Robot Engineering, KunShanInstitute of
Xu, ShaoqiangKunshan Industrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Wang, ZhenKunshan Industrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Cheng, ShengKunshan Inst. of Intelligent Robot Engineering
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT6.6 
Humanitarian Demining Robot Gryphon: New Vision Techniques and Optimization Methods
Kaneko, Alex MasuoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Marino, MarcoPol. di Milano
Fukushima, Edwardo F.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
TuBT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Learning and Adaptive Systems I  
Chair: Sardellitti, IreneItalian Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Tahara, KenjiKyushu Univ.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT7.1 
Iterative Learning Control for a Redundant Musculoskeletal Arm: Acquisition of Adequate Internal Force  (Video)
Tahara, KenjiKyushu Univ.
Kino, HitoshiFukuoka Inst. of Tech.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT7.2 
Learning Nullspace Policies
Towell, Christopher CharlesUniv. of Edinburgh
Howard, MatthewUniv. of Edinburgh
Vijayakumar, SethuUniv. of Edinburgh
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT7.3 
Learning-Based Control Strategy for Safe Human-Robot Interaction Exploiting Task and Robot Redundancies  (Video)
Calinon, SylvainItalian Inst. of Tech.
Sardellitti, IreneItalian Inst. of Tech.
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT7.4 
Robot Learning by Demonstration with Local Gaussian Process Regression
Schneider, MarkusUniv. Ravensburg-Weingarten
Ertel, WolfgangUniv. of Applied Sciences, Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT7.5 
Incremental Learning of Subtasks from Unsegmented Demonstration
Grollman, DanielBrown Univ.
Jenkins, Odest ChadwickeBrown Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT7.6 
Incremental Local Online Gaussian Mixture Regression for Imitation Learning of Multiple Tasks
Cederborg, ThomasINRIA
Baranes, AdrienINRIA
Oudeyer, Pierre-YvesINRIA
TuBT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Navigation I  
Chair: Chatila, RajaLAAS-CNRS
Co-Chair: Valls Miro, JaimeUniv. of Tech. Sydney
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT8.1 
Distance Estimation Method with Snapshot Landmark Images in the Robotic Homing Navigation
Yu, Seung-EunYonsei Univ.
Kim, DaeEunYonsei Univ.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT8.2 
Improved Updating of Euclidean Distance Maps and Voronoi Diagrams
Lau, BorisUniv. of Freiburg
Sprunk, ChristophUniv. of Freiburg
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT8.3 
An Application of Kullback-Leibler Divergence to Active SLAM and Exploration with Particle Filters
Carlone, LucaPol. di Torino
Du, JingjingPol. di torino
Kaouk Ng, Miguel EfrainPol. di Torino
Bona, BasilioPol. di Torino
Indri, MarinaPol. di Torino
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT8.4 
A Kyno-Dynamic Metric to Plan Stable Paths Over Uneven Terrain
Valls Miro, JaimeUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dumonteil, GautierUniv. Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France
Beck, ChristophUniv. of Karlsruhe
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT8.5 
Path Planning with Variable-Fidelity Terrain Assessment
Stenning, BradenUniv. of Toronto
Barfoot, TimothyUniv. of Toronto
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT8.6 
Passivity-Based Model Predictive Control for Mobile Robot Navigation Planning in Rough Terrains
Tahirovic, AdnanPol. di Milano
Magnani, GianantonioPol. di Milano
TuBT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Medical Robots and Systems I  
Chair: Morishima, KeisukeTokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Tech.
Co-Chair: Stramigioli, StefanoUniv. of Twente
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT9.1 
Implementation of an Automatic Scanning and Detection Algorithm for the Carotid Artery by an Assisted-Robotic Measurement System
Nakadate, RyuWaseda Univ.
Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Minagawa, EiichiAloka Co. Ltd.
Sugawara, MotoakiHimeji Dokkyo Univ.
Niki, KiyomiMusashi Inst. of Tech.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT9.2 
Towards an Assistive Robot That Autonomously Performs Bed Baths for Patient Hygiene  (Video)
King, Chih-HungGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Chen, TiffanyGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Jain, AdvaitGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Kemp, CharlieGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT9.3 
Automatic Focusing and Robotic Scanning Mechanism for Precision Laser Ablation in Neurosurgery
Liao, HongenThe Univ. of Tokyo
Noguchi, MasafumiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Muragaki, YoshihiroTokyo Women's Medical Univ.
Iseki, HiroshiTokyo Women's Medical Univ.
Kobayashi, EtsukoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sakuma, IchiroThe Univ. of Tokyo
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT9.4 
Development of Patient Scenario Generation Which Can Reproduce Characteristics of the Patient for Simulating Real-World Conditions of Task for Airway Management Training System WKA-3
Noh, YohanWaseda Univ.
Shimomura, AkihiroWaseda Uniuversity
Sato, KeiWaseda Univ.
Segawa, MasanaoWaseda Univ.
Ishii, HiroyukiWaseda Univ.
Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Hatake, KazuyukiKYOTOKAGAKU co., Ltd.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT9.5 
Development of the Airway Management Training System WKA-3 : Integration of Evaluation Module to Provide Assessment of Clinical Competence and Feedback Module to Reproduce Different Cases of Airway Difficulties
Noh, YohanWaseda Univ.
Sato, KeiWaseda Univ.
Shimomura, AkihiroWaseda Uniuversity
Segawa, MasanaoWaseda Univ.
Ishii, HiroyukiWaseda Univ.
Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Hatake, KazuyukiKYOTOKAGAKU co., Ltd.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT9.6 
Conceptual Design of an Energy Efficient Transfemoral Prosthesis
Unal, RamazanUniv. of Twente
Carloni, RaffaellaUniv. of Twente
Hekman, Edsko E.G.Univ. of Twente
Stramigioli, StefanoUniv. of Twente
Koopman, BartUniv. of Twente
TuBT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Search and Rescue Robots  
Chair: Tadokoro, SatoshiTohoku Univ.
Co-Chair: Jeon, Jae WookSungkyunkwan Univ.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT10.1 
Static Balance for Rescue Robot Navigation : Losing Balance on Purpose within Random Step Environment
Magid, EvgeniROBOKEN Intelligent Robot Lab. Inst. of Engineering M
Tsubouchi, TakashiSys. and Info. Eng., U of Tsukuba
Koyanagi, EijiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Yoshida, TomoakiChiba Inst. of Tech.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT10.2 
Shared Autonomy System for Tracked Vehicles to Traverse Rough Terrain Based on Continuous Three-Dimensional Terrain Scanning
Okada, YoshitoTohoku Univ.
Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, TomoakiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Koyanagi, EijiChiba Inst. of Tech.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT10.3 
Improvement of Remote Operability for the Arm-Equipped Tracked Vehicle HELIOS IX
Ueda, KojiTokyo Insitute of Tech.
Guarnieri, MicheleHiBot Corp.
Hodoshima, RyuichiSaitama Univ.
Fukushima, Edwardo F.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT10.4 
Development of Motion Model and Position Correction Method Using Terrain Information for Tracked Vehicles with Sub-Tracks
Sakurada, KenTohoku Univ.
Takeuchi, EijiroTohoku Univ.
Ohno, KazunoriTohoku Univ.
Tadokoro, SatoshiTohoku Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT10.5 
Design and Implementation of User-Friendly Remote Controllers Forrescue Robots Used at Fire Sites
Kim, Young-DukDGIST
Kang, Jeong HoCompany
Sun, Duk HanHOYA Robot co.,ltd
Moon, Jeon-ILHoseo Univ.
Youngsun, RyuhKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
An, JinungDGIST
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT10.6 
Towards an Understanding of the Impact of Autonomous Path Planning on Victim Search in USAR
Scerri, PaulCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Velagapudi, PrasannaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Sycara, KatiaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Wang, HuadongUniv. of Pittsburgh
Chien, Shih Yi JamesUniv. of Pittsburgh
Lewis, MichaelUniv. of Pittsburgh
TuBT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Biologically-Inspired Robots I  
Chair: Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
Co-Chair: Yamada, HiroyaTokyo Inst. of Tech.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT11.1 
A Compact Jumping Robot Utilizing Snap-Through Buckling with Bend and Twist
Yamada, AtsushiNagoya Inst. of Tech.
Mameda, HiroshiNagoya Inst. of Tech.
Mochiyama, HiromiUniv. of Tsukuba
Fujimoto, HideoNagoya Inst. of Tech.
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT11.2 
Stability and Adaptability of Passive Creeping of a Snake-Like Robot
Wang, ZhifengShenyang Inst. of Automation, CAS
Ma, ShugenRitsumeikan Univ.
Li, BinShenyang Inst. of Automation
Wang, YuechaoShenyang Inst. of Automation
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT11.3 
Head-Navigated Locomotion of a Snake-Like Robot for Its Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance
Wu, XiaodongRitsumeikan Univ.
Ma, ShugenRitsumeikan Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT11.4 
Design and Control of Thermal SMA Based Small Crawling Robot Mimicking C.elegans
Yuk, HyunwooKorean Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
Shin, Jennifer HyunjungKAIST(Korea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
Jo, SunghoKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech. (KAIST)
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT11.5 
Loop Forming Snake-Like Robot ACM-R7 and Its Serpenoid Oval Control
Ohashi, TaroTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Yamada, HiroyaTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT11.6 
Steering of Pedal Wave of a Snake-Like Robot by Superposition of Curvatures
Yamada, HiroyaTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
TuBT12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Robot Audition I  
Chair: Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Co-Chair: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Organizer: Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Organizer: Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Organizer: Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT12.1 
A Study on Distance Estimation in Binaural Sound Localization (I)
Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT12.2 
Motion Planning Based on Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Mobile Auditory Robots (I)
Kumon, MakotoGraduate School of Science and Tech. Kumamoto
Fukushima, KeiichiroGraduate School of Science and Tech. Kumamoto Univ.
Kunimatsu, SadaakiOsaka Univ.
Ishitobi, MitsuakiGraduate School of Science and Tech. KumamotoUniversity
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT12.3 
Map-Generation and Identification of Multiple Sound Sources from Robot in Motion (I)
Sasaki, YokoNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Thompson, SimonNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science
Kaneyoshi, MasahitoAIST
Kagami, SatoshiNational Inst. of AIST
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT12.4 
Speech Signal Enhancement under Multiple Interferences Using Transfer Function Ratio Beamformer (I)
Hu, Jwu-ShengNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Yang, ChiaHsingNational Chiao Tung Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT12.5 
Exploiting Harmonic Structures to Improve Separating Simultaneous Speech in Under-Determined Conditions (I)
Hirasawa, YasuharuKyoto Univ. Graduate School of Informatics
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT12.6 
Sound Source Separation by Using Matched Beamforming and Time-Frequency Masking (I)
Beh, JounghoonUniv. of Maryland
Lee, TaekjinKorea Univ.
Han, DavidUnited States Naval Acad.
Ko, HanseokKorea Univ.
TuBT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Manipulation and Compliant Assembly  
Chair: Song, Jae-BokKorea Univ.
Co-Chair: Jiang, XinTohoku Univ.
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT13.1 
A Methodology for Joint Stiffness Identifi Cation of Serial Robots
Dumas - Lecerf, ClaireIRCCyN
Caro, StéphaneEc. Centrale de Nantes
Chérif, MehdiLGM2B
Garnier, SébastienIRCCyN
Furet, BenoîtIRCCyN
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT13.2 
High Speed Electro-Hydraulic Actuator for a SCARA Type Robotic Arm
Liyanage, MigaraMemorial Univ.
Krouglicof, NicholasMemorial Univ.
Gosine, Raymond G.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT13.3 
On-Line Human Motion Transition and Control for Humanoid Upper Body Manipulation  (Video)
Shin, Sung YulUniv. of Science and Tech.
Kim, ChangHwanKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT13.4 
Utilizing Compliance to Manipulate Doors with Unmodeled Constraints  (Video)
Kessens, Chad C.Motile Robotics, Inc.
Rice, JosephUniv. of Maryland
Smith, DanielWest Virginia Univ.
Biggs, StephenMotile Robotics,Inc.
Garcia, RichardMotile Robotics Inc.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT13.5 
Robotized Assembly of a Wire Harness in Car Production Line
Jiang, XinTohoku Univ.
Koo, KyongmoTohoku Univ.
Kikuchi, KoheiToyota Motor Corp.
Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Uchiyama, MasaruTohoku Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT13.6 
Model Based Deformable Object Manipulation Using Linear Robust Output Regulation
Fanson, RichardMcMaster Univ.
Patriciu, AlexandruMcMaster Univ.
TuBT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Cellular and Modular Robots  
Chair: Ishiguro, AkioTohoku Univ.
Co-Chair: Schultz, Ulrik PaghUniv. of Southern Denmark
10:20-10:40, Paper TuBT14.1 
Design and Motion Analysis of Tetrahedral Rolling Robot
Zhang, LigeBeihang Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Bi, ShushengBeihang Univ. of Aeronatics and Astronautics
Cai, YueriBeijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
10:40-11:00, Paper TuBT14.2 
Automatic Scalable Size Selection for the Shape of a Distributed Robotic Collective
Rubenstein, MichaelUniv. of southern california
Shen, Wei-MinUSC Information Science Inst.
11:00-11:20, Paper TuBT14.3 
Automatic Gait Generation in Modular Robots: “to Oscillate or to Rotate; That Is the Question”  (Video)
Pouya, SohaEPFL Ec. Pol. Federal de Lausanne
van den Kieboom, JesseEPFL Ec. Pol. Federal de Lausanne
Sproewitz, AlexanderEPFL
Ijspeert, AukeEPFL
11:20-11:40, Paper TuBT14.4 
Layering Algorithm for Collision-Free Traversal Using Hexagonal Self-Reconfigurable Gurable Metamorphic Robots  (Video)
Ivanov, PlamenVassar Coll.
Walter, JenniferVassar Coll.
11:40-12:00, Paper TuBT14.5 
A Modular Robot System Design and Control Motion Modes for Locomotion and Manipulation Tasks
Baca, JoseUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Aracil, RafaelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Campos, AlexandreUniv. Pol. de Madrid
12:00-12:20, Paper TuBT14.6 
A Cuboctahedron Module for a Reconfigurable Robot
Li, ShuguangNorthwestern Pol.
Yuan, JianpingNorthwestern Pol. Univ.
Nigl, FranzCornell Univ.
Lipson, HodCornell Univ.
TuCT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Mapping II  
Chair: Huang, ShoudongUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Co-Chair: Lodi Rizzini, DarioUniv. of Parma
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT1.1 
Building Efficient Topological Maps for Mobile Robot Localization: An Evaluation Study on COLD Benchmarking Database
Rady, SherineUniv. of Heidelberg
Wagner, AchimUniv. of Heidelberg
Badreddin, EssameddinUniv. of Mannheim
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT1.2 
A Hull Census Transform for Scene Change Detection and Recognition towards Topological Map Building  (Video)
Wang, Min LiangNational Chung Cheng Univ. Taiwan
Lin, Huei-YungNational Chung Cheng Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT1.3 
A Distributed Transferable Belief Model for Collaborative Topological Map-Building in Multi-Robot Systems
Carletti, CristinaUniv. Pol. DELLA MARCHE
Di Rocco, MaurizioUniv. di Roma Tre
Gasparri, AndreaUniv. degli Studi Roma Tre
Ulivi, GiovanniUniv. di Roma Tre
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT1.4 
Using a String to Map the World
Wang, HuiYork Univ.
Jenkin, MichaelYork Univ.
Dymond, PatrickYork Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT1.5 
Lattice Occupied Voxel Lists for Representation of Spatial Occupancy
Ryde, JulianCSIRO
Bruenig, MichaelCSIRO ICT Centre
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT1.6 
A Distributed Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Multi-Robot Mapping
Lodi Rizzini, DarioUniv. of Parma
Caselli, StefanoUniv. of Parma
TuCT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Grasping I  
Chair: Cheong, JoonoKorea Univ.
Co-Chair: Watanabe, TetsuyouKanazawa Univ.
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT2.1 
Class-Specific Grasping of 3D Objects from a Single 2D Image
Chiu, Han-PangSarnoff Corp. USA
Liu, HuanMIT
Kaelbling, LeslieMIT
Lozano-Perez, TomasMIT
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT2.2 
On the Efficient Computation of Independent Contact Regions for Force Closure Grasps
Krug, RobertOerebro Univ.
Dimitrov, Dimitar NikolaevOerebro Univ.
Charusta, Krzysztof AndrzejCenter for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems, Örebro Univ.
Iliev, BoykoOrebro Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT2.3 
Study of the Relationship between the Strain and Strain Rate for Viscoelastic Contact Interface in Robotic Grasping
Tsai, Chia-HungSUNY@Stony Brook
Nishiyama, JunStony Brook Univ.
Kao, IminSUNY at Stony Brook
Higashimori, MitsuruOsaka Univ.
Kaneko, MakotoOsaka Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT2.4 
Manipulability Measures Taking Necessary Joint Torques for Grasping into Consideration
Watanabe, TetsuyouKanazawa Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT2.5 
Evaluation of Grasps for 3D Objects with Physical Interpretations Using Object Wrench Space
Jeong, HyunhwanKorea Univ.
Cheong, JoonoKorea Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT2.6 
Simplified Human Hand Models Based on Grasping Analysis
Cobos Guzman, SalvadorUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Aracil, RafaelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
TuCT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Aerial Robotics II  
Chair: Hamel, TarekUNSA-CNRS
Co-Chair: Fantoni, IsabelleUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT3.1 
Active Model Based Predictive Control for Unmanned Helicopter in Full Flight Envelope
Song, DaleiShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. Sciences
Qi, JuntongChinese Acad. of Sciences
Han, JiandaChinese Acad. of Sciences
Liu, GuangjunRyerson Univ.
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT3.2 
Design and Calibration of Single-Camera Catadioptric Omnistereo System for Miniature Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)
Guo, LingNanjing Univ. of Science and Tech.
Labutov, IgorThe City Coll. of New York
Xiao, JizhongCity Coll. of New York
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT3.3 
Vision-Based Altitude, Position and Speed Regulation of a Quadrotor Rotorcraft
Rondon, EduardoHeudiasyc UMR 6599. Univ. de Tech. de Compiègne
Garcia-Carrillo, Luis-RodolfoUMR 6599 Univ. de Tech. de Compiègne
Fantoni, IsabelleUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT3.4 
Flight Formation of Multiple Mini Rotorcraft Based on Nested Saturations
Guerrero Mata, Jose AlfredoUniv. of Tech. of Compiègne
Lozano, RogelioUniv. de Tech. de Compiègne
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT3.5 
3D Trajectory Control for Quadrocopter
Puls, Timassociated Inst. of the Univ. of oldenburg
Hein, AndreasUniv. of Oldenburg
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT3.6 
UAV Altitude Estimation by Mixed Stereoscopic Vision  (Video)
Eynard, DamienUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
Vasseur, PascalUniv. of Picardie - Jules Verne
Demonceaux, CédricUniv. of Picardie - Jules Verne
Fremont, VincentUTC - HEUDIASYC CNRS
TuCT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Motion Control II  
Chair: Hwang, Kao-ShingNationa Chung-Cheng Univ.
Co-Chair: Agrawal, SunilUniv. of Delaware
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT4.1 
An Optimal Solution to the Linear Search Problem for a Robot with Dynamics  (Video)
Ruano de Pablo, IreneUniv. Pontificia de Comillas de Madrid
Becker, AaronUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Bretl, TimothyUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT4.2 
Position and Orientation Control of Robot Manipulators Using Dual Quaternion Feedback
Pham, Hoang LanUPMC Univ. Paris 06, ISIR
Perdereau, VéroniqueUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
Adorno, Bruno VilhenaLab. d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique
Fraisse, PhilippeLIRMM
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT4.3 
Passivity-Based Controllers for Periodic Motions of Multi-Joint Robots with Impact Phenomena
Uemura, MitsunoriRitsumeikan Univ.
Kawamura, SadaoRitsumeikan Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT4.4 
Basis-Motion Torque Composition Approach: Generation of Motions with Different Velocity Profiles among Joints
Sekimoto, MasahiroUniv. of Toyama
Kawamura, SadaoRitsumeikan Univ.
Ishitsubo, TomoyaRitsumeikan Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT4.5 
Constraints Compliant Control: Constraints Compatibility and the Displaced Configuration Approach
Rubrecht, SebastienBouygues Travaux Publics
Padois, VincentUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie
Bidaud, PhilippeUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
de BROISSIA, MichelBouygues Travaux Publics
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT4.6 
An Approach to Posture Control of Free-Falling Twin Bodies Using Differential Flatness
Agrawal, SunilUniv. of Delaware
Zhang, ChengkunUniv. of Delaware
TuCT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots II  
Chair: Knoll, AloisTU Munich
Co-Chair: Yamane, KatsuDisney
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT5.1 
Aiming for Multibody Dynamics on Stable Humanoid Motion with Special Euclideans Groups
Arbulu, MarioUniv. Carlos III of Madrid
Balaguer, CarlosUniv. Carlos III de Madrid
Monje, ConchaUniv. Carlos III of Madrid
Martinez, SantiagoUniv. Carlos III de Madrid
Jardon Huete, AlbertoUniv. CARLOS III DE MADRID
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT5.2 
Generation of Dynamic Motions under Continuous Constraints: Efficient Computation Using B-Splines and Taylor Polynomials
Lengagne, SebastienAIST/CNRS JRL
Mathieu, PaulISAE, CNRS-AIST
Kheddar, AbderrahmaneCNRS
Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT5.3 
Closed-Form Inverse Kinematic Joint Solution for Humanoid Robots
Ali, Muhammad A.Purdue Univ.
Park, Hyungju AndyPurdue Univ.
Lee, C. S. GeorgePurdue Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT5.4 
Constrained Resolved Acceleration Control for Humanoids
Dariush, BehzadHonda Res. Inst. USA
Bin Hammam, GhassanThe Ohio State Univ.
Orin, DavidThe Ohio State Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT5.5 
Optimization of Impact Motions for Humanoid Robots Considering Multibody Dynamics and Stability
Tsujita, TeppeiTohoku Univ.
Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Uchiyama, MasaruTohoku Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT5.6 
Control-Aware Mapping of Human Motion Data with Stepping for Humanoid Robots  (Video)
Yamane, KatsuDisney
Hodgins, JessicaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
TuCT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Computer Vision I  
Chair: Ogawara, KoichiKyushu Univ.
Co-Chair: Mei, ChristopherUniv. of Oxford
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT6.1 
Visual Segmentation of Lawn Grass for a Mobile Robotic Lawnmower
Schepelmann, AlexanderCase Western Res. Univ.
Hudson, RichardCWRU
Merat, FrancisCase Western Res. Univ.
Quinn, Roger, D.Case Western Res. Univ.
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT6.2 
Intelligent Road Sign Detection Using 3D Scene Geometry
Schlosser, JeffreyStanford Univ.
Montemerlo, MikeStanford Univ.
Salisbury, KennethStanford Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT6.3 
ONSUM: A System for Generating Online Navigation Summaries
Girdhar, YogeshMcGill Univ.
Dudek, GregoryMcGill Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT6.4 
An Original Approach for Automatic Plane Extraction by Omnidirectional Vision  (Video)
Bazin, Jean-CharlesRCV Lab. KAIST
Laffont, Pierre-YvesINRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Kweon, In SoKAIST
Demonceaux, CédricUniv. of Picardie - Jules Verne
Vasseur, PascalUniv. of Picardie - Jules Verne
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT6.5 
Swarm-Based Visual Saliency for Trail Detection
Santana, PedroUniv. of Lisbon
Alves, NelsonIntRoSys, S.A.
Correia, LuísUniv. of Lisbon
Barata, JoseUniv. Nova de Lisboa
TuCT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Learning and Adaptive Systems II  
Chair: Bradski, GaryStanford Univ. and Willow Garage
Co-Chair: Izumi, KiyotakaSaga Univ.
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT7.1 
An Adaptive Outdoor Terrain Classification Methodology Using Monocular Camera
Jakkoju, ChetanIIIT Hyderabad
Krishna, MadhavaIIIT Hyderabad
Jawahar, C.V.IIIT, Hyderabad
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT7.2 
Adaptive Real-Time Video-Tracking for Arbitrary Objects  (Video)
Klein, Dominik AlexanderUniv. of Bonn
Schulz, DirkFKIE
Frintrop, SimoneUniv. of Bonn
Cremers, ArminUniv. of Bonn
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT7.3 
Interpretation of Fuzzy Voice Commands for Robots Based on Vocal Cues Guided by User's Willingness
Anandasetti Gamaethiralalaya, Buddhika Prabhath JayasekaraSaga Univ.
Watanabe, KeigoOkayama Univ.
Kiguchi, KazuoSaga Univ.
Izumi, KiyotakaSaga Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT7.4 
Programming by Demonstration of Probabilistic Decision Making on a Multi-Modal Service Robot  (Video)
Schmidt-Rohr, Sven R.Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Lösch, MartinKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Jäkel, RainerKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT7.5 
A Probabilistic Approach to Learning a Visually Grounded Language Model through Human-Robot Interaction
Dindo, HarisUniv. of Palermo
Zambuto, DanieleUniv. of Palermo
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT7.6 
Unfreezing the Robot: Navigation in Dense, Interacting Crowds
Trautman, PeterCIT
Krause, AndreasCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
TuCT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Navigation II  
Chair: Hoffmann, FrankTech. Univ. Dortmund
Co-Chair: Birchfield, StanClemson Univ.
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT8.1 
Floor Segmentation of Omnidirectional Images for Mobile Robot Visual Navigation  (Video)
Posada, Luis FelipeTech. Univ. Dortmund
Narayanan, Krishna KumarTech. Univ. Dortmund
Hoffmann, FrankTech. Univ. Dortmund
Bertram, TorstenTech. Univ. Dortmund
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT8.2 
Generalized Hough Transform and Conformal Geometric Algebra to Detect Lines and Planes for Building 3D Maps and Robot Navigation
Bayro-Corrochano, Eduardo-JoseCINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara
Bernal-Marin, MiguelCINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT8.3 
Can't Take My Eye Off You: Attention-Driven Monocular Obstacle Detection and 3D Mapping  (Video)
Einhorn, ErikIlmenau Univ. of Tech.
Schroeter, ChristofIlmenau Univ. of Tech.
Gross, Horst-MichaelIlmenau Univ. of Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT8.4 
Monocular Ego-Motion Estimation with a Compact Omnidirectional Camera
Stuerzl, WolfgangBielefeld Univ.
Burschka, DariusTech. Univ. München
Suppa, MichaelGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT8.5 
Trail Following with Omnidirectional Vision
Rasmussen, ChristopherUniv. of Delaware
Lu, YanUniv. of Delaware
Kocamaz, MehmetUniv. of Delaware
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT8.6 
Image-Based Segmentation of Indoor Corridor Floors for a Mobile Robot
Li, YinxiaoClemson Univ.
Birchfield, StanClemson Univ.
TuCT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Medical Robots and Systems II  
Chair: Dupont, PierreChildren's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Co-Chair: Tercero Villagran, Carlos RafaelNagoya Univ.
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT9.1 
Asynchronous Force and Visual Feedback in Teleoperative Laparoscopic Surgical System
Onda, KazushiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Osa, TakayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sugita, NaohikoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Hashizume, MakotoKyushu Univ.
Mitsuishi, MamoruThe Univ. of Tokyo
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT9.2 
RobOtol : From Design to Evaluation of a Robot for Middle Ear Surgery
Miroir, MathieuUMR-S 867 Inserm / Univ. Paris 7 Denis Diderot
Nguyen, YannUnit-M 867 Inserm / Paris 7 Denis-Diderot
Szewczyk, JérômeUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6
Mazalaigue, StéphaneCompany Coll. inc
Ferrary, EvelyneUMR-S 867 Inserm / Univ. Paris 7 Denis Diderot / AP-HP, hôp
Sterkers, OlivierUFR de Médecine Paris 7 Denis Diderot Faculté Xavier Bichat
Bozorg Grayeli, AlexisUMR-S 867 Inserm / Univ. Paris 7 Denis Diderot / AP-HP, hôp
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT9.3 
Master-Slave Robotic System for 3 Dimensional Needle Steering  (Video)
Cha, Hyo-JeongHanyang Univ.
Chung, JaeheonKyushu Univ.
Yi, Byung-JuHanayang Univ.
Kim, Whee KukKorea Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT9.4 
Stiffness Control of a Continuum Manipulator in Contact with a Soft Environment
Mahvash, MohsenChildren's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Dupont, PierreChildren's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT9.5 
MICA - a New Generation of Versatile Instruments in Robotic Surgery
Thielmann, Sophie Charlotte FranziskaGerman Aerospace Center
Seibold, UlrichDLR
Haslinger, RobertDLR - German Aerospace Center
Passig, GeorgGerman Aerospace Center
Bahls, ThomasGerman Aerospace Center
Joerg, StefanGerman Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.)
Nickl, MathiasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.)
Nothhelfer, AlexanderDLR, German Aerospace Center
Hagn, UlrichDLR German Aerospace Center
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT9.6 
Three-Dimensional Visualization of Photoelastic Stress Analysis for Catheter Insertion Robot
Matsushima, MotokiNagoya Univ.
Tercero Villagran, Carlos RafaelNagoya Univ.
Ikeda, SeiichiNagoya Univ.
Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
Negoro, MakotoFujita Health Univ.
TuCT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Force and Tactile Sensing I  
Chair: Kheddar, AbderrahmaneCNRS
Co-Chair: Goka, MasanoriHyogo Prefectural Inst. of Tech.
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT10.1 
A Magnetic Type Tactile Sensor by GMR Elements and Inductors
Goka, MasanoriHyogo Prefectural Inst. of Tech.
Nakamoto, HiroyukiHyogo Prefectural Inst. of Tech.
Takenawa, SatoruKobe City Coll. of Tech.
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT10.2 
Acquisition of Tactile Information by Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Dexterous Handling of Robot Hands
Ito, YujiNagoya Univ.
Kim, YoungwooNagoya Univ.
Nagai, ChikaraNagoya Univ.
Obinata, GoroNagoya Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT10.3 
The DLR Touch Sensor I: A Flexible Tactile Sensor for Robotic Hands Based on a Crossed-Wire Approach
Strohmayr, MichaelGerman Aerospace Center
Saal, Hannes PhilippUniv. of Edinburgh
Potdar, AbhijitDLR
van der Smagt, PatrickDLR
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT10.4 
Artificial Ridged Skin for Slippage Speed Detection in Prosthetic Hand Applications
Damian, DanaUniv. of Zurich
Martinez Salazar, Harold RobertoUniv. of zurich, Deparment of Informatics, Artificial Intel
Dermitzakis, KonstantinosUniv. of Zurich
Hernandez Arieta, AlejandroArtificial Intelligence Lab. Univ. of Zurich
Pfeifer, RolfUniv. of Zurich
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT10.5 
Tactile Sensor Array Using Prismatic-Tip Optical Fibers for Dexterous Robotic Hands
Ataollahi, AsgharKing's Coll. London
Polygerinos, PanagiotisKing's Coll. London
Puangmali, PinyoKing's Coll. London
Seneviratne, LakmalKings Coll. London
Althoefer, KasparKings Coll. London
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT10.6 
Active Estimation of Object Dynamics Parameters with Tactile Sensors  (Video)
Saal, Hannes PhilippUniv. of Edinburgh
Ting, Jo-AnneUniv. of Edinburgh
Vijayakumar, SethuUniv. of Edinburgh
TuCT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Biologically-Inspired Robots II  
Chair: Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Ming, AiguoThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT11.1 
Fuzzy Logic PID Based Control Design for a Biomimetic Underwater Vehicle with Two Undulating Long-Fins
Shang, Liu-JiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Wang, ShuoInst. of Automation,Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Tan, MinInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT11.2 
Study and Implementation of Station-Holding Performance on a Fish Robot in Adverse Unsteady Flow
Zhou, ChunlinNanyang Tech. Univ.
Low, K. H.Nanyang Tech. Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT11.3 
Kinematic Modeling Framework for Biomimetic Undulatory Fin Motion Based on Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators
Zhou, ChunlinNanyang Tech. Univ.
Low, K. H.Nanyang Tech. Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT11.4 
Development of Flexible Underwater Robot with Caudal Fin Propulsion
Shintake, JunThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Ming, AiguoThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Shimojo, MakotoUniv. of Electro-COmmunications
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT11.5 
Closed-Loop Precise Turning Control for a BCF-Mode Robotic Fish  (Video)
Su, ZongshuaiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yu, JunzhiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Tan, MinInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT11.6 
A Novel Method for Simultaneous Measurement of Internal and External Hydrodynamic Force of Self-Propelled Robotic Fish
Li, WenBeihang Unvivercity
TuCT12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Robot Audition II  
Chair: Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Co-Chair: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Organizer: Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Organizer: Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Organizer: Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT12.1 
An Easily-Configurable Robot Audition System Using Histogram-Based Recursive Level Estimation (I)
Nakajima, HirofumiHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Ince, GokhanHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Hasegawa, YujiHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT12.2 
An Improvement in Automatic Speech Recognition Using Soft Missing Feature Masks for Robot Audition (I)
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT12.3 
Improvement of Speech Recognition Performance for Spoken-Oriented Robot Dialog System Using End-Fire Array (I)
Sawada, HiroshiNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Even, JaniNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Saruwatari, HiroshiNara Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
Kiyohiro Shikano, 'Nara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Takatani, TomoyaTOYOTA MOTOR Corp.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT12.4 
Sound Source Separation and Automatic Speech Recognition for Moving Sources (I)
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Nakajima, HirofumiHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Ince, GokhanHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Hasegawa, YujiHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT12.5 
Multi-Talker Speech Recognition under Ego-Motion Noise Using Missing Feature Theory (I)
Ince, GokhanHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Tsujino, HiroshiHonda Res. Inst. Co., Ltd.
Imura, Jun-ichiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT12.6 
Two-Layered Audio-Visual Speech Recognition for Robots in Noisy Environments (I)
Yoshida, TakamiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
TuCT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Control Architectures and Programming I  
Chair: Bourgeois, JulienLab. d'Informatique de l'Univ. de Franche-Comté
Co-Chair: Biggs, GeoffreyNational Inst. of AIST
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT13.1 
Implementing a Reactive Semantics Using OpenRTM-Aist
Biggs, GeoffreyNational Inst. of AIST
MacDonald, BruceUniv. of Auckland
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT13.2 
A Platform for Networked Robotics
Cardozo, EleriUNICAMP
Guimarães, Eliane G.CenPRA
Agostinho Rocha, LucioUniv. of Campinas
Silva Souza, RicardoUniv. of Campinas
Paolieri Neto, FernandoUniv. of Campinas
Pinho, FernandoUniv. of Campinas
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT13.3 
Efficient Communication in Autonomous Robot Software
Thomas, DirkTU-Darmstadt
von Stryk, OskarTech. Univ. Darmstadt
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT13.4 
CRAM - a Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine for Everyday Manipulation in Human Environments
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
Mösenlechner, LorenzTech. Univ. München
Tenorth, MoritzTU München
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT13.5 
Global Methodology in Control Architecture to Improve Mobile Robot Reliability
Durand, BastienLIRMM
Godary-Dejean, KarenLIRMM
Lapierre, LionelLIRMM
Crestani, DidierLIRMM
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT13.6 
Comparing Temporally Aware Mobile Robot Controllers Built with Sun's Java Real-Time System, OROCOS's Real-Time Toolkit and Player
McKenzie, AndrewThe Univ. of Alabama
Gay, DanielUniv. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
Nori, RahulUniv. of Alabama
Davis, TreyThe Univ. of Alabama
Anderson, MonicaThe Univ. of Alabama
TuCT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Sensor Fusion I  
Chair: Kodagoda, SarathUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Co-Chair: Olson, EdwinUniv. of Michigan
13:20-13:40, Paper TuCT14.1 
Floor Sensing System Using Laser Range Finder and Mirror for Localizing Daily Life Commodities
Nohara, YasunobuKyushu Univ.
Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
Murakami, KoujiKyushu Univ.
13:40-14:00, Paper TuCT14.2 
Active Perception and Scene Modeling by Planning with Probabilistic 6D Object Poses
Eidenberger, RobertJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
Scharinger, JosefJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
14:00-14:20, Paper TuCT14.3 
Own Body Perception Based on Visuomotor Correlation
Saegusa, RyoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Metta, GiorgioITALIAN Inst. OF Tech.
Sandini, GiulioITALIAN Inst. OF Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper TuCT14.4 
Personal Navigation Via Shoe Mounted Inertial Measurement Units
Bebek, OzkanCase Western Res. Univ.
Suster, MichaelCase Western Res. Univ.
Rajgopal, SrihariCase Western Res. Univ.
Fu, Michael J.Case Western Res. Univ.
Huang, XuemeiCleveland Clinic, Lerner Res. Inst.
Cavusoglu, M. CenkCase Western Res. Univ.
Young, DarrinUniv. of Utah
Mehregany, MehranCase Western Res. Univ.
van den Bogert, TonLerner Res. Inst. Cleveland Clinic
Mastrangelo, CarlosUniv. of Utah
14:40-15:00, Paper TuCT14.5 
A Passive Solution to the Sensor Synchronization Problem
Olson, EdwinUniv. of Michigan
15:00-15:20, Paper TuCT14.6 
Combining Perception and Knowledge Processing for Everyday Manipulation
Pangercic, DejanTU Muenchen
Tenorth, MoritzTU München
Jain, DominikTU Muenchen
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
TuDInA Interactive Sessions, 1F Corridor  
Interactive Session IA  
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.1 
Attitude Estimation and Control of a Quadrocopter  (Video)
Hoffmann, FrankTech. Univ. Dortmund
Goddemeier, NiklasTech. Univ. Dortmund
Bertram, TorstenTech. Univ. Dortmund
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.2 
Nonlinear Feedforward Control for Wind Disturbance Rejection on Autonomous Helicopter
Bisgaard, MortenAalborg Univ.
la Cour-Harbo, AndersAalborg Univ.
A. Danapalasingam, KumeresanAalborg Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.3 
3D Model-Based Tracking for UAV Position Control  (Video)
Teuliere, CelineCEA-LIST
Eck, LaurentCEA
Marchand, EricUniv. de Rennes 1, IRISA, INRIA Rennes
Guenard, NicolasCEA
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.4 
Control Performance Simulation in the Design of a Flapping Wing MAV
Hines, LindseyCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Arabagi, VeaceslavCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Sitti, MetinCarnegie Mellon Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.5 
A Disaster Invariant Feature for Localization
Soleimani, BehdadUniv. of Tehran
Zokaei Ashtiani, Mohammad HassanUniv. of Tehran
Haji Soleimani, BehrouzUniv. of Tehran
Moradi, HadiThe Univ. of Tehran, Robotics and AI Lab.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.6 
Underwater Robot with a Buoyancy Control System Based on the Spermaceti Oil Hypothesis - Development of the Depth Control System -
Inoue, TomotakaRyukoku Univ.
Shibuya, KojiRyukoku Univ.
Nagano, AkinoriRyukoku Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.7 
On Internal Models for Representing Tactile Information
Cannata, GiorgioUniv. of Genova
Denei, SimoneUniv. of Genova
Mastrogiovanni, FulvioUniv. of Genova, Italy
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.8 
Evolution of Artificial Muscle-Based Robotic Locomotion in PhysX
Glette, KyrreUniv. of Oslo
Hovin, MatsUniv.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.9 
Player/Stage Simulation of Olfactory Experiments
Cabrita, GonçaloInst. of Systems and Robotics - Univ. of Coimbra
Sousa, PedroUniv. of Coimbra
Marques, LinoUniv. of Coimbra
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.10 
Roombots—Towards Decentralized Reconfiguration with Self-Reconfiguring Modular Robotic Metamodules  (Video)
Sproewitz, AlexanderEPFL
Laprade, PhilippeEPFL Ec. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
Bonardi, StephaneEPFL Ec. Pol. Federal de Lausanne
Mayer, MikaelEPFL Ec. Pol. Federal de Lausanne
Moeckel, RicoUniv. of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Mudry, Pierre-AndreEPFL
Ijspeert, AukeEPFL
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.11 
Characterization of Lattice Modular Robots by Discrete Displacement Groups
Brener, NicolasUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris
Ben Amar, FaizUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6
Bidaud, PhilippeUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.12 
Making Shapes from Modules by Magnification  (Video)
An, ByoungkwonMIT, CSAIL
Rus, DanielaMIT
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.13 
Electronic Image Stabilization Using Optical Flow with Inertial Navigation  (Video)
Smith, MichaelAir Force Inst. of Tech.
Peterson, GilbertAir Force Inst. of Tech.
Boxerbaum, AlexanderCase Western Res. Univ.
Quinn, Roger, D.Case Western Res. Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.14 
Low Cost Synchronized Stereo Aquisition System for Single Port Camera Controllers
Fischer, BennetFree Univ. of Berlin
Moballegh, Hamid RezaFree Univ. of Berlin
Rojas, RaulFreie Univ. Berlin
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.15 
Wide-Baseline Image Matching Based on Coplanar Line Intersections
Kim, HyunwooKorean German Inst. of Tech.
Lee, SukhanSungkyunkwan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.16 
Attention Based Active 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
Johnson-Roberson, MatthewKTH Royal Inst. of Tech.
Bohg, JeannetteKTH Stockholm
Björkman, MårtenKTH
Kragic, DanicaKTH
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.17 
A Neuro-Dynamic Object Recognition Architecture Enhanced by Foveal Vision and a Gaze Control Mechanism
Faubel, ChristianRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Zibner, Stephan Klaus UlrichRuhr-Univ. Bochum
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.18 
Camera Auto-Exposing and Auto-Focusing for Edge-Related Applications Using a Particle Filter
Nguyen, Thuy TuongSungkyunkwan Univ.
Jeon, Jae WookSungkyunkwan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.19 
Self-Supervised Learning Method for Unstructured Road Detection Using Fuzzy Support Vector Machines
Zhou, ShengyanBeijing Inst. of Tech.
Iagnemma, KarlMIT
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.20 
An Extended Normalized Cuts Method for Real-Time Planar Feature Extraction from Noisy Range Images
Ye, CangUniv. of Arkansas at Little Rock
Hegde, GuruPrasad M.Univ. of Arkansas at Little Rock
Anderson, GaryUniv. of Arkansas
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.21 
Strategies for Autonomous Robot to Inspect Pavement Distresses
Tseng, Yuan-HsuNational Taiwan Univ.
Kang, Shih-ChungNational Taiwan Univ.
Su, Yung-ShunNational Taiwan Univ.
Lee, Cheng-HaoNational Taiwan Univ.
Chang, Jia-RueyMinghsin Univ. of Science and Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.22 
Robotic Manipulation with Enhanced Disturbance Rejection Using Fuzzy Control: Theory and Experiment
Goodwine, BillUniv. of Notre Dame
Petroff, NeilI/N Kote & I/N Tek
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.23 
Proposition and Development of a Robot Manipulator for Humanitarian Demining
Silva, Dinesh Anton LakmalUniv. of Moratuwa
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.24 
Large-Scale Terrain Modeling from Multiple Sensors with Dependent Gaussian Processes
Vasudevan, ShrihariUniv. of Sydney
Ramos, FabioUniv. of Sydney
Nettleton, EricThe Univ. of Sydney
Durrant-Whyte, HughThe Univ. of Sydney
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.25 
Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robot Based on DGPS/INS Sensor Fusion by EKF in Semi-Outdoor Structured Environment
Chae, HeesungETRI
Christiand, ChristiandETRI
Choi, SunglokETRI
Yu, WonpilETRI
Cho, JaeilETRI
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.26 
Contact-Reactive Grasping of Objects with Partial Shape Information  (Video)
Hsiao, KaijenWillow Garage
Chitta, SachinWillow Garage Inc.
Ciocarlie, MateiWillow Garage
Jones, Edward GilWillow Garage, Inc.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.27 
Robust Haptic Recognition by Anthropomorphic Bionic Hand through Dynamic Interaction
Hosoda, KohOsaka Univ.
Iwase, TomokiOsaka Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.28 
Steering of a 3D Bipedal Robot with an Underactuated Ankle
Chevallereau, ChristineCNRS
Grizzle, J.WUniv. of Michigan
Shih, Ching LongNational Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.29 
Dynamic Balance Force Control for Compliant Humanoid Robots
Stephens, BenjaminCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Atkeson, ChristopherCMU
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.30 
An Auto-Adaptable Algorithm to Generate Human-Like Locomotion for Different Humanoid Robots Based on Motion Capture Data
Boutin, LucInst. Pprime, CNRS, Univ. de Poitiers, ENSMA
Eon, AntoineInst. Pprime, CNRS, Univ. de Poitiers, ENSMA
Zeghloul, SaidInst. Pprime, CNRS, Univ. de Poitiers, ENSMA
Lacouture, PatrickInst. Pprime, CNRS, Univ. de Poitiers ENSMA
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.31 
Imitating Object Movement Skills with Robots - a Task-Level Approach Exploiting Generalization and Invariance
Gienger, MichaelHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Mühlig, ManuelCoR-Lab. Bielefeld, Honda Res. Inst. Europe
Steil, Jochen J.Bielefeld Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.32 
Simultaneous Learning of Spatial Visual Attention and Physical Actions
Borji, AliInst. for Res. in Fundamental Sciences,(IPM)
Nili Ahmadabadi, MajidUniv. of Tehran
Nadjar Araabi, BabakUniv. of Tehran
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.33 
Learning Stylistic Dynamic Movement Primitives from Multiple Demonstrations
Matsubara, TakamitsuNAIST/ATR
Hyon, Sang-HoRitsumeikan Univ.
Morimoto, JunATR Computational Neuroscience Lab.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.34 
Robot Learning of Everyday Object Manipulations Via Human Demonstration  (Video)
Dang, HaoColumbia Univ.
Allen, PeterColumbia Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.35 
Approximate Optimal Control for Reaching and Trajectory Planning in a Humanoid Robot
Ivaldi, SerenaItalian Inst. of Tech. Univ. of Genoa
Fumagalli, MatteoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Nori, FrancescoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Baglietto, MarcoUniv. of Genoa
Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
Sandini, GiulioItalian Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.36 
Pseudo-Reference for Motion Transfer Based on Autonomous Control System with an Orbit Attractor
Okada, MasafumiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Watanabe, MasaakiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.37 
On Stability Region Analysis for a Class of Human Learning Controllers
Ou, YongshengLehigh Univ.
Qian, HuihuanCAS/CUHK
Wu, XinyuShenzhen Inst. of Advanced Tech.
Xu, YangshengThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.38 
Haptic Based Optimized Path Planning Approach to Virtual Maintenance Assembly / Disassembly (MAD)
Syed, HassanGyeongsang National Univ.
Yoon, JungwonGyeongsang National Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.39 
A Visual Exploration Algorithm Using Semantic Cues That Constructs Image Based Hybrid Maps
Krishnan, AravindhanInternational Inst. of Information Tech. Hyderabad
Krishna, MadhavaIIIT Hyderabad
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.40 
Tumor CE Image Classification Using SVM-Based Feature Selection
Li, BaopuChinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Meng, Max Q.-H.Shandong Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.41 
Trajectory Tracking and Point Stabilization of Noholonomic Mobile Robot
Cao, ZhengcaiBeijing Univ. of Chemical Tech.
Zhao, YingtaoBeijing Univ. of Chemical Tech.
Wang, ShuguoHarbin Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.42 
Design and Basic Experiments of a Transformable Wheel-Track Robot with Self-Adaptive Mobile Mechanism
Li, ZhiqingShenyang Inst. ofAutomation, Chinese Acad. ofSciences
Ma, ShugenRitsumeikan Univ.
Li, BinShenyang Inst. of Automation
Wang, MinghuiShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. ofSciences
Wang, YuechaoShenyang Inst. of Automation
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.43 
Reconfigurable Robots with Heterogeneous Drive Mechanisms: The Kinematics of the Heterogeneous Differential Drive
Voyles, RichardUniv. of Denver
Godzdanker, RoyUniv. of Denver
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInA.44 
Search and Track Power Charge Docking Station Based on Sound Source for Autonomous Mobile Robot Applications
Luo, RenNational Taiwan Univ.
Huang, Chien-HaoNational Taiwan Univ.
Huang, Chun-YenNational Taiwan Univ.
TuDInB Interactive Sessions, 2F Corridor  
Interactive Session IB  
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.45 
Detecting Repeated Patterns Using Partly Locality Sensitive Hashing
Ogawara, KoichiKyushu Univ.
Tanabe, YasufumiKyushu Univ.
Kurazume, RyoKyushu Univ.
Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.46 
Genetic Algorithms Based Method for Time Optimization in Robotized Site
Baizid, KhelifaItalian Inst. of Tech.
Chellali, Ryadiit
Yousnadj, AliMilitary Pol. School
Meddahi, AmalItalian Inst. of Tech.
Bentaleb, ToufikItalian Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.47 
System Integration of a Daily Assistive Robot and Its Application to Tidying and Cleaning Rooms
Yamazaki, KimitoshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Ueda, RyoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Nozawa, ShunichiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Mori, YutoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Maki, ToshiakiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Hatao, NaotakaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Okada, KeiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Inaba, MasayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.48 
Efficient Pulling Motion of a Two-Link Robot Arm Near Singular Configuration
Urakubo, TakateruKobe Univ.
Mashimo, TomoakiCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Kanade, TakeoCarnegie Mellon Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.49 
Applications of Potential Fields and Conformal Geometric Algebra for Humanoid Manipulation Maneuvering
Bayro-Corrochano, Eduardo-JoseCINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara
Carbajal-Espinosa, OscarCentro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del IPN(CINVESTAV
Loukianov, AlexanderCentro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTA
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.50 
Development of a Low Backlash Crown Reducer
Sasaki, HiroyukiTsuruoka N.C.T.
Masuyama, TomoyaTsuruoka N.C.T.
Takahashi, TakayukiFukushima Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.51 
A Cooperative Approach for Multi-Robot Area Exploration
Yuan, JingNankai Univ.
Huang, YalouNankai Univ.
Tao, TongNankai Univ.
Sun, FengchiNankai Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.52 
Visual Route Navigation Using an Adaptive Extension of Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees
Lee, Heon-CheolSeoul National Univ.
Lee, SeungHwanSeoul National Univ.
Kim, Doo-JinSeoul National Univ.
Lee, Beom-HeeSeoul National Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.53 
Trajectory Tracking Using Environmental Magnetic Field for Outdoor Autonomous Mobile Robots
Sam Ann, RahokUtsunomiya Univ.
Shikanai, YoshihitoUtsunomiya Univ.
Ozaki, KoichiUtsunomiya Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.54 
Minimum Uncertainty Robot Path Planning Using a POMDP Approach
Candido, SalvatoreUniv. of Illinois
Hutchinson, SethUniv. of Illinois
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.55 
A Sensor Platform for Outdoor Navigation Using Gyro-Assisted Odometry and Roundly-Swinging 3D Laser Scanner  (Video)
Yoshida, TomoakiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Irie, KiyoshiChiba Insitute of Tech.
Koyanagi, EijiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Tomono, MasahiroChiba Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.56 
Path Planning of a Mobile Robot for Avoiding Moving Obstacles with Improved Velocity Control by Using the Hydrodynamic Potential
Sugiyama, SeijiRitsumeikan Univ.
Yamada, JyunRitsumeikan Univ.
Yoshikawa, TsuneoRitsumeikan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.57 
Computing Navigational Routes in Inhomogeneous Environments Using BVP Path Planner
Prestes, EdsonUFRGS
Idiart, MarcoUFRGS
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.58 
Navigation among Movable Obstacles in Unknown Environments  (Video)
Wu, Hai-NingGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Levihn, MartinGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Stilman, MikeGeorgia Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.59 
Tiji, a Generic Trajectory Generation Tool for Motion Planning and Control
Delsart, VivienUMR LIG - Lab. d'Informatique de Grenoble
Fraichard, ThierryINRIA
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.60 
Feasible RRT-Based Path Planning Using Seventh Order Bézier Curves
Alves Neto, ArmandoUniv. Federal de Minas Gerais
Macharet, Douglas GuimarãesUniv. Federal de Minas Gerais
Campos, Mario F. MontenegroFederal Univ. of Minas Gerais
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.61 
Semantic Map Partitioning in Indoor Environments Using Regional Analysis
Nieto-Granda, CarlosGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Rogers III, John G.Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Trevor, Alexander J BGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Christensen, Henrik IskovGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.62 
Segmentation and Classification of Range Image from an Intelligent Vehicle in Urban Environment
Zhu, XiaolongPeking Univ.
Zhao, HuijingPeking Univ.
Liu, YimingPeking Univ.
Zhao, YipuPeking Univ.
Zha, HongbinPeking Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.63 
Multi-Frequency Phase Unwrapping for Time-Of-Flight Cameras
Droeschel, DavidUniv. of Bonn
Holz, DirkUniv. of Bonn
Behnke, SvenUniv. of Bonn
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.64 
An Articulated Rehabilitation Robot for Upper Limb Physiotherapy and Training
Tsai, Bing-ChuenNational Taiwan Univ.
Wang, Wei-WenNational Taiwan Univ.
Hsu, Li-ChunNational Tiawan Univ.
Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
Lai, Jin-ShinNational Taiwan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.65 
Improving Video Communication for Elderly and Disabled by Coordination of Robot's Active Listening Behaviors and Media Controls
Yonezawa, TomokoATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Lab.
Koyama, YuichiATR IRC / Nagoya Univ.
Yamazoe, HirotakeATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Lab.
Abe, ShinjiATR Intelligent Robotics and Communication Lab.
Mase, KenjiNagoya Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.66 
Pitch Extraction in Human-Robot Interaction (I)
Heckmann, MartinHonda Res. Inst. Europe GmbH
Joublin, FrankHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.67 
Compact Self-Contained Navigation System with MEMS Inertial Sensor and Optical Navigation Sensor for 3-D Pipeline Mapping
Hyun, DongjunYonsei Univ.
Jegal, MinsuYonsei Univ.
Yang, HyunseokYonsei Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.68 
Range Sensing, Localization, and Error Elimination of Two-Wheeled Mobile Robots
Lian, Feng-LiNational Taiwan Univ.
Tseng, Kuan-ChiehNational Taiwan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.69 
On the Initialization of Statistical Optimum Filters with Application to Motion Estimation
Kneip, LaurentETHZ
Scaramuzza, DavideETH Zurich
Siegwart, RolandETH Zurich
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.70 
Indoor Human Localization and Tracking Using Wireless Pyroelectric Sensory Fusion System
Luo, RenNational Taiwan Univ.
Chen, OgstNational Chung Cheng Univ.
Lin, Cheng WeiNational Taiwan Univ.
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.71 
Multi-Modal Sensor Fusion Algorithm for Ubiquitous Infrastructure-Free Localization in Vision-Impaired Environments
Oskiper, TaragaySarnoff Corp.
Chiu, Han-PangSarnoff Corp. USA
Zhu, ZhiweiSarnoff
Samarasekera, SupunSarnoff
Kumar, RakeshSarnoff
15:20-16:40, Paper TuDInB.72 
Space Dimension Perception from the Multimodal Sensorimotor Flow of a Naive Robotic Agent (I)
Laflaquière, AlbanUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie; Inst. des Systèmes Intellig
Argentieri, SylvainUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie; Inst. des Systèmes Intellig
Gas, BrunoUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie
Castillo-Castaneda, EduardoInst. Pol. Nacional, CICATA
TuET1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Mapping III  
Chair: Rives, PatrickINRIA
Co-Chair: Yamashita, AtsushiShizuoka Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET1.1 
Outdoor 3D Map Generation Based on Planar Feature for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environment  (Video)
Kagami, SatoshiNational Inst. of AIST
Hanai, RyoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Hatao, NaotakaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Inaba, MasayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET1.2 
Hybrid Elevation Maps: 3D Surface Models for Segmentation
Douillard, BertrandUniv. of Syndey
Underwood, James PatrickThe Univ. of Sydney
Melkumyan, NarekThe Univ. of Sydney
Singh, SuryaUniv. of Sydney
Vasudevan, ShrihariUniv. of Sydney
Brunner, Christopher JosephThe Univ. of Sydney
Quadros, Alastair JamesUniv. of Sydney
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET1.3 
Novel Robotic 3D Surface Mapping Using Range and Vision Fusion
Howarth, BlairUNSW
Katupitiya, JayanthaThe Univ. of New South Wales
Guivant, JoseUNSW
Szwec, AndrewUniv. of New South Wales
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET1.4 
View Planning and 3D Map Building by a Mobile Robot Equipped with Two Range Sensors
Yamashita, AtsushiShizuoka Univ.
Iwashina, ShinyaShizuoka Univ.
Kaneko, ToruShizuoka Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET1.5 
Non-Rigid Registration and Rectification of 3D Laser Scans
Elseberg, JanJacobs Univ. Bremen
Borrmann, DoritJacobs Univ.
Nuechter, AndreasJacobs Univ. Bremen gGmbH
Lingemann, KaiUniv. of Osnabrueck
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET1.6 
Multi-Volume Occupancy Grids: An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Model for Micro Aerial Vehicles
Dryanovski, IvanThe Graduate Center, The City Univ. of New York (CUNY)
Morris, WilliamCity Coll. of New York
Xiao, JizhongCity Coll. of New York
TuET2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Grasping II  
Chair: Hirai, ShinichiRitsumeikan Univ.
Co-Chair: Huebner, KaiRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH), Stockholm
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET2.1 
Probabilistic Representation of 3D Object Shape by In-Hand Exploration
Faria, DiegoUniv. of Coimbra
Martins, RicardoUniv. of Coimbra
Lobo, JorgeFCT - Univ. of Coimbra (nif 502 971 142)
Dias, JorgeUniv. of Coimbra
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET2.2 
Representations for Object Grasping and Learning from Experience
Rubio Martín, Óscar JesúsRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH)
Huebner, KaiRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH), Stockholm
Kragic, DanicaKTH
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET2.3 
Object Recognition Using Visuo-Affordance Maps
Gijsberts, ArjanItalian Inst. of Tech.
Tommasi, TatianaIdiap Res. Inst.
Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
Caputo, BarbaraIDIAP Res. Inst.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET2.4 
Learning Task Constraints for Robot Grasping Using Graphical Models  (Video)
Song, DanRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH), Stockholm
Huebner, KaiRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH), Stockholm
Kyrki, VilleLappeenranta Univ. of Tech.
Kragic, DanicaKTH
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET2.5 
Learning Probabilistic Discriminative Models of Grasp Affordances under Limited Supervision
Erkan, AyseNew York Univ.
Kroemer, OliverMax-Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Detry, RenaudUniv. of Liège
Altun, YaseminMax Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Piater, JustusUniv. of Liege
Peters, JanMax-Planck Inst. for Bio. Cybernetics
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET2.6 
Unions of Balls for Shape Approximation in Robot Grasping
Przybylski, MarkusKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Asfour, TamimKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
TuET3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Aerial Robotics III  
Chair: Kyriakopoulos, KostasNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Co-Chair: Kumon, MakotoGraduate School of Science and Tech. Kumamoto
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET3.1 
The Landing Problem of a VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicle on a Moving Platform Using Optical Flow  (Video)
Herisse, BrunoCEA LIST
Hamel, TarekUNSA-CNRS
Mahony, RobertAustralian National Univ.
Russotto, Francois-XavierFrench Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET3.2 
Robust Nonlinear Real-Time Control Strategy to Stabilize a PVTOL Aircraft in Crosswind
Muñoz Hernandez, Laura ElenaHEUDIASYC UMR UTC 6599
Santos Sanchez, Omar JacoboUniv. Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico
Castillo, PedroUniv. de Tech. de Compiègne
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET3.3 
Agile Turnaround Using Post-Stall Maneuvers for Tail-Sitter VTOL UAVs
Matsumoto, TakaakiTohoku Univ.
Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Suzuki, RenTohoku Univ.
Oosedo, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Go, KentaTohoku Univ.
Uchiyama, MasaruTohoku Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET3.4 
Teleoperation of a Tail-Sitter VTOL UAV
Suzuki, RenTohoku Univ.
Matsumoto, TakaakiTohoku Univ.
Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Hoshino, YutaTohoku Univ.
Go, KentaTohoku Univ.
Oosedo, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Uchiyama, MasaruTohoku Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET3.5 
Development of Flapping Robots Using Piezoelectric Fiber Composites - Performance Enhancement by Unique Structure and Drive Control -
Minagawa, KentaroThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Fukushima, YuichiThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Ming, AiguoThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Shimojo, MakotoUniv. of Electro-COmmunications
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET3.6 
Energetics of Flapping-Wing Robotic Insects: Towards Autonomous Hovering Flight
Karpelson, MichaelHarvard Univ.
Whitney, John PeterHarvard Univ.
Wei, Gu-YeonHarvard Univ.
Wood, RobertHarvard Univ.
TuET4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Motion Control III  
Chair: Svinin, MikhailKyushu Univ.
Co-Chair: Doulgeri, ZoeAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET4.1 
Multi-Loop Model Based Parallel Control Systems
Osypiuk, RafalWest Pomeranian Univ. of Tech. Szczecin
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET4.2 
Robot Task Space PID Type Regulation with Prescribed Performance Guaranties
Doulgeri, ZoeAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
Droukas, LeonidasAristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET4.3 
Motion Control with Slow and Rapid Adaptation for Smooth Reaching Movement under External Force Disturbance
Seto, FumiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Sugihara, TomomichiKyushu Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET4.4 
Analytic Collision Anticipation Technology Considering Agents' Future Behavior
Choi, Jeong-SikSeoul National Univ.
Eoh, GyuhoSeoul National Univ.
Kim, JiminSeoul National Univ.
Yoon, Young-HwanLS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd
Park, Jung-HeeSeoul National Univ.
Lee, Beom-HeeSeoul National Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET4.5 
Simple Models in Trajectory Planning of Human-Like Reaching Movements
Svinin, MikhailKyushu Univ.
Yamamoto, MotojiKyushu Univ.
Goncharenko, Igor3D Incorporated
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET4.6 
An Experimental Evaluation of a Novel Minimum-Jerk Cartesian Controller for Humanoid Robots
Pattacini, UgoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Nori, FrancescoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Natale, LorenzoIstutito Italiano di Tecnologia
Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
Sandini, GiulioItalian Inst. of Tech.
TuET5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots III  
Chair: Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
Co-Chair: Nakaoka, Shin'ichiroAIST
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET5.1 
Intuitive and Flexible User Interface for Creating Whole Body Motions of Biped Humanoid Robots
Nakaoka, Shin'ichiroAIST
Kajita, ShuujiNational Inst. of AIST
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET5.2 
Navigation Framework for Humanoid Robots Integrating Gaze Control and Modified-Univector Field Method to Avoid Dynamic Obstacles  (Video)
Yoo, Jeong-KiKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech. (KAIST)
Kim, Jong-HwanKAIST
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET5.3 
Humanoid Robot Localization in Complex Indoor Environments
Hornung, ArminUniv. of Freiburg
Wurm, Kai M.Univ. of Freiburg
Bennewitz, MarenUniv. of Freiburg
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET5.4 
Working with Movable Obstacles Using On-Line Environment Perception Reconstruction Using Active Sensing and Color Range Sensor
Kakiuchi, YoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Ueda, RyoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Kobayashi, KazuyaUniv. of Tokyo
Okada, KeiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Inaba, MasayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET5.5 
Thinning and Smoothing of Randomly-Sampled Support Transitions Toward Practical Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots
Nishi, ToshiyaKyushu Univ.
Sugihara, TomomichiGraduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET5.6 
Prediction of Action Outcomes Using an Object Model
Ruiz, FedericoTU Muenchen
Cheng, GordonTech. Univ. Munich
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
TuET6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Computer Vision II  
Chair: Peynot, ThierryThe Univ. of Sydney
Co-Chair: Yuan, ChunrongEberhard Karls Univ. of Tübingen
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET6.1 
Stereo Vision Based Swing Angle Sensor for Mining Rope Shovel
Lin, Li-HengUniv. of British Columbia
Lawrence, PeterUniv. of British Columbia
Hall, RobertUniv. of British Columbia
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET6.2 
Detection of Moving Objects by Statistical Motion Analysis
Yuan, ChunrongEberhard Karls Univ. of Tübingen
Schwab, IsabellUniv. of Tübingen
Recktenwald, FabianUniv. of Tübingen
Mallot, HanspeterEberhard Karls Univ. of Tübingen
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET6.3 
Rigid and Non-Rigid Classification Using Interactive Perception
Willimon, BryanClemson Univ.
Birchfield, StanClemson Univ.
Walker, IanClemson Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET6.4 
On-Line Object Segmentation through Human-Robot Interaction
Kim, SoohwanKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
Park, Sung-KeeKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
Kim, Dong HwanKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET6.5 
Vision Based Victim Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Andriluka, MykhayloTU Darmstadt
Schnitzspan, PaulTU Darmstadt
Meyer, JohannesTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Kohlbrecher, StefanTU Darmstadt
Petersen, KarenTU Darmstadt
von Stryk, OskarTech. Univ. Darmstadt
Roth, StefanTU Darmstadt
Schiele, BerntTU Darmstadt
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET6.6 
SIFT-Cloud-Model for Object Detection and Pose Estimation with GPGPU Acceleration  (Video)
Nakada, TakahiroDigital Human Res. Center, AIST
Kagami, SatoshiNational Inst. of AIST
Mizoguchi, HiroshiTokyo Univ. of Science
TuET7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Learning and Adaptive Systems III  
Chair: Calinon, SylvainItalian Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Takano, WataruUniv. of Tokyo
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET7.1 
Emergent Imitative Behavior on a Robotic Arm Based on Visuo-Motor Associative Memories
de Rengervé, AntoineCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Boucenna, SofianeCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Andry, PierreCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Gaussier, PhilippeCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET7.2 
Emergence of Bipedal Walking through Body/environment Interactions
Shimoda, ShingoRIKEN
Yoshihara, YukiTohoku Univ.
Kimura, HidenoriRIKEN
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET7.3 
Intrinsically Motivated Goal Exploration for Active Motor Learning in Robots: A Case Study
Baranes, AdrienINRIA
Oudeyer, Pierre-YvesINRIA
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET7.4 
Active Learning of Confidence Measure Function in Robot Language Acquisition Framework
Sugiura, KomeiNational Inst. of Information and Communications Tech.
Iwahashi, NaotoNational Inst. ofInformationandCommunicationsTechnology
Kashioka, HidekiNICT, Japan
Nakamura, SatoshiATR in Japan
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET7.5 
What Do You Expect from a Robot That Tells Your Future? the Crystal Ball
Takano, WataruTokyo Univ.
Imagawa, HirotakaUniv. of Tokyo
Kulic, DanaUniv. of Waterloo
Nakamura, YoshihikoUniv. of Tokyo
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET7.6 
Homeokinetic Proportional Control of Myoelectric Prostheses
Hesse, FrankBCCN & BFNT Göttingen, Göttingen Univ. and Max-Planck-Inst.
Herrmann, J. MichaelUniv. of Edinburgh
TuET8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Navigation III  
Chair: Martinet, PhilippeBlaise Pascal Univ.
Co-Chair: Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET8.1 
Effects of Increasing Autonomy on Tele-Operation Performance
O'Brien, BarryU.S. Army Res. Lab.
Stump, EthanArmy Res. Lab.
Pierce, Cynthia S.US Army Res. Lab.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET8.2 
Mobile Robot Navigation with Reactive Free Space Estimation
Lee, Tae-SeokSeoul National Univ.
Eoh, GyuhoSeoul National Univ.
Kim, JiminSeoul National Univ.
Lee, Beom-HeeSeoul National Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET8.3 
Closest Gap Based (CG) Reactive Obstacle Avoidance Navigation for Highly Cluttered Environments
Mujahed, MuhannadAl-Quds Univ. Palestine
Fischer, DirkUniv. of Paderborn
Mertsching, BärbelUniv. of Paderborn
Jaddu, HusseinFaculty of Engineering, Al Quds Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET8.4 
Human-Centered Robot Navigation Toward a Harmoniously Coexisting Multi-Human and Multi-Robot Environment
Lam, Chi PangNational Taiwan Univ.
Chou, Chen TunNational Taiwan Univ.
Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
Chang, Chih-FuNational Taiwan Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET8.5 
Collision Avoidance Method for Mobile Robot Considering Motion and Personal Spaces of Evacuees  (Video)
Ohki, TakeshiTohoku Univ.
Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET8.6 
Multi-Robot Navigation with Limited Communication - Deterministic vs Game-Theoretic Networks
Bayram, HalukBogazici Univ.
Bozma, IsilBogazici Univ.
TuET9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Medical Robots and Systems III  
Chair: Iwata, HiroyasuWaseda Univ.
Co-Chair: Chemori, AhmedLIRMM
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET9.1 
Surgical Case Identification for an Image-Guided Interventional System
Haidegger, TamasBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec. (BME)
Kazanzides, PeterJohns Hopkins Univ.
Benyó, BalázsBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec.
Kovács, LeventeBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec. Dept. of Contro
Benyo, ZoltanBudapest Univ. of Tech. and Ec. (BME)
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET9.2 
Framework of Automatic Robot Surgery System Using Visual Servoing
Osa, TakayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Staub, ChristophTU Munich
Knoll, AloisTU Munich
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET9.3 
Auto-Guided Movements on Minimally Invasive Surgery for Surgeon Assistance
Bauzano, EnriqueUniv. of Malaga, Spain
Muñoz, VictorUniv. of Malaga
Garcia-Morales, IsabelUniv. of Malaga, Spain
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET9.4 
Robot Assisted Internal Mammary Artery Detection for Coronary Revascularisation Surgery
Fröhlich, Florian AlexanderDLR (German Aerospace Center)
Passig, GeorgGerman Aerospace Center
Vazquez, AdrianUniv. Leipzig (ICCAS)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET9.5 
Adaptive Force Feedback Control for 3D Compensation of Physiological Motion in Beating Heart Surgery
Zarrouk, ZeinebLIRMM, Univ. MONTPELLIER 2
Chemori, AhmedLIRMM
Poignet, PhilippeLIRMM UMR 5506 CNRS UM2
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET9.6 
Reliable Estimation of Heart Surface Motion under Stochastic and Unknown but Bounded Systematic Uncertainties
Bogatyrenko, EvgeniyaUniv. Karlsruhe (TH)
Noack, BenjaminKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Hanebeck, Uwe D.Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)
TuET10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Force and Tactile Sensing II  
Chair: Accoto, DinoUniv. Campus Bio-Medico
Co-Chair: Tsuji, ToshiakiSaitama Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET10.1 
Exploiting Proximal F/T Measurements for the Icub Active Compliance
Fumagalli, MatteoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Nori, FrancescoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Randazzo, MarcoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Natale, LorenzoIstutito Italiano di Tecnologia
Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
Sandini, GiulioITALIAN Inst. OF Tech.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET10.2 
Learning the Elasticity Parameters of Deformable Objects with a Manipulation Robot
Frank, BarbaraUniv. of Freiburg
Schmedding, RuedigerUniv. of Freiburg
Stachniss, CyrillUniv. of Freiburg
Teschner, MatthiasUniv. of Freiburg
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET10.3 
A Tactile Sensing for Estimating the Position and Orientation of a Joint-Axis of a Linked Object
Matsuo, KazuyaKyushu Univ.
Murakami, KoujiKyushu Univ.
Niwaki, KatsuyaKyushu Univ.
Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
Tahara, KenjiKyushu Univ.
Kurazume, RyoKyushu Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET10.4 
Fault Tolerance Measurement Using a Six-Axis Force/Torque Sensing System with Redundancy
Tsuji, ToshiakiSaitama Univ.
Hanyu, RyosukeSaitama Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET10.5 
Empirical Based Optimal Design of Active Strobe Imager
Funai, KoheiOsaka Univ.
Higashimori, MitsuruOsaka Univ.
Tadakuma, KenjiroOsaka Univ.
Kaneko, MakotoOsaka Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET10.6 
Markov Random Field-Based Clustering of Vibration Data
Komma, PhilippeUniv. of Tübingen
Zell, AndreasUniv. of Tübingen
TuET11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Biologically-Inspired Robots III  
Chair: Hosoda, KohOsaka Univ.
Co-Chair: Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET11.1 
Antagonistically Actuated Compliant Joint: Torque and Stiffness Control
Sardellitti, IreneItalian Inst. of Tech.
Palli, GianlucaUniv. of Bologna
Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET11.2 
Hysteresis in Gait Transition Induced by Changing Waist Joint Stiffness of a Quadruped Robot Driven by Nonlinear Oscillators with Phase Resetting
Aoi, ShinyaKyoto Univ.
Yamashita, TsuyoshiKyoto Univ.
Ichikawa, AkiraKyoto Univ.
Tsuchiya, KazuoKyoto Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET11.3 
A Biomimetic Approach to Robot Table Tennis
Muelling, KatharinaMax Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Kober, JensMax-Planck Inst. for Biological Cybernetics
Peters, JanMax-Planck Inst. for Bio. Cybernetics
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET11.4 
An Adaptive Switching Behavior between Levy and Brownian Random Search in a Mobile Robot Based on Biological Fluctuation
Nurzaman, Surya G.Osaka Univ.
Matsumoto, YoshioNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Nakamura, YutakaOsaka Univ.
Shirai, KazumichiOsaka Univ.
Koizumi, SatoshiOsaka Univ.
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET11.5 
Allostatic Control for Robot Behaviour Regulation: An Extension to Path Planning  (Video)
Sanchez Fibla, MartiUniv. Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Bernardet, UlysessUPF
Verschure, PaulCatalan Inst. of Advanced Studies (ICREA), Foundation
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET11.6 
Implementation of an Overblowing Correction Controller and the Proposal of a Quantitative Assessment of the Sound%27s Pitch for the Anthropomorphic Saxophonist Robot WAS-2
Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
Petersen, KlausWaseda Univ.
Yamamoto, TetsuroWaseda Univ.
Takeuchi, MasakiWaseda Univ.
Ishikawa, ShimpeiWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Hashimoto, KunimatsuToyota Motor Corp.
TuET12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Robot Audition III  
Chair: Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Co-Chair: Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Organizer: Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Organizer: Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET12.1 
Speedup and Performance Improvement of ICA-Based Robot Audition by Parallel and Resampling-Based Block-Wise Processing (I)
Takeda, RyuKyoto Univ.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET12.2 
Human-Robot Ensemble between Robot Thereminst and Human Percussionist Using Coupled Oscillator Model (I)
Mizumoto, TakeshiKyoto Univ.
Otsuka, TakumaKyoto Univ.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET12.3 
Robot Musical Accompaniment: Integrating Audio and Visual Cues for Real-Time Synchronization with a Human Flutist (I)
Lim, AngelicaGraduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univ.
Mizumoto, TakeshiKyoto Univ.
Cahier, Louis-KenzoKyoto Univ.
Otsuka, TakumaKyoto Univ.
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET12.4 
Detection of Acoustic Patterns by Stochastic Matched Filtering (I)
Bonnal, JulienCNRS; LAAS
Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Renaud, MarcUniv. de Toulouse ; UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE ; LAAS
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET12.5 
Information-Theoretic Detection of Broadband Sources in a Coherent Beamspace MUSIC Scheme (I)
Danès, PatrickUniv. de Toulouse ; LAAS-CNRS ; UPS ; F-31077
Bonnal, JulienCNRS; LAAS
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET12.6 
Sound Interval Detection of Multiple Sources Based on Sound Directivity (I)
Ishi, Carlos ToshinoriATR
Liang, DongOsaka Univ.
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
TuET13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Control Architectures and Programming II  
Chair: Luh, PeterUniv. of Connecticut
Co-Chair: Powers, MatthewCarnegie Mellon Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET13.1 
LTLMoP: Experimenting with Language, Temporal Logic and Robot Control  (Video)
Finucane, CameronCornell Univ.
Jing, GangyuanCornell Univ.
Kress-Gazit, HadasCornell Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET13.2 
Deriving Concurrent Control Software from Behavioral Specifications
Ramanathan, GaneshSiemens AG, Switzerland
Morandi, BenjaminSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zurich
West, ScottSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zurich
Nanz, SebastianSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zurich
Meyer, BertrandSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zurich
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET13.3 
Controlling Redundant Robot Arm-Trunk Systems for Human-Like Reaching Motion
Bhattacharjee, TapomayukhKAIST
Oh, YonghwanKIST
Bae, Ji-HunKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
Oh, Sang-RokKIST
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET13.4 
Formal Design of a Provably Safe Robotic Roundabout System
Duperret, JeffreyUniv. of Michigan
Hafner, MichaelUniv. of Michigan
Del Vecchio, DomitillaUniv. of Michigan, Ann Arbor
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET13.5 
Incremental Adaptive Integration of Layers of a Hybrid Control Architecture
Powers, MatthewCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Balch, TuckerGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET13.6 
Distributed Control Architecture for Smart Surfaces  (Video)
Boutoustous, KahinaLab. d'Informatique de l'Univ. de Franche-Comté
Laurent, Guillaume J.FEMTO-ST Inst. - CNRS - ENSMM - Univ. de Franche-Comté
Dedu, EugenLab. d'Informatique de l'Univ. de Franche-Comté
Matignon, LaetitiaUMR CNRS 6174 - UFC / ENSMM / UTBM
Bourgeois, JulienLab. d'Informatique de l'Univ. de Franche-Comté
Le Fort-Piat, NadineFEMTO-ST
TuET14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Sensor Fusion II  
Chair: Tsai, Ching-ChihNational Chung Hsing Univ.
Co-Chair: Aghili, FarhadCanadian Space Agency
16:40-17:00, Paper TuET14.1 
Integrating IMU and Landmark Sensors for 3D SLAM and the Observability Analysis
Aghili, FarhadCanadian Space Agency
17:00-17:20, Paper TuET14.2 
Segmentation of Dense Range Information in Complex Urban Scenes
Schoenberg, Jonathan R.Cornell Univ.
Nathan, AaronCornell Univ.
Campbell, MarkCornell Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper TuET14.3 
Sub-Meter Indoor Localization in Unmodified Environments with Inexpensive Sensors  (Video)
Quigley, MorganStanford Univ.
Stavens, David MichaelStanford Univ.
Coates, AdamStanford Univ.
Thrun, SebastianStanford Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper TuET14.4 
Probabilistic Rule Set Joint State Update As Approximation to the Full Joint State Estimation Applied to Multi Object Scene Analysis
Grundmann, ThiloSiemens AG
Fiegert, MichaelSiemens AG
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
18:00-18:20, Paper TuET14.5 
Embedding Range Information on Omnidirectional Images through Laser Range Finder
Bacca Cortes, Eval BladimirUniv. of Girona
Mouaddib, El MustaphaUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
Cufi, XavierUniv. of Girona
18:20-18:40, Paper TuET14.6 
Enriched Indoor Environment Map Building Using Multi-Sensor Based Fusion Approach
Luo, RenNational Taiwan Univ.
Lai, Chun C.National Chung Cheng Univ.
Hsiao, Chin-ChiIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Technical Program for Wednesday October 20, 2010
WePP Plenary Sessions, Plenary Hall  
The Status of ROS and the PR2 Beta Program (Dr. Steve Cousins)  
Chair: Luo, RenNational Taiwan Univ.
WeAT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Slam I  
Chair: Yuta, ShinichiUniv. of Tsukuba
Co-Chair: Zhang, HongUniv. of Alberta
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT1.1 
Towards a Consistent SLAM Algorithm Using B-Splines to Represent Environments
Liu, MinjieUniv. of Tech.
Huang, ShoudongUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Kodagoda, SarathUniv. of Tech. Sydney
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT1.2 
Keyframe Detection for Appearance-Based Visual SLAM
Zhang, HongUniv. of Alberta
Li, BoChongqing Univ.
Yang, DanChongqing Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT1.3 
SLAM with Expectation Maximization for Moveable Object Tracking
Rogers III, John G.Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Trevor, Alexander J BGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Nieto-Granda, CarlosGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Christensen, Henrik IskovGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT1.4 
SoF-SLAM: Segments-On-Floor-Based Monocular SLAM
Zhang, GuoxuanHanyang Univ.
Suh, Il HongHanyang Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT1.5 
Learning to Close the Loop from 3D Point Clouds
Granström, KarlLinköping Univ.
Schön, ThomasLinköping Univ.
WeAT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Grasping III  
Chair: Liu, YunhuiChinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Co-Chair: Chiu, Han-PangSarnoff Corp. USA
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT2.1 
Derivation of Optimal Robust Grasping Strategy under Initial Object Pose Errors
Dobashi, HirokiGraduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.
Noda, AkioMitsubishi Electric Corp.
Yokokohji, YasuyoshiKobe Univ.
Nagano, HikaruCtec Company
Nagatani, TatsuyaMitsubishi Electric Corp.
Okuda, HaruhisaMitsubishi Electric Corp.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT2.2 
Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Grasping Actions
Romero, JavierKTH
Feix, ThomasOtto Bock Healthcare Gmbh
Kjellstrom, HedvigKTH
Kragic, DanicaKTH
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT2.3 
Picking up an Indicated Object in a Complex Environment
Nagata, KazuyukiNational Inst. of AIST
Miyasaka, TakashiTokyo City Univ.
Nenchev, DragomirTokyo City Univ.
Yamanobe, NatsukiAdvanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Maruyama, KenichiNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology
Kawabata, SatoshiNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Kawai, YoshihiroNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT2.4 
People Helping Robots Helping People: Crowdsourcing for Grasping Novel Objects
Sorokin, AlexanderUniv. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Berenson, DmitryCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Srinivasa, SiddharthaIntel Lab. Pittsburgh
Hebert, MartialCMU
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT2.5 
Push-Grasping with Dexterous Hands: Mechanics and a Method
Dogar, Mehmet RemziCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Srinivasa, SiddharthaIntel Lab. Pittsburgh
WeAT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Range Sensing I  
Chair: Nunes, UrbanoUniv. of Coimbra
Co-Chair: Rusu, Radu BogdanWillow Garage, Inc
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT3.1 
Graph-Based Segmentation for Colored Laser Point Clouds
Strom, Johannes H.Univ. of Michigan
Richardson, AndrewUniv. of Michigan
Olson, EdwinUniv. of Michigan
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT3.2 
Unsupervised Learning of Compact 3D Models Based on the Detection of Recurrent Structures
Ruhnke, MichaelUniv. of Freiburg
Steder, BastianUniv. of Freiburg
Grisetti, GiorgioUnviersität Freiburg
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT3.3 
Improving Depth Measurement of Textured Surface by a Boundary Estimator for Structured Light Patterns  (Video)
Bui, Lam QuangSungkyunkwan Univ.
Lee, SukhanSungkyunkwan Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT3.4 
Automated Safety Inspection of Grade Crossings
Ranganathan, PradeepUniv. of Michigan
Olson, EdwinUniv. of Michigan
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT3.5 
Fast 3D Recognition and Pose Using the Viewpoint Feature Histogram
Rusu, Radu BogdanWillow Garage, Inc
Bradski, GaryStanford Univ. and Willow Garage
Romain, ThibauxWillow Garage, Inc
Hsu, JohnWillow Garage
WeAT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Physical Human-Robot Interaction I  
Chair: Dias, JorgeUniv. of Coimbra
Co-Chair: Fontanelli, DanieleUniv. of Trento
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT4.1 
Development of a Child-Oriented Social Robot for Safe and Interactive Physical Interaction
Ma, XiaoningNational Univ. of Singapore
Quek, FrancisVirginia Tech.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT4.2 
Kinetostatic Danger Field - a Novel Safety Assessment for Human-Robot Interaction
Lacevic, BakirPol. di Milano
Rocco, PaoloPol. di Milano
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT4.3 
Safety Provisions for Human/Robot Interactions Using Stochastic Discrete Abstractions
Asaula, RuslanUniv. of Trento
Fontanelli, DanieleUniv. of Trento
Palopoli, LuigiUniv. of Trento
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT4.4 
New Insights Concerning Intrinsic Joint Elasticity for Safety  (Video)
Haddadin, SamiGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Albu-Schäffer, AlinDLR - German Aerospace Center
Eiberger, OliverDLR - German Aerospace Center
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT4.5 
A Study on Dynamical Role Division in a Crank-Rotation Task from the View Point of Kinetics and Muscle Activity Analysis
Pham, HangGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
Ueha, RyoheiGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
Hirai, HiroakiGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
Miyazaki, FumioGraduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.
WeAT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots IV  
Chair: Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Co-Chair: Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT5.1 
Water/Air Performance Analysis of a Fluidic Muscle
Focchi, MicheleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Guglielmino, EmanueleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Semini, ClaudioItalian Inst. of Tech.
Parmiggiani, AlbertoIIT (Italian Inst. of Tech. Univ. of Genoa
Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
Vanderborght, BramVrije Univ. Brussel
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT5.2 
The Design of an Anthropomorphic Dexterous Humanoid Foot
Davis, StevenItalian Inst. of Tech.
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT5.3 
A Study of Function of Foot's Medial Longitudinal Arch Using Biped Humanoid Robot
Hashimoto, KenjiWaseda Univ.
Takezaki, YukiWaseda Univ.
Hattori, KentaroWaseda Univ.
Kondo, HidekiWaseda Univ.
Takashima, TakamichiNational Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
Lim, Hun-okKanagawa Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT5.4 
A Tactile Sensor for the Fingertips of the Humanoid Robot Icub
Schmitz, AlexanderItalian Inst. of Tech.
Maggiali, MarcoUniv. of Genoa
Natale, LorenzoIstutito Italiano di Tecnologia
Bonino, BrunoItalian Inst. of Tech.
Metta, GiorgioUniv. of Genoa
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT5.5 
Adaptive Multi-Dimensional Compliance Control of a Humanoid Robotic Arm with Anti-Windup Compensation
Khan, Said GhaniUniv. of West England, Bristol, UK
Herrmann, GuidoUniv. of Bristol
Pipe, TonyBristol Robotics Lab.
Melhuish, ChrisBRL
WeAT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
AI Reasoning Methods  
Chair: Stilman, MikeGeorgia Tech.
Co-Chair: Suzuki, SatoshiTokyo Denki Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT6.1 
Service Level Differentiation in Multi-Robots Control
Xu, YingCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Dai, TinglongCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Sycara, KatiaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Lewis, MichaelUniv. of Pittsburgh
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT6.2 
Becoming Action-Aware through Reasoning about Logged Plan Execution Traces
Mösenlechner, LorenzTech. Univ. München
Demmel, NikolausTech. Univ. München
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT6.3 
Contingency Planning Over Probabilistic Hybrid Obstacle Predictions for Autonomous Road Vehicles
Hardy, JasonCornell Univ.
Campbell, MarkCornell Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT6.4 
Efficient Nearest-Neighbor Computation for GPU-Based Motion Planning
Pan, JiaUNC Chapel Hill
Lauterbach, ChristianUNC Chapel Hill
Manocha, DineshUNC at Chapel Hill
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT6.5 
Estimation of Operational Intentions Utilizing Self-Organizing Map with Bayes Filtering
Suzuki, SatoshiTokyo Denki Univ.
Harashima, FumioTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
WeAT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Entertainment Robotics  
Chair: Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Co-Chair: Aleotti, JacopoUniv. of Parma
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT7.1 
Temporal Scaling of Leg Motion for Music Feedback System of a Dancing Humanoid Robot  (Video)
Okamoto, TakahiroThe Univ. Tokyo
Shiratori, TakaakiCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Kudoh, ShunsukeThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Ikeuchi, KatsushiThe Univ. of Tokyo
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT7.2 
Detecting Dance Motion Structure Using Body Components and Turning Motions
Rennhak, BjoernThe Univ. of Tokyo
Shiratori, TakaakiCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Kudoh, ShunsukeThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Vinayavekhin, PhongtharinUniv. of Tokyo
Ikeuchi, KatsushiThe Univ. of Tokyo
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT7.3 
Designing Reactive Emotion Generation Model for Interactive Robots
Kim, Hyoung-RockKAIST
Koo, SeongyongKAIST
Kwon, Dong-SooKAIST
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT7.4 
Full-Body Gesture Recognition Using Inertial Sensors for Playful Interaction with Small Humanoid Robot
Cooney, Martin D.Osaka Univ. ATR
Becker-Asano, ChristianATR
Kanda, TakayukiATR
Alissandrakis, ArisAdvanced Telecommunications Res. Inst. International (AT
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT7.5 
Implementation of a Musical Performance Interaction System for the Waseda Flutist Robot: Combining Visual and Acoustic Sensor Input Based on Sequential Bayesian Filtering
Petersen, KlausWaseda Univ.
Solis, JorgeWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
WeAT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Parallel Robots I  
Chair: Arai, TatsuoOsaka Univ.
Co-Chair: Kim, Whee KukKorea Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT8.1 
Forward Kinematics of Redundantly Actuated, Tendon-Based Robots  (Video)
v. Zitzewitz, JoachimETH Zurich
Rauter, GeorgETH Zurich
Vallery, HeikeETH Zurich
Morger, AndréETH Zurich
Riener, RobertETH Zurich
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT8.2 
Forward Kinematic Analysis of a Planar Cable Driven Redundant Parallel Manipulator Using Force Sensors
Oftadeh, RezaK. N. Toosi U. of Tech.
M. Aref, MohammadK.N. Toosi Univ. of Tech.
Taghirad, HamidK.N.Toosi Univ. of Tech.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT8.3 
An Experimental Comparison of State Observers for the Control of a Parallel Manipulator without Velocity Measurements
Sartori Natal, GuilhermeLIRMM, Univ. of Montpellier 2
Chemori, AhmedLIRMM
Pierrot, FrançoisCNRS - LIRMM
Company, OlivierUniv. of Montpellier 2
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT8.4 
Geometric Properties of Zero-Torsion Parallel Kinematics Machines
Wu, YuanqingShanghai Jiaotong Univ.
Li, ZexiangHKUST
Shi, JinboHong Kong Univ. of Science and Tech.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT8.5 
On Contact Models for Assembly Tasks: Experimental Investigation Beyond the Peg-In-Hole Problem on the Example of Force-Torque Maps
Dietrich, FranzTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Buchholz, DirkTU Braunschweig
Wobbe, FrankTU Braunschweig
Sowinski, FrankTU Braunschweig
Raatz, AnnikaTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Schumacher, WalterTU Braunschweig
Wahl, Friedrich M.Tech. Univ. of Braunschweig
WeAT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Medical Robots and Systems IV  
Chair: Ko, Seong YoungImperial Coll. London
Co-Chair: Misra, SarthakUniv. of Twente
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT9.1 
Two-Dimensional Needle Steering with a “Programmable Bevel” Inspired by Nature: Modeling Preliminaries
Ko, Seong YoungImperial Coll. London
Davies, Brian L.Imperial Coll.
Rodriguez y Baena, FerdinandoImperial Coll. London, UK
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT9.2 
Quasistatic Modeling of Concentric Tube Robots with External Loads
Lock, JesseBoston Univ.
Laing, GenevieveBoston Univ.
Mahvash, MohsenChildren's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Dupont, PierreChildren's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT9.3 
Trajectory Planning with Task Constraints in Densely Filled Environments
Maris, Bogdan MihaiUniv. of Verona
Botturi, DeboraUniv. of Verona
Fiorini, PaoloUniv. of Verona
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT9.4 
Image-Based Flexible Endoscope Steering
Reilink, RobUniv. of Twente
Stramigioli, StefanoUniv. of Twente
Misra, SarthakUniv. of Twente
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT9.5 
Control of a Multiple Sections Flexible Endoscopic System
Bardou, BerengereUniv. of Strasbourg
Zanne, PhilippeUniv. of Strasbourg
Nageotte, FlorentUniv. of Strasbourg
de Mathelin, MichelUniv. of Strasbourg
WeAT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Mechanism Design I  
Chair: Fukushima, Edwardo F.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Chen, I-MingNanyang Tech. Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT10.1 
A New Contactless Conveyor System for Handling Clean and Delicate Products Using Induced Air Flows  (Video)
Delettre, AnneFEMTO-ST Inst. - CNRS - ENSMM - Univ. de Franche-Comté
Laurent, Guillaume J.FEMTO-ST Inst. - CNRS - ENSMM - Univ. de Franche-Comté
Le Fort-Piat, NadineFEMTO-ST
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT10.2 
Fabrication and Analysis of Dielectric-Elastomer Minimum-Energy Structures for Highly-Deformable Soft Robotic Systems
Petralia, MichaelHarvard Univ.
Wood, RobertHarvard Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT10.3 
A New Mechanical Structure for Adjustable Stiffness Devices with Lightweight and Small Size
Uemura, MitsunoriRitsumeikan Univ.
Kawamura, SadaoRitsumeikan Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT10.4 
Analysis of Task Feasibility for a Home Robot Using Prismatic Joints
Mashimo, TomoakiCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Diankov, RosenCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Urakubo, TakateruKobe Univ.
Kanade, TakeoCarnegie Mellon Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT10.5 
Parallel Forward Dynamics: A Geometric Approach
Zamora-Esquivel, JulioCINVESTAV del IPN, Unidad Guadalajara
Bayro-Corrochano, Eduardo-JoseCINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara
WeAT11 Invited Sessions, 201F  
Mobiligence - Adaptive Behavior of Biological Systems and Robotic Systems  
Chair: Asama, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: Ota, JunThe Univ. of Tokyo
Organizer: Asama, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
Organizer: Ota, JunThe Univ. of Tokyo
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT11.1 
Biological System Models Reproducing Snakes' Musculoskeletal System (I)
Inoue, KousukeIbaraki Univ.
Nakamura, KaitaMori Seiki Co., Ltd.
Suzuki, MasatoshiIbaraki Univ.
Mori, YoshikazuIbaraki Univ.
Fukuoka, YasuhiroIbaraki Univ.
Shiroma, NaojiIbaraki Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT11.2 
Construction of the Brain-Machine Hybrid System to Analyze Adaptive Behavior of Silkworm Moth (I)
Takashima, AtsushiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Minegishi, RyoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Kurabayashi, DaisukeTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Kanzaki, RyoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT11.3 
Neural Network Estimation of LAL/VPC Resions of Silkmoth Using Genetic Algorithm (I)
Chiba, RyosukeTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Hashimoto, SunaoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Kazawa, TomokiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Kanzaki, RyoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Ota, JunThe Univ. of Tokyo
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT11.4 
A Soft-Bodied Fluid-Driven Amoeboid Robot Inspired by Plasmodium of True Slime Mold (I)  (Video)
Umedachi, TakuyaTohoku Univ.
Takeda, KoichiTohoku Univ.
Nakagaki, ToshiyukiHokkaido Univ.
Kobayashi, RyoHiroshima Univ.
Ishiguro, AkioTohoku Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT11.5 
Dual Structure of Mobiligence --Implicit Control and Explicit Control (I)
Osuka, KoichiOsaka Univ.
Ishiguro, AkioTohoku Univ.
Zheng, Xin-ZhiASTEM RI
Sugimoto, YasuhiroOsaka Univ.
Owaki, DaiTohoku Univ.
WeAT12 Regular Sessions, 202A  
Robotics in Hazardous Fields  
Chair: Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Co-Chair: Taylor, C. JamesLancaster Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT12.1 
State Dependent Control of a Robotic Manipulator Used for Nuclear Decommissioning Activities
Taylor, C. JamesLancaster Univ.
Chotai, ArunLancaster Univ.
Robertson, DavidLancaster Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT12.2 
Robust 3D Scan Segmentation for Teleoperation Tasks in Areas Contaminated by Radiation
Roennau, ArneFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Liebel, GrischaFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Schamm, ThomasFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Kerscher, ThiloFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT12.3 
Hybrid Data Fusion for 3D Localization under Heavy Disturbances
Santana, Pedro Henrique de Rodrigues Quemel e AssisUniv. of Brasilia
Borges, Geovany AraujoUniv. de Brasilia
Ishihara, João YoshiyukiUniv. de Brasilia
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT12.4 
Tetrabot: Resonance Based Locomotion for Harsh Environments  (Video)
Neubert, JonasCornell Univ.
Stockton, JonathanCornell Univ.
Blechman, BenjaminCornell Univ.
Lipson, HodCornell Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT12.5 
Design and Compatibility of a High-Performance Actuation System for Fmri-Based Neuroscience Studies
Hara, MasayukiÉcole Pol. Fédérale de Lausanne
Duenas, JulioETH
Kober, TobiasEc. Pol. fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Chapuis, DominiqueEc. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
Lambercy, OlivierETH Zurich
Bleuler, HannesEc. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
Gassert, RogerETH Zurich
WeAT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Surveillance Systems  
Chair: Laugier, ChristianINRIA Rhône-Alpes
Co-Chair: Anderson, MonicaThe Univ. of Alabama
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT13.1 
Target Acquisition in Resource Constrained Stationary Camera Systems
Veluchamy, AparnaUniv. of Alabama
Anderson, MonicaThe Univ. of Alabama
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT13.2 
Real-Time Moving Object Recognition and Tracking Using Computation Offloading
Nimmagadda, YaminiPurdue Univ.
Kumar, KarthikPurdue Univ.
Lu, Yung-HsiangPurdue Univ.
Lee, C. S. GeorgePurdue Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT13.3 
A Novel Approach for Object Extraction from Video Sequences Based on Continuous Background/Foreground Classification  (Video)
Craesmeyer Bellardi, ThiagoINRIA Rhone-Alpes
Rios-Martinez, JorgeINRIA Rhone-Alpes
Vasquez, AlejandroETHZ
Laugier, ChristianINRIA Rhône-Alpes
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT13.4 
Mixing Differential Inclusions with Markov Decision Processes
Goncalves, NelsonInst. Superior Técnico
Sequeira, JoaoInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for SystemsandRobotics
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT13.5 
Multiple-Person Tracking Devoted to Distributed Multi Smart Camera Networks  (Video)
Zuriarrain, IkerUniv. of Mondragon
Aizpurua, Jose IgnacioUniv. of Mondragon
Lerasle, FredericLAAS - CNRS
Arana, NestorUniv. of Mondragon
WeAT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Human Performance Augmentation  
Chair: Shiroma, NaojiIbaraki Univ.
Co-Chair: Han, Chang-SooHanyang Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper WeAT14.1 
Energy-Efficient Gait Pattern Generation of the Powered Robotic Exoskeleton Using DME
Kim, Wan-SooHanyang Univ.
Lee, SeunghoonHanyang Univ.
Kang, Min-SungHanyang Univ.
Han, Jungsoohansung Univ.
Han, Chang-SooHanyang Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper WeAT14.2 
Investigation of Reducing Fatigue and Musculoskeletal Disorder with Passive Actuators
Carmichael, MarcCentre for Autonomous Systems
Liu, DikaiFacultyof Engineering and Information Tech.
Waldron, Kenneth JohnStanford Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper WeAT14.3 
Human Force Amplification with Industrial Robot : Study of Dynamic Limitations
Lamy, XavierFrench Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Colledani, FrédéricCEA-LIST
Geffard, FranckAtomic Energy Commissariat (CEA)
Measson, YvanCEA LIST
Morel, GuillaumeUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
10:30-10:50, Paper WeAT14.4 
Evolving Aggressive Biomechanical Models with Genetic Programming
Theodoridis, TheodorosUni. of Essex
10:50-11:10, Paper WeAT14.5 
Asynchronous Visual Information Sharing System with Image Stabilization
Shiroma, NaojiIbaraki Univ.
Oyama, EimeiAIST
WeAV Video Sessions, 203B  
Video Session  
Chair: Oh, Paul Y.Drexel Univ.
Co-Chair: Hong, DennisVirginia Tech.
09:30-09:33, Paper WeAV.1 
Playing Pylos with an Autonomous Robot  (Video)
Aichholzer, OswinGraz Univ. of Tech.
Detassis, DanielGraz Univ. of Tech.
Hackl, ThomasGraz Univ. of Tech.
Steinbauer, GeraldGraz Univ. of Tech.
Thonhauser, JohannesGraz Univ. of Tech.
09:33-09:36, Paper WeAV.2 
Mixed Reality for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations in Near Earth Environments
Hing, JamesDrexel Univ.
Oh, Paul Y.Drexel Univ.
09:36-09:39, Paper WeAV.3 
A Ball-Throwing Robot with Visual Feedback  (Video)
Hu, Jwu-ShengNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Chien, Ming-ChihIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Chang, Yung-JungNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Su, Shyh-HaurIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Kai, Chen-YuNational Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech.
09:39-09:42, Paper WeAV.4 
A Robotic Ball Catcher with Embedded Visual Servo Processor  (Video)
Hu, Jwu-ShengNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Chien, Ming-ChihIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Chang, Yung-JungNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Chang, Nelson Yen-ChungIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Su, Shyh-HaurIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Yang, Jwu-JiunIndustrial Tech. Res. Inst.
Kai, Chen-YuNational Taiwan Univ. of Science and Tech.
09:52-09:55, Paper WeAV.5 
Teleoperation of AZIMUT-3, an Omnidirectional Non-Holonomic Platform with Steerable Wheels  (Video)
Ferland, FrançoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Clavien, LionelUniv. de Sherbrooke
Frémy, JulienUniv. de Sherbrooke
Létourneau, DominicUniv. de Sherbrooke
Michaud, FrancoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Lauria, MichelUniv. of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
09:55-09:58, Paper WeAV.6 
Force-Controlled Motion of a Mobile Platform  (Video)
Frémy, JulienUniv. de Sherbrooke
Ferland, FrançoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Clavien, LionelUniv. de Sherbrooke
Létourneau, DominicUniv. de Sherbrooke
Michaud, FrancoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Lauria, MichelUniv. of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
09:58-10:01, Paper WeAV.7 
Using a Dual Differential Rheological Actuator As a High-Performance Haptic Interface  (Video)
Heintz, BenoîtUniv. de Sherbrooke
Fauteux, PhilippeUniv. de Sherbrooke
Létourneau, DominicUniv. de Sherbrooke
Michaud, FrancoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Lauria, MichelUniv. of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
10:01-10:04, Paper WeAV.8 
Empirical Evaluation of a Practical Indoor Mobile Robot Navigation Method Using Hybrid Maps  (Video)
Özkil, Ali GürcanTech. Univ. of Denmark
Fan, ZhunTech. Univ. of Denmark
Xiao, JizhongCity Coll. of New York
Jens, KristensenFORCE Tech.
Dawids, SteenDTU, Tech. Univ. of Denmark
Christensen, Kim HardamForce Tech. Denmark
Aanæs, HenrikTech. Univ. of Denmark
10:24-10:27, Paper WeAV.9 
Robotic Jerboa: A Compact Bipedal Kick-And-Slide Robot Powered by Unidirectional Impulse Force Generators  (Video)
Tsuda, TakashiUniv. of Tsukuba
Mochiyama, HiromiUniv. of Tsukuba
Fujimoto, HideoNagoya Inst. of Tech.
10:27-10:30, Paper WeAV.10 
Acroban the Humanoid: Compliance for Stabilization and Human Interaction  (Video)
Ly, OlivierINRIA / Lab. - Bordeaux Univ.
Oudeyer, Pierre-YvesINRIA
10:30-10:33, Paper WeAV.11 
Multi-Fingered Robotic Hand Employing Strings Transmission Named “Twist Drive” — Video Contribution  (Video)
Sonoda, TakashiFukuoka Industry, Science & Tech. Foundation
Godler, IvanUniv. of Kitakyushu
10:33-10:36, Paper WeAV.12 
Novel Air Blowing Control for Balancing a Unicycle Robot
Lee, Jong HyunChungnam National Univ.
Shin, Hye JungChungnam National Univ.
Lee, SeungJunChungnam National Univ.
Jung, SeulChung Nam National Univ.
10:46-10:49, Paper WeAV.13 
Airport Snow Shoveling
Saska, MartinCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Vonasek, VojtechCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Krajnik, TomasFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Tech. Univ.
10:49-10:52, Paper WeAV.14 
R&D Phases of a Mobile Robot Prototype Applied to Underground Distribution Lines  (Video)
Allan, Jean-FrancoisHydro-Quebec Res. Inst.
Reiher, StephaneHydro-Quebec Res. Inst.
Lambert, GhislainHydro-Quebec Res. Inst.
Lavoie, SamuelHydro-Quebec Res. Inst.
10:52-10:55, Paper WeAV.15 
Actuation Mechanisms for Biologically Inspired Everting Toroidal Robots
Orekhov, ViktorVirginia Tech.
Hong, DennisVirginia Tech.
Yim, MarkUniv. of Pennsylvania
10:55-10:58, Paper WeAV.16 
A Hardware-In-The-Loop Testing Facility for UAV Sensor Suites and Control Algorithms  (Video)
Sevcik, KeithDrexel Univ.
Oh, Paul Y.Drexel Univ.
WeBT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Slam Ii  
Chair: Ila, ViorelaUPC-CSIC
Co-Chair: Burguera, AntoniUniv. de les Illes Balears
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT1.1 
3 Known Landmarks Are Enough for Solving Planar Bearing SLAM and Fully Reconstruct Unknown Inputs
Belo, FelipeUniv. of Pisa
Salaris, PaoloUniv. of Pisa
Bicchi, AntonioUniv. of Pisa
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT1.2 
Scan-Based SLAM with Trajectory Correction in Underwater Environments
Burguera, AntoniUniv. de les Illes Balears
Oliver, Gabriel A.Univ. of the Balearic Islands
Gonzalez, YolandaBalearic Islands Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT1.3 
Selective Submap Joining for Underwater Large Scale 6-DOF SLAM
Aulinas, JosepUniv. of Girona
Lladó, XavierUniv. of Girona
Salvi, JoaquimUniv. of Girona
Petillot, Yvan R.Heriot-Watt Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT1.4 
Multi-Level Submap Based SLAM Using Nested Dissection  (Video)
Ni, KaiGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Dellaert, FrankGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT1.5 
Subgraph-Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients for Large Scale SLAM
Dellaert, FrankGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Carlson, JustinCarnegie Mellon Univ. - Qatar Campus
Ila, ViorelaUPC-CSIC
Ni, KaiGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Thorpe, CharlesCarnegie Mellon Univ. - Qatar Campus
WeBT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Grasping IV  
Chair: Moon, HyungpilSungKyunKwan Univ.
Co-Chair: Endo, GenTokyo Inst. of Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT2.1 
Human-Like Reflexes for Robotic Manipulation Using Leaky Integrate-And-Fire Neurons
Bauer, ChristianKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Milighetti, GiulioFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Yan, WenjieKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Mikut, RalfKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT2.2 
Grasping Novel Objects with Depth Segmentation  (Video)
Rao, DeepakStanford Univ.
Le, QuocStanford Univ.
Phoka, ThanathornChulalongkorn Univ.
Quigley, MorganStanford Univ.
Sudsang, AttawithChulalongkorn Univ.
Ng, AndrewStanford Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT2.3 
Robotic Grasping of Unmodeled Objects Using Time-Of-Flight Range Data and Finger Torque Information  (Video)
Maldonado, AlexisTech. Univ. München
Klank, UlrichTech. Univ. München
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT2.4 
Kinematically Optimal Catching a Flying Ball with a Hand-Arm-System  (Video)
Baeuml, BertholdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Wimboeck, ThomasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT2.5 
Development of a Light Duty Arm with an Active-Fingertip Gripper for Handling Discoid Objects
Endo, GenTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Yamada, HiroyaTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
WeBT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Range Sensing II  
Chair: Arai, TamioThe Univ. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: Núñez Trujillo, PedroUniv. de Extremadura
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT3.1 
Moving Objects Detection and Classification Based on Trajectories of LRF Scan Data on a Grid Map  (Video)
Mori, TaketoshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sato, TakahiroThe Univ. of Tokyo
Noguchi, HiroshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Shimosaka, MasamichiUniv. of Tokyo
Fukui, RuiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sato, TomomasaThe Univ. of Tokyo
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT3.2 
Robotized Inspection System of the External Aircraft Fuselage Based on Ultrasounds  (Video)
Sanz, José I.Airbus
Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Espada, AlvaroAirbus
Collar, MatiasUniv. Pol. DE MADRID
Fenández, JoseUniv. Pol. de Madrid
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT3.3 
Micro/Nano Displacement Sensor for Piezoelectric Actuator with Multi-Stage Expansion Mechanism
Yu, YongKagoshima Univ.
Song, BoUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Chen, RenbingRobot sensor Lab. IIM, CAS
Ge, YunjianChinese Acad. of Sciences
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT3.4 
Laser-Camera Data Discrepancies and Reliable Perception in Outdoor Robotics
Peynot, ThierryThe Univ. of Sydney
Kassir, AbdallahACFR, The Univ. of Sydney
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT3.5 
Change Detection in 3D Environments Based on Gaussian Mixture Model and Robust Structural Matching for Autonomous Robotic Applications
Núñez Trujillo, PedroUniv. de Extremadura
Drews Jr, PauloUniv. of Coimbra
Bandera, AntonioUniv. de Málaga
Rocha, RuiInst. of Systems and Robotics - Univ. of Coimbra
Campos, Mario F. MontenegroFederal Univ. of Minas Gerais
Dias, JorgeUniv. of Coimbra
WeBT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Physical Human-Robot Interaction II  
Chair: Hirata, YasuhisaTohoku Univ.
Co-Chair: Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT4.1 
Design of a Variable Impedance Differential Actuator for Wearable Robotics Applications
Tagliamonte, Nevio LuigiUniv. Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Sergi, FabrizioUniv. Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Carpino, GiorgioUniv. Campus Bio-Medico
Accoto, DinoUniv. Campus Bio-Medico
Guglielmelli, EugenioUniv. Campus Bio-Medico
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT4.2 
Performance Evaluations of Hand and Forearm Support System
Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Watanabe, KosukeUniv. of Tsukuba
Sankai, YoshiyukiUniv. of Tsukuba
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT4.3 
Minimal Force Jump within Human and Assistive Robot Cooperation
Abdi, HamidDeakin Univ.
Nahavandi, SaeidDeakin Univ.
Tale Masouleh, MehdiUniv. Laval
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT4.4 
Benchmark Tools for Evaluating AGVs at Industrial Environments
Yuste, HectorTech. Univ. of Valencia
Armesto, LeopoldoUniv. Pol. de Valencia Q4618002B
Tornero, JosepTech. Univ. of valencia
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT4.5 
Natural-Language Command of an Autonomous Micro-Air Vehicle  (Video)
Huang, Albert S.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Tellex, StefanieMIT Media Lab.
Bachrach, AbrahamMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Kollar, ThomasMIT
Roy, DebMIT
Roy, NicholasMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
WeBT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots V  
Chair: Lee, C. S. GeorgePurdue Univ.
Co-Chair: Morimoto, JunATR Computational Neuroscience Lab.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT5.1 
Constrained Geodesic Trajectory Generation on Learnt Skill Manifolds
Havoutis, IoannisUniv. of Edinburgh
Ramamoorthy, SubramanianThe Univ. of Edinburgh
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT5.2 
Imitation Learning of Globally Stable Non-Linear Point-To-Point Robot Motions Using Nonlinear Programming  (Video)
Khansari-Zadeh, Seyed MohammadEPFL
Billard, AudeEPFL
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT5.3 
A Full-Body Motion Control Method for a Humanoid Robot Based on On-Line Estimation of the Operational Force of an Object with an Unknown Weight
Nozawa, ShunichiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Ueda, RyoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Kakiuchi, YoheiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Okada, KeiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Inaba, MasayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT5.4 
Online Footprint Imitation of a Humanoid Robot by Walking Motion Parameterization
Kim, Sung-KyunKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
Hong, SeokminUniv. of Science and Tech.
Kim, DoikKIST
Oh, YonghwanKIST
You, Bum JaeKIST
Oh, Sang-RokKIST
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT5.5 
Constructing of Efficient Database Structure by Imitation Learning Based on Evolutionary Algorithm
Park, Ga-RamKorea Univ.
Kim, ChangHwanKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
WeBT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Computer Vision III  
Chair: Corke, PeterQUT
Co-Chair: Kita, YasuyoInst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. & Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT6.1 
High-Speed Stroboscope for Specular Reflection Removal of DC Illumination
Tsuji, ToshiakiSaitama Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT6.2 
Clothes Handling Using Visual Recognition in Cooperation with Actions  (Video)
Kita, YasuyoInst. of Advanced Industrial Sci. & Tech.
Neo, Ee SianNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Ueshiba, ToshioNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and
Kita, NobuyukiNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science andTechnology
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT6.3 
Improving Feature Based Object Recognition in Service Robotics by Disparity Map Based Segmentation
Asanza, DiegoHochschule Mannheim
Wirnitzer, BernhardHochschule Mannheim
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT6.4 
Using the Disparity Space to Compute Occupancy Grids from Stereo-Vision
Perrollaz, MathiasINRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
Yoder, John DavidOhio Northern Univ.
Spalanzani, AnneINRIA Rhône-Alpes
Laugier, ChristianINRIA Rhône-Alpes
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT6.5 
Automatic Observation for 3D Reconstruction of Unknown Objects Using Visual Servoing
Walck, GuillaumeUPMC Univ. Paris 06, ISIR
Drouin, MichelUPMC Univ. Paris 06, ISIR
WeBT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Domestic Robots  
Chair: Godler, IvanUniv. of Kitakyushu
Co-Chair: Lee, SukhanSungkyunkwan Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT7.1 
Multi-Fingered Robotic Hand Employing Strings Transmission Named ``Twist Drive''  (Video)
Sonoda, TakashiFukuoka Industry, Science & Tech. Foundation
Godler, IvanUniv. of Kitakyushu
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT7.2 
Robustly Operating Articulated Objects Based on Experience  (Video)
Sturm, JürgenUniv. of Freiburg
Jain, AdvaitGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Stachniss, CyrillUniv. of Freiburg
Kemp, CharlieGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT7.3 
Learning a Probabilistic Self-Awareness Model for Robotic Systems
Golombek, RaphaelRes. Inst. for Cognition and Robotics, Bielefeld Univ.
Wrede, SebastianBielefeld Univ.
Hanheide, MarcUniv. of Birmingham
Heckmann, MartinHonda Res. Inst. Europe GmbH
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT7.4 
Learning to Open New Doors
Klingbeil, EllenStanford Univ.
Saxena, AshutoshCornell Univ.
Ng, AndrewStanford Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT7.5 
3D Room Modeling and Doorway Detection from Indoor Stereo Imagery Using Feature Guided Piecewise Depth Diffusion
Varadarajan, Karthik MaheshACIN, TU Wien (Tech. Univ. of Vienna)
Vincze, MarkusVienna Univ. of Tech.
WeBT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Parallel Robots II  
Chair: Yamawaki, TasukuNational Defense Acad. of Japan
Co-Chair: Choi, YoungjinHanyang Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT8.1 
Singularity-Invariant Leg Substitutions in Pentapods
Borràs Sol, JúliaCSIC-UPC
Thomas, FedericoCSIC-UPC
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT8.2 
Explicit Dynamic Equations of Stewart--Gough Platform: A Newton--Euler Approach
Oftadeh, RezaK. N. Toosi U. of Tech.
M. Aref, MohammadK.N. Toosi Univ. of Tech.
Taghirad, HamidK.N.Toosi Univ. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT8.3 
Comparison of 3-PPR Parallel Planar Manipulators Based on Their Sensitivity to Joint Clearances
Binaud, NicolasIRCCyN
Caro, StéphaneEc. Centrale de Nantes
Bai, ShaopingAalborg Univ.
Wenger, PhilippeEc. Centrale de Nantes
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT8.4 
A New Concept of Self-Reconfigurable Mobile Machining Centers
Yang, HaiFatronik France Tecnalia
Krut, SebastienLIRMM (CNRS & Univ. Montpellier 2)
Pierrot, FrançoisCNRS - LIRMM
Baradat, CédricFondation Fatronik
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT8.5 
Stackable 4-BAR Mechanisms and Their Robotic Applications
Lee, HoyulHanyang Univ.
Choi, YoungjinHanyang Univ.
WeBT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Medical Robots and Systems V  
Chair: Kobayashi, YoWaseda Univ.
Co-Chair: Ferreira, AntoineUniv. of Orléans
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT9.1 
Control Electronics Integration Toward Endoscopic Capsule Robot Performing Legged Locomotion and Illumination
Alonso, OscarUniv. of Barcelona
Freixas, LluisUniv. de Barcelona
Canals, JoanUniv. of Barcelona
Susilo, EkawahyuScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Dieguez, AngelUniv. of Barcelona
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT9.2 
Endovascular Navigation of a Ferromagnetic Microrobot Using MRI-Based Predictive Control
Belharet, KarimEc. National Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges (Univ. d'
Folio, DavidENSI de Bourges
Ferreira, AntoineUniv. of Orléans
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT9.3 
Development of a Broad-View Camera System for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Kawahara, TomohiroNagoya Univ.
Takaki, TakeshiHiroshima Univ.
Ishii, IdakuHiroshima Univ.
Okajima, MasazumiHiroshima Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT9.4 
A Study on Wire-Wire Driven Abdominal Cavity Mobile Micro Robot
Hiroki, ChikaChiba Univ.
Ohno, SatoshiChiba Univ.
Ikemoto, YuChiba Univ. Chiba, Japan
Yu, WenweiChiba Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT9.5 
Quantitative Palpation to Identify the Material Parameters of Tissues Using Reactive Force Measurement and Finite Element Simulation
Hoshi, TakeharuWaseda Univ.
Kobayashi, YoWaseda Univ.
Miyashita, TomoyukiWaseda Univ.
Fujie, Masakatsu G.Waseda Univ.
WeBT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Mechanism Design II  
Chair: Li, YangminUniv. of Macau
Co-Chair: Yi, Byung-JuHanayang Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT10.1 
Optimization and Dynamic Simulation of a Parallel Three Three Degree-of-Freedom Camera Orientation System
Villgrattner, ThomasTech. Univ. München
Ulbrich, HeinzTech. Univ. Muenchen
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT10.2 
Dynamical Analysis and Improvement of Velocity for 3 DOF Precise Inchworm Mechanism
Fuchiwaki, OhmiYokohama National Univ. (YNU)
Arafuka, KazushiYokohama National Univ. (YNU)
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT10.3 
Self-Rescue Mechanism for Screw Drive In-Pipe Robots
Li, PengThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Ma, ShugenRitsumeikan Univ.
Li, BinShenyang Inst. of Automation
Wang, YuechaoShenyang Inst. of Automation
Liu, YunhuiChinese Univ. of Hong Kong
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT10.4 
A Pipeline Inspection Robot with a Linkage Type Mechanical Clutch  (Video)
Kwon, Young-SikHanyang Univ.
Lee, BaeDoobae system co., ltd.
Hwang, In-CheolDOOBAE System Co., Ltd.
Yi, Byung-JuHanayang Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT10.5 
Decentralized Control of Serpentine Locomotion That Enables Well-Balanced Coupling between Phasic and Tonic Control  (Video)
Kano, TakeshiGraduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ.
Sato, TakahideTohoku Univ.
Kobayashi, RyoHiroshima Univ.
Ishiguro, AkioTohoku Univ.
WeBT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Underactuated Robots  
Chair: Guo, ShuxiangKagawa Univ.
Co-Chair: Matsuno, FumitoshiKyoto Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT11.1 
Underactuated Control for Nonholonomic Mobile Robots by Using Double Integrator Model and Invariant Manifold Theory
Watanabe, KeigoOkayama Univ.
Yamamoto, TakahiroOkayama Univ.
Izumi, KiyotakaSaga Univ.
Maeyama, ShoichiOkayama Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT11.2 
A Simplified Model of Planar Snake Robot Locomotion
Liljebäck, PålSINTEF IKT
Pettersen, Kristin Y.Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
Stavdahl, ØyvindNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. (NTNU)
Gravdahl, Jan TommyNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT11.3 
Fundamental Properties of Snake Robot Locomotion
Liljebäck, PålSINTEF IKT
Pettersen, Kristin Y.Norwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
Stavdahl, ØyvindNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech. (NTNU)
Gravdahl, Jan TommyNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT11.4 
1-DOF Spherical Mobile Robot That Can Generate Two Motions
Toyoizumi, Teppeithe Univ. of Tokyo
Yonekura, Shogothe Univ. of Tokyo
Kamimura, AkiyaNational Inst. ofAdvancedIndustrialScienceandTechnology
Tadakuma, RiichiroYamagata Univ.
Kawaguchi, Yoichirothe Univ. of Tokyo
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT11.5 
Ball Dribbling with an Underactuated Continuous-Time Control Phase: Theory & Experiments
Bätz, GeorgTech. Univ. München
Mettin, UweNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
Scheint, MichaelTech. Univ. München
Schmidts, AlexanderTech. Univ. München
Wollherr, DirkTech. Univ. München
Shiriaev, AntonUmea Univ.
WeBT12 Regular Sessions, 202A  
Visual Tracking I  
Chair: Wang, HeshengShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Co-Chair: Hashimoto, KoichiTohoku Univ.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT12.1 
Vision-Based Robotic Tracking of Moving Object with Dynamic Uncertainty
Wang, HeshengShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Liu, YunhuiChinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Chen, WeidongShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT12.2 
Target Tracking for Moving Robots Using Object-Based Visual Attention  (Video)
Yu, YuanlongMemorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Mann, George K. I.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
Gosine, Raymond G.Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT12.3 
An Object-Tracking Algorithm Based on Particle Filtering with Region-Based Level Set Method
Fei, XianfengTohoku Univ.
Hashimoto, KoichiTohoku Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT12.4 
Multiple Plane Tracking Using Unscented Kalman Filter
Chari, ViseshINRIA Rhône-Alpes
Jawahar, C.V.IIIT, Hyderabad
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT12.5 
Sensor Data Fusion Using Fuzzy Control for VOR-Based Vision Tracking System
Kwon, Hyun-ilSeoul National Univ.
Park, JaehongSeoul National Univ.
Hwang, WonsangSeoul National Univ.
Kim, Jong-hyeonSeoul National Univ.
Lee, Chang-hunSeoul National Univ.
Latif Anjum, MuhammadSeoul National Univ.
Kim, Kwang-sooHanbat National Univ.
Cho, Dongil DanSeoul National Univ.
WeBT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Sensor Networks  
Chair: Parker, LynneUniv. of Tennessee
Co-Chair: Miyashita, TakahiroATR
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT13.1 
Environmental Field Estimation of Mobile Sensor Networks Using Support Vector Regression
Lu, BowenUniv. of Essex
Gu, DongbingUniv. of Essex
Hu, HuoshengUniv. of Essex
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT13.2 
Mobile Robot Task Allocation in Hybrid Wireless Sensor Networks
Coltin, BrianCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Veloso, ManuelaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT13.3 
Automatic Calibration and Sensor Displacement Detection for Networks of Laser Range Finders
Glas, Dylan F.ATR
Miyashita, TakahiroATR
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT13.4 
Detecting Time-Related Changes in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Symbol Compression and Probabilistic Suffix Trees
Li, YuanYuanThe Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Thomason, MichaelUniv. of Tennessee
Parker, LynneUniv. of Tennessee
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT13.5 
Cooperative Target Localization Using Heterogeneous Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles
Pack, DanielUS Air Force Acad.
WeBT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Kinematics I  
Chair: Brethe, Jean-FrançoisLE HAVRE Univ.
Co-Chair: Semini, ClaudioItalian Inst. of Tech.
11:20-11:40, Paper WeBT14.1 
A 3-Way Valve-Controlled Spring Assisted Rotary Actuator
Yang, YoushengItalian Inst. of Tech.
Guglielmino, EmanueleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Semini, ClaudioItalian Inst. of Tech.
Dai, JianKing's Coll. London, Univ. of London
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper WeBT14.2 
Models for Pushing Objects with a Mobile Robot Using Single Point Contact
Behrens, MichaelUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Huang, ShoudongUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
12:00-12:20, Paper WeBT14.3 
Modeling of the Orientation Repeatability for Industrial Manipulators
Dandash, DialaLE HAVRE Univ.
Brethe, Jean-FrançoisLE HAVRE Univ.
Vasselin, EricUniv. du Havre - IUT
Lefebvre, DimitriUniv. LE HAVRE
12:20-12:40, Paper WeBT14.4 
An Analytical Solution for the Inverse Kinematics of a Redundant 7DoF Manipulator with Link Offsets
Singh, G.K.National Aerospace Lab. CSIR
Claassens, JonathanCSIR
12:40-13:00, Paper WeBT14.5 
Determining the Robot-To-Robot 3D Relative Pose Using Combinations of Range and Bearing Measurements: 14 Minimal Problems and Closed-Form Solutions to Three of Them
Zhou, XunUniv. of Minnesota
Roumeliotis, StergiosUniv. of Minnesota
WeCT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Slam Iii  
Chair: Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
Co-Chair: Eade, EthanEvolution Robotics
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT1.1 
Towards the Exploitation of Prior Information in SLAM
Parsley, Martin PeterUniv. Coll. London
Julier, Simon JustinUniv. Coll. London
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT1.2 
Hybrid Hessians for Flexible Optimization of Pose Graphs
Grimes, Matthew KoichiNew York Univ.
Anguelov, DragomirGoogle
LeCun, YannNew York Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT1.3 
Appearance-Based SLAM Relying on a Hybrid Laser/Omnidirectional Sensor  (Video)
Gallegos, GabrielaINRIA
Meilland, MaximeINRIA Sophia Antipolis
Rives, PatrickINRIA
Comport, Andrew IanCNRS
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT1.4 
How Far Is SLAM from a Linear Least Squares Problem?
Huang, ShoudongUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Lai, YingwuCNPC Liaoyang Petrochemical Company Machinary Factory
Frese, UdoUniv. Bremen
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT1.5 
Monocular Graph SLAM with Complexity Reduction
Eade, EthanEvolution Robotics
Fong, PhilipEvolution Robotics
Munich, Mario EnriqueEvolution Robotics
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT1.6 
DDF-SAM: Fully Distributed SLAM Using Constrained Factor Graphs
Cunningham, AlexanderGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Paluri, BalamanoharGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Dellaert, FrankGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
WeCT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Smart Actuators  
Chair: Choi, Hyouk RyeolSungkyunkwan Univ.
Co-Chair: Lan, Chao-ChiehNational Cheng Kung Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT2.1 
Power Hydraulics - Switched Mode Control of Hydraulic Actuation
Guglielmino, EmanueleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Semini, ClaudioItalian Inst. of Tech.
Kogler, HelmutJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria
Scheidl, RudolfJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz, Austria
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT2.2 
A New Control Method Utilizing Multiplex Air Vibration for Multi-DOF Pneumatic Mechatronics Systems
Nishioka, YasutakaOkayama Univ.
Suzumori, KoichiOkayama Univ.
Kanda, TakefumiOkayama Univ.
Wakimoto, ShuichiOkayama Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT2.3 
Investigation on Pretensioned Shape Memory Alloy Actuators for Force and Displacement Self-Sensing
Lan, Chao-ChiehNational Cheng Kung Univ.
Fan, Chen-HsienNational Cheng Kung Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT2.4 
Stability Analysis of Robot Motions Driven by McKibben Pneumatic Actuator
Sugimoto, YasuhiroOsaka Univ.
Naniwa, KeisukeKobe Univ.
Osuka, KoichiOsaka Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT2.5 
Intelligent Control of Piezoelectric Micropump Based on MEMS Flow Sensor
Liguo, ChenSoochow Univ.
Liu, Yaxinharbin Inst. of Tech.
Sun, Liningharbin Inst. of Tech.
Dongsheng, QuRobotics Inst. of Harbin
Jijiang, MinChangzhou Mingseal Robotic Tech. LTD., Co.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT2.6 
Position Control Methods of Spherical Ultrasonic Motor
Takesue, NaoyukiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Ohara, TomohiroTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Ishibashi, RyotaNagoya Inst. of Tech.
Toyama, ShigekiTUAT
Hoshina, MasahikoTokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.
Hirai, YoshiyukiTokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.
Fukaya, NaokiTokyo Metropolitan Coll. of Industrial Tech.
Arata, JumpeiNagoya Insititute of Tech.
Fujimoto, HideoNagoya Inst. of Tech.
WeCT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Chair: Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Nakamura, TaroChuo Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT3.1 
Robust Gait Control in Biomimetic Amphibious Robot Using Central Pattern Generator
Ding, RuiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yu, JunzhiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Yang, QinghaiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences,Beijing, Ch
Tan, MinInst. of Automation,Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT3.2 
Development of a Novel Quadruped Mobile Robot for Behavior Analysis of Rats
Shi, QingWaseda Univ.
Ishii, HiroyukiWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Laschi, CeciliaScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Mazzolai, BarbaraItalian Inst. of Tech.
Mattoli, VirgilioIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia, IIT
Dario, PaoloIIT Ialian Inst. of Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT3.3 
Biomimetic Sonar: 3D-Localization of Multiple Reflectors
Schillebeeckx, FilipsUniv. of Antwerp
Peremans, HerbertUniv. Antwerpen
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT3.4 
Development of a Peristaltic Pump Based on Bowel Peristalsis Using for Artificial Rubber Muscle
Suzuki, KazuyukiChuo Univ.
Nakamura, TaroChuo Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT3.5 
An Octopus Anatomy-Inspired Robotic Arm
Guglielmino, EmanueleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT3.6 
A Biomimetic Honeybee Robot for the Analysis of the Honeybee Dance Communication System
Landgraf, TimFree Univ. Berlin
Oertel, MichaelFree Univ. Berlin
Rhiel, DanielFree Univ. Berlin
Rojas, RaulFreie Univ. Berlin
WeCT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Physical Human-Robot Interaction III  
Chair: Liu, DikaiFacultyof Engineering and Information Tech.
Co-Chair: Colledani, FrédéricCEA-LIST
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT4.1 
Human Arm Impedance: Characterization and Modeling in 3D Space
Artemiadis, PanagiotisMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Katsiaris, PantelisNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Liarokapis, MinasNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Kyriakopoulos, KostasNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT4.2 
Realtime Reactive Motion Generation Based on Variable Attractor Dynamics and Shaped Velocities  (Video)
Haddadin, SamiGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Urbanek, HolgerGerman Aerospace Center
Parusel, SvenGerman Aerospace Center
Burschka, DariusTech. Univ. München
Rossmann, JuergenRWTH Aachen Univ.
Albu-Schäffer, AlinDLR - German Aerospace Center
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT4.3 
Workspace Comparisons of Setup Configurations for Human-Robot Interaction
Zacharias, FranziskaGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Howard, Ian SpencerUniv. of Cambridge
Hulin, ThomasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT4.4 
Motion Control of Passive Haptic Device Using Wires with Servo Brakes
Hirata, YasuhisaTohoku Univ.
Suzuki, KeitaroTohoku Univ.
Kosuge, KazuhiroTohoku Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT4.5 
Motion Control of Passive Mobile Robot with Multiple Casters Based on Feasible Braking Force and Moment
Saida, MasaoTohoku Univ.
Hirata, YasuhisaTohoku Univ.
Kosuge, KazuhiroTohoku Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT4.6 
Identification and Experimentation of an Industrial Robot Operating in Varying-Impedance Environments
Lamy, XavierFrench Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Colledani, FrédéricCEA-LIST
Gutman, Per-OlofTech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
WeCT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots VI  
Chair: Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
Co-Chair: Morisawa, MitsuharuNational Inst. of AIST
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT5.1 
Dynamic Obstacle Crossing by a Biped Robot, Based on Control of the Propulsion Energy  (Video)
Doubliez, Paul-FrancoisLab. d'ingénierie des systèmes de Versailles
Bruneau, OlivierUVSQ / LISV
Ouezdou, FathiUniv. de Versailles
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT5.2 
Combining Suppression of the Disturbance and Reactive Stepping for Recovering Balance  (Video)
Morisawa, MitsuharuNational Inst. of AIST
Kanehiro, FumioNational Inst. of AIST
Kaneko, KenjiNational Inst. of AIST
Mansard, NicolasCNRS
Solà, JoanLAAS-CNRS, Univ. of Toulouse
Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
Laumond, Jean-PaulLAAS-CNRS
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT5.3 
Ground Reaction Force Control at Each Foot: A Momentum-Based Humanoid Balance Controller for Non-Level and Non-Stationary Ground
Lee, Sung-HeeGwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST)
Goswami, AmbarishHonda Res. Inst.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT5.4 
3-D Biped Walking Over Rough Terrain Based on the Assumption of Point-Contact
Aoyama, TadayoshiNagoya Univ.
Sekiyama, KosukeNagoya Univ.
Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT5.5 
Adaptive Motion Control with Visual Feedback for a Humanoid Robot  (Video)
Mellmann, HeinrichHumboldt Univ. zu Berlin
Xu, YuanHumboldt Univ. zu Berlin
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT5.6 
Visual Servoing of Dynamic Walking Motion by Ignoring the Sway Motion
Dune, ClaireNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Herdt, AndreiLAAS
Stasse, OlivierCNRS/AIST
Wieber, Pierre-BriceINRIA Rhône-Alpes
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
WeCT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Computer Vision IV  
Chair: Umeda, KazunoriChuo Univ.
Co-Chair: Wu, XiaojunHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT6.1 
Using Text-Spotting to Query the World
Posner, IngmarOxford Univ.
Corke, PeterQUT
Newman, PaulOxford Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT6.2 
Household Object Management Via Integration of Object Movement Detection from Multiple Cameras  (Video)
Odashima, ShigeyukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sato, TomomasaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Mori, TaketoshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT6.3 
A Cloud Computing Approach to Complex Robot Vision Tasks Using Smart Camera Systems
Bistry, HannesUniv. of Hamburg, Germany
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT6.4 
Monocular Depth Cue Fusion for Image Segmentation and Grouping in Outdoor Navigation
Zhou, WenhuiHangzhou Dianzi Univ.
Lin, LiliZhejiang Gongshang Univ.
Lou, BinHangzhou Dianzi Univ.
Wei, XuehuiHangzhou Dianzi Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT6.5 
An Analysis of Depth Estimation within Interaction Range
Karaoguz, CemBielefeld Univ.
Dankers, AndrewHonda Res. Inst. Europe GmbH
Rodemann, TobiasHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Dunn, MarkHonda Res. Inst. Europe
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT6.6 
Expansion-Based Depth Map Estimation for Multi-View Stereo
Song, PengHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
Wu, XiaojunHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
Wang, Yu MichaelChinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Wu, JianhuangThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
WeCT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Learning and Adaptive Systems IV  
Chair: Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
Co-Chair: Kormushev, PetarItalian Inst. of Tech.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT7.1 
Using Dimensionality Reduction to Exploit Constraints in Reinforcement Learning  (Video)
Bitzer, SebastianUniv. of Edinburgh
Howard, MatthewUniv. of Edinburgh
Vijayakumar, SethuUniv. of Edinburgh
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT7.2 
Control Delay in Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Dynamic Systems: A Memoryless Approach
Schuitema, ErikDelft Univ. of Tech.
Busoniu, LucianDelft Univ. of Tech.
Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech.
Jonker, PieterDelft Univ. of Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT7.3 
Robot Motor Skill Coordination with EM-Based Reinforcement Learning  (Video)
Kormushev, PetarItalian Inst. of Tech.
Calinon, SylvainItalian Inst. of Tech.
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT7.4 
The Design of {LEO}: A {2D} Bipedal Walking Robot for Online Autonomous Reinforcement Learning  (Video)
Schuitema, ErikDelft Univ. of Tech.
Wisse, MartijnDelft Univ. of Tech.
Ramakers, ThijsTU Delft
Jonker, PieterDelft Univ. of Tech.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT7.5 
Socially Augmented Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Reducing Complexity in Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems
Sun, XueqingDartmouth Coll.
Ray, LauraDartmouth Coll.
Kralik, JeraldDartmouth Coll.
Shi, DongqingFlorida State Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT7.6 
Transfer Learning across Heterogeneous Robots with Action Sequence Mapping
Lakshmanan, BalajiIndia Inst. of Tech. Madras
Ravindran, BalaramanIIT Madras
WeCT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Navigation IV  
Chair: Smith, Stephen L.MIT
Co-Chair: DeSouza, GuilhermeUniv. of Missouri-Columbia
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT8.1 
Describing the Environment Using Semantic Labelled Polylines from 2D Laser Scanned Raw Data: Application to Autonomous Navigation  (Video)
Pavon, NievesUniv. of Huelva
Ferruz, JoaquínUniv. of Sevilla
Ollero, AnibalUniv. of Seville
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT8.2 
Path Planning in 3D Environments Using the Normal Distributions Transform
Stoyanov, TodorLearning Systems Lab. Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Syste
Magnusson, MartinÖrebro Univ.
Andreasson, HenrikÖrebro Univ.
Lilienthal, Achim, J.Örebro Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT8.3 
Motion Planning of an Autonomous Mobile Robot Considering Regions with Velocity Constraint  (Video)
Goto, KiyohiroThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Kon, KazuyukiKyoto Univ.
Matsuno, FumitoshiKyoto Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT8.4 
Dynamic Path Planning Adopting Human Navigation Strategies for a Domestic Mobile Robot
Yuan, FangUniv. Bielefeld
Twardon, LukasBielefeld Univ.
Hanheide, MarcUniv. of Birmingham
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT8.5 
A Real-Time Path Planner for a Smart Wheelchair Using Harmonic Potentials and a Rubber Band Model
Hong, RuizhiUniv. of Missouri-Columbia
DeSouza, GuilhermeUniv. of Missouri-Columbia
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT8.6 
Optimal Path Planning under Temporal Logic Constraints  (Video)
Smith, Stephen L.MIT
Tumova, JanaBoston Univ.
Belta, CalinBoston Univ.
Rus, DanielaMIT
WeCT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Cooperating Robots I  
Chair: Sanfeliu, AlbertoUniv. Pol. de Cataluyna
Co-Chair: Clark, Christopher M.California Pol. State Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT9.1 
Local Optimization of Cooperative Robot Movements for Guiding and Regrouping People in a Guiding Mission
Garrell, AnaisUPC-CSIC
Sanfeliu, AlbertoUniv. Pol. de Cataluyna
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT9.2 
A Novel Stochastic Clustering Auction for Task Allocation in Multi-Robot Teams
Zhang, KaiFAMU-FSU Coll. of Engineering, Florida State Univ.
Collins, EmmanuelFAMU-FSU Coll. of Engineering
Barbu, AdrianFlorida State Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT9.3 
Adaptive Control for the Synchronization of Multiple Robot Manipulators with Coupling Time-Delays
Nuño, EmmanuelTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Basanez, LuisTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Ortega, Romeosupelec
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT9.4 
Cognitive-Based Adaptive Control for Cooperative Multi-Robot Coverage
Renzaglia, AlessandroINRIA
Doitsidis, LefterisTech. Educational Inst. of Crete
Martinelli, AgostinoINRIA Grenoble-Rhone-Alpes
Kosmatopoulos, EliasTech. Univ. of Crete
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT9.5 
Multi-Robot Boundary Tracking with Phase and Workload Balancing
Boardman, MichaelCalifornia Pol. State Univ. San Luis Obispo
Francis, KyleClark Coll.
Edmonds, JeremyCuesta Coll.
Clark, Christopher M.California Pol. State Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT9.6 
An Integrated Testbed for Heterogeneous Mobile Robots and Other Cooperating Objects
Jimenez-Gonzalez, AdrianUniv. of Seville, AICIA, GRVC
Martínez-de Dios, J.R.Univ. of Seville
Ollero, AnibalUniv. of Seville
WeCT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Mechanism Design III  
Chair: Kumagai, MasaakiTohoku Gakuin Univ.
Co-Chair: Sugahara, YusukeTohoku Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT10.1 
A Novel Stair-Climbing Wheelchair with Transformable Wheeled Four-Bar Linkages
Sugahara, YusukeTohoku Univ.
Yonezawa, NaoakiTohoku Univ.
Kosuge, KazuhiroTohoku Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT10.2 
Development of Track-Changeable Quadruped Walking Robot TITAN X -Design of Leg Driving Mechanism and Basic Experiment
Hodoshima, RyuichiSaitama Univ.
Fukumura, YasuakiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Amano, HisanoriNational Res. Inst. of Fire and Disaster
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT10.3 
Design and Testing of a Controllable Miniature Jumping Robot
Zhao, JianguoMichigan State Univ.
Xi, NingMichigan State Univ.
Gao, BingtuanSoutheast Univ.
Mutka, MattMichigan State Uinversity
Xiao, LiMichigan State Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT10.4 
Development of a Ball Drive Unit Using Partially Sliding Rollers  (Video)
Kumagai, MasaakiTohoku Gakuin Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT10.5 
Mechanical Design of the Wheel-Leg Hybrid Mobile Robot to Realize a Large Wheel Diameter
Tadakuma, KenjiroOsaka Univ.
Tadakuma, RiichiroYamagata Univ.
Maruyama, AkiraUniv. of Electro-Communications
Rohmer, EricTohoku Univ.
Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
Ming, AiguoThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Shimojo, MakotoUniv. of Electro-COmmunications
Higashimori, MitsuruOsaka Univ.
Kaneko, MakotoOsaka Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT10.6 
Connected Tracked Robot with Offset Joint Mechanism for Multiple Configurations
Tadakuma, KenjiroOsaka Univ.
Ohishi, ChigusaThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Maruyama, AkiraUniv. of Electro-Communications
Tadakuma, RiichiroYamagata Univ.
Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
Ming, AiguoThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Shimojo, MakotoUniv. of Electro-COmmunications
WeCT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Biologically-Inspired Robots IV  
Chair: Chong, Nak YoungJapan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
Co-Chair: Carloni, RaffaellaUniv. of Twente
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT11.1 
Locomotion Transition Scheme with Instability Evaluation Using Bayesian Network
Sawada, HiroyoshiNagoya Univ.
Sekiyama, KosukeNagoya Univ.
Aoyama, TadayoshiNagoya Univ.
Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT11.2 
Stroke Plane Deviation for a Microrobotic Fly
Finio, BenjaminHarvard Univ.
Whitney, John PeterHarvard Univ.
Wood, RobertHarvard Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT11.3 
A Hexapod Walks Over Irregular Terrain Using a Controller Adapted from an Insect’s Nervous System
Lewinger, WilliamCase Western Res. Univ.
Quinn, Roger, D.Case Western Res. Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT11.4 
Omnidirectional Locomotion in a Quadruped Robot: A CPG-Based Approach
Matos, VítorUniv. of Minho
Santos, CristinaUniv. of Minho
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT11.5 
Biomechanics Study of Human Lower Limb Walking: Implication for Design of Power-Assisted Robot
Han, YaliSoutheast Univ.
Wang, XingsongSoutheast Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT11.6 
The Development of a Biologically Inspired Multi-Modal Wing Model for Aerial-Aquatic Robots
Lock, RichardMechanical Engineering
Vaidyanathan, RaviUniv. of Bristol
Burgess, StuartUniv. of Bristol
WeCT12 Regular Sessions, 202A  
Visual Tracking II  
Chair: Lopes, GabrielTech. Univ. Delft
Co-Chair: Nagai, IsakuOkayama Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT12.1 
Goal-Oriented and Map-Based People Tracking Using Virtual Force Field
Tseng, Kuo-ShihRes.
Tang, Chih-WeiNational Central Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT12.2 
Visual Tracking of Human Head and Arms with a Single Camera
Chen, Yi-RuNational Taiwan Univ.
Huang, Cheng-MingNational Taiwan Univ.
Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT12.3 
Noncontact Position Estimation Device with Optical Sensor and Laser Sources for Mobile Robots Traversing Slippery Terrains
Nagai, IsakuOkayama Univ.
Watanabe, KeigoOkayama Univ.
Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT12.4 
A Stereo Camera Based Full Body Human Motion Capture System Using a Partitioned Particle Filter
Li, ZhenningUniv. of Waterloo
Kulic, DanaUniv. of Waterloo
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT12.5 
Motion Estimation Based on Predator/Prey Vision
van der Lijn, DavidDelft Univ. of Tech.
Lopes, GabrielTech. Univ. Delft
Babuska, RobertDelft Univ. of Tech.
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT12.6 
An Online Learning Approach to In-Vivo Tracking Using Synergistic Features  (Video)
Reiter, AustinColumbia Univ.
Allen, PeterColumbia Univ.
WeCT13 Invited Sessions, 202B  
Chair: Wada, KazuyoshiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Co-Chair: Nakauchi, YasushiUniv. of Tsukuba
Organizer: Wada, KazuyoshiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT13.1 
System of Recognizing Human Action by Mining in Time-Series Motion Logs and Applications (I)
Ho, YiHsinTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Nakamura, KotaTokyo Metropolitan Inst. of Tech.
Shibano, TomomiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
sato-Shimokawara, EriTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Yamaguchi, ToruTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT13.2 
Motion Generation Based on Reliable Predictability Using Self-Organized Object Features (I)
Nishide, ShunKyoto Univ.
Ogata, TetsuyaKyoto Univ.
Tani, JunRIKEN Brain Science Inst.
Takahashi, ToruKyoto Univ.
Komatani, KazunoriKyoto Univ.
Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT13.3 
3D Topological Reconstruction Based on Hough Transform and Growing Neural Gas for Informationally Structured Space (I)
Kubota, NaoyukiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Narita, TsubasaTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Lee, Beom-HeeSeoul National Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT13.4 
Development and Evolution of RT Ontology for Automatic Service Generation System in Kukanchi (I)
Ngo, Trung L.Shibaura Inst. of Tech.
Ukai, KenShibaura Inst. of Tech.
Mizukawa, MakotoShibaura Inst. of Tech.
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT13.5 
Intelligent Medicine Case for Dosing Monitoring and Support (I)
Suzuki, TakuoUniv. of Tsukuba
Nakauchi, YasushiUniv. of Tsukuba
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT13.6 
Daily Support System for Care Prevention by Using Interaction Monitoring Robot (I)
Shibano, TomomiTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Ho, YiHsinTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Kono, YuriTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Fujimoto, YasunariTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Yamaguchi, ToruTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
WeCT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Kinematics II  
Chair: Hong, DennisVirginia Tech.
Co-Chair: Nenchev, DragomirTokyo City Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper WeCT14.1 
Natural Motion: Efficient Path Tracking with Robotic Limbs  (Video)
Dragomir, NenchevTokyo City Univ.
Handa, YoichiTokyo City Univ.
Sato, DaisukeTokyo City Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper WeCT14.2 
Input Shaping Control to Suppress Sloshing on Liquid Container Transfer Using Multi-Joint Robot Arm
Aribowo, WisnuToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Yamashita, TakahitoToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Terashima, KazuhikoToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Kitagawa, HideoGifu National Coll. of Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper WeCT14.3 
Innovative Kinematics and Control to Improve Robot Spatial Resolution
Brethe, Jean-FrançoisLE HAVRE Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper WeCT14.4 
Optimization of a 4 Dof Tele-Echography Robot
Nouaille, LaurenceUniv. or Orleans
Smith-Guerin, NatalieUniv. of Orleans
Poisson, GérardUniv. d'Orléans
15:20-15:40, Paper WeCT14.5 
Modeling Anthropomorphism in Dynamic Human Arm Movements
Katsiaris, PantelisNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Artemiadis, PanagiotisMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Kyriakopoulos, KostasNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
15:40-16:00, Paper WeCT14.6 
Generating Natural Hand Motion in Playing a Piano
Yamamoto, KazukiNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Ueda, EtsukoNara Sangyo Univ.
Suenaga, TsuyoshiNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Takemura, KentaroNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Takamatsu, JunNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Ogasawara, TsukasaNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
WeDInA Interactive Sessions, 1F Corridor  
Interactive Session IIA  
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.1 
Semantic Evaluation of Region of Interest for Intelligent Robot
Rokunuzzaman, Md.Nagoya Univ.
Sekiyama, KosukeNagoya Univ.
Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.2 
Design and Implication of a Bionic Pectoral Fin Imitating Cow-Nosed Ray
Cai, YueriBeijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Bi, ShushengBeihang Univ. of Aeronatics and Astronautics
Zhang, LigeBeihang Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.3 
Design and Implementation of an SMA-Actuated Jumping Robot
Ho, ThanhtamKonkuk Univ.
Lee, SangyoonKonkuk Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.4 
Modeling and Property Estimation of Japanese Sweets for Their Manufacturing Simulation
Wang, ZhongkuiRitsumeikan Univ.
Hirai, ShinichiRitsumeikan Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.5 
Sound Source Localization in Reverberant Environment Using Visual Information
Lee, Byoung-giKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
Choi, JongsukKorea Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
Kim, DaijinPOSTECH
Kim, MunsangKIST
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.6 
ORO, a Knowledge Management Platform for Cognitive Architectures in Robotics
Lemaignan, SéverinLAAS/CNRS
Ros Espinoza, RaquelLAAS - CNRS
Mösenlechner, LorenzTech. Univ. München
Alami, RachidCNRS
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.7 
Decentralized Cooperative Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Dynamic and Sparse Robot Networks  (Video)
Leung, Keith Yu KitUniv. of Toronto
Barfoot, TimothyUniv. of Toronto
Liu, Hugh H.T.Univ. of Toronto
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.8 
Distributed Minimax Filter for Tracking and Flocking
Gu, DongbingUniv. of Essex
Hu, HuoshengUniv. of Essex
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.9 
Imitation Learning for Task Allocation
Duvallet, FelixCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Stentz, AnthonyCarnegie Mellon Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.10 
Evolutionary Task Assignment in Distributed Multi-Agent Networks with Local Interactions
Wang, YueWorcester Pol. Inst.
Hussein, IslamWorcester Pol. Inst.
Hera, AdrianaWorcester Pol. Inst. Information Tech.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.11 
Dynamic State Feedback Control of Robotic Formation System
Chang, Chih-FuNational Taiwan Univ.
Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.12 
Integral Nested Super-Twisting Algorithm for Robotic Manipulators
González Jiménez, Luis EnriqueCentro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTA
Loukianov, AlexanderCentro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del IPN (CINVESTA
Bayro-Corrochano, Eduardo-JoseCINVESTAV, Unidad Guadalajara
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.13 
Reinterpretation of Force Integral Control Considering the Ability of System Input
Park, Young JinPOSTECH
Chung, Wan KyunPOSTECH
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.14 
Generating Robot Gesture Using a Virtual Agent Framework
Salem, MahaBielefeld Univ.
Kopp, StefanBielefeld Univ.
Wachsmuth, IpkeBielefeld Univ.
Joublin, FrankHonda Res. Inst. Europe
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.15 
Real-Time Vehicle Detection in Urban Traffic Using AdaBoost
Park, Jong-MinPOSTECH
Choi, Hyun-ChulPOSTECH
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.16 
Minimalist Approach to Path Following among Unknown Obstacles
Sgorbissa, AntonioUniv. of Genova
Capezio, FrancescoUniv. of Genova
Zaccaria, RenatoUniv. of Genova
Rebora, AlbertoDIST Univ. of Genova
Campani, MatteoDIST Univ. of Genova
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.17 
The D++ Algorithm: Real-Time and Collision-Free Path-Planning for Mobile Robot
Cheng, Pi-YingNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Chen, Pin-JyunNational Chiao Tung Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.18 
Control of a Powered Planar Biped without Ankle Actuation
Ozawa, RyutaRitsumeikan Univ.
Kojima, YoshimasaDisco Corp.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.19 
Limit Cycle Based Walk of a Powered 7DOF 3D Biped with Flat Feet  (Video)
Harada, YuzuruTokyo City Univ.
Takahashi, JunTokyo City Univ.
Nenchev, DragomirTokyo City Univ.
Sato, DaisukeTokyo City Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.20 
Passively Stable Hopping of an Articulated Leg with a Tendon-Coupled Ankle
Csonka, PaulStanford Univ.
Perkins, AlexanderStanford Univ.
Waldron, Kenneth JohnStanford Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.21 
Nonlinear Model Predictive Running Control of Kangaroo Robot: A One-Leg Planar Underactuated Hopping Robot  (Video)
Carlési, NicolasLIRMM, Univ. Montpellier 2
Chemori, AhmedLIRMM
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.22 
Design and Experimental Evaluation of the Hydraulically Actuated Prototype Leg of the HyQ Robot  (Video)
Semini, ClaudioItalian Inst. of Tech.
Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
Guglielmino, EmanueleItalian Inst. of Tech.
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.23 
Stable Stacking for the Distributor's Pallet Packing Problem
Schuster, Martin JohannesGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Bormann, RichardGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Steidl, DanielaGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Reynolds-Haertle, SaulGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Stilman, MikeGeorgia Tech.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.24 
Monocular Underwater Stereo - 3D Measurement Using Difference of Appearance Depending on Optical Paths -
Yamashita, AtsushiShizuoka Univ.
Shirane, YudaiShizuoka Univ.
Kaneko, ToruShizuoka Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.25 
Novel and Safe Linear Actuator Using ER Gel
Koyanagi, Ken'ichiToyama Prefectural Univ.
Yasuhiro, KakinumaKeio Univ.
Yamaguchi, TomoyaKonami Degital Entertainment Co.,Ltd.
Oshima, ToruToyama Prefectural Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.26 
An Active-Passive Variable Stiffness Elastic Actuator for Safety Robot Systems
Wang, RenjengNational Taiwan Univ.
Huang, Han-PangNational Taiwan Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.27 
Study on Wearable System for Daily Life Support Using McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscle
Iwaki, MasahiroUniv. of Tsukuba
Hasegawa, YasuhisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Sankai, YoshiyukiUniv. of Tsukuba
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.28 
VSA-HD: From the Enumeration Analysis to the Prototypical Implementation
Catalano, ManuelFaculty of Engineering - Univ. of Pisa
Grioli, GiorgioUniv. di Pisa
Bonomo, FabioFaculty of Engineering - Univ. of Pisa
Schiavi, RiccardoUniv. of Pisa
Bicchi, AntonioUniv. of Pisa
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.29 
Optimal Design and Fabrication of a Piezoactuated Flexure XYZ Parallel Micropositioning Stage
Xu, QingsongUniv. of Macau
Li, YangminUniv. of Macau
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.30 
A Goal-Oriented Fuzzy Reactive Control for Mobile Robots with Automatic Rule Optimization
Zhu, AnminShenzhen Univ.
Yang, Simon X.Univ. of Guelph
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.31 
Slope-Based Point Pursuing Maneuvers of Nonholonomic Robots Using FPGA
Yu, Ying-HaoUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Kodagoda, SarathUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Ha, Q PUniv. of Tech. Sydney
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.32 
General 3D Modelling of Novel Objects from a Single View
Marton, Zoltan-CsabaTech. Univ. Muenchen
Pangercic, DejanTU Muenchen
Blodow, NicoComputer Science Department, Tech. Univ.
Kleinehellefort, JonathanTU München
Beetz, MichaelTech. Univ. München
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.33 
Robust Ground Plane Detection for Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots Using a Monocular Camera
Lin, Chia-HowNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Jiang, Sin-YiNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Pu, Yueh-JuMechanical and Systems Res. Lab. Industrial Tech.
Song, Kai-TaiNational Chiao Tung Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.34 
Position Tracking System of Everyday Objects in an Everyday Environment
Murakami, KoujiKyushu Univ.
Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
Shigematsu, KousukeKyushu Univ.
Sueyasu, FumichikaKyushu Univ.
Nohara, YasunobuKyushu Univ.
Ahn, Byong-wonMokpo National Maritime Univ.
Kurazume, RyoKyushu Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.35 
RFID Sensor Deployment Using Differential Evolution for Indoor Mobile Robot Localization
Seok, Joon-HongKAIST
Lee, Joon-YongKAIST
Oh, ChangmokKAIST
Lee, Ju-JangKAIST
Lee, Ho JooADD
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.36 
Augmented EKF Based SLAM Method for Improving the Accuracy of the Feature Map
Kang, Jeong-GwanPOSTECH(Pohang Univ. of Science and Tech.
Choi, Won-SeokPOhang Univ. of Science and Tech. (POSTECH)
An, Su-YongPohang Univ. of science and Tech. (POSTECH)
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.37 
Evaluation of Pose Only SLAM Algorithms
Hu, GibsonUniv.
Huang, ShoudongUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.38 
Closing Loops without Places
Mei, ChristopherUniv. of Oxford
Sibley, GabeUniv. of Oxford
Newman, PaulOxford Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.39 
Toward Understanding the Effects of Visual and Force-Feedback on Robotic Hand Grasping Performance for Space Teleoperation
Lii, Neal YGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Chen, ZhaopengInst. of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center,
Pleintinger, BenediktInst. of Robotics and Mechatronics, GermanAerospaceCenter (D
Borst, ChristophGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Schiele, AndreEuropean Space Agency
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.40 
Interaction Models for Multiple-Resident Activity Recognition in a Smart Home
Chiang, Yi-TingNational Taiwan Univ.
Hsu, Kuo-ChungNational Taiwan Univ.
Lu, Ching-HuNational Taiwan Univ.
Fu, Li-ChenNational Taiwan Univ.
Hsu, Yung-jenNational Taiwan Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.41 
Motion Planning and Control of an Underactuated 3DOF Helicopter
Westerberg, SimonUmeå Univ.
Mettin, UweNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
Shiriaev, AntonUmea Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.42 
On-Line Estimation of Time Varying Capture Delay for Vision-Based Vibration Control of Flexible Manipulators Deployed in Hostile Environments
Dubus, GregoryFusion for Energy (F4E)
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.43 
Visual Servoing of Presenters in Augmented Virtual Reality TV Studios
Nair, SurajTech. Univ. München
Röder, ThorstenTech. Univ. München
Panin, GiorgioTech. Univ. Muenchen
Knoll, AloisTU Munich
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInA.44 
High Performance Vision Tracking System for Mobile Robot Using Sensor Data Fusion with Kalman Filter
Park, JaehongSeoul National Univ.
Hwang, WonsangSeoul National Univ.
Kwon, Hyun-ilSeoul National Univ.
Kim, Jong-hyeonSeoul National Univ.
Lee, Chang-hunSeoul National Univ.
Latif Anjum, MuhammadSeoul National Univ.
Kim, Kwang-sooHanbat National Univ.
Cho, Dongil DanSeoul National Univ.
WeDInB Interactive Sessions, 2F Corridor  
Interactive Session IIB  
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.45 
A Pure Vision-Based Approach to Topological SLAM
Lui, Wen Lik DennisMonash Univ.
Jarvis, Raymond AustinMonash Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.46 
Scene Change Detection for Vision-Based Topological Mapping and Localization  (Video)
Nourani Vatani, NavidCSIRO
Pradalier, CedricETH Zurich
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.47 
Localization of an Omnidirectional Transport Robot Using IEEE 802.15.4a Ranging and Laser Range Finder  (Video)
Roehrig, ChristofUniv. of Appl. Sci. Dortmund
Hess, DanielUniv. of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund
Kirsch, ChristopherUniv. of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund
Kuenemund, FrankUniv. of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.48 
Temporal and Spatial 3D Motion Vector Filtering Based Visual Odometry for Outdoor Service Robot
Kwon, GiilKAIST
Chae, Yeong namKAIST
Yang, Hyun S.KAIST
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.49 
Improving Monocular Plane-Based SLAM with Inertial Measures  (Video)
Servant, FabienINRIA Sophia Antipolis
Marchand, EricUniv. de Rennes 1, IRISA, INRIA Rennes
Houlier, PascalOrange Lab.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.50 
SKYLINE2GPS: Localization in Urban Canyons Using Omni-Skylines  (Video)
Ramalingam, SrikumarMitsubishi Electric Res. Lab.
Bouaziz, SofienEPFL
Sturm, PeterINRIA Rhone Alpes
Brand, MatthewMitsubishi Electric Res. Lab.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.51 
Realizing Autonomous Valet Parking with Automotive Grade Sensors
Jeevan, PrasanthVolksagen Group of America Electronics Res. Lab.
Harchut, FrankVolksagen AG Group Res.
Mueller, BernhardVolkswagen Group of America Electronics Res. Lab.
Huhnke, BurkhardVolkswagen Group of America Electronics Res. Lab.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.52 
The Unconstrained and Inequality Constrained Moving Horizon Approach to Robot Localization
Pillonetto, GianluigiU. Padova
Aravkin, AleksandrUniv. of Washington
Carpin, StefanoUniv. of California, Merced
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.53 
Steps in Trajectory Planning and Controller Design for a Hydraulically Driven Crane with Limited Sensing (I)
Ortíz Morales, DanielUmeå Univ.
La Hera, PedroUmeå Univ.
Mettin, UweNorwegian Univ. of Science and Tech.
Freidovich, LeonidUmeå Univ.
Shiriaev, AntonUmea Univ.
Westerberg, SimonUmeå Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.54 
Motion Planning for Cooperative Manipulators Folding Flexible Planar Objects
Balaguer, BenjaminUniv. of California, Merced
Carpin, StefanoUniv. of California, Merced
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.55 
Motion Planning of Multirobot Formation
Liu, ShuangSuzhou Res. Inst. of City Univ. Uni
Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Zhu, ChanganUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.56 
Coordinated Navigation of Multi-Robot Systems with Binary Constraints
Brüggemann, BerndFraunhofer FKIE
Schulz, DirkFKIE
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.57 
PROT — an Embodied Agent for Intelligible and User-Friendly Human-Robot Interaction
Fujimura, RyotaKeio Univ.
Nakadai, KazuhiroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Imai, MichitaKeio Univ.
Ohmura, RenToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.58 
The Application of the Grey-Based Taguchi Method to Optimize the Global Performances of the Robot Manipulator
Lim, HyunseopHanyang Univ.
Hwang, SoonwoongHanyang Univ.
Shin, KyoosikPohang Inst. of Intelligent Robotics
Han, Chang-SooHanyang Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.59 
Extraction of Candidate Points for a Destination Estimation Method Based on Behavior Dynamics
Terada, YoshitakaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Morishita, SoichiroThe Univ. of Tokyo
Asama, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.60 
Electromyographic Signal Integrated Robot Hand Control for Massage Therapy Applications
Luo, RenNational Taiwan Univ.
Chang, Chih-ChiaNational Chung Cheng Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.61 
Smooth Collision Avoidance in Human-Robot Coexisting Environment
Tamura, YusukeThe Univ. of Tokyo
Tomohiro, FukuzawaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Asama, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.62 
Design of a Personalized R-Learning System for Children
Ko, Woo HyunKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
Ji, Sang HoonKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
Lee, Sang Mukitech
Nam, Kyung-TaeKitech
Son, Woong HeeKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.63 
“Could I Have a Word?”: Effects of Robot’s Whisper
Shiomi, MasahiroATR
Nakagawa, KayakoATR
Matsumura, ReoOsaka Univ. ATR Intelligent Robotics andCommunication Lab.
Shinozawa, KazuhikoAdvanced Telecommunications Res. Inst.
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.64 
Development of Experimental Setup to Create Novel Mental Disorder Model Rats Using Small Mobile Robot
Ishii, HiroyukiWaseda Univ.
Shi, QingWaseda Univ.
Takanishi, AtsuoWaseda Univ.
Okabayashi, SatoshiWaseda Univ.
Iida, NaritoshiWaseda Univ.
Kimura, HiroshiWaseda Univ.
Tahara, YuWaseda Univ.
Hirao, AkikoWaseda Univ.
Shibata, ShigenobuWaseda Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.65 
Time-Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation with Force Estimation for N-DOF Nonlinear Robot Manipulators
Daly, John MichaelUniv. of Waterloo
Wang, DavidUniv. of Waterloo
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.66 
The Development of a Real-Time Wearable Motion Replication Platform with Spatial Sensing and Tactile Feedback
Zhongqiang, DingNANYANG Tech. Univ.
Chen, I-MingNANYANG Tech. Univ.
Yeo, Song HuatNANYANG Tech. Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.67 
On-Line Estimation of the Reference Visual Features Application to Vision Based Long Range Navigation Task
Durand Petiteville, Adrien, AdrienLAAS/CNRS; Univ. de Toulouse UPS
Courdesses, MichelLAAS-CNRS
Cadenat, VivianeCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Baillion, Philippe, PhilippeAIP PRIMECA, Univ. de Toulouse UPS
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.68 
Statistical Visual-Dynamic Model for Hand-Eye Coordination
Beale, DanielUniv. of Bath
Iravani, PejmanUniv. of Bath
Hall, PeterUniv. of Bath
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.69 
Using GPUs to Improve System Performance in Visual Servo Systems
Zang, ChuantaoTohoku Univ.
Hashimoto, KoichiTohoku Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.70 
Trajectory Tracking of a Self-Balancing Two-Wheeled Robot Using Backstepping Sliding-Mode Control and Fuzzy Basis Function Networks
Tsai, Ching-ChihNational Chung Hsing Univ.
Ju, Shang-YuNation Chung Hsing Univ.
Hsieh, Shih-MinNational Chung Hsing Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.71 
Two-Leveled Obstacle Avoidance Scheme Using a Kinematically Redundant Omni-Directional Mobile Robot
Jung, Eui-jungHanyang Univ.
Kim, Sung MokKorea Univ. korea
Yi, Byung-JuHanayang Univ.
Kim, Whee KukKorea Univ.
16:00-17:20, Paper WeDInB.72 
Dual Position Control Strategies Using the Cooperative Dual Task-Space Framework
Adorno, Bruno VilhenaLab. d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique
Fraisse, PhilippeLIRMM
Druon, SebastienLIRMM
WeET1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Slam Iv  
Chair: Watanabe, KeigoOkayama Univ.
Co-Chair: Wang, Chieh-ChihNational Taiwan Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET1.1 
Parallel, Real-Time Visual SLAM  (Video)
Clipp, BrianThe Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lim, JongwooHonda Res. Inst. USA inc.
Frahm, Jan-MichaelThe Univ. North Carolina Chapel Hill
Pollefeys, MarcETH Zurich
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET1.2 
The Causal Update Filter - a Novel Filter Paradigm Applied to SLAM
Sünderhauf, NikoChemnitz Univ. of Tech.
Neubert, PeerChemnitz Univ. of Tech.
Protzel, PeterChemnitz Univ. of Tech.
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET1.3 
Stereo-Based Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Moving Object Tracking  (Video)
Lin, Kuen-HanNational Taiwan Univ.
Wang, Chieh-ChihNational Taiwan Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET1.4 
6 DoF SLAM Using a ToF Camera: The Challenge of a Continuously Growing Number of Landmarks  (Video)
Hochdorfer, SiegfriedUniv. of Applied Sciences Ulm
Schlegel, ChristianUniv. of Applied Sciences Ulm
WeET2 Invited Sessions, 101B  
Nano-Micro Robotics for Bio-Medical Science  
Chair: Arai, TatsuoOsaka Univ.
Organizer: Fukuda, ToshioNagoya Univ.
Organizer: Nakajima, MasahiroNagoya Univ.
Organizer: Ohara, KenichiOsaka Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET2.1 
High Precision Control of Magnetically Driven Microtools for Cell Manipulations (I)
Hagiwara, MasayaNagoya Univ.
Kawahara, TomohiroNagoya Univ.
Yamanishi, YokoNagoya Univ.
Lee, Beom-HeeSeoul National Univ.
Arai, FumihitoNagoya Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET2.2 
Realistic Visual and Haptic Feedback Simulator for Real-Time Cell Indentation
Ladjal, HamidENSI Bourges, Univ. Orleans
Hanus, Jean LucENSI Bourges
Ferreira, AntoineUniv. of Orléans
Keefer, CarolUMCP
Pillarisetti, AnandUniv. of Pennsylvania
Desai, Jaydev P.Univ. of Maryland
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET2.3 
Automated Handling of Bio-Nanowires for Nanopackaging (I)
Fatikow, SergejUniv. of Oldenburg
Mikczinski, Manuel RolfOFFIS Inst. for Information Tech.
Bartenwerfer, MalteCarl von Ossietzky Univ. Oldenburg, Div. Microrobotics
Niewiera, FlorianCarl von Ossietzky Univ. Oldenburg, Div. Microrobotics
Weigel-Jech, MichaelCarl von Ossietzky Univ. Oldenburg, Div. Microrobotics
Saketi, PooyaTampere Univ. of Tech.
Kallio, Pasi JohannesTampere Univ. of Tech.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET2.4 
Demonstration of Muscle-Powered Autonomous Micro Mobile Gel (I)
Morishima, KeisukeTokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Tech.
Imagawa, KentaroTokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Tech.
Hoshino, TakayukiTokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Tech.
WeET3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Marine Robotics I  
Chair: Rus, DanielaMIT
Co-Chair: Shibata, MizuhoRitsumeikan Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET3.1 
Experimental Evaluation of a Flexible Joint Driven by Water Pressure for Underwater Robots
Shibata, MizuhoRitsumeikan Univ.
Onishi, YuusukeRitsumeikan Univ.
Kawamura, SadaoRitsumeikan Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET3.2 
Using Optical Communication for Remote Underwater Robot Operation
Doniec, MarekMIT
Detweiler, CarrickMIT
Vasilescu, IuliuTIA Res.
Rus, DanielaMIT
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET3.3 
Swimming with Robots: Human Robot Communication at Depth
Verzijlenberg, BartYork Univ.
Jenkin, MichaelYork Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET3.4 
3D Path Following with No Bounds on the Path Curvature through Surface Intersection
Sgorbissa, AntonioUniv. of Genova
Zaccaria, RenatoUniv. of Genova
WeET4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Programming Environment  
Chair: Nowak, WalterGPS GmbH
Co-Chair: Soerensen, Anders StengaardUniv. of Southern Denmark
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET4.1 
The Robotics API: An Object-Oriented Framework for Modeling Industrial Robotics Applications
Angerer, AndreasUniv. of Augsburg
Hoffmann, AlwinUniv. of Augsburg
Schierl, AndreasUniv. of Augsburg
Vistein, MichaelUniv. of Augsburg
Reif, WolfgangUniv. of Augsburg
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET4.2 
Component-Based Refactoring of Motion Planning Libraries
Brugali, DavideUniv. degli Studi di Bergamo
Nowak, WalterGPS GmbH
Gherardi, LucaUniv. degli Studi di Bergamo
Zakharov, AlexeyGPS Gesellschaft für Produktionssysteme GmbH
Prassler, ErwinBonn-Rhein-Sieg Univ. of Applied Sciences
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET4.3 
A System on Chip Approach to Enhanced Learning in Interdisciplinary Robotics
Soerensen, Anders StengaardUniv. of Southern Denmark
Falsig, SimonUniv. of Southern Denmark
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET4.4 
LCM: Lightweight Communications and Marshalling
Huang, Albert S.Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Olson, EdwinUniv. of Michigan
Moore, David C.MIT
WeET5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Humanoid Robots VII  
Chair: Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
Co-Chair: Wang, QiningPeking Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET5.1 
Gain Scheduled Control of Perturbed Standing Balance
Xing, DengpengShanghai Jiaotong Univ.
Atkeson, ChristopherCMU
Su, JianboShanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Stephens, BenjaminCarnegie Mellon Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET5.2 
Integrating Geometric Constraints into Reactive Leg Motion Generation  (Video)
Kanehiro, FumioNational Inst. of AIST
Morisawa, MitsuharuNational Inst. of AIST
Suleiman, WaelThe National Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and
Kaneko, KenjiNational Inst. of AIST
Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET5.3 
Energetic Efficiency and Stability of Dynamic Bipedal Walking Gaits with Different Step Lengths
Huang, YanPeking Univ.
Chen, BaojunPeking Univ.
Wang, QiningPeking Univ.
Wei, KunlinPeking Univ.
Wang, LongPeking Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET5.4 
Stability of Time-Varying Control for an Underactuated Biped Robot Based on Choice of Controlled Outputs
Wang, TingIRCCyN, Ec. Cantral de Nantes, France
Chevallereau, ChristineUniv. de Nantes
WeET6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Space Robotics I  
Chair: Dolan, John M.Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Co-Chair: Nakanishi, HirokiTohoku Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET6.1 
A Space Robotic System Used for the On-Orbit Servicing in the Geostationary Orbit
Xu, WenfuHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Liang, BinHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Xu, YangshengThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET6.2 
Reliability Impact on Planetary Robotic Missions
Asikin, DavidCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Dolan, John M.Carnegie Mellon Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET6.3 
Virtual Mass of Impedance System for Free-Flying Target Capture
Nakanishi, HirokiTohoku Univ.
Uyama, NaohiroTohoku Univ.
Yoshida, KazuyaTohoku Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET6.4 
Energy Efficient Trajectory Generation for a State-Space Based JPL Aerobot
Zhang, WeizhongUniv. of Louisville
Inanc, TamerUniv. of Louisville
Elfes, AlbertoJet Propulsion Lab.
WeET7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Learning and Adaptive Systems V  
Chair: Zhu, KunpengNational Univ. of Singapore
Co-Chair: Lee, DongheuiTech. Univ. of Munich
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET7.1 
Interconnected Performance Optimization in Complex Robotic Systems
Rohrmüller, FlorianTech. Univ. München
Kourakos, OmirosTech. Univ. München
Rambow, MatthiasTech. Univ. Muenchen
Brscic, DrazenTech. Univ. Munich
Wollherr, DirkTech. Univ. München
Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. München
Buss, MartinTech. Univ. München
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET7.2 
Learning Interaction Protocols Using Augmented Baysian Networks Applied to Guided Navigation  (Video)
Mohammad, Yasser F. O.Assiut Univ.
Nishida, ToyoakiKyoto Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET7.3 
Models of Motion Patterns for Mobile Robotic Systems
Sehestedt, StephanUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Kodagoda, SarathUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET7.4 
Incremental Motion Primitive Learning by Physical Coaching Using Impedance Control
Lee, DongheuiTech. Univ. of Munich
Ott, ChristianGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
WeET8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Navigation V  
Chair: Tsubouchi, TakashiSys. and Info. Eng., U of Tsukuba
Co-Chair: Tardif, Jean-PhilippeCarnegie Mellon Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET8.1 
Autonomous Navigation for Urban Service Mobile Robots
Corominas Murtra, AndreuCSIC-UPC
Trulls, EduardCSIC-UPC
Sandoval Torres, OscarConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México, Univ.
Perez-Ibarz, JoanUniv. Pol. de Catalunya
Vasquez, AlejandroETHZ
Mirats Tur, Josep M.CSIC-UPC
Ferrer Sumsi, MiquelUniv. Pol. de Catalunuya
Sanfeliu, AlbertoUniv. Pol. de Cataluyna
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET8.2 
Mobile Robot Vision Navigation & Localization Using Gist and Saliency
Chang, Chin-KaiiLab Univ. of Southern California
Siagian, ChristianUniv. of Southern California
Itti, LaurentUniv. of Southern California
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET8.3 
Improved Visual Localization and Navigation Using Proprioceptive Sensors
Karam, NadirLasmea, Blaise Pascal Univ.
Hadj-Abdelkader, HichamLASMEA
Deymier, Clement Claude BrunoLASMEA
Ramadasan, Dattalasmea
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET8.4 
A New Approach to Vision-Aided Inertial Navigation
Tardif, Jean-PhilippeCarnegie Mellon Univ.
George, Michael DavidCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Laverne, MichelCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Kelly, AlonzoCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Stentz, AnthonyCarnegie Mellon Univ.
WeET9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Cooperating Robots II  
Chair: Marques, LinoUniv. of Coimbra
Co-Chair: Wei, HongxingBeihang Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET9.1 
The Distributed Control and Experiments of Directional Self-Assembly for Modular Swarm Robots  (Video)
Wei, HongxingBeihang Univ.
Li, DezhongBeihang Univ.
Tan, JindongMichigan Tech. Univ.
Wang, TianmiaoBeijing Univ. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET9.2 
Cooperative Chemical Concentration Map Building Using Decentralized Asynchronous Particle Swarm Optimization Based Search Algorithm by Mobile Robots
Turduev, MirbekTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Atas, YunusTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Sousa, PedroUniv. of Coimbra
Gazi, VeyselTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Marques, LinoUniv. of Coimbra
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET9.3 
Introducing Wanda - a New Robot for Research, Education, and Arts  (Video)
Kettler, AlexanderInst. for Process Control and Robotics, Karlsruhe Inst.
Szymanski, MarcKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Liedke, JensFaculty of Computer Science, Inst. for Process Control and R
Woern, HeinzKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET9.4 
The MarXbot, a Miniature Mobile Robot Opening New Perspectives for the Collective-Robotic Research
Bonani, MichaelEPFL
Longchamp, ValentinPol. Fédérale de Lausanne
Magnenat, StéphaneEPFL
Rétornaz, PhilippeÉcole Pol. Fédérale de Lausanne
Burnier, DanielEPFL
Roulet, GillesEPFL
Vaussard, FlorianEPFL
Bleuler, HannesEc. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
Mondada, FrancescoEPFL
WeET10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Mechanism Design IV  
Chair: Transeth, Aksel AndreasSINTEF ICT
Co-Chair: Okada, MasafumiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET10.1 
Joint Mechanism with a Multi-Directional Stiffness Adjuster
Kajikawa, ShinyaTohoku Gakuin Univ.
Yonemoto, YasuoTohoku Gakuin Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET10.2 
A Novel Actuator with Adjustable Stiffness (AwAS)  (Video)
Jafari, AmirItalian Inst. of Tech.
Tsagarakis, NikolaosItalian Inst. of Tech. (IIT)
Vanderborght, BramVrije Univ. Brussel
Caldwell, Darwin G.Italian Inst. of Tech.
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET10.3 
Singularity-Based Mechanism with High Responsiveness
Mashimo, TomoakiCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Urakubo, TakateruKobe Univ.
Kanade, TakeoCarnegie Mellon Univ.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET10.4 
Kineto-Static Mechanical Synthesis for Nonlinear Property Design of Passive Stiffness Using Closed Kinematic Chain
Okada, MasafumiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Takeishi, JunTokyo Inst. of Tech.
WeET11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Biologically-Inspired Robots V  
Chair: Xiao, JizhongCity Coll. of New York
Co-Chair: Takuma, TakashiOsaka Inst. of Tech.
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET11.1 
Underwater Box-Pushing with Multiple Vision-Based Autonomous Robotic Fish
Hu, YonghuiBeihang Univ.
Wang, LongPeking Univ.
Liang, JianhongBeihang Univ.
Wang, TianmiaoBeihang Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET11.2 
Underwater Robot Navigation Around a Sphere Using Electrolocation Sense and Kalman Filter
Lebastard, VincentEc. des Mines de Nantes
Chevallereau, ChristineCNRS
Amrouche, AliEc. des Mines de Nantes
Jawad, BrahimEc. des Mines de Nantes
Girin, AlexisIRCCyN
Boyer, FrédéricEc. des mines de Nantes
Gossiaux, Pol BernardEc. des Mines de Nantes
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET11.3 
Teaching RoboClam to Dig: The Design, Testing, and Genetic Algorithm Optimization of a Biomimetic Robot
Winter, Amos GreeneMIT
Deits, RobinMIT
Dorsch, DanielMIT
Hosoi, AnetteMIT
Slocum, AlexanderMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET11.4 
CPG Based Self-Adapting Multi-DOF Robotic Arm Control
Yang, WoosungKorea Inst. of Science & Tech.
Bae, Ji-HunKorea Inst. of Industrial Tech.
Oh, YonghwanKIST
Chong, Nak YoungJapan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
You, Bum JaeKIST
Oh, Sang-RokKIST
WeET12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Advanced Teleoperation Control Architectures  
Chair: Peer, AngelikaTech. Univ. München
Co-Chair: Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Organizer: Peer, AngelikaTech. Univ. München
Organizer: Ferre, ManuelUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Organizer: Secchi, CristianUniv. of Modena & Reggio Emilia
Organizer: Chopra, NikhilUniv. of Maryland, Coll. Park
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET12.1 
Nonlinear Adaptive Bilateral Control of Teleoperation Systems with Uncertain Dynamics and Kinematics (I)
Liu, XiaUniv. of Alberta
Tavakoli, MahdiUniv. of Alberta
Huang, QiUniv. of Electronic Science and Tech.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET12.2 
Position Drift Compensation in Time Domain Passivity Based Teleoperation (I)
Artigas, JordiDLR - German Aerospace Center
Preusche, CarstenDLR
Ryu, Jee-HwanKorea Univ. of Tech. and Education
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET12.3 
Incorporating Human Haptic Interaction Models into Teleoperation Systems (I)
Feth, DanielaTech. Univ. München
Peer, AngelikaTech. Univ. München
Buss, MartinTech. Univ. München
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET12.4 
Model-Mediated Teleoperation for Multi-Operator Multi-Robot Systems (I)
Passenberg, CarolinaUniv. München
Peer, AngelikaTech. Univ. München
Buss, MartinTech. Univ. München
WeET13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Contact Modelling  
Chair: Kaneko, MakotoOsaka Univ.
Co-Chair: Kao, IminSUNY at Stony Brook
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET13.1 
Robotic Manipulation of Human Red Blood Cells with Optical Tweezers for Cell Property Characterization
Tan, YouhuaCity Univ. of HongKong
Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Huang, WenhaoUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
Cheng, JinpingCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Cheng, Shuk HanCity Univ. of Hong Kong
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET13.2 
Experimental Study of Creep Response of Viscoelastic Contact Interface under Force Control
Tsai, Chia-HungSUNY@Stony Brook
Kao, IminSUNY at Stony Brook
Shibata, AkihideOsaka Univ.
Yoshimoto, KayoOsaka Univ.
Higashimori, MitsuruOsaka Univ.
Kaneko, MakotoOsaka Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET13.3 
Port Hamiltonian Modeling for Soft-Finger Manipulation  (Video)
Ficuciello, FannyUniv. of Napoli
Carloni, RaffaellaUniv. of Twente
Visser, Ludo C.Univ. of Twente
Stramigioli, StefanoUniv. of Twente
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET13.4 
Force Based Manipulation of Jenga Blocks
Kimura, ShinyaUniv. of Tsukuba
Watanabe, TsutomuUniv. of Tsukuba
Aiyama, YasumichiUniv. of Tsukuba
WeET14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Nonholonomic Motion Planning  
Chair: Secchi, CristianUniv. of Modena & Reggio Emilia
Co-Chair: Bonfe, MarcelloUniv. of Ferrara
17:20-17:40, Paper WeET14.1 
Trajectory Planning for Robots in Dynamic Human Environments
Svenstrup, MikaelAalborg Univ.
Bak, ThomasAalborg Univ.
Andersen, Hans JørgenAalborg Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper WeET14.2 
Online Smooth Trajectory Planning for Mobile Robots by Means of Nonlinear Filters  (Video)
Bonfe, MarcelloUniv. of Ferrara
Secchi, CristianUniv. of Modena & Reggio Emilia
18:00-18:20, Paper WeET14.3 
Motion Planning for an Omnidirectional Robot with Steering Constraints
Chamberland, SimonUniv. de Sherbrooke
Beaudry, EricUniv. de Sherbrooke
Clavien, LionelUniv. de Sherbrooke
Kabanza, FrodualdUniv. de Sherbrooke
Michaud, FrancoisUniv. de Sherbrooke
Lauria, MichelUniv. of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO)
18:20-18:40, Paper WeET14.4 
Non-Parametric Learning for Natural Plan Generation
Baldwin, Ian AlanOxford
Newman, PaulOxford Univ.
Technical Program for Thursday October 21, 2010
ThPP Plenary Sessions, Plenary Hall  
Robot Suit HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) and Cybernics Medicare System (Prof. Yoshiyuki Sankai)  
Chair: Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
ThAT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Localization I  
Chair: Duckett, TomUniv. of Lincoln
Co-Chair: Matsumoto, YoshioNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech. (AIST)
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT1.1 
Use of the Parallel and Perpendicular Characteristics of Building Shape for Indoor Map Making and Positioning
Bando, ShigeruUniv. of Tsukuba
Yuta, ShinichiUniv. of Tsukuba
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT1.2 
On Stochastically Observable Directions of the Estimation Theoretic SLAM State Space
Perera, Linthotage Dushantha LochanaThe Univ. of Sydney
Nettleton, EricThe Univ. of Sydney
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT1.3 
Continuous Sound Source Localization Based on Microphone Array for Mobile Robots
Liu, HongPeking Univ.
Shen, MiaoPeking Univ. Beijing, China
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT1.4 
Approaches and Databases for Online Calibration of Binaural Sound Localization for Robotic Heads
Finger, HolgerUniv. of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Ruvolo, PaulUCSD
Liu, Shih-ChiiUniv. of Zurich and ETH Zurich
Movellan, JavierUniv. California San Diego
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT1.5 
A State Exchange Approach in Real Conditions for Multi-Robot Cooperative Localization
Aufrere, RomualdBlaise Pascal Univ.
Karam, NadirLasmea, Blaise Pascal Univ.
Chausse, FrédéricLASMEA/FR-TIMS
Chapuis, RolandLASMEA/FR-TIMS
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT1.6 
Asynchronous Multi-Centralized Cooperative Localization
Nerurkar, EshaUniv. of Minnesota
Roumeliotis, StergiosUniv. of Minnesota
ThAT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Force Control I  
Chair: Yoshimi, TakashiShibaura Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Oh, SehoonUniv. of Tokyo
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT2.1 
Force Control Based on Biarticular Muscle System and Its Application to Novel Robot Arm Driven by Planetary Gear System
Oh, SehoonUniv. of Tokyo
Kimura, YasutoUniv. of Tokyo
Hori, YoichiUniv. of Tokyo
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT2.2 
Hybrid Force/Position Control Applied to Automated Guiding Tasks at the Microscale
Rabenorosoa, KantyFEMTO-ST Inst.
Clévy, CédricFranche-Comté Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT2.3 
Rover Control Based on an Optimal Torque Distribution - Application to 6 Motorized Wheels Passive Rover
Krebs, AmbroiseSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zürich (ETHZ)
Risch, FabianSwiss Federal Inst. of Tech. Zürich
Thueer, ThomasETH Zurich
Pradalier, CedricETH Zurich
Siegwart, RolandETH Zurich
Maye, JeromeETH Zurich
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT2.4 
Contact Detection and Reaction of a Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm Equiped with Mechanical Gravity Canceller
Wang, WeiWaseda Univ.
Suga, YukiWaseda Univ.
Sugano, ShigekiWaseda Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT2.5 
Force Control of a Robot for Wrist Rehabilitation: Towards Coping with Human Intrinsic Constraints
Tagliamonte, Nevio LuigiUniv. Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Formica, DomenicoUniv. Campus Bio-medico di Roma
Scorcia, Mariacampus bio-medico di Roma
Campolo, DomenicoNanyang Tech. Univ.
Guglielmelli, EugenioUniv. Campus Bio-Medico
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT2.6 
Enhanced Operational Space Formulation for Multiple Tasks Using Time Delay Estimation
Jeong, Jae WonKAIST
Chang, Pyung HunKAIST
Lee, JinohKAIST
ThAT3 Invited Sessions, 101C  
Underwater Robotics and Applications  
Chair: Kaess, MichaelMIT
Co-Chair: Ila, ViorelaGeorgia Tech.
Organizer: Kaess, MichaelMIT
Organizer: Ila, ViorelaUPC-CSIC
Organizer: Maurelli, FrancescoHeriot-Watt Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT3.2 
Imaging Sonar-Aided Navigation for Autonomous Underwater Harbor Surveillance (I)
Johannsson, HordurMIT
Kaess, MichaelMIT
Englot, BrendanMIT
Hover, FranzMIT
Leonard, JohnMIT
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT3.3 
EKF-SLAM for AUV Navigation under Probabilistic Sonar Scan-Matching (I)
Mallios, AngelosUniv. de Girona
Ridao, PereUniv. de Girona
Ribas, DavidUniv. de Girona
Maurelli, FrancescoHeriot-Watt Univ.
Petillot, Yvan R.Heriot-Watt Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT3.4 
Inspection Planning for Sensor Coverage of 3D Marine Structures (I)
Englot, BrendanMIT
Hover, FranzMIT
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT3.5 
3D Reconstruction of Underwater Structures (I)
Beall, ChrisGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Lawrence, BrianGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
Ila, ViorelaUPC-CSIC
Dellaert, FrankGeorgia Inst. of Tech.
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT3.6 
Towards Autonomous Habitat Classification Using Gaussian Mixture Models (I)
Steinberg, DanielThe Univ. of Sydney
Williams, Stefan BernardUniv. of Sydney
Pizarro, OscarAustralian Centre for Field Robotics
Jakuba, MichaelUniv. of Sydney
ThAT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction I  
Chair: Steil, Jochen J.Bielefeld Univ.
Co-Chair: Nomura, TatsuyaRyukoku Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT4.2 
Gaussian Mixture Models for Affordance Learning Using Bayesian Networks
Osório, PedroInst. Superior Técnico
Bernardino, AlexandreInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Martinez-Cantin, RubenInst. Superior Tecnico
Santos-Victor, JoséInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT4.3 
Influences of Inconsistency between Phrases and Postures of Robots: A Psychological Experiment in Japan
Nomura, TatsuyaRyukoku Univ.
Nakamura, KaoriRyukoku Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT4.4 
Towards a Platform-Independent Cooperative Human-Robot Interaction System: I. Perception
Lallée, StéphaneStem Cell and Brain Res. Inst. INSERM U846
Lemaignan, SéverinLAAS/CNRS
Lenz, AlexanderBristol Robotic Lab. Uni Bristol, Uni of the West of Enla
Melhuish, ChrisBRL
Natale, LorenzoIstutito Italiano di Tecnologia
Skachek, SergeyBristol Robotic Lab.
van der Zant, TijnINSERM U846
Warneken, FelixHarvard Univ.
Dominey, Peter FordINSERM Stem Cell & Brain Res. Inst.
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT4.5 
An Adaptive Probabilistic Approach to Goal-Level Imitation Learning
Dindo, HarisUniv. of Palermo
Schillaci, GuidoUniv. of Palermo, Italy
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT4.6 
A Robust Sketch Interface for Natural Robot Control  (Video)
Shah, DanelleCornell Univ.
Schneider, JosephCornell Univ.
Campbell, MarkCornell Univ.
ThAT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Legged Robots I  
Chair: Kudoh, ShunsukeThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Co-Chair: Oh, Jun-HoKorea Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT5.1 
Practical Experiment of Balancing for a Hopping Humanoid Biped against Various Disturbances  (Video)
Cho, Baek-KyuATR, NiCT
Oh, Jun-HoKorea Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT5.2 
Gait Planning for a Biped Robot by a Nonholonomic System with Difference-Equation Constraints
Yao, NobuyaOsaka Univ.
Takubo, TomohitoOsaka Univ.
Ohara, KenichiOsaka Univ.
Mae, YasushiOsaka Univ.
Arai, TatsuoOsaka Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT5.3 
High-Speed Biped Gait Generation Based on Asymmetrization of Impact Posture Using Telescopic Legs
Asano, FumihikoJapan Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT5.4 
A Walking Pattern Generator for Biped Robots on Uneven Terrains  (Video)
Zheng, YuUniv. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lin, Ming C.Univ. of North Carolina
Manocha, DineshUNC at Chapel Hill
Adiwahono, Albertus HendrawanNational Univ. of Singapore
Chew, Chee MengNational Univ. of Singapore
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT5.5 
Biped Walking Stabilization Based on Linear Inverted Pendulum Tracking
Kajita, ShuujiNational Inst. of AIST
Morisawa, MitsuharuNational Inst. of AIST
Miura, KanakoNational Inst. of AIST
Nakaoka, Shin'ichiroAIST
Harada, KensukeNational Inst. of AIST
Kaneko, KenjiNational Inst. of AIST
Kanehiro, FumioNational Inst. of AIST
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT5.6 
Design of High Torque and High Speed Leg Module for High Power Humanoid
Urata, JunichiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Nakanishi, YutoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Okada, KeiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Inaba, MasayukiThe Univ. of Tokyo
ThAT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Manipulation Planning  
Chair: Gupta, KamalSimon Fraser Univ.
Co-Chair: Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT6.1 
EpistemeBase: a Semantic Memory System for Task Planning under Uncertainties
Xiong, XiaofengSIAT
Hu, YingShenzhen Inst. of Advanced Tech. ShenZhen, China
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT6.2 
Strategies for Multi-Modal Scene Exploration  (Video)
Bohg, JeannetteKTH Stockholm
Johnson-Roberson, MatthewKTH Royal Inst. of Tech.
Björkman, MårtenKTH
Kragic, DanicaKTH
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT6.3 
Integrated View and Path Planning for an Autonomous Six-DOF Eye-In-Hand Object Modeling System
Torabi, LilaSimon Fraser Univ.
Gupta, KamalSimon Fraser Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT6.4 
Generating a Contact State Graph of Polyhedral Objects for Robotic Application
Kwak, Sung JoKyushu Univ.
Chung, Seong YoubKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
Hasegawa, TsutomuKyushu Univ.
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT6.5 
Planning Pick and Place Tasks with Two-Hand Regrasping
Saut, Jean-PhilippeLAAS-CNRS
Gharbi, MokhtarLAAS-CNRS
Cortes, JuanLAAS-CNRS
Sidobre, DanielUniv. of toulouse
Simeon, ThierryLAAS-CNRS
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT6.6 
Simultaneous Local Motion Planning and Control for Cooperative Redundant Arms
Arechavaleta, GustavoCentro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Barrios, ArturoCentro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Jarquín, GerardoCentro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Parra Vega, VicenteCINVESTAV
ThAT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Recognition I  
Chair: Dubey, RajivUniv. of South Florida
Co-Chair: Terabayashi, KenjiChuo Univ.
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT7.1 
Robust Feature Extraction for 3D Reconstruction of Boundary Segmented Objects in a Robotic Library Scenario
Grigorescu, Sorin MihaiTransylvania Univ. of Brasov
Natarajan, Saravana K.Univ. of Bremen, Inst. of Automation
Mronga, DennisUniv. of Bremen, Center for Artificial Intelligence
Gräser, AxelUniv. of Bremen
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT7.2 
Spatial Resolution for Robot to Detect Objects
Cao, LuSaitama Univ.
Kobayashi, YoshinoriSaitama Univ.
Kuno, YoshinoriSaitama Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT7.3 
Multiple-Cue Object Recognition on Outside Datasets
Veloso, ManuelaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Aboutalib, SarahCarnegie Mellon Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT7.4 
Real-Time 3D Visual Sensor for Robust Object Recognition
Attamimi, MuhammadThe Univ. of Electro-Communications
Mizutani, AkiraThe Univ. of Electro-Communicatuins
Nakamura, TomoakiUniv. of Electro-Communications
Nagai, TakayukiUniv. of Electro-Communications
Funakoshi, KotaroHonda Res. Inst. Japan Co., Ltd.
Nakano, MikioHonda Res. Inst. Japan
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT7.5 
Combining Depth and Color Cues for Scale and Viewpoint-Invariant Object Segmentation and Recognition Using Random Forests
Stückler, JörgUniv. of Bonn
Behnke, SvenUniv. of Bonn
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT7.6 
A Probabilistic Measurement Model for Local Interest Point Based 6 DOF Pose Estimation
Grundmann, ThiloSiemens AG
Eidenberger, RobertJohannes Kepler Univ. Linz
v. Wichert, GeorgSiemens AG
ThAT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robot Systems I  
Chair: Shapiro, AmirBen Gurion Univ. of the Negev
Co-Chair: Bekris, Kostas E.Univ. of Nevada, Reno
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT8.1 
Shape-Shifting Robot Path Planning Method Based on Reconfiguration Performance
Liu, Tonglinthe State Key Lab. of Robotics, ShenyangInstituteofAutomat
Wu, ChengdongShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. ofSciences
Li, BinShenyang Inst. of Automation
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT8.2 
Smooth and Collision-Free Navigation for Multiple Robots under Differential-Drive Constraints
Snape, JamieUniv. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
van den Berg, JurUniv. of California at Berkeley
Guy, Stephen J.Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Manocha, DineshUNC at Chapel Hill
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT8.3 
A Time Competitive Heterogeneous Multi Robot Path Finding Algorithm
Sarid, ShaharBen-Gurion Univ. of the Negev
Shapiro, AmirBen Gurion Univ. of the Negev
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT8.4 
Network-Guided Multi-Robot Path Planning in Discrete Representations  (Video)
Luna, RyanUniv. of Nevada Reno
Bekris, Kostas E.Univ. of Nevada, Reno
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT8.5 
Decentralized Prioritized Planning in Large Multirobot Teams
Velagapudi, PrasannaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Sycara, KatiaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Scerri, PaulCarnegie Mellon Univ.
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT8.6 
Pursuit-Evasion in 2.5d Based on Team-Visibility
Kolling, AndreasUniv. of Pittsburgh
Kleiner, AlexanderUniv. of Freiburg
Lewis, MichaelUniv. of Pittsburgh
Sycara, KatiaCarnegie Mellon Univ.
ThAT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Gesture, Posture, Social Spaces and Facial Expressions  
Chair: Ng-Thow-Hing, VictorHonda Res. Inst.
Co-Chair: Kulic, DanaUniv. of Waterloo
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT9.1 
Synchronized Gesture and Speech Production for Humanoid Robots
Ng-Thow-Hing, VictorHonda Res. Inst.
Luo, PengchengUniv. of California, Davis
Okita, SandraTeachers Coll. Columbia Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT9.2 
Human Hand Motion Recognition Using Empirical Copula
Ju, ZhaojieUniv. of Portsmouth
Liu, HonghaiUniv. of Portsmouth
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT9.3 
Prediction of User’s Grasping Intentions Based on the Eye-Hand Coordination
Clady, XavierUniv. Pierre and Marie Curie-Paris 6
Carrasco, MiguelPontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile (PUC)
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT9.4 
Saliency-Based Identification and Recognition of Pointed-At Objects
Schauerte, BorisKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Richarz, JanTU Dortmund
Fink, Gernot A.TU Dortmund
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT9.5 
A Hand-Gesture-Based Control Interface for a Car-Robot
Wu, Xing-HanNational Central Univ. Taiwan, R.O.C.
Su, Mu-ChunNational Central Univ. R.O.C.
Wang, Pa-ChunCathay General Hospital, Taiwan
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT9.6 
Incremental Learning of Human Behaviors Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models
Kulic, DanaUniv. of Waterloo
Nakamura, YoshihikoUniv. of Tokyo
ThAT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Haptics and Haptic Interfaces I  
Chair: Kwon, Dong-SooKAIST
Co-Chair: Berkelman, PeterUniv. of Hawaii-Manoa
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT10.1 
Multi-DOF Equalization of Haptic Devices for Accurate Rendering at High Frequencies
Wilson, RobertStanford Univ.
Chan, SonnyStanford Univ.
Salisbury, KennethStanford Univ.
Niemeyer, GunterWillow Garage and Stanford Univ.
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT10.2 
Command Recognition Based on Haptic Information for a Robot Arm
Hanyu, RyosukeSaitama Univ.
Tsuji, ToshiakiSaitama Univ.
Abe, ShigeruSaitama Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT10.3 
Actuation Model for Control of a Long Range Lorentz Force Magnetic Levitation Device
Berkelman, PeterUniv. of Hawaii-Manoa
Dzadovsky, MichaelUniv. of Hawaii-Manoa
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT10.4 
Design and Evaluation of a Wearable Haptic Interface for Large Workspaces
Kossyk, IngoUniv. of Tech. Berlin
Dörr, JonasUniv. of Tech. Berlin
Kondak, KonstantinTech. Univ. Berlin
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT10.5 
Mechanism and Evaluation of a Haptic Interface “Force Blinker 2” for Navigation of the Visually Impaired
Ando, TakeshiWaseda Univ.
Tsukahara, RyotaWaseda Univ.
Seki, MasatoshiWaseda Univ.
Fujie, Masakatsu G.Waseda Univ.
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT10.6 
Haptic Primitives Guidance Based on the Kautham Path Planner
Vázquez Hurtado, CarlosTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Rosell, JanTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Chirinos Gamboa, LucianoITESM Toluca
Dominguez-Ramirez, Omar ArturoAutonomous Univ. of the Hidalgo State
ThAT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Autonomous Agents  
Chair: Hara, IsaoNational Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Co-Chair: Walter, MatthewMIT
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT11.1 
Goal Seeking for Robots in Unknown Environments
V R, JishaIndian Inst. of Science
Ghose, DebasishIndian Inst. of Science
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT11.2 
Scene Association for Mobile Robot Navigation
Johns, EdwardImperial Coll. London
Yang, Guang-ZhongImperial Coll. London
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT11.3 
Generical Frustration As a Regulatory Mecanism for Motivated Navigation
Hasson, CyrilCNRS - ENSEA - Cergy Pontoise Univ.
Gaussier, PhilippeCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT11.4 
Fast Path Planning Using Multi-Resolution Boundary Value Problems
Silveira, RenatoUniv. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS
Prestes, EdsonUFRGS
Nedel, LucianaUniv. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT11.5 
A Probabilistic Action Duration Model for Plan Selection and Monitoring
Ziparo, Vittorio AmosSapienza Univ. di Roma
Iocchi, LucaSapienza Univ. of Roma
Leonetti, MatteoSapienza Univ. of Rome
Nardi, DanieleSapienza Univ. of Rome
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT11.6 
Towards Mixed Societies of Chickens and Robots
Gribovskiy, AlexeyEc. Pol. fédérale de Lausanne
Halloy, JoséULB
Deneubourg, Jean-LouisUniv. Libre de Bruxelles
Bleuler, HannesEc. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
Mondada, FrancescoEPFL
ThAT12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Outdoor Robotics for Industrial Applications I  
Chair: Anisi, David A.ABB
Co-Chair: Schumann-Olsen, HenrikSINTEF ICT
Organizer: Anisi, David A.ABB
Organizer: Stentz, AnthonyCarnegie Mellon Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT12.3 
Robot Automation in Oil and Gas Facilities: Indoor and Onsite Demonstrations (I)  (Video)
Anisi, David A.ABB
Gunnar, JohanABB
Lillehagen, TommyABB
Skourup, CharlotteABB
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT12.4 
Holistic Design and Analysis for the Human-Friendly Robotic Co-Worker (I)  (Video)
Haddadin, SamiGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Parusel, SvenGerman Aerospace Center
Belder, RicoTU-Dresden, German Aerospace Center
Vogel, JoernGerman Aerospace Center
Rokahr, TimGerman Aerospace Center
Albu-Schäffer, AlinDLR - German Aerospace Center
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT12.5 
Material Handling of a Mobile Manipulator Using an Eye-In-Hand Vision System (I)
Tsay, Tsing-IuanNational Cheng Kung Univ.
Lai, Ying-FengNational Cheng Kung Univ. Mechanical Engineering
Hsiao, Yi-LinNational Cheng Kung Univ. Mechanical Engineering
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT12.6 
Human-Robot Interaction and Future Industrial Robotics Applications (I)
Heyer, ClintABB AS
ThAT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Wheeled Robots  
Chair: Mandow, AnthonyUniv. of Malaga
Co-Chair: Morales, JesúsUniv. of Malaga
09:30-09:50, Paper ThAT13.1 
Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Trajectory Tracking of Mobile Robot
Liang, Yuming1. Jiangxi Univ. of Science and Tech. 2.TongjiUnivers
Xu, LihongTongji Univ.
Wei, RuihuaTongjiUniversity, Shanghai, China.
Hu, HaigenDepartment of Control Science and Engineering, TongjiUniversity
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT13.2 
Local Path Planning Scheme for Car-Like Vehicle's Shortest Turning Motion Using Geometric Analysis
Lee, Seoung KyouKorea Inst. of Science and Tech.
Lee, SungonKorea Inst. of Science & Tech.
Doh, NakjuKorea Univ.
Nam, ChangjooGraduate Student
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT13.3 
Simplified Power Consumption Modeling and Identification for Wheeled Skid-Steer Robotic Vehicles on Hard Horizontal Ground
Morales, JesúsUniv. of Malaga
Martinez, JorgeUniv. of Malaga
Mandow, AnthonyUniv. of Malaga
Pequeño, AlejandroUniv. of Malaga
García-Cerezo, AlfonsoUniv. of Malaga
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT13.4 
Addressing Input Saturation and Kinematic Constraints of Overactuated Undercarriages by Predictive Potential Fields
Connette, Christian PascalFraunhofer IPA
Haegele, MartinFraunhofer IPA
Pott, AndreasFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Verl, AlexanderFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT13.5 
Stochastic Optimization of Neural Network-Based Controller for Aggressive Maneuver on Loose Surfaces
Terekhov, Alexander V.UPMC / CNRS
Mouret, Jean-BaptisteISIR/UPMC Pyramide
Grand, ChristopheUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris6
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT13.6 
A Novel Compliant Rover for Rough Terrain Mobility  (Video)
Singh, ArunInternational Inst. of Information Tech.
Namdev, Rahul KumarInternational Inst. of Information Tech. - Hyderabad
Eathakota, VijayIIIT Hyderabad
Krishna, MadhavaIIIT Hyderabad
ThAT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Networked Robots I  
Chair: Hashimoto, HidekiUniv. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: O'Kane, JasonUniv. of South Carolina
09:50-10:10, Paper ThAT14.2 
Wearable Echography Robot for Trauma Patient
Ito, KeiichiroWaseda Univ.
Sugano, ShigekiWaseda Univ.
Iwata, HiroyasuWaseda Univ.
10:10-10:30, Paper ThAT14.3 
Active Cooperative Perception in Network Robot Systems Using POMDPs
Spaan, MatthijsInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Veiga, TiagoInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Lima, PedroInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
10:30-10:50, Paper ThAT14.4 
A Two Phase Recursive Tree Propagation Based Framework for Multi-Robotic Exploration with Fixed Base Station Constraint  (Video)
Mukhija, PiyooshIIIT Hyderabad
Krishna, MadhavaIIIT Hyderabad
Krishna, VamshiIIIT Hyderabad
10:50-11:10, Paper ThAT14.5 
Fault-Tolerant Probabilistic Sensor Fusion for Multi-Agent Systems
Pahliani, AbdolkarimInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Spaan, MatthijsInst. Superior Técnico
Lima, PedroInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
11:10-11:30, Paper ThAT14.6 
Network-Assisted Target Tracking Via Smart Local Routing
O'Kane, JasonUniv. of South Carolina
Xu, WenyuanUniv. of South Carolina
ThBT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Localization II  
Chair: Liu, HongPeking Univ.
Co-Chair: Vardy, AndrewMemorial Univ. of Newfoundland
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT1.1 
Probabilistic Landmark Based Localization of Rail Vehicles in Topological Maps
Hensel, StefanKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Hasberg, CarstenKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT1.2 
Using Feature Scale Change for Robot Localization Along a Route
Vardy, AndrewMemorial Univ. of Newfoundland
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT1.3 
Efficient Trajectory Bending with Applications to Loop Closure
Dubbelman, GijsTNO Defence, security and safety
Esteban, IsaacUniv. of Amsterdam
Schutte, KlamerTNO, Defence security and Safety
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT1.4 
Robust Positioning Using Relaxed Constraint-Propagation
Drevelle, VincentUniv. of Tech. of Compiegne
Bonnifait, PhilippeUniv. of Tech. of Compiegne
ThBT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Force Control II  
Chair: Yu, YongKagoshima Univ.
Co-Chair: Niemeyer, GunterWillow Garage and Stanford Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT2.1 
A Unified Approach for Control of Redundant Mechanical Systems under Equality and Inequality Constraints
Aghili, FarhadCanadian Space Agency
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT2.2 
Examining the Benefits of Variable Impedance Actuation
Walker, Daniel S.Stanford Univ.
Niemeyer, GunterWillow Garage and Stanford Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT2.3 
Cooperative Bin-Picking with Time-Of-Flight Camera and Impedance Controlled DLR Light-Weight Robot III
Fuchs, StefanGerman Aerospace Center
Haddadin, SamiGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Parusel, SvenGerman Aerospace Center
Suppa, MichaelGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Keller, MaikUniv. of Siegen
Kolb, AndreasUniv. of Siegen
ThBT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Marine Robotics II  
Chair: Yu, JunzhiInst. of Automation, Chinese Acad. of Sciences
Co-Chair: Shibuya, KojiRyukoku Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT3.1 
On–line State and Parameter Estimation of an Under–actuated Underwater Vehicle Using a Modified Dual Unscented Kalman Filter
Karras, GeorgeNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
Loizou, SavvasFrederick Univ.
Kyriakopoulos, KostasNational Tech. Univ. of Athens
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT3.2 
Cooperative Localization of Marine Vehicles Using Nonlinear State Estimation
Papadopoulos, GeorgiosMIT
Fallon, MauriceMIT
Leonard, JohnMIT
Patrikalakis, NicholasMIT, SMART
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT3.3 
Plane-Based Registration of Sonar Data for Underwater 3D Mapping
Pathak, KaustubhJacobs Univ. Bremen
Birk, AndreasJacobs Univ.
Vaskevicius, NarunasJacobs Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT3.4 
An Efficient Strategy for Data Exchange in Multi-Robot Mapping under Underwater Communication Constraints
Pfingsthorn, MaxJacobs Univ.
Birk, AndreasJacobs Univ.
Buelow, HeikoJacobs Univ.
ThBT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Cognitive Human-Robot Interaction II  
Chair: Okuno, Hiroshi G.Kyoto Univ.
Co-Chair: Avizzano, Carlo AlbertoScuola Superiore S. Anna
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT4.1 
Mechanical Support As a Spatial Abstraction for Mobile Robots
Sjöö, KristofferRoyal Inst. of Tech.
Aydemir, AlperRoyal Inst. of Tech. (KTH)
Mörwald, ThomasVienna Univ. of Tech. Automation and Control Inst.
Zhou, KaiAutomation and Control Inst. Vienna Univ. of Tech.
Jensfelt, PatricRoyal Inst. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT4.2 
Human-Robot Interaction for Learning and Adaptation of Object Movements
Mühlig, ManuelCoR-Lab. Bielefeld, Honda Res. Inst. Europe
Gienger, MichaelHonda Res. Inst. Europe
Steil, Jochen J.Bielefeld Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT4.3 
A Model-Predictive Switching Approach to Efficient Intention Recognition
Krauthausen, PeterKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Hanebeck, Uwe D.Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT4.4 
Using On-Line Conditional Random Fields to Determine Human Intent for Peer-To-Peer Human Robot Teaming
Hoare, JohnUniv. of Tennessee
Parker, LynneUniv. of Tennessee
ThBT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Legged Robots II  
Chair: Osuka, KoichiOsaka Univ.
Co-Chair: Yeh, T.-J.National Tsing Hua Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT5.1 
Trajectory Planning of a One-Legged Robot Performing Stable Hop
Wu, Ting-YingNational Tsing Hua Univ.
Yeh, T.-J.National Tsing Hua Univ.
Hsu, Bing-HungNational Tsing Hua Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT5.2 
A CPG-Based Decentralized Control of a Quadruped Robot Inspired by True Slime Mold  (Video)
Kano, TakeshiGraduate School of Engineering, Tohoku Univ.
Nagasawa, KohDepartment of Electrical and Communication Engineering, Graduate
Owaki, DaiTohoku Univ.
Tero, AtsushiPRESTO, Japan Science and Tech. Agency,
Ishiguro, AkioTohoku Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT5.3 
SLIP Running with an Articulated Robotic Leg
Hutter, MarcoETH Zurich
Remy, C. DavidETH Zurich
Hoepflinger, MarkETH Zurich
Siegwart, RolandETH Zurich
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT5.4 
Facilitating Multi-Modal Locomotion in a Quadruped Robot Utilizing Passive Oscillation of the Spine Structure
Takuma, TakashiOsaka Inst. of Tech.
Ikeda, MasahiroOsaka Inst. of Tech.
Masuda, TatsuyaOsaka Inst. of Tech.
ThBT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Space Robotics II  
Chair: Nagatani, KeijiTohoku Univ.
Co-Chair: Ding, LiangHarbin Inst. of Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT6.1 
Terramechanics-Based Propulsive Characteristics of Mobile Robot Driven by Archimedean Screw Mechanism on Soft Soil
Nagaoka, KenjiThe Graduate Univ. for Advanced Studies
Otsuki, MasatsuguJapan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kubota, TakashiJAXA ISAS
Tanaka, SatoshiJAXA/ISAS
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT6.2 
Developing Virtual Testbeds for Mobile Robotic Applications in the Woods and on the Moon
Rossmann, JuergenRWTH Aachen Univ.
Jung, Thomas JosefRWTH Aachen
Rast, MalteRWTH Aachen Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT6.3 
Slip-Ratio-Coordinated Control of Planetary Exploration Robots Traversing Over Deformable Rough Terrain
Ding, LiangHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Gao, HaiboHarbin Inst. of Tech.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT6.4 
A Comparison of Global Localization Algorithms for Planetary Exploration
Furgale, Paul TimothyUniv. of Toronto
Carle, PatrickUniv. of Toronto
Barfoot, TimothyUniv. of Toronto
ThBT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry  
Chair: MacDonald, BruceUniv. of Auckland
Co-Chair: Kosuge, KazuhiroTohoku Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT7.1 
Pattern Recognition Structured Heuristics Methods for Image Processing in Mobile Robot Navigation
Lulio, LucianoEngineering School of Sao Carlos - Univ. of Sao Paulo
Porto, Arthur J.V.EESC - USP
Tronco, Mario LuizUNESP
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT7.2 
Path Following of a Vehicle-Trailer System in Presence of Sliding: Application to Automatic Guidance of a Towed Agricultural Implement
Cariou, ChristopheCemagref
Lenain, RolandCemagref
Thuilot, BenoitClermont-Ferrand Univ.
Martinet, PhilippeBlaise Pascal Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT7.3 
Row-Detection on an Agricultural Field Using Omnidirectional Camera
Ericson, StefanUniv. of Skövde
Åstrand, BjörnHalmstad Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT7.4 
Linear-Time Path and Motion Planning Algorithm for a Tree Climbing Robot - TreeBot
Lam, Tin LunThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong / Shenzhen Inst. of Adva
Xu, GuoqingShenzhen Inst. of Advanced Tech. / The Chinese Univ.
Qian, HuihuanCAS/CUHK
Xu, YangshengChinese Univ. of Hong Kong / ShenzhenInstituteofAdvanced Te
ThBT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Path Planning for Multiple Mobile Robot Systems II  
Chair: Kurabayashi, DaisukeTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Gazi, VeyselTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT8.1 
Control of Ad-Hoc Formations for Autonomous Airport Snow Shoveling
Saska, MartinCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Vonasek, VojtechCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
Preucil, LiborCzech Tech. Univ. in Prague
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT8.2 
Implementation of Robot Formation Control and Navigation Using Real-Time Panel Method
Merheb, Abdel-RazzakTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Atas, YunusTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Gazi, VeyselTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
Sezer-Uzol, NilayTOBB Univ. of Ec. and Tech.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT8.3 
Parallel Compact Roadmap Construction of 3D Virtual Environments on the GPU
Bleiweiss, AviNVIDIA Corp.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT8.4 
Coordinated Exploration with Marsupial Teams of Robots Using Temporal Symbolic Planning
Wurm, Kai M.Univ. of Freiburg
Dornhege, ChristianUniv. of Freiburg
Eyerich, PatrickUniv. of Freiburg
Stachniss, CyrillUniv. of Freiburg
Nebel, BernhardAlbert-Ludwigs-Univ. Freiburg
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
ThBT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Rehabilitation Robotics I  
Chair: Dollar, AaronYale Univ.
Co-Chair: Xu, JijieUniv. of Pittsburgh
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT9.1 
Benchmarking Grasping and Manipulation: Properties of the Objects of Daily Living
Matheus, KaylaYale Univ.
Dollar, AaronYale Univ.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT9.2 
Imposing Joint Kinematic Constraints with an Upper Limb Exoskeleton without Constraining the End-Point Motion
Crocher, VincentUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, ISIR, CNRS-UMR 7222
Sahbani, AnisUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
Morel, GuillaumeUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT9.3 
An Asymmetric Stiffness Model of a Human Hand
Abiko, SatokoTohoku Univ.
Konno, AtsushiTohoku Univ.
Uchiyama, MasaruTohoku Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT9.4 
Enhanced Bimanual Manipulation Assistance with the Personal Mobility and Manipulation Appliance (PerMMA)
Xu, JijieUniv. of Pittsburgh
Grindle, GarrettUniv. of Pittsburgh
Salatin, BenUniv. of Pittsburgh
Vazquez, Juan J.Univ. of Pittsburgh
Ding, DanUniv. of Pittsburgh
Cooper, RoryUniv. of Pittsburgh
Wang, HongwuUniv. of Pittsburgh
ThBT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Haptics and Haptic Interfaces II  
Chair: Mochiyama, HiromiUniv. of Tsukuba
Co-Chair: Gil, Jorge JuanCEIT
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT10.1 
Design of a Linear Haptic Display Based on Approximate Straight Line Mechanisms
Joinié-Maurin, MathieuUniv. of Strasbourg
Rump, RomainInsa (Strasbourg)
Barbé, LaurentUniv. of Strasbourg, LSIIT UMR CNRS
Piccin, OlivierINSA
Gangloff, JacquesStrasbourg I Univ.
Bayle, BernardUniv. of Strasbourg
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT10.2 
On the Z-Width Limitation Due to the Vibration Modes of Haptic Interfaces
Gil, Jorge JuanCEIT
Puerto, Mildred J.CEIT
Díaz, IñakiCEIT
Sánchez, EmilioCEIT
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT10.3 
Design and Psychophysical Evaluation of a Tactile Pulse Display for Teleoperated Artery Palpation
Santos-Carreras, LauraEc. Pol. Federal de Lausanne
Leuenberger, KasparEc. Pol. Federal de Lausanne, EPFL.
Rétornaz, PhilippeÉcole Pol. Fédérale de Lausanne
Gassert, RogerETH Zurich
Bleuler, HannesEc. Pol. Federale de Lausanne
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT10.4 
Real-Time Virtual Haptization of an Object Surface Measured by a High-Speed Projector-Camera System
Toma, KotaTohoku Univ.
Kagami, ShingoTohoku Univ.
Hashimoto, KoichiTohoku Univ.
ThBT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Distributed Robot Systems I  
Chair: Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Co-Chair: Chen, JianCity Univ. of Hong Kong
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT11.1 
Three Dimensional Deployment of Robot Swarms
Lee, GeunhoJapan Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Tech.
Nishimura, YasuhiroJapan Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
Tatara, KazutakaJapan Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
Chong, Nak YoungJapan Advanced Inst. of Sci. and Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT11.2 
A Hierarchical Approach to Automatic Deployment of Robotic Teams with Communication Constraints  (Video)
Chen, YushanBoston Univ.
Birch, SamBoston Univ. Acad.
Stefanescu, AlinSAP Res. Darmstadt
Belta, CalinBoston Univ.
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT11.3 
Experiments in Decentralized Robot Construction with Tool Delivery and Assembly Robots  (Video)
Bolger, AdrienneMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Faulkner, MatthewMIT
Stein, DavidMIT
White, LaurenMIT
Yun, Seung-kookMIT
Rus, DanielaMIT
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT11.4 
Resource Constrained Multirobot Task Allocation with a Leader-Follower Coalition Method
Chen, JianCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Yan, XiaoCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Chen, HaoyaoHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
ThBT12 Invited Sessions, 202A  
Outdoor Robotics for Industrial Applications II  
Chair: Anisi, David A.ABB
Co-Chair: Tsay, Tsing-IuanNational Cheng Kung Univ.
Organizer: Anisi, David A.ABB
Organizer: Stentz, AnthonyCarnegie Mellon Univ.
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT12.1 
A Robotic Concept for Remote Maintenance Operations: A Robust 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation Method and a Novel Robot Tool (I)  (Video)
Transeth, Aksel AndreasSINTEF ICT
Skotheim, ØysteinSINTEF ICT
Schumann-Olsen, HenrikSINTEF ICT
Johansen, GormSINTEF
Thielemann, JensSINTEF
Kyrkjebø, ErikSINTEF ICT
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT12.2 
Development of an Inspection Robot for 500 Kv EHV Power Transmission Lines (I)
Wang, HongguangShenyang Inst. of Automation, Chinese Acad.
Zhang, FeiShenyang Inst. of Automation,Chinese Acad. ofSciences
Jiang, YongSIA
Liu, GuangjunRyerson Univ.
Peng, XiaojieNortheast China Grid Company Limited
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT12.3 
Outdoor Navigation with a Spherical Amphibious Robot (I)
Kaznov, ViktorRotundus AB, Stockholm, Sweden
Seeman, MattiasRotundus AB, Stockholm, Sweden
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT12.4 
Closed-Loop Pallet Manipulation in Unstructured Environments (I)  (Video)
Walter, MatthewMIT
Karaman, SertacMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Frazzoli, EmilioMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Teller, SethMIT
ThBT13 Invited Sessions, 202B  
Human-Robot-Human Interaction for Rehabilitation  
Chair: Reed, Kyle BrandonUniv. of South Florida
Co-Chair: Alqasemi, RedwanUniv. of South Florida
Organizer: Reed, Kyle BrandonUniv. of South Florida
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT13.1 
A Novel Rehabilitation System Supporting Bilateral Arm Cooperative Training  (Video)
Li, ChunguangKochi Univ. of Tech.
Inoue, YoshioKochi Univ. of Tech.
Liu, TaoKochi Univ. of Tech.
Shibata, KyokoKochi Univ. of Tech.
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT13.2 
Symmetric Motions for Bimanual Rehabilitation (I)
Gonzalez, HernandoUniv. of South Florida
Alvarez, RafaelUniv. of South Florida
Reed, Kyle BrandonUniv. of South Florida
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT13.3 
Laser-Assisted Telerobotic Control for Enhancing Manipulation Capabilities of Persons with Disabilities (I)
Khokar, KaranUniv. of South Florida
Reed, Kyle BrandonUniv. of South Florida
Alqasemi, RedwanUniv. of South Florida
Dubey, RajivUniv. of South Florida
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT13.4 
Changes in Muscle Activation Patterns Following Robot-Assisted Training of Hand Function after Stroke (I)
Salman, BernaSimon Fraser Univ.
Vahdat, ShahabeddinMcGill Univ.
Lambercy, OlivierETH Zurich
Dovat, LudovicNational Univ. of Singapore
Burdet, Etienneimperial Coll. london
Milner, Theodore EdgarMcGill Univ.
ThBT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Networked Robots II  
Chair: Roehrig, ChristofUniv. of Appl. Sci. Dortmund
Co-Chair: Fagiolini, AdrianoUniv. of Pisa
11:40-12:00, Paper ThBT14.1 
A Self--Routing Protocol for Distributed Consensus on Logical Information  (Video)
Fagiolini, AdrianoUniv. of Pisa
Martini, SimoneUniv. di Pisa
Di Baccio, DavideUniv. of Pisa
Bicchi, AntonioUniv. of Pisa
12:00-12:20, Paper ThBT14.2 
Multirobot Consensus While Preserving Connectivity in Presence of Obstacles with Bounded Control Inputs
Li, XiangpengJoint Advanced Res. Center ofCityUnviersityofHongKongand Unv
Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Yang, JieUniv. of Science and Tech. of China
12:20-12:40, Paper ThBT14.3 
Planar Multi-Robot Realizations of Connectivity Graphs Using Genetic Algorithms
Bayram, HalukBogazici Univ.
Bozma, IsilBogazici Univ.
12:40-13:00, Paper ThBT14.4 
WARPWING: A Complete Open Source Control Platform for Miniature Robots
Mehta, AnkurUC Berkeley
Pister, Kristofer S. J.Univ. of California, Berkeley
ThCT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Localization III  
Chair: Yoshida, TomoakiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Co-Chair: Suh, Il HongHanyang Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT1.1 
Mobile Robot Localization Using Stereo Vision in Outdoor Environments under Various Illumination Conditions
Irie, KiyoshiChiba Insitute of Tech.
Yoshida, TomoakiChiba Inst. of Tech.
Tomono, MasahiroChiba Inst. of Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT1.2 
Robust Place Recognition with Stereo Cameras
Cadena Lerma, Cesar DarioUniv. of Zaragoza
Galvez Lopez, DorianUniv. de Zaragoza
Ramos, FabioUniv. of Sydney
Tardos, Juan D.Univ. de Zaragoza
Neira, JoséUniv. de Zaragoza
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT1.3 
Noise Model Creation for Visual Odometry with Neural-Fuzzy Model
Sakai, AtsushiMeiji Univ.
Mitsuhashi, MasahitoMeiji Univ.
Kuroda, YojiMeiji Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT1.4 
A Spherical Robot-Centered Representation for Urban Navigation  (Video)
Meilland, MaximeINRIA Sophia Antipolis
Comport, Andrew IanCNRS
Rives, PatrickINRIA
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT1.5 
Mobile Robot Self-Localization Based on Tracked Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature Points by Using an Omnidirectional Camera
Tasaki, TsuyoshiToshiba Corp.
Tokura, SeijiCorp.
Sonoura, TakafumiToshiba Corp.
Ozaki, FumioToshiba Corp.
Matsuhira, NobutoToshiba Corp.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT1.6 
Learning to Localize Using Gaussian Process Regression on Omnidirectional Image Data  (Video)
Huhle, BenjaminUniv. of Tuebingen
Schairer, TimoUniv. of Tuebingen
Schilling, AndreasUniv. of Tuebingen, WSI/GRIS
Strasser, WolfgangUniv. of Tuebingen
ThCT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Virtual Reality and Interfaces  
Chair: Iwai, YoshioOsaka Univ.
Co-Chair: Yun, XiaopingNaval Postgraduate School
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT2.1 
Relative Posture Estimation Using High Frequency Markers  (Video)
Ono, YuyaOsaka Univ.
Iwai, YoshioOsaka Univ.
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT2.2 
T-Less : A Novel Touchless Human-Machine Interface Based on Infrared Proximity Sensing
Ryu, DongseokTexas A&M Univ. Christi
Um, DuganTexas A&M Univ. - CC
Tanofsky, PhilipTexas A&M Univ. - Corp. Christi
Koh, Do HyongTexas state Univ.
Ryu, Young SamTexas state Univ.
Kang, SungchulKorea Inst. of Science & Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT2.3 
A Wearable System for the Wireless Experience of Extended Range Telepresence
Packi, FerdinandKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Pérez Arias, AntoniaKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Beutler, FrederikKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Hanebeck, Uwe D.Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT2.4 
Testing and Evaluation of an Inertial/Magnetic Sensor-Based Pen Input Device
Calusdian, JamesNaval Postgraduate School
Yun, XiaopingNaval Postgraduate School
Drakopoulos, LeonidasNaval Postgraduate School
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT2.5 
Development of a 3D Interactive Virtual Market System with Adaptive Treadmill Control
Dong, HaiweiKobe Univ.
Oshiumi, TatuoKobe Univ.
Nagano, AkinoriKobe Univ.
Luo, ZhiweiKobe Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT2.6 
T-Mobile: Vibrotactile Display Pad with Spatial and Directional Information for Hand-Held Device  (Video)
Yang, Gi-HunKIST
Jin, Moon-subKIST
Jin, YeonsubUniv. of Seoul
Kang, SungchulKorea Inst. of Science & Tech.
ThCT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Telerobotics I  
Chair: Ryu, JehaGwangju Inst. Science & Tech.
Co-Chair: Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian, AdolfoTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT3.1 
Nonlinear Control and Geometric Constraint Enforcement for Teleoperated Task Execution
Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian, AdolfoTech. Univ. of Catalonia (UPC)
Nuño, EmmanuelTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Palomo-Avellaneda, LeopoldTech. Univ. of Catalonia
Basanez, LuisTech. Univ. of Catalonia
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT3.2 
Skill-Based Telemanipulation by Means of Intelligent Robots
Notheis, SimonKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Milighetti, GiulioFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Hein, BjörnKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Woern, HeinzKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Beyerer, JürgenFraunhofer Gesellschaft
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT3.3 
Friction Compensation in Energy-Based Bilateral Telemanipulation
Franken, MichelUniv. of Twente
Misra, SarthakUniv. of Twente
Stramigioli, StefanoUniv. of Twente
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT3.4 
Performance Analysis of a Manipulation Task in Time-Delayed Teleoperation
Yip, Michael C.Univ. of British Columbia
Tavakoli, MahdiUniv. of Alberta
Howe, Robert D.Harvard Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT3.5 
Performance Improvement of Force Feedback in Bilateral Teleoperation with PD Controller
Wang, YujiTsinghua Univ.
Sun, FuchunTsinghua Univ.
Liu, HuapingTsinghua Univ.
Min, HaiboTsinghua Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT3.6 
Muli-DOF Model-Reference Force Control for Telerobotic Applications
Hart, J. ScotStanford Univ.
Niemeyer, GunterWillow Garage and Stanford Univ.
ThCT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Social Human-Robot Interaction I  
Chair: Song, Kai-TaiNational Chiao Tung Univ.
Co-Chair: Osawa, HirotakaNational Inst. of Informatics
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT4.1 
Probability of Love between Robots and Humans
Aghaebrahimi Samani, HoomanNational Univ. of Singapore
Cheok, Adrianmixedrealitylab
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT4.2 
Mutual Entrainment: Implicit Elicitation of Human Gestures by Robot Speech
Iio, TakamasaATR/Doshisha Univ.
Shiomi, MasahiroATR
Shinozawa, KazuhikoAdvanced Telecommunications Res. Inst.
Akimoto, TakaakiATR
Shimohara, KatsunoriDoshisha Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT4.3 
Easy Development of Communicative Behaviors in Social Robots
Shi, ChaoOsaka Univ. ATR
Kanda, TakayukiATR
Shimada, MichihiroOsaka Univ.
Yamaoka, FumitakaATR
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT4.4 
Maintaining Learning Motivation of Older People by Combining Household Appliance with a Communication Robot
Osawa, HirotakaNational Inst. of Informatics
Orszulak, JarrodMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Godfrey, Kathryn MMIT
Coughlin, JosephMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT4.5 
Design and Testing of a Hybrid Expressive Face a Humanoid Robot
Bazo, DannyUC Berkeley
Vaidyanathan, RaviUniv. of Bristol
Lenz, AlexanderBristol Robotic Lab. Uni Bristol, Uni of the West of Enla
Melhuish, ChrisBRL
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT4.6 
Imitation As a Communication Tool for Online Facial Expression Learning and Recognition
Boucenna, SofianeCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Gaussier, PhilippeCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Andry, PierreCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
Hafemeister, LaurenceCNRS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise Univ.
ThCT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Legged Robots III  
Chair: Haynes, Galen ClarkUniv. of Pennsylvania
Co-Chair: Inagaki, ShinkichiNagoya Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT5.1 
A Bio-Inspired Postural Control for a Quadruped Robot: An Attractor-Based Dynamics
Sousa, JoãoUniv. do Minho
Matos, VítorUniv. of Minho
Santos, CristinaUniv. of Minho
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT5.2 
Trajectory Planning and Four-Leg Coordination for Stair Climbing in a Quadruped Robot  (Video)
Ko, Chih-ChungNational Taiwan Univ.
Chen, Shen-ChiangNational Taiwan Univ.
Li, Cheng HsinNational Taiwan Univ.
Lin, Pei-ChunNational Taiwan Univ.
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT5.3 
Follow-The-Contact-Point Gait Control of Centipede-Like Multi-Legged Robot to Navigate and Walk on Uneven Terrain
Inagaki, ShinkichiNagoya Univ.
Niwa, TomoyaNagoya Univ.
Suzuki, TatsuyaNagoya Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT5.4 
Disturbance Detection, Identification, and Recovery by Gait Transition in Legged Robots
Johnson, AaronUniv. of Pennsylvania
Haynes, Galen ClarkUniv. of Pennsylvania
Koditschek, DanielUniv. of Pennsylvania
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT5.5 
Development of Terrain Adaptive Sole for Multi-Legged Walking Robot
Ohtsuka, ShumpeiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Endo, GenTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Fukushima, Edwardo F.Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT5.6 
Biologically-Inspired Locomotion of a 2g Hexapod Robot
Baisch, AndrewHarvard Univ.
Sreetharan, PratheevHarvard Univ.
Wood, RobertHarvard Univ.
ThCT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Path Planning for Manipulators I  
Chair: Goodwine, BillUniv. of Notre Dame
Co-Chair: Wakamatsu, HidefumiGrad. School of Eng., Osaka Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT6.1 
Towards a Complete Safe Path Planning for Robotic Manipulators
Lacevic, BakirPol. di Milano
Rocco, PaoloPol. di Milano
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT6.2 
Generating Collision Free Reaching Movements for Redundant Manipulators Using Dynamical Systems
Reimann, HendrikRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Iossifidis, IoannisRuhr-Univ. Bochum
Schöner, GregorRuhr Univ. Bochum
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT6.3 
MST-Based Method for 6DOF Rigid Body Motion Planning in Narrow Passages
Nowakiewicz, MichalWarsaw Univ. of Tech.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT6.4 
Deformation Path Planning for Manipulation of Flexible Circuit Boards
Asano, YuyaGrad. School of Eng., Osaka Univ.
Wakamatsu, HidefumiGrad. School of Eng., Osaka Univ.
Morinaga, EijiOsaka Univ.
Arai, EijiGraduate School of Eng., Osaka Univ.
Hirai, ShinichiRitsumeikan Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT6.5 
Momentum Conserving Path Tracking through Dynamic Singularities with a Flexible-Base Redundant Manipulator
Hara, NaoyukiTokyo city Univ.
Nenchev, DragomirTokyo City Univ.
Sun, QiaoUniv. of Calgary
Sato, DaisukeTokyo City Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT6.6 
Natural Gait Parameters Prediction for Gait Rehabilitation Via Artificial Neural Network
Lim, Hup BoonNanyang Tech. Univ.
Luu, Trieu PhatNanyang Tech. Univ.
Hoon, Kay HiangNanyang Tech. Univ.
Low, K. H.Nanyang Tech. Univ.
ThCT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Recognition II  
Chair: Kragic, DanicaKTH
Co-Chair: Trahanias, PanosFoundation for Res. and Tech. –Hellas (FORTH)
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT7.1 
Recognizing People Based on Their Footsteps Using a Wearable Accelerometer
Becker, HannesRobert Bosch GmbH
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT7.2 
Object Concept Modeling Based on the Relationship among Appearance, Usage and Functions
Nakamura, TomoakiUniv. of Electro-Communications
Nagai, TakayukiUniv. of Electro-Communications
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT7.3 
Detection and Measurement of Human Motion and Respiration with Microwave Doppler Sensor
Kubo, HajimeThe Univ. of Tokyo
Mori, TaketoshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Sato, TomomasaThe Univ. of Tokyo
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT7.4 
Gesture Recognition Based on Arm Tracking for Human-Robot Interaction
Sigalas, MarkosFoundation for Res. and Tech. –Hellas
Baltzakis, HarisFoundation for Res. and Tech. –Hellas
Trahanias, PanosFoundation for Res. and Tech. –Hellas (FORTH)
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT7.5 
Position Prediction in Crossing Behaviors
Castro González, ÁlvaroUniv. Carlos III de Madrid
Shiomi, MasahiroATR
Kanda, TakayukiATR
Salichs, Miguel A.Univ. Carlos III of Madrid
Ishiguro, HiroshiOsaka Univ.
Hagita, NorihiroATR
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT7.6 
Development and Evaluation of a Vision Algorithm for 3D Reconstruction of Novel Objects from Three Camera Views
Colbert, StevenUniv. of South Florida
Alqasemi, RedwanUniv. of South Florida
Dubey, RajivUniv. of South Florida
Franz, GregorUniv. of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten
Woellhaf, KonradUniv. of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten
ThCT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Service Robots I  
Chair: Madhavan, RajUMD-CP/NIST
Co-Chair: Matsuhira, NobutoToshiba Corp.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT8.1 
Exploiting Structure in Two-Armed Manipulation Tasks for Humanoid Robots  (Video)
Zacharias, FranziskaGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Leidner, DanielGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Schmidt, FlorianGerman Aerospace Center
Borst, ChristophGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT8.2 
The Driver Concept for the DLR Lightweight Robot III
Burger, RobertGerman Aerospace Center
Haddadin, SamiGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Plank, GeorgGerman Aerospace Center
Parusel, SvenGerman Aerospace Center
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT8.3 
SkyScraper-I; Tethered Whole Windows Cleaning Robot -Design of Moving Mechanisms and Basic Experiments
Imaoka, NoriakiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Roh, Se-gonSungkyunkwan Univ.
Yusuke, NishidaTokyo Inst. of Tech.
Hirose, ShigeoTokyo Inst. of Tech.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT8.4 
Distributed Control for an Anthropomimetic Robot
Jäntsch, MichaelTech. Univ. of Munich
Wittmeier, SteffenTech. Univ. of Munich
Knoll, AloisTU Munich
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT8.5 
PaDY : Human-Friendly/Cooperative Working Support Robot for Production Site
Kinugawa, JunTohoku Univ.
Kawaai, YutaTohoku Univ.
Sugahara, YusukeTohoku Univ.
Kosuge, KazuhiroTohoku Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT8.6 
Construction of Task Instruction System for Object Retrieval Service Based on User Satisfaction
Kuba, KeitaroUniv. of Tokyo
Yamanobe, NatsukiAdvanced Industrial Science and Tech.
Hara, TatsunoriThe Univ. of Tokyo
Arai, TamioUniv. of Tokyo
Nagata, KazuyukiNational Inst. of AIST
ThCT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Rehabilitation Robotics II  
Chair: Fujie, Masakatsu G.Waseda Univ.
Co-Chair: Sahbani, AnisUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT9.1 
Real-Time Implementation of a Non-Invasive Tongue-Based Human-Robot Interface  (Video)
Mace, MichaelUniv. of Bristol
Abdullah-Al-Mamun, KhondakerUniv. of Southampton
Vaidyanathan, RaviUniv. of Bristol
Wang, ShouyanUniv. of Southampton
Gupta, LalitSouthern Illinois Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT9.2 
Index Finger System Force Capabilities under Simulated Pathological Conditions
Ben Sghaier, AmaniUniv. of Monastir
Romdhane, LotfiEc. Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sousse, Univ. of Sousse
Ben Ouezdou, FathiUniv. of Versailles-Saint-Quentin
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT9.3 
Fractional Impedance Control for Reproducing the Material Properties of Muscle
Kobayashi, YoWaseda Univ.
Ando, TakeshiWaseda Univ.
Watanabe, TakaoWaseda Univ.
Seki, MasatoshiWaseda Univ.
Fujie, Masakatsu G.Waseda Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT9.4 
Wearable and Ambient Sensor Fusion for the Characterisation of Human Motion
McIlwraith, Douglas GavinImperial Coll. London
Pansiot, JulienImperial Coll.
Yang, Guang-ZhongImperial Coll. London
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT9.5 
Traction Force Characterization of Human Bipedal Motion
Vogt, Andrew PeterUniv. of Utah
Lincoln, LucasUniv. of Utah
Bamberg, StacyUniv. of Utah
Minor, MarkUniv. of Utah
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT9.6 
Development of Knee Power Assist Using Backdrivable Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator
Kaminaga, HiroshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Amari, TomoyaThe Univ. of Tokyo
Niwa, YamatoThe Univ. of Tokyo
Nakamura, YoshihikoUniv. of Tokyo
ThCT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Intelligent Vehicles I  
Chair: Takei, ToshinobuUniv. of Tsukuba Japan
Co-Chair: Jenkin, MichaelYork Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT10.1 
Descending-Stair Detection, Approach, and Traversal with an Autonomous Tracked Vehicle  (Video)
Hesch, JoelUniv. of Minnesota
Mariottini, Gian LucaDept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Roumeliotis, StergiosUniv. of Minnesota
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT10.2 
Energy Management for Four-Wheel Independent Driving Vehicle
Qian, HuihuanCAS/CUHK
Xu, GuoqingShenzhen Inst. of Advanced Tech. / The Chinese Univ.
Yan, JingyuThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong
Lam, Tin LunThe Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong / Shenzhen Inst. of Adva
Xu, YangshengChinese Univ. of Hong Kong / ShenzhenInstituteofAdvanced Te
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT10.3 
A Simple Tractor-Trailer Backing Control Law for Path Following
Leng, ZheUniv. of Utah
Minor, MarkUniv. of Utah
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT10.4 
Lane Detection and Tracking in Challenging Environments Based on a Weighted Graph and Integrated Cues
Guo, ChunzhaoToyota Tech. Inst.
Mita, SeiichiToyota Tech. Inst.
McAllester, DavidToyota Tech. Inst. at Chicago
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT10.5 
Moving on to Dynamic Environments: Visual Odometry Using Feature Classification
Kitt, BerndKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Moosmann, FrankKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech.
Stiller, ChristophUniv. Karlsruhe (TH)
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT10.6 
Road Structure Based Scene Understanding for Intelligent Vehicle Systems
Tsukada, AkihiroToyota Motor Corp.
Ogawa, MasahiroToyota Mortor Co.
Galpin, FranckKnowledgeNet Corp.
ThCT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Distributed Robot Systems II  
Chair: Ota, JunThe Univ. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: Meng, YanStevens Inst. of Tech.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT11.1 
A Decentralized Multi-Robot System for Intruder Detection in Security Defense
Zhang, YuyangStevens Inst. of Tech.
Meng, YanStevens Inst. of Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT11.2 
Distributed Coverage Control on Surfaces in 3D Space  (Video)
Breitenmoser, AndreasETH Zurich
Metzger, Jean-ClaudeETH Zurich
Siegwart, RolandETH Zurich
Rus, DanielaMIT
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT11.3 
Complete and Robust Cooperative Robot Area Coverage with Limited Range
Fazli, PooyanUniv. of British Columbia
Davoodi, AlirezaSimon Fraser Univ.
Pasquier, PhilippeSimon Fraser Univ.
Mackworth, AlanUniv. of British Columbia
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT11.4 
Follow-The-Leader Formation Marching through a Scalable O(log2n) Parallel Architecture
Colorado, JulianUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Barrientos, AntonioUPM
Rossi, ClaudioUniv. Pol. de Madrid
del Cerro, JaimeUniv. Pol. de Madrid
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT11.5 
Navigation of Multi-Robot Formation in Unstructured Environment Using Dynamical Virtual Structures
Benzerrouk, AhmedLASMEA
Adouane, LounisLASMEA, UMR CNRS 6602
Lequievre, LaurentBlaise Pascal Univ.
Martinet, PhilippeBlaise Pascal Univ.
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT11.6 
IQ-ASyMTRe: Synthesizing Coalition Formation and Execution for Tightly-Coupled Multirobot Tasks  (Video)
Zhang, Yu (Tony)Univ. of Tennessee
Parker, LynneUniv. of Tennessee
ThCT12 Regular Sessions, 202A  
Micro-Manipulation I  
Chair: Gauthier, MichaelFEMTO-ST Inst.
Co-Chair: Liguo, ChenSoochow Univ.
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT12.1 
Vision Guided Multi-Probe Assembly of 3D Microstructures  (Video)
Wason, JohnRensselaer Pol. Inst.
Wen, JohnRensselaer Pol. Inst.
Choi, Young-ManNational Inst. of Standards and Tech.
Gorman, JasonNational Inst. of Standards and Tech.
Dagalakis, NicholasNIST
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT12.2 
Microassembly Using a Variable View Imaging System to Overcome Small FOV and Occlusion Problems
Tao, XiaodongUniv. of California, Sant Cruz
Cho, HyungsuckDaegu Gyeongbuk Inst. of Science & Tech.
Hong, DeokhwaKorea Advanced Inst. of Science and Tech.
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT12.3 
Predictive Control of a Micro Bead's Trajectory in a Dielectrophoresis-Based Device
Kharboutly, MohamedFEMTO-ST Inst. CNRS UFC/ENSMM/UTBM
Gauthier, MichaelFEMTO-ST Inst.
Chaillet, NicolasUniv. of Franche-Comté / FEMTO-ST Inst.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT12.4 
Van Der Waals Force Computation of Freely Oriented Rough Surfaces for Micromanipulation Purposes
Savia, MariaanaTampere Univ. of Tech.
Zhou, QuanAalto Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT12.5 
Biomotor-Based Nanotransport System Constructed by Pick-And-Place Assembly of Individual Molecules
Tarhan, Mehmet CagatayThe Univ. of Tokyo
Yokokawa, RyujiKyoto Univ.
Jalabert, LaurentThe Univ. of Tokyo
Collard, DominiqueThe Univ. of Tokyo
Fujita, HiroyukiUniv. of Tokyo
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT12.6 
Modelling of a MEMS-Based Microgripper: Application to Dexterous Micromanipulation
Boudaoud, MokraneFemto-ST Inst. Univ. of Franche-Comté
Haddab, YassineENSMM
Le Gorrec, YannFEMTO-ST/AS2M ENSMM Besançon
ThCT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Calibration and Identification I  
Chair: Aoyagi, SeijiKansai Univ.
Co-Chair: Bernardino, AlexandreInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT13.1 
Flexible Extrinsic Calibration of Non-Overlapping Cameras Using a Planar Mirror: Application to Vision-Based Robotics
Lébraly, PierreLASMEA Blaise Pascal Univ. / CNRS
Deymier, Clement Claude BrunoLASMEA
Ait-Aider, OmarUniv. Blaise Pascal
Royer, EricLASMEA
Dhome, MichelLASMEA UMR 6602 CNRS / Blaise Pascal Univ.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT13.2 
Calibration of a Rotating Multi-Beam Lidar
Muhammad, NaveedLAAS/CNRS
Lacroix, SimonLAAS/CNRS
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT13.3 
Multidimensional Scaling Based Location Calibration for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
Kadam, Rohit ShrikantOSU
Zhang, SijianZhejiang Univ.
Sheng, WeihuaOklahoma State Univ.
Wang, QizhiBeijing Jiaotong Univ.
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT13.4 
Improvement of Robot Accuracy by Calibrating Kinematic Model Using a Laser Tracking System -Compensation of Non-Geometric Errors Using Neural Networks and Selection of Optimal Measuring Points Using Genetic Algorithm
Aoyagi, SeijiKansai Univ.
Kohama, AtsushiKansai Univ.
Nakata, YasutakaKansai Univ.
Hayano, YukiKansai Univ.
Suzuki, MasatoKansai Univ.
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT13.5 
Sensor-Based Self-Calibration of the Icub's Head
Santos, JoséInst. Superior Tecnico
Bernardino, AlexandreInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Santos-Victor, JoséInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT13.6 
One Camera in Hand for Kinematic Calibration of a Parallel Robot
Traslosheros-Michel, AlbertoUniv. Autonoma de Queretaro
Sebastian, Jose MariaUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Castillo-Castaneda, EduardoInst. Pol. Nacional, CICATA
Roberti, FlavioUniv. Nacional de San Juan
Carelli, RicardoUniv. Nacional de San Juan
ThCT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Visual Servoing I  
Chair: Hutchinson, SethUniv. of Illinois
Co-Chair: Marchand, EricUniv. de Rennes 1, IRISA, INRIA Rennes
14:00-14:20, Paper ThCT14.1 
A Bio-Plausible Design for Visual Pose Stabilization  (Video)
Han, ShuoCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
Censi, AndreaCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
Straw, Andrew DCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
Murray, RichardCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
14:20-14:40, Paper ThCT14.2 
Using Image Gradient As a Visual Feature for Visual Servoing
Marchand, EricUniv. de Rennes 1, IRISA, INRIA Rennes
Collewet, ChristopheCemagref
14:40-15:00, Paper ThCT14.3 
Wheeled Mobile Robots Navigation from a Visual Memory Using Wide Field of View Cameras
Becerra, HectorUniv. de Zaragoza
Courbon, JonathanBlaise Pascal Univ.
Mezouar, YoucefBlaise Pascal Univ.
Sagues, CarlosUniv. of Zaragoza
15:00-15:20, Paper ThCT14.4 
A Redundancy-Based Approach for Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robot Navigation
Cherubini, AndreaINRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
Chaumette, FrancoisINRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique
15:20-15:40, Paper ThCT14.5 
A Multi-Plane Approach for Ultrasound Visual Servoing : Application to a Registration Task
Nadeau, CarolineIRISA, INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique
Krupa, AlexandreIRISA / INRIA Rennes
15:40-16:00, Paper ThCT14.6 
Markerless, Vision-Assisted Flight Control of a Quadrocopter  (Video)
Klose, SebastianTech. Univ. München
Wang, JianTech. Univ. München
Achtelik, MichaelTech. Univ. of Munich
Panin, GiorgioTech. Univ. Muenchen
Holzapfel, FlorianTech. Univ. München
Knoll, AloisTU Munich
ThDT1 Regular Sessions, 101A  
Localization IV  
Chair: Huber, Marco F.Fraunhofer Inst. of Optronics, System Tech. and Image Exploitation IOSB
Co-Chair: Beutler, FrederikKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT1.1 
Reader Antennas' Configuration Effects for Two Wheeled Robots on Floor-Installed RFID Infrastructure - Analysis of Forward-Backward Configuration Effect -
Kodaka, KenriWaseda Univ.
Sugano, ShigekiWaseda Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT1.2 
Evaluation of the Robustness of Planar-Patches Based 3D-Registration Using Marker-Based Ground-Truth in an Outdoor Urban Scenario
Pathak, KaustubhJacobs Univ. Bremen
Borrmann, DoritJacobs Univ.
Elseberg, JanJacobs Univ. Bremen
Vaskevicius, NarunasJacobs Univ.
Birk, AndreasJacobs Univ.
Nuechter, AndreasJacobs Univ. Bremen gGmbH
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT1.3 
Optimal Stochastic Linearization for Range-Based Localization
Beutler, FrederikKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Huber, Marco F.Fraunhofer Inst. of Optronics, System Tech. and Image
Hanebeck, Uwe D.Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT1.4 
6-DOF Localization for a Mobile Robot Using Outdoor 3D Voxel Maps
Suzuki, TaroWaseda Univ.
Kitamura, MitsunoriWaseda Univ.
Amano, YoshiharuWaseda Univ.
Hashizume, TakumiWaseda Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT1.5 
Particle Filter-Based Position Estimation in Road Networks Using Digital Elevation Models
Mandel, ChristianUniv. of Bremen
Laue, TimDFKI
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT1.6 
Temporary Maps for Robust Localization in Semi-Static Environments
Meyer-Delius, DanielUniv. Freiburg
Hess, Juergen MichaelUniv. of Freiburg
Grisetti, GiorgioUnviersität Freiburg
Burgard, WolframUniv. of Freiburg
ThDT2 Regular Sessions, 101B  
Micro/Nano Robots  
Chair: Lutz, PhilippeUniv. de Franche-Comté
Co-Chair: Haddab, YassineENSMM
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT2.1 
Characterization and Control of a Monolithically Fabricated Bistable Module for Microrobotic Applications
Chen, QiaoFEMTO-ST Inst. UMR CNRS 6174 - UFC / ENSMM / UTBM
Haddab, YassineENSMM
Lutz, PhilippeUniv. de Franche-Comté
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT2.2 
Microrobotic Platform for Manipulation and Flexibility Measurement of Individual Paper Fibers  (Video)
Saketi, PooyaTampere Univ. of Tech.
Treimanis, ArnisLatvian Acad. of Sciences
Fardim, PedroÅbo Akademi Univ.
Ronkanen, PekkaTampere Univ. of Tech.
Kallio, Pasi JohannesTampere Univ. of Tech.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT2.3 
Development of a Wireless Hybrid Microrobot for Biomedical Applications
Pan, QinxueKagawa Univ.
Guo, ShuxiangKagawa Univ.
Okada, TakuyaKagawa Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT2.4 
Dynamic Behavior Investigation for Trajectory Control of a Microrobot in Blood Vessels
Arcese, LaurentUniv. of Orleans
Cherry, AliUniv. of Orleans
Fruchard, MatthieuUniv. of Orleans
Ferreira, AntoineUniv. of Orléans
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT2.5 
Tuning Fork Based in Situ SEM Nanorobotic Manipulation System for Wide Range Mechanical Characterization of Ultra Flexible Nanostructures
Acosta, Juan CamiloUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie
Hwang, GilguengUniv. of Paris VI
Thoyer, FrancoisCEA Saclay
Polesel-Maris, JeromeCEA Saclay
Régnier, StéphaneUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT2.6 
Characterization of Etched and Unetched Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofibers (VACNFs) Using Atomic Force Microscopy
Chalamalasetty, Siva Naga SandeepUniv. of Arkansas
Dong, ZhuxinUniv. of Arkansas
Wejinya, Uchechukwu C.Univ. of Arkansas
ThDT3 Regular Sessions, 101C  
Telerobotics II  
Chair: Osumi, HisashiChuo Univ.
Co-Chair: Ryu, Jee-HwanKorea Univ. of Tech. and Education
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT3.1 
Predictive Display for Mobile Manipulators in Unknown Environments Using Online Vision-Based Monocular Modeling and Localization  (Video)
Lovi, DavidUniv. of Alberta
Birkbeck, NeilUniv. of Alberta
Hernandez Herdocia, AlejandroUniv. of Alberta
Rachmielowski, AdamUniv. of Alberta
Jagersand, MartinUniv. of Alberta
Cobzas, DanaUniv. of Alberta
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT3.2 
Development of Tele-Operation System for a Crane without Overshoot in Positioning
Osumi, HisashiChuo Univ.
Kubo, MasahiroChuo Univ.
Yano, ShisatoChuo Univ.
Saito, KeiichiroChuo Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT3.3 
An Energy-Bounding Approach to Rate-Mode Bilateral Teleoperation of Remote Vehicles in Constant Time-Delayed Environments
Park, SungjunGwangju Inst. of Science and Tech. (GIST)
Seo, ChanghoonGwangju Inst. Science & Tech.
Kim, Jong-PhilKorea Inst. of Science and Tech. (KIST)
Ryu, JehaGwangju Inst. Science & Tech.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT3.4 
Improving Mobile Robot Bilateral Teleoperation by Introducing Variable Force Feedback Gain
Farkhatdinov, IldarUniv. Pierre and Marie Curie
Ryu, Jee-HwanKorea Univ. of Tech. and Education
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT3.5 
Development of a Hybrid Control for a Pneumatic Teleoperation System Using On/off Solenoid Valve
Le, Minh-QuyenINSA de Lyon
Pham, Minh TuINSA de Lyon (Inst. National des Sciences Appliquees)
Tavakoli, MahdiUniv. of Alberta
Moreau, RichardINSA-Lyon
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT3.6 
Wide-Area Haptic Guidance: Taking the User by the Hand
Pérez Arias, AntoniaKarlsruhe Inst. of Tech. (KIT)
Hanebeck, Uwe D.Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)
ThDT4 Regular Sessions, 101D  
Social Human-Robot Interaction II  
Chair: Maciejewski, Anthony A.Colorado State Univ.
Co-Chair: Huang, Han-PangNational Taiwan Univ.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT4.1 
Development of a Scale of Perception to Humanoid Robots: PERNOD
Kamide, HirokoOsaka Univ.
Mae, YasushiOsaka Univ.
Takubo, TomohitoOsaka Univ.
Ohara, KenichiOsaka Univ.
Arai, TatsuoOsaka Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT4.2 
Model Validation: Robot Behavior in People Guidance Mission Using DTM Model and Estimation of Human Motion Behavior
Garrell, AnaisUPC-CSIC
Sanfeliu, AlbertoUniv. Pol. de Cataluyna
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT4.3 
Mightability Maps: A Perceptual Level Decisional Framework for Co-Operative and Competitive Human-Robot Interaction
Pandey, Amit KumarLAAS-CNRS
Alami, RachidCNRS
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT4.4 
People Detection Using Range and Intensity Data from Multi-Layered Laser Range Finders
Carballo, AlexanderGraduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Univ.
Ohya, AkihisaUniv. of Tsukuba
Yuta, ShinichiUniv. of Tsukuba
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT4.5 
A Framework towards a Socially Aware Mobile Robot Motion in Human-Centered Dynamic Environment
Pandey, Amit KumarLAAS-CNRS
Alami, RachidCNRS
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT4.6 
A Mobile Robot That Understands Pedestrian Spatial Behaviors
Chung, Shu YunNational Taiwan Univ.
Huang, Han-PangNational Taiwan Univ.
ThDT5 Regular Sessions, 103  
Multifingered Hands  
Chair: Sugano, ShigekiWaseda Univ.
Co-Chair: Moradi, HadiThe Univ. of Tehran, Robotics and AI Lab.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT5.1 
Experimental Study on Impedance Control for the Five-Finger Dexterous Robot Hand DLR-HIT II
Chen, ZhaopengInst. of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center,
Lii, Neal YGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Wimboeck, ThomasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Fan, ShaoweiHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Jin, MingheHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Borst, ChristophGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Liu, HongDLR
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT5.2 
Modelless and Grasping-Forceless Control by Robotic Fingers Capable of Mechanically Coupled Movement
Inoue, TakahiroOkayama Prefectural Univ.
Hirai, ShinichiRitsumeikan Univ.
Takizawa, DaisukeSYSMEX Corp.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT5.3 
Progress in the Biomechatronic Design and Control of a Hand Prosthesis
Wang, XinqingHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Liu, YiweiHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Yang, DapengHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Li, NanState Key Lab. Robot and Systems, Harbin Inst. of Tech.
Jiang, LiHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Liu, HongDLR
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT5.4 
The Thumb: Guidelines for a Robotic Design
Chalon, MaximeGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Grebenstein, MarkusGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Wimboeck, ThomasGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
Hirzinger, GerdGerman Aerospace Center (DLR)
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT5.5 
Preshaped Visual Grasp of Unknown Objects with a Multi-Fingered Hand
Lippiello, VincenzoUniv. di Napoli Federico II
Ruggiero, FabioUniv. di Napoli Federico II
Villani, LuigiUniv. di Napoli Federico II
Siciliano, BrunoUniv. Napoli Federico II
ThDT6 Regular Sessions, 201A  
Path Planning for Manipulators II  
Chair: Takamatsu, JunNara Inst. of Science and Tech.
Co-Chair: Xiao, JingUNC-Charlotte
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT6.1 
Improving Motion Planning in Weakly Connected Configuration Spaces
Flavigné, DavidLAAS-CNRS
Taïx, MichelLAAS-CNRS/Univ. Paul Sabatier
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT6.2 
Real-Time Path Planning for a Robot Arm in Changing Environments  (Video)
Kunz, TobiasGeorgia Tech.
Reiser, UlrichFraunhofer IPA
Stilman, MikeGeorgia Tech.
Verl, AlexanderFraunhofer-Gesellschaft
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT6.3 
Adaptive Replanning Strategy towards Path Planning for Mobile Manipulator in Hard Changing Environments
Liu, HongPeking Univ.
Wan, WeiweiPeking Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT6.4 
Real-Time Adaptive Motion Planning for a Continuum Manipulator  (Video)
Xiao, JingUNC-Charlotte
Vatcha, RayomandUniv. of North Carolina - Charlotte
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT6.5 
Online Replanning for Reactive Robot Motion: Practical Aspects
Yoshida, EiichiNational Inst. of AIST
Yokoi, KazuhitoNational Inst. of AIST
Gergondet, PierreCNRS
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT6.6 
Task Space Motion Planning Using Reactive Control
Behnisch, MatthiasBielefeld Univ.
Haschke, RobertBielefeld Univ.
Gienger, MichaelHonda Res. Inst. Europe
ThDT7 Regular Sessions, 201B  
Recognition III  
Chair: Ramos, FabioUniv. of Sydney
Co-Chair: Tomono, MasahiroChiba Inst. of Tech.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT7.1 
Laser Range Data Based Semantic Labeling of Places
Shi, LeiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Kodagoda, SarathUniv. of Tech. Sydney
Dissanayake, GaminiUniv. of Tech. Sydney
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT7.2 
Energy Minimization Via Graph Cuts for Semantic Place Labeling
Fazl-Ersi, EhsanYork Univ.
Tsotsos, JohnYork Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT7.3 
3D Localization Based on Visual Odometry and Landmark Recognition Using Image Edge Points
Tomono, MasahiroChiba Inst. of Tech.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT7.4 
Learning to Hash Logistic Regression for Fast 3D Scan Point Classification
Behley, JensUniv. of Bonn
Kersting, KristianFraunhofer IAIS
Schulz, DirkFKIE
Steinhage, VolkerUniv. of Bonn
Cremers, ArminUniv. of Bonn
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT7.5 
A New Sonar Salient Feature Structure for EKF-Based SLAM
Lee, Se-JinSeoul National Univ. of Tech.
Song, Jae-BokKorea Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT7.6 
Construction of a Compact Range Image Sensor Using Multi-Slit Laser Projector and Obstacle Detection of a Humanoid with the Sensor  (Video)
Kuroki, TakahiroChuo Univ.
Terabayashi, KenjiChuo Univ.
Umeda, KazunoriChuo Univ.
ThDT8 Regular Sessions, 201C  
Service Robots II  
Chair: Burschka, DariusTech. Univ. Muenchen
Co-Chair: Mukai, ToshiharuRIKEN
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT8.1 
A Navigation System for Family Indoor Monitor Mobile Robot
Tan, FushengShanghai Electric Group co. LTD
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT8.2 
Proactive Avoidance of Moving Obstacles for a Service Robot Utilizing a Behavior-Based Control
Goeller, MichaelRes. Center for Information Tech. (FZI)
Steinhardt, FlorianRes. Center for Information Tech. (FZI)
Kerscher, ThiloFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Zöllner, Johann MariusFZI Forschungszentrum Informatik
Dillmann, RüdigerKIT Karlsruher Inst. für Tech.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT8.3 
Deployment of a Service Robot to Help Older People
Jayawardena, ChandimalUniv. of Auckland
Kuo, I HanThe Univ. of Auckland
Unger, UlrikeUniv. of Auckland
Igic, AleksandarUniv. of Auckland
Wong, RichieUniv. of Auckland
Watson, CatherineUniv. of Auckland
Stafford, Rebecca McAulay QuinlanThe Univ. of Auckland
Broadbent, ElizabethUniv. of Auckland
Tiwari, PriyeshUniv. of Auckland
Warren, JimUniv. of Auckland
MacDonald, BruceUniv. of Auckland
Sohn, JoochanElectronics and Telecommunication Res. Inst.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT8.4 
Development of a Nursing-Care Assistant Robot RIBA That Can Lift a Human in Its Arms
Mukai, ToshiharuRIKEN
Hirano, ShinyaRIKEN BMC
Nakashima, HiromichiRIKEN
Sakaida, YukiRIKEN
Guo, ShijieTokai Rubber Industries, Ltd.
Hosoe, ShigeyukiRIKEN
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT8.5 
Power Assist Method for a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Using Both ZMP Criterion and Impedance Control
Hiroshi Hidaka, HiroshiFUJITSU Lab. LTD
Hada, YoshiroFUJITSU Lab. LTD
Murase, YuichiFujitsu Lab. Ltd.
Kanda, ShinjiFujitsu Lab. Limited
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT8.6 
Automatically Available Photographer Robot for Controlling Composition and Taking Pictures
Kim, Myung JinSungkyunkwan Univ.
Song, Tae HounSungkyunkwan Univ.
Jin, SeunghunSungkyunkwan Univ.
Jeong, SoonMookSungkyunkwan Univ.
Go, Gi HoonSungKyunKwan Univ.
Kwon, KeyhoSungkyunkwan Univ.
Jeon, Jae WookSungkyunkwan Univ.
ThDT9 Regular Sessions, 201D  
Rehabilitation Robotics III  
Chair: Kaminaga, HiroshiThe Univ. of Tokyo
Co-Chair: Zhu, ChiMaebashi Inst. of Tech.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT9.1 
Control and Path Planning of a Walk-Assist Robot Using Differential Flatness
Ko, Chun-hsuI-Shou Univ.
Agrawal, SunilUniv. of Delaware
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT9.2 
Concept of a Mobile Robot-Assisted Gait Rehabilitation System — Simulation Study
Slavnic, SinisaUniv. of Bremen, IAT
Leu, AdrianUniv. of Bremen
Ristic-Durrant, DanijelaUniv. of Bremen
Gräser, AxelUniv. of Bremen
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT9.3 
A New Type of Omnidirectional Wheelchair Robot for Walking Support and Power Assistance
Zhu, ChiMaebashi Inst. of Tech.
Oda, MasashiMaebashi Inst. of Tech.
Suzuki, MasayukiMaebashi Inst. of Tech.
Luo, XiangSoutheast Univ.
Watanabe, HideomiGunma Univ. School of Health Sciences
Yan, YulingDepartment of Bioengineering,Santa Clara Univ.
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT9.4 
Tailor-Made Modeling and Sway Control of Human Posture Riding on Electrical Wheelchair for Comfort Driving
Yamashita, KoumeiToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Noda, YoshiyukiToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Miyoshi, TakanoriToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Terashima, KazuhikoToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT9.5 
Power Assist Effects of a New Type Assist Unit in a One Hand Drive Wheelchair with a Triple Ring
Sakai, KazuakiNortheastern Industrial Res. Center
Yasuda, ToshihikoThe Univ. of Shiga Prefecture
Tanaka, KatsuyukiThe Univ. of Shiga Prefecture
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT9.6 
Auto-Tuning Control of Power Assist System Based on the Estimation of Operator’s Skill Level for Forward and Backward Driving of Omni-Directional Wheelchair
Terashima, KazuhikoToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Watanabe, KaoruToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Ueno, YukiToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
Masui, YojiToyohashi Univ. of Tech.
ThDT10 Regular Sessions, 201E  
Intelligent Vehicles II  
Chair: Guo, ChunzhaoToyota Tech. Inst.
Co-Chair: Au, Tsz-ChiuThe Univ. of Texas at Austin
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT10.1 
Building Lane-Graphs for Autonomous Parking
Seo, Young-WooCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Urmson, ChrisCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Wettergreen, DavidCarnegie Mellon Univ.
Lee, Jin-WooCornell Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT10.2 
Threat-Aware Path Planning in Uncertain Urban Environments  (Video)
Aoude, GeorgesMIT
Luders, BrandonMIT
Levine, Daniel SMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
How, JonathanMassachusetts Inst. of Tech.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT10.3 
Guidance Based Collision Avoidance of Coordinated Nonholonomic Autonomous Vehicles
Xiang, XianboLIRMM/CNRS
Lapierre, LionelLIRMM
Jouvencel, BrunoUniv. of Montpellier 2 - CNRS UMR5506 -LIRMM
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT10.4 
Local Graph-Based Distributed Control for Safe Highway Platooning
Gowal, SvenEPFL
Falconi, RiccardoUniv. of Bologna
Martinoli, AlcherioEPFL
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT10.5 
Accurate Platoon Control of Urban Vehicles, Based Solely on Monocular Vision
Avanzini, PierreUniv. Blaise Pascal
Thuilot, BenoitClermont-Ferrand Univ.
Martinet, PhilippeBlaise Pascal Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT10.6 
Bringing Simulation to Life: A Mixed Reality Autonomous Intersection  (Video)
Quinlan, MichaelUniv. of Texas at Austin
Au, Tsz-ChiuThe Univ. of Texas at Austin
Zhu, JesseUniv. of Texas at Austin
Stiurca, NicolaeUniv. of Texas at Austin
Stone, PeterUniv. of Texas at Austin
ThDT11 Regular Sessions, 201F  
Distributed Robot Systems III  
Chair: Spaan, MatthijsInst. Superior Técnico - Inst. for Systems and Robotics
Co-Chair: Chiba, RyosukeTokyo Metropolitan Univ.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT11.1 
Tracking of Closed-Curve Trajectories for Multi-Robot Systems  (Video)
Sabattini, LorenzoUniv. of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Secchi, CristianUniv. of Modena & Reggio Emilia
Fantuzzi, CesareUniv. di Modena e Reggio Emilia
de Macedo Possamai, DanielDepartment of Automation and Systems Engineering (DAS), Federal
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT11.2 
Agreement on Stochastic Multi-Robot Systems with Communication Failures
Shaw, FayetteUniv. of Washington
Chiu, AlbertUniv. of Washington
McLurkin, JamesRice Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT11.3 
Efficient Kinematic Solution to a Multi-Robot with Serial and Parallel Mechanisms
Zhang, HouxiangComputer Science
Wang, WeiBeihang Univ.
Zhang, JianweiUniv. of Hamburg
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT11.4 
A Component-Based Architecture for Flexible Integration of Robotic Systems
Jung, Min YangJohns Hopkins Univ.
Deguet, AntonJohns Hopkins Univ.
Kazanzides, PeterJohns Hopkins Univ.
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT11.5 
Object Interaction Language (OIL): An Intent-Based Language for Programming Self-Organized Sensor/Actuator Networks  (Video)
Sutton, Daniel J.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Klein, Peter T.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder
Otte, Michael W.Univ. of Colorado at boulder
Correll, NikolausUniv. of Colorado at Boulder
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT11.6 
An FPGA Based Approach to Increased Flexibility, Modularity and Integration of Low Level Control in Robotics Research
Falsig, SimonUniv. of Southern Denmark
Soerensen, Anders StengaardUniv. of Southern Denmark
ThDT12 Regular Sessions, 202A  
Micro-Manipulation II  
Chair: Wen, JohnRensselaer Pol. Inst.
Co-Chair: Chen, HaoyaoHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT12.1 
Control Modeling of a Micro-Manipulator for Human Scale Tele-Operation System
Xiao, NanKagawa Univ.
Guo, ShuxiangKagawa Univ.
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT12.2 
3D Haptic Handling of Microspheres
Bolopion, AudeUniv. Pierre et Marie-Curie, Paris 6 / CNRS UMR7222
Xie, HuiUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI/CNRS
Haliyo, Dogan SinanUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 - CNRS
Régnier, StéphaneUniv. Pierre et Marie Curie
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT12.3 
Micro Manipulation Based on Adhesion Control with Compound Vibration
Chen, TaoSoochow Univ.
Liguo, ChenSoochow Univ.
Sun, Liningharbin Inst. of Tech.
Rong, WeibinHarbin Inst. of Tech.
Yang, QingRobotics and Microsystems Center, Soochow Univ. Suzhou
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT12.4 
Kinematics Parameters Estimation for an AFM/Robot Integrated Micro-Force Measurement System
Wei, DongFEMTO-ST Inst.
Rostoucher, DavidFEMTO-ST, Inst. AS2M dept., UMR CNRS - ENSMM - UFC, 24 rue
Gauthier, MichaelFEMTO-ST Inst.
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT12.5 
Image-Guided Robot-Assisted Microscope Objective Lens Positioning: Application in Patch Clamping
Azizian, MahdiUniv. of Western Ontario
Patel, RajniThe Univ. of Western Ontario
Gavrilovici, CezarUniv. of Western Ontario, Robarts Res. Inst.
Poulter, MichaelUniv. of Western Ontario, Robarts Res. Inst.
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT12.6 
Flocking of Micro-Scale Particles with Robotics and Optical Tweezers Technologies  (Video)
Chen, HaoyaoHarbin Inst. of Tech. Shenzhen Graduate School
Chen, JianCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Wu, YanhuaCity Univ. of Hong Kong
Sun, DongCity Univ. of Hong Kong
ThDT13 Regular Sessions, 202B  
Calibration and Identification II  
Chair: Lightcap, ChrisMAKO Surgical Corp.
Co-Chair: Hori, ToshioNat. Inst. of Adv. Ind. Science & Tech.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT13.1 
An Extended Friction Model to Capture Load and Temperature Effects in Robot Joints
Carvalho Bittencourt, AndréLinköping Univ.
Wernholt, ErikLinköping Univ.
Sander-Tavallaey, ShivaABB Corp. Res.
Brogardh, TorgnyABB Robotics
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT13.2 
Low-Cost Accelerometers for Robotic Manipulator Perception  (Video)
Quigley, MorganStanford Univ.
Brewer, ReubenStanford Univ.
Soundararaj, Sai PrashanthStanford Univ.
Pradeep, VijayWillow Garage
Le, QuocStanford Univ.
Ng, AndrewStanford Univ.
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT13.3 
Flexible Model Identification of the Parallel Robot Par2
Douat, Luiz RicardoLAAS-CNRS, France
Queinnec, IsabelleLAAS-CNRS, Univ. de Toulouse
Garcia, GermainLAAS-CNRS, Univ. de Toulouse
Michelin, MicaëlFatronik Foundation
Pierrot, FrançoisCNRS - LIRMM
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT13.4 
Numerical Aspects Regarding the A-Priori Fisher Information of Nonlinear Models for Hydraulic Servo-Systems
Dietrich, FranzTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Raatz, AnnikaTech. Univ. Braunschweig
Hesselbach, JuergenTech. Univ. Braunschweig
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT13.5 
Dynamic Identification of Robots with a Dry Friction Model Depending on Load and Velocity
Hamon, PaulineCEA, LIST
Gautier, MaximeUniv. de Nantes
Garrec, PhilippeCEA
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT13.6 
Identification of Standard Inertial Parameters for Large-DOF Robots Considering Physical Consistency
Ayusawa, KoUniv. of Tokyo
Nakamura, YoshihikoUniv. of Tokyo
ThDT14 Regular Sessions, 203A  
Visual Servoing II  
Chair: Chaumette, FrancoisINRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique
Co-Chair: Minami, MamoruOkayama Univ.
16:20-16:40, Paper ThDT14.1 
Omnidirectional Photometric Visual Servoing  (Video)
Caron, GuillaumeUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
Marchand, EricUniv. de Rennes 1, IRISA, INRIA Rennes
Mouaddib, El MustaphaUniv. of Picardie Jules Verne
16:40-17:00, Paper ThDT14.2 
A Comparative Study between Analytic and Estimated Image Jacobian by Using a Stereoscopic System of Cameras
Pari, LizardoUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Sebastian, Jose MariaUniv. Pol. de Madrid
Traslosheros, AlbertoUPM
Angel, LuisUniv. Pol. de Madrid
17:00-17:20, Paper ThDT14.3 
Distributed Computation and Data Scheduling for Networked Visual Servo Control Systems
Wu, HaiyanTech. Univ. Muenchen
Lou, LeiTech. Univ. Muenchen
Chen, Chih-ChungTech. Univ. München
Kühnlenz, KoljaTech. Univ. München
Hirche, SandraTech. Univ. München
17:20-17:40, Paper ThDT14.4 
New Strategies for Avoiding Robot Joint Limits: Application to Visual Servoing Using a Large Projection Operator
Marey, MohammedINRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique (IRISA)
Chaumette, FrancoisINRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique
17:40-18:00, Paper ThDT14.5 
Visual Servoing with Quick Eye-Vergence to Enhance Trackability and Stability
Yu, FujiaUniv. of Okayama
Minami, MamoruOkayama Univ.
Song, WeiShanghai Univ.
18:00-18:20, Paper ThDT14.6 
Three-View Uncalibrated Visual Servoing
Shademan, AzadUniv. of Alberta
Jagersand, MartinUniv. of Alberta